
    Legs were a little scratched up after this run as I didn’t take into account that weeds and other plants would have grown up more on this trail than in the spring and fall. Also, made a good detour towards the end to see the town from a high point.

    Why I Post My Runs

    It might seem silly that I do this as I am sure some people might get sick of seeing a photo every other day or so with a link to Strava and some random thoughts of my run. I used to just post a photo on Instagram long before I stumbled on as most of the time back then my runs were early morning or in the evening and I enjoyed sharing a good sunrise or sunset photo. After I finished my 5k a day I think I stopped posting photos there and then it became more infrequent and only if I would find something interesting. Then I came to and after a while, I started posting running photos here but again infrequent and would never link to Strava until about a year ago. For some reason, I got this idea in my head that not only would I want a photo from my run with some random thoughts but a link to the route I did, which would tell me where I was also. I am sure no one else could care but it is my blog and a good way to document things to remember even though I wasn’t sure when I would look back. Until the other day, I finished my run and clicked on the On This Day link I have and found out I ran the same tails a year ago!

    Run from Last week Thursday July 6, 2023 and then my run from Thursday July 6, 2022. Kind of interesting I thought.

    I know that in theory, Strava can capture the same information but that information is stored in a place that I can’t easily export and keep for the long run. I get I am using them to keep track of my route history but it is also stored in Apple Fitness going forward as well. I guess I should consider saving down my GPS data but at this point that is not all that important. However, I have taken the steps to retain some of the running information like miles, pace, and total time in my DayOne app. Which is kind of where this process today starts with the use of Shortcuts and another service called FeedMyRide. I will detail out and share the shortcut soon.

    Had to get some groceries this morning for breakfast as my parents are in town and we have not been home much. So I ran to the store and ended up over buying and it didn’t all fit in the pack for the run home as planned and I had to carry the bagels in my hand.

    The plan was to have a longer run and start earlier today but I had a 5:30 wake-up from our older dog and then I willed myself to go back to sleep which then I slept longer than planned. Oh, well I at least got some miles in before a busy day of getting the house put together before company as we have not been around much.

    Finally found myself back at home in familiar setting in the trails North of our house. It was good ramble along before dinner.

    Trails! Convinced my running friend to meet me at a park where we could have lots of fun in the trails and hills. Disappointed that we couldn’t get to the overlook but maybe next time. There was a gate and if people wouldn’t have been around I for sure would have investigated further.

    Today’s run effort was brought to you by the plumber who had all day to stop by and chose the moment I started to run to call. Then gave me well under the 30-45 min notice to get back so this was much quicker and shorter than planned.

    A very green pond 🀒

    Had to get this one in early today with all the activities. 4th of July 5K run in the books and the heat but looks like we might get rained out later today 🀨

    Kind of a last min run as I didn’t even have the right shoes on. However, since I dropped off our stuff for the Edina Parade I decided to run the route to see how long it really was.

    Should NOT have run in these shoes πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

    Stroll around Clear Lake and Maplewood Park in what was some warm weather with lots of sun out. Glad to be done and jumped in the pool with the kids after. Now after sitting for a while my legs are feeling it maybe I need to drink some more water.

    It was a super humid one out there today at 90% before 730am πŸ₯΅. I took the trail the other way to explore some more before we leave today.

    Foggy morning or maybe foggy and smoky. Found a some interesting places to explore around the Fox River.

    Early morning Chicago exploration. Not used to seeing so many other people out running at this hour. At times I felt like I was in a race.

    Another beautiful day to run along the Harbor and I decided to make it a little longer by circling Back Cove.

    24 hrs later and a whole new look of the harbor. Enjoyed the sun out today on this early but doesn’t seem as early run.

    Misty morning harbor run. Needed to get out early today before a day full of meetings.

    Out and back to Bug Light! It felt good running after what seems like a day of travel with a little work from time to time.

    Father’s Day 4 miles was all I could muster on a really humid hot day. If only the rain in those clouds would have come.

    Planned on enjoying a morning run while the family was asleep but when I got up at 6 it rained until 10. So the next best thing was making some breakfast bagel sandwiches for everyone. πŸ˜„

    Might still be some smoke in the air today from the Canadian Wildfires but much better than yesterday. It is strange looking at this photo now vs the many I have taken at other times. Felt good running overall but I think I could kind of tell.

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