
    Back on the home turf this week. I think this whole run was a bit of a blur though as I am still fighting either allergies or just a head cold.

    A wooden bridge crosses a small stream within a dense, green forest, with a dirt path leading up to it surrounded by lush foliage and trees.

    Probably didn’t need to get up to run at this hour this morning but I didn’t want to hold my relatives up by sleeping in as I was told we had nothing on today but we should meet for breakfast at 7:45. 😅

    Cleared forest with scattered tree stumps and debris; tall, sparse trees surround the area under a clear, early morning sky.

    Foggy morning run today as I took to the Back Cove.

    Two sailboats float on calm water with scattered buoys, surrounded by a rocky shoreline, under a dense, foggy sky.

    Another early morning that I had to get out there as the days have been long at work. Wasn’t sure at the start of this run what was going to happen and figured just some miles would be good but I got in a rhythm and it was nice out this morning.

    A calm sea under a cloudy sky with a distant shoreline visible, scattered with small boats on the horizon.

    Very early run around Portland keeping it mostly to the streets with lights till the sunrise. Then I took to the harbor view.

    Wooden pilings stand still in calm water at sunset, under a vibrant, clear sky. Sailboats and docks line the distant horizon, reflecting softly on the serene surface.

    Tour of South Portland today where I ran around three Lighthouses (running on the break wall was interesting to say the least). To add more fun to it on my way to get to the first one I ran through Hobstone and Robinson Woods where my ankles got destroyed from the tree roots and rocks.

    A lighthouse stands on rocky cliffs beside crashing ocean waves, with houses and an American flag in the background under a clear blue sky.

    A stone pathway extends into the ocean, leading to a small lighthouse. Sailboats and two large vessels float on the water under a clear blue sky.

    A white lighthouse stands on a rocky shore beside a calm, blue sea, with a sailboat gliding in the background under a clear sky.

    Wooden boardwalk stretches through a dense, lush green forest, surrounded by various trees and undergrowth, creating a serene, natural pathway amidst the woodland.

    Early morning hockey today so I when I dropped the girls off I decided to use the time to make some laps around the nearby lake.

    Silhouetted trees stand against a twilight sky, reflecting in a calm lake, creating a serene and tranquil evening scene.

    Tried to get this one in earlier today but still left later than planned. I was really hoping to get the rain that the forecast had but nothing and in fact the sun was shining during this run as well.

    A paved path, covered in fallen leaves, winds through a lush, green forest and leads to a small wooden bridge under a canopy of trees.

    I have no comment on this run. I put the miles in….. 🥵

    Wide dirt path extending into the distance, flanked by dense, tall green trees, casting shadows on the ground under a clear blue sky.

    Just my luck that it happened to be full sun when I decided to head out for a run today. It really felt like work today getting these miles in. The gave the run a RunFeel™ of “oppressive 🥵” which I am not going to disagree with.

    Dirt path winds through a dense forest of tall trees and thick green underbrush, with sunlight filtering through the leaves.

    Wet tracks and trails was the theme of this rambling run while my son and his friends golfed at a nearby course. It was a good way to pass the Saturday morning as I explored a lot of little places I had not been even in very familiar places.

    A narrow, leaf-covered path winds through a dense forest with tall trees and lush green foliage, creating a serene, natural setting.

    Railroad tracks continue under a graffiti-covered wooden bridge, surrounded by dense green foliage, disappearing into the distance.

    A narrow dirt path cuts through dense, green forest foliage, leading into the distance under an overcast sky.

    Fun run checking out the new hiking trails around Braemar. Not going to lie I liked the old ones better but I am sure over time these might grow on me. However, now they have mowed at least a path connecting the East and West where I normally had to blaze my own trail to the abandoned bridge.

    A wooden footbridge spans over a grassy path, surrounded by dense trees and bright yellow flowers, leading towards an open field under a partly cloudy sky.

    A narrow dirt path winds through a forest of tall, thin trees, bordered by dense green underbrush on a sloping hill.

    Due to me not wanting to cross traffic and at the lights I decided to just create a route on the fly which took me to a place I was 2 years ago in hopes an actual “trail” was there now. No change but just look how the trees are planted… I think they should do something here it would be amazing!

    Sunlit forest path winds through dense greenery and trees, creating a serene natural setting with light filtering from behind.

    We are going to have a lot of new sidewalks soon on a pretty normal go to running route. It will be nice but today’s run made more challenging as it was more like a trail run.

    Dirt road leads uphill through a grassy area with trees.

    Well that was a warm run today after yesterdays pleasant morning. I really wasn’t looking at my watch for time or anything and kept trying to slow down as I really wanted a nice recovery run. However, maybe the heat kept me at a faster clip than I was thinking as I just wanted to get done.

    Lush green trees and shrubs surround a small, still pond reflecting the foliage. Sunlight filters through the dense canopy creating a serene woodland setting.

    I actually felt today like I could have gone longer but no sense in overdoing it. I had hoped for this millage on my run today but I really didn’t think it would happen. Normally 15 miles is like my nemesis and some sort of disaster happens but this was a completely different experience today.

    A paved path stretches through a dense forest, with sunlight filtering through green trees and creating dappled shadows on the ground.

    Three deer standing on a dirt path, surrounded by dense green foliage, with a curving road in the background.

    I thought the weather was going to be nice and cool with the overcast sky and breeze. Not to mention I was in need of some coffee so did a coffee run which was good but warmer than I anticipated. Well the coffee was good and helpful for work today. 🤷‍♂️

    A hand grips two colorful bags of “Outwood Coffee,” featuring “FUTURIST - Caramelly & Citrusy - Whole Bean Coffee, 12oz/340g,” set against a dark, blurred outdoor background.

    Nothing about this was really enjoyable during the run but after I was reminded it was good to get done. After having some cooler days and running in the morning last week these evening runs have felt like real work.

    Foreground wildflowers and grasses stand in a lush green field, set beneath a partly cloudy sky with the sun shining brightly overhead. A distant tree line demarcates the horizon.

    Day was too nice out to again not go on a run. My legs were heavy but kept prodding along as it was nice out and a long week ahead so needed to front load some miles.

    Gravel path winding through lush, dense forest with sunlight filtering through tree leaves, set against a clear blue sky.

    Well I wasn’t planning on running but the weather is amazing out. Not to mention a kid was game to bike along with so I jump on her excitement.

    A man smiling at the camera while a girl rides a bicycle beside him on a paved road in a sunny park-like setting with trees and a house in the background.

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