
    The end of the narrow gauge train line. Also, last day in Portland so I had to get out there one last time.

    Early morning run before a long day of work with some big meetings very late in the afternoon. As early as I got up it is still shocking to me how high the sun was already.

    Instead of just running along my normal trails in Portland I rambled around the streets of Portland. Not 100% sure that was a great idea as I found some very quite streets and then ran though about a half mile of a homeless camp.πŸ˜”

    After a long travel adventure and work it was good to get out and move a bit as I have been sitting a lot. I decided to go all around the back cove as I had nothing to get to tonight.

    Had to get up earlier than I liked for this one as a friend I was running with had something at 730am. However, I enjoyed showing him some of the trails I have explored and were on his list to get to.

    Great weather out today and circled a very familiar trail / marsh. Really can’t beat a sunny 66Β°F with no clouds in sight.

    Found a strange abandoned road (Cirrus Way) that didn’t say no trespassing so I figured I should give it a run. I am very curious why it became unused as it does take you to the Sky (well Sky Lane 😁).

    After that I had a lovely time exploring and making my own trails in the woods.

    Was windy out running today and felt much more tired and sore than I should after a two day break. I should be thankful as all my morning meetings got moved around which allowed for this grind of miles 😁.

    Rainy Friday miles that I was able to fit in-between morning meetings.

    My original plan was for a shorter run today but I got stuck in cruise mode and decided to keep going on this lonely stretch of trail.

    This one felt like real work tonight but the views were worth it after a busier day than I was hoping for. Now time to reset and it can be water under the foot bridges πŸ˜† (Just bad humor, I know).

    Nice evenings like tonight are just great when our good friends kids come over to play some backyard baseball.

    Note: None of these kids play baseball we have hockey players, soccer players, runners, dancers, one in lacrosse and one in basketball. ☺️

    Legs were a little sore from yesterday’s run as we might have been cruising faster than I should have. However, I went out with no expectation (like I normally do) but decided to stroll down the short nature trail by my house.

    Was really nice outside this morning for this run. Glad to help a friend out and guide him though the streets in my neighborhood so he can continue his quest of running all the streets in Eden Prairie. After our run today he is at 94.1% 😱

    After a busy day of manual labor getting the campsite setup it was good to get out for a quick run. I decided to take the backyard trail (as I call it) and it wasn’t as wet as it has been sometimes and it looks like they are making it more like a trail which I am indifferent if I like or not.

    Spent the day getting the campsite ready to go for the summer. I had to piece the deck together, level the deck and camper and got the golf cart running. Only thing I couldn’t do was hook up the water but that should be easy next visit. Bummer was most of the day had spells of snow πŸŒ¨οΈπŸ˜‘

    If he liked it or not I dragged my friend along for what should have been a shorter run but I guess I didn’t calculate it correctly and overshot our distance and we got caught in some rain. Fun exploring though and a fun map turned out that was not by design.

    Rambling around the streets in the early evening. Wasn’t sure what to expect as I didn’t time dinner right and felt full but overall happy with getting this in before I had to run to some kid activities.

    With the sun out today almost all of the snow melted away. I found a little bit on this bridge during my run which had to get cut short due to a text I received from a co-worker who really needed something.. I guess πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

    Quicker than my normal run speed this morning because it was raining and I only had a 30 minutes to spare.

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