
    When we started the goal was 8 as we both have been a little down for the count. As we approached stopping at 12 I swayed the vote to run another loop to get us on par with plan. Overall legs were good but my stomach not so much but we got the miles. Also ,we have been spoiled as it was cold today!

    A cloudy sky over a tranquil body of water with a wooden birdhouse on a post in the foreground and a forest lining the far shore.

    Decided to make it a short easy run today on as many trails as I could find. Was the perfect start to the day in the woods with the sun peaking through.

    A tranquil woodland trail surrounded by leafless trees with a bed of fallen leaves covering the ground, indicating late autumn or winter. Sunlight filters through the branches, creating a serene atmosphere.

    Some days it feel hard and today was that day. I decided to use the not feeling great run to pick up some streets I hadn’t completed. Nice to see the new completed building at Round Lake, should be a nice addition as the old building had no windows, no places to sit, and never used.

    A modern building with large glass windows, a prominent wooden facade, and a sloped roof, nestled in a barren landscape with a leafless tree to the left and a pine tree to the right. A concrete pathway with steps leads up to the building

    Where did the trail go? I thought they hadn’t started construction around Braemar yet and I was right and wrong as I found myself running through chopped up trees. Let’s just say I don’t know if I was on the trail at points, had to walk over bad parts, and I got some nice cuts on my legs.

    A landscape of a deciduous forest in late autumn or early spring with bare trees and a ground covered in brown leaves and fallen branches under a clear blue sky.

    A forest trail covered with fallen leaves and surrounded by bare deciduous trees, indicating it’s either autumn or winter, with sunlight casting long shadows across the path.

    A serene nature trail with barren trees and a wooden bridge in the background, illuminated by soft sunlight filtering through the branches.

    Now that is is finally getting warmer out and the millage is creeping up I realized I am in need of a new Hydration pack since the last time I wore one the strap broke and I never replaced it. So does anyone have any suggestion for a good running one?

    Over 60°F run wow! Such nice weather out today but deep down I know my body needs to start getting used to warmer weather on the horizon. Glad that whatever I picked up yesterday seems better now as I was out of it and today I did feel good.

    A wooden boardwalk meanders through tall, dry grass under a clear blue sky.

    It was such a nice day to head out for a long run. Pace for some of the miles were maybe a little fast for building but when you get to talking it happens. Then you get punished in the later miles with tired legs. 😵

    Well this was a very wet run this morning as it rained the entire time I was out there. I tried my best to avoid puddles but found myself on a muddy trail and stepped right into it.

    Shorter and quicker run today because I had to get into the office very early before a long day of meetings. Interesting sunrise this morning with a small slit before complete cloud cover.

    Decided to hit the streets of Portland and with no running plan. Along the way I stumbled upon this building and had to look it up later. The Hey Building (Charles Q. Clapp Block) which was built in 1862 by a local very prominent architect. I would love to take a glance inside as it is very narrow!

    Good morning from the East Coast! I am sure some of it is just a change of scenery and it helps that the sun rises earlier here than home but I really do enjoy these morning runs watching the sunrise. 🌅

    Had the day off today so why not get the run in early so I had the rest of the day free. Oh wait, there was Hockey games today. This particular route I always forget how many hills there are until I am too committed and have to keep pushing thought.

    Last time for my daughter to do piano for a while so I filled the time running and filling in my street map. Still cold 🥶

    Bare branches frame a sunlit, partially frozen lake surrounded by dried reeds under a clear blue sky.

    What the weather happened here! This was snowy, windy, and cold on this run. Strange how a little more than 24 hrs goes by and my whole outlook changed.

    A winding pathway dusted with snow meanders through bare trees; the atmosphere is dusk-tinted and serene.

    Start of the week so I wanted to make sure to get some miles in. However, I quickly realized that my body was not ready for 58°F with lots of sun to run in again. This felt much worse than it should have.

    The plan was for a mile less running today but seeing how we made a couple wrong turns it helped force our decision to continue to the half distance. Is still strange to think I haven’t run this far for almost a year and a half now.

    A snow-covered path winds through a leafless forest under a clear blue sky.

    I decided to flex my lunch today and get this run in since it is short weather! Day started crazy at work with lots of little things to tackle so I ended up working in the dining room as I didn’t have a break long enough to make it to my “office”. I guess I had that lunch break but priorities. 😁

    A frozen river edged by dry reeds and leafless trees, under a clear blue sky, with houses visible in the distance.

    I told myself I wasn’t going to run today but it was so nice out that I had to. I somewhat regretted it as I my legs were feeling but I got some miles in so I guess all is well.

    Leafless trees stand under a bright sun in a snowy landscape, hinting at early spring.

    Kind of a day off but before I actually started working I decided to put some miles in to start the week. Was glad it was another nice sunny day. All felt good on this run till around mile 5 my legs felt heavy but still glad to get it done.

    Bare trees beside a frozen river with snow cover, under a partly cloudy sky.

    So much nicer out today than yesterday. I think I still am not good at “recovery” miles or a recovery run.

    A frozen pond with snow cover sits amidst leafless trees under a clear blue sky, with houses in the background.

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