
    Every day between 8-9 AM, the sun shines through this window and glares on my computer screen and it is well.. terrible. Well, problem solved now! 😅

    A blanket with cartoon bear designs and heart patterns hangs on a door. Nearby, a cap with “East Champs” is displayed, along with a child’s painting and light switches.

    Shed Office Heating Upgrade

    On a whim last week I decided I needed to get a little more heat flowing in the Shed Office as the electric heaters I have works great until the temps at night get down to -10ºF as it is a little too much for them to keep up even blasting all night (which I don’t love doing). So some mornings I would wake up to 32ºF in the shed and if when I woke up I turned the heaters on it would take some time (sometimes half the day) to get the shed to a OK temp of in the high 40ºF so I could come out and then work. Because of that somedays I would just bail and try to work from the house.

    A couple weeks back I got a email with a deal on a mini propane heater that is for “Indoor / Outdoor use”, however in the fine print is it ONLY supposed to be used indoors in an Emergency. After considering it I decided to pick one up as it was not overly expensive. Also, yes, heating my Shed Office so I can work is an emergency 😆. The heater is pretty basic as it is just a radiant propane heater instead of a forced air one so the nice thing is I can keep my other heaters going and not draw any other electricity. In a way it might have been nice to have one with a blower, I have actually been happy with how this is working with out a fan.

    After using it from time to time over the course of the past week, it has been just great. I mean today is a great example where I forgot to have the electric heaters stay on longer last night as I normally have them reduce the temp overnight in an attempt to not just waste electricity. However, seeing how it got in the the negative temperatures last night I woke up this morning to a 32ºF shed. So after I got our youngest on the bus I went out to fire up my mini propane heater. In the course of the next hour that I let it run it increased the temperature from 32ºF to 57ºF which is more than comfortable for me.

    A portable heater emits a warm orange glow, connected by a hose to a propane tank, situated on a black mat in a well-equipped garage.

    Just to note, I do not leave this on over the night and it is only used to kind of get my shed to a warm state when I am nearby. Otherwise, I keep everything off and propane tank is off too.

    Today feels like an inside the house workday seeing how it is fairly cold outside, and the shed office is a bit cooler than I’d like. I could head to a local office we have that I have visited once but this is highly unlikely since it’d mean braving the cold to start the car and drive.

    Graph displaying temperatures over time. Shed Office is 32°F, Eden Prairie is -20.2°F. The blue and white lines represent temperature changes from 07:00 to 06:00.

    Is it a good morning? 🥶 I guess I am inside with a hot cup of coffee with little plans to do much more outside today than shuttle kids to some games.

    Weather display shows a sun icon indicating sunny conditions, with text reading “Good Morning,” temperature at -11°C, and a wind chill of -20°C, on a dark gradient background.

    With it being 85°F outside today I was pleasantly surprised that the shed “office” stayed hovering around 70°F. I know the summer is just upon us but it has given me some hope that I might not have to upgrade my small AC unit yet and the insulation from last fall can get me through this summer. 🤞

    Shed Office faired out well with temps last night around 20°F. I turned the heaters on full at 6:30 am and by the time I made it out by 7:45 it was comfortable. The only misleading part of the Shed temperature below is that the thermometer is near the floor.

    Does anyone use anything or recommend a product to monitor electricity usage? I am not opposed to hooking it up to a breaker panel to get a bigger picture but also wouldn’t be opposed if it is just a outlet specific.

    Weather is not looking good for someone who didn’t get his hockey boards setup.. I am going to still tell myself there will be warm days ahead in December. 🤨

    Also, this next weeks weather will be a good test on the shed office insulation.

    ✅ Another task completed for Project Shed! It is now insulated and ready for the Minnesota winters.

    Still a little messy but this will do for now.

    Another step in the right direction with Project Shed. After the successful test the past week I figured out with my new router and satellites to back haul a satellite from the shed to the house. Now we are all on one network again.

    Another task partially completed in the long Project Shed list. Finally connected the hard wire to the house. Currently using an old router for the shed till I test out if the new mesh satellite will work. Next I should do something with the wires acrosss the shed floor 😆

    In the “office” today 😁. Much warmer than the other day though as I have two heaters and ran it for 20 min before coming outside. Outside temp is 27°F and inside the shed is 48°F. Better but really need some insulation I believe.

    Not what I was hoping to do for 4 hrs this afternoon but I got the mound of dirt (clay) flattened and smoothed out as well as I could.

    Phase 1 of Project shed is complete ✅ Trench dug ✅ Electric dropped and connected ✅ Internet Cable dropped ✅ Trench filled

    Unannounced Electricians… I am OK with it

    Project “Shed” is quickly taking shape with the electricians stopping by unannounced and ready to string it all up 😁

    This also required me to make quick work during a break in my day to cut out some sections of my garage drywall. This also, brings up a good question on why those three sections are the only ones with insulation 🤨… The interesting things you find in old houses.

    Weekend shed trenching project was a success but I underestimated the amount the workers left for me today 🤦‍♂️

    Just like that operation “shed” project is full steam ahead as the electricians are at work. Now that means I have work to do this weekend 😬.