- What is the best approach to backup all of my kids phone and computers (only 1 has one at this time)?
- Should I change up how I store photos and where I have my backups? I think I have about 4 places right now all in and videos are still a wild card.
- Note-taking is still a mess as to where I put what but I have downsized one by one by finally getting rid of Evernote but also increased one by starting to use Bear now as well 🤦♂️
- File storage, probably should shift to just one platform as I have some in Google Drive and now some in iCloud.
- I should really sign up for some sort of running race this year but leaning towards just a fun trail run.
- Is there any more consolidation I should do on my Social Media or Online presence side of things?
- Should I sell my iPad mini as I don’t know if I get enough value out of it today or what could do or use it for more?
- I need to get back to being a more morning person as I enjoy those quiet hours in the morning before everything gets crazy.
- Next time I take more than one day off I think I need to block off about 1/2 my morning on my first day back to just get back k up to speed (assuming I stepped away and didn’t keep checking email and working on break). I think that would help make the meeting later in the day or early the next more productive.
- When posting a picture to should I have it posted in Markdown or HTML?
- It would be nice from time to time e to tag a location in I feel like at one point there had been talk about that but I might be misremembering. I know there is shortcuts I can use to get a link in there but would be nice to make it more streamlined.
- Wouldn’t it be great if it was easier to use Focus modes on Apple devices? I really like the idea and try to set it up a number of times but then I am never sure I set it upright. You know what they need some preset ones based on your usage and what you check right away or ignore. Well, maybe that isn’t ideal because we are trying to create a better habit by using it.
- How did this list get so long! 😱
"The Seven Summits of My Neighborhood" video by Brendan Leonard
Nice find in my email today that a friend Brendan Leonard has a new film out today titled “The Seven Summits of My Neighborhood” which I found very entertaining and insightful. It reminds me that as much adventure can be found all around the world sometimes there is more than you think to explore or “create your own fun” in the area you live that is worth exploring. There are a bunch of little quotes and insights throughout this video but the one I laughed out loud and probably was just a one-off comment though resonated with me as a runner was:
This trail is what I think you would call “Deceptively Runnable”
I have been known to run in areas that are “deceptively runnable and turn out to be more work than planned.
You can read some more about the making of the film and how he got the idea on his website Semi-Rad.
Catching the sunrise over the Prairie on the run today. I realized I haven’t ventured to the trails North of my house for a while and it was a peaceful morning in the Conservation area. The only movement I saw was a herd of deer who I am sure I scared and they went jumping through the wooded area in the middle.

Talking with my running friend last night gave me a little extra motivation this morning and the fast I was feeling pretty good to deviate from what I was thinking. So I extended this run to add some more miles. It still doesn’t get old seeing the sun rise early with some steam off the lake.
Thankful for the cooler morning with some sprinkles from time to time though I think it was mostly because of the humidity. Good way to start the week off getting a run in with also what is looking like a light meeting day. 🙌
Also had some spectators this morning but I am not sure they were impressed..
This Strava integration dewme is just fun and I really enjoy seeing the emojis of how wonderful the weather was like. Today for instance this is what it had:
90°F ☁️ Dew pt.: 69°F | RunFeel™: (4/10) stifling, breezy 🤢 | 2.2 mi in 8 mph headwind | TruPace™: 7:25 /mi
Some 1 mile hot (as in temp) laps around Round lake today while the boy was up lifting and working on his basketball shot in the gym. As I kept circling I was shocked how low this small lake is this year.
I do enjoy these early morning runs and being able to catch the sunrise but I still don’t enjoy the heat at this hour of the day. I tried to take a normal route and find more shade but not even sure if that mattered.
Things I am Pondering 🤔
These things have been swirling around in my mind all day. Some are actual questions I am pondering and probably need to look for advice from others that have similar issues (e.g., kids backups) and then others are just random things I am thinking about today. It might be the early morning hour I woke up, got a run in and have consumed a fair amount of coffee.
Well it kind of looked like a fun temporary trail to explore as there was no utility workers around…. Until it wasn’t as I tried to push on through the weeds but gave up after tons of burrs on my socks and shoes.
Didn’t really want to get up this morning but after an hour of tossing and turning I decided I should start the day off with some miles around the lake. Reflecting it was a great fun full weekend with friends.

Had to drop the dogs off for the weekend and decided to do something productive before heading to the camper today so I looped this lake twice. Was supposed to be cooler today but I am not sure it really feels that way. 🤨

You know it is going to be a warm one today when it is 75°F at 6am. For that reason I decided to do a short run and early today. Also, a bonus a new Hemispheric Views episode dropped to pass the time and forget about how thick the air was.
It looked nice out but don’t let that deceive you. It was actually brutality hot outside today and I regretted my running route from about mile 2 on. However, when you pick an out and back location you can’t really cut the run short so I kept going.
It was a warm one out running today even at this hour early morning hour of the day. However, I think it is going to get hotter so I was glad to put this behind me. I always like seeing the morning fog get lifted away.
Air was thick today and after a while I would have preferred not to be out there. However, glad to get this millage out of the way on a hot smoky Monday.
The temp this morning was nice but a lot of humidity in the air on this run. However, I knew after I finished I would have plenty of time to sit on the deck and enjoy coffee till the kids will wake up.
It was good to finally get another long run in as I haven’t had one in a long time this year. It was a nice morning out but I think my lack of sleep and later night movie watching with my daughter has caught up to me as this seemed harder than it should have been.
When your daughter says she wants to go for a run how can you say no? So we went and it was maybe warmer than anticipated and then might have been less enjoyable for her. Hope this isn’t the last time she asks me. 😬