Trout Brook Ten Mile Trail run in the books. It was a really great morning out for a run up and down hills around Willow River State Park. Maybe more hills than I anticipated but I went out with the mindset to have fun and I did.
Had to stop and take a couple pictures. 🤷♂️
Found a Calvatia Gigantea (giant puffball mushroom) on the trails today which I am pretty sure I have not seen one this big. Using my hand for scale but realized after the shot and I kept running that my hand was in the foreground so take it for what it is worth but it was bigger than my hand…
Let’s just say I love the weather today but the run felt not as good as it should with a race two days away. What did I get myself into…. oh well it should be a great day with good scenery.
Sometimes the Race finds you…
Oddly enough I was just saying earlier this week I should find a trail race to run but I have been dragging my feet a lot. Well that is all over now because of a pending deadline of having to register by midnight tonight for The Trout Brook race I found earlier in the week. Amazing what can happen when you really have to make a decision quick as I only realized the deadline tonight. However, I do believe that this is probably a good millage for my first Trail Run. I might not be in the best race shape I could be going into this but honestly I am kind of going for more of the experience and not worried to much about my overall time. I think what helped push me to this race is that I have been to the area before camping and it has always been our favorite and I think that is what kept nagging at me for the past couple of days. Oddly enough I can not find in my quick searching what the exact route is going to be to get to the 10 miles (or 1 eric as a specific person calls it) but I am sure I have covered 90% of the trails around Willow River Falls from our camping trips there (2020-10-16, 2020-10-18, 2021-10-22). If anyone is bored or free and wants to join me there is a couple hours left to register and we can muddle through it together.
Well I can’t back out now it is Official!
Meeting got canceled so I took advantage of the extra 30 min I had this morning and went for a quicker run . Not an early morning Harbor view but around Mitchell Marsh is not all bad.
It is good to be back home this week and with a lighter meeting load this morning I decided to get out for a run . It will be interesting to see what becomes of this construction but am guessing multiple houses where there was one and some lower land they are building up.
Really sad to hear that the Twin Cities Marathon got cancelled today but with the weather I get where organizers had to make that tough call. I do feel bad for the runners to as I know being on that starting line a year ago all the hard work and miles you have to put in to get to that point.
Morning shakeout after a long day before. Didn’t get a great sunrise run this morning as I found out later in the day there was smoke in the air which is why it looked overcast.
Another early run morning along the harbor. When you have a full day of meetings starting at 8 this is about the best time to get out. Honestly, it is a nice backdrop.
Early morning run on the waterfront. Struggling after sleeping in a what I found out was a warm hotel room and the run the day before but… at least I got out there to see the sunrise.
Bug light and a big boat from the other side of the Harbor. Felt good and found a some turns and trails I didn’t my last run over the bridge and across the harbor.
Random footbridge that looped around a grocery store 🤷♂️
This run felt harder than I think it should have been. However, finding this dry creek bed got me thinking what it will look like in the Spring or Later fall if we ever get more rain.
New Shoe Day! 👟 It was a good day to clear my head with work. However, in hindsight it was much warmer and hotter than I had anticipated when I started this run .
Might have gotten darker faster than I thought while running tonight on some of the trails. If you put the pace aside I felt like I was working much harder than I should have been, maybe it was food, time of day or the flu shot I got either way it was far enough to call it a night.
Out and around Rice Marsh Lake run on this really nice weather day. Saw a lot of people out there for a Monday morning at 9am but who am I to judge as I was one of those people out there too.
Almost 100% trail run along the Minnesota River bottoms today. Let’s just say that was fun exploring! My friend thought I got us lost at one point because we drifted far from the water but the trail reconnected so all was well.
Minnesota River
Bridge out time to find another way across
Machines at work at the CD Terminal
Might have been that wrong turn I was talking about as I don’t see the river
Rope swing into the river… Now this looks super fun but tired legs at this point
Photo from the bridge across the Minnesota River, next time going to have to continue that way
I think lack of sleep and the heat of the sun today made this run feel much worse than it should have been. Temp looked ok but don’t get me wrong it was warm out with the sun beating down on me.
I took a friend advice tonight and I think I understood what he was saying… He said I should go for a walk in the woods (NOT A RUN). I took that to mean I SHOULD go run in the dark along some water. 🤷♂️
It was a nice night.. Thanks. 😄