
    Friday morning unplanned half that included Ridge Road. I might have choose one of the more hillier routes to run today for no good reason at all.

    Bare trees silhouette against a cloudy sky, overlooking a calm lake with remnants of snow on the ground; a serene winter landscape. From the top of Ridge Road

    A serene lake with rippled water, foreground of dried reeds, backdrop of snow-covered trees and houses under a cloudy sky. From across Christmas Lake looking back at Ridge Road

    Had to take it slow with a number of ice spots out there today. Also, the route I ran got interesting as I came to some sections where the sidewalks were not clear and I didn’t feel like running on a busy road.

    A snow-covered landscape with a frozen pond, bare trees, and residential houses under a clear blue sky. Shadows stretch across the snow.

    Compared to yesterday today’s run was rainy. I thought I found a break in the action only to find myself out there getting poured on. Just amazing change in weather 24 hrs later. 🌧️

    A snow-covered ground borders a paved area, with bare trees and brush in the background, suggesting a winter scene.

    What better kind of run to have than a trail run while the snow falls. Not bad for a birthday run this year. 🥳

    A snow-covered path winds through a bare deciduous forest, conveying a quiet, wintery atmosphere.

    A snow-covered wooden boardwalk meanders through tall, dense reeds in a wintry, overcast landscape.


    What another year it has been. It has been an interesting year and still busy as always. I keep thinking to myself that I should start these days, if not a month or so before my actual birthday but I feel there is something blocking me off from this time to reflect quickly and jot some things down. It is not to say I haven’t thought about it but I also don’t want this to feel like work or something I have to do. I want it to be something I want to do, so that is why I am doing it now while watching some snow fall and drinking some coffee.

    A mug with “ADVENTURE awaits” text is resting on a wooden surface, with a snowy residential view seen through a window in the background.

    This year was a really fun year at our seasonal camping spot. Between my wife and kids, I feel like someone was there as much as they possibly could be all summer long. I came back and worked from home during the weeks, typically with a kid or two (depending on activities), and went down earlier on weekends or sometimes took a Monday off and came back Monday night or Tuesday early. It has been a really enjoyable time down there this year by having more space in the new to us camper and just giving us a place to get away and not worry about things in our actual house. It then really feels like a weekend with no plans, versus if we would have been around our house, I would find odd projects and feel like I need to get stuff done there.

    Another quick fun thing that happened this past year was April’s brother got married and we all were able to spend time as a larger family for a weekend. Not only was that awesome, but the wedding was at April’s parents’ house overlooking the pond on their property. Besides the sweltering heat, it was just a lovely time. Down in Ollie, IA for April’s brother’s wedding at her parents’ farmhouse.

    As of the first of this year, my parents moved up to Minnesota which has already been great. We have been able to see them more, and they have been able to come to so many more kid events than before they would not have been able to. I don’t think they will be busy anytime soon with 6 grandkids in all kinds of activities. It was a little strange when I was back at my parents’ house in December, knowing that this town I grew up in and this house I grew up in will probably be one of the last times I am here. Not that I won’t go back for my reunions from time to time, but other than that, I have less of a pull to head back that way. I am good with closing that chapter of my life and excited that my kids will have a new different relationship with my parents as they live so close. Now I just have more boxes of stuff they have dropped off and I am slowly working throughout in my shed office.

    For me personally over this past year, I don’t have too much to report, as I didn’t really do much but try to keep running as I have but didn’t really do any big races but found a trail race in the fall that was just fun as there were no expectations. As I type this today after a really long run yesterday, I actually don’t have any plans for the upcoming year, which I know I really need to start thinking about. I guess for now I will just refer back to Brendan Leonard of Semi-Rad’s philosophy called The Zen of Running I will “put in the miles so I can…. put in the miles so I can…”

    Last year this time I was thinking of focusing on connections, and I am not 100% sure I really did it complete justice at this point. However, from a work perspective, I have over the course of the last couple of months been trying to double down on it. I think it is the one thing that makes 100% virtual work hard is you can’t have as many chance visits. So, starting and since my visit in December, I have made it a point to find people in the office and/or let some of the local people know I am around. I need to force myself to do this with some friends of mine, as sometimes in the throes of the weeks I can still make too many excuses.

    For this next year Resilience will be the theme, and my family has taken a liking to it as well. I actually a couple weeks back wrote this exact quote down on a piece of paper and put it in the kitchen for the kids to see every day (well and myself).

    “Resilience is knowing that you are the only one that has the power and the responsibility to pick yourself up." Mary Holloway.

    Previously: 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42

    Even with the colder weather it was actually a good day for a run. Explored some new areas and then took the easy trail to get back to the car in the end.

    Bare trees frame a view of a calm lake with scattered snow on the ground under a clear blue sky.

    Needed to move today after a long day of being on calls and knowing my night was going to entail updating slide decks. However, on this run if I would have been fast enough I could have snapped a picture of two beavers that quick jumped in the water and swam away here. FYI it is snowing… 🌨️🤦‍♂️

    A calm lake reflects trees and overcast skies, with ducks swimming, surrounded by grasses and sparse residential areas.

    When you see a green arrow while out on a run pointing into the woods you follow it right? Well it didn’t lead me to anything but took my mind off the back to cold weather again today.

    A green arrow on pavement points towards a leaf-covered trail flanked by bare trees, suggesting a path through a woodland area.

    Running tonight I can close to a track and this came up on my watch. Very interesting and I wonder if it helps with track accuracy (which I am assuming it would). Now that I think about it this might have been around the spot I had my GPS issue tonight. 🤨

    Between running into the wind for the first half of this run and the GPS screw up. I am not sure how far or fast I really ran 🤷‍♂️.

    Rippled lake waters brush against a concrete shoreline, under a clear blue sky, bordered by bare deciduous trees.

    When we started the goal was 8 as we both have been a little down for the count. As we approached stopping at 12 I swayed the vote to run another loop to get us on par with plan. Overall legs were good but my stomach not so much but we got the miles. Also ,we have been spoiled as it was cold today!

    A cloudy sky over a tranquil body of water with a wooden birdhouse on a post in the foreground and a forest lining the far shore.

    Decided to make it a short easy run today on as many trails as I could find. Was the perfect start to the day in the woods with the sun peaking through.

    A tranquil woodland trail surrounded by leafless trees with a bed of fallen leaves covering the ground, indicating late autumn or winter. Sunlight filters through the branches, creating a serene atmosphere.

    Some days it feel hard and today was that day. I decided to use the not feeling great run to pick up some streets I hadn’t completed. Nice to see the new completed building at Round Lake, should be a nice addition as the old building had no windows, no places to sit, and never used.

    A modern building with large glass windows, a prominent wooden facade, and a sloped roof, nestled in a barren landscape with a leafless tree to the left and a pine tree to the right. A concrete pathway with steps leads up to the building

    Where did the trail go? I thought they hadn’t started construction around Braemar yet and I was right and wrong as I found myself running through chopped up trees. Let’s just say I don’t know if I was on the trail at points, had to walk over bad parts, and I got some nice cuts on my legs.

    A landscape of a deciduous forest in late autumn or early spring with bare trees and a ground covered in brown leaves and fallen branches under a clear blue sky.

    A forest trail covered with fallen leaves and surrounded by bare deciduous trees, indicating it’s either autumn or winter, with sunlight casting long shadows across the path.

    A serene nature trail with barren trees and a wooden bridge in the background, illuminated by soft sunlight filtering through the branches.

    Now that is is finally getting warmer out and the millage is creeping up I realized I am in need of a new Hydration pack since the last time I wore one the strap broke and I never replaced it. So does anyone have any suggestion for a good running one?

    Over 60°F run wow! Such nice weather out today but deep down I know my body needs to start getting used to warmer weather on the horizon. Glad that whatever I picked up yesterday seems better now as I was out of it and today I did feel good.

    A wooden boardwalk meanders through tall, dry grass under a clear blue sky.

    It was such a nice day to head out for a long run. Pace for some of the miles were maybe a little fast for building but when you get to talking it happens. Then you get punished in the later miles with tired legs. 😵

    Well this was a very wet run this morning as it rained the entire time I was out there. I tried my best to avoid puddles but found myself on a muddy trail and stepped right into it.

    Shorter and quicker run today because I had to get into the office very early before a long day of meetings. Interesting sunrise this morning with a small slit before complete cloud cover.

    Decided to hit the streets of Portland and with no running plan. Along the way I stumbled upon this building and had to look it up later. The Hey Building (Charles Q. Clapp Block) which was built in 1862 by a local very prominent architect. I would love to take a glance inside as it is very narrow!

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