- External Group = Everything is going great, and product is working as expected.
- Internal Group Management = We have some issues to work though, but overall everything is Green.
- Project Team = We have major issues here, why doesn't anyone else understand that.
Where the Heck is Matt? - Kickstarter
I stumbled across a video of Matt’s a couple years back and at that time posted about the video titled “Where the Hell is Matt? - 2012” . I think the thing that interested me most then and now is the simple yet creative idea. Travel around the world to some places people would never think of visiting and show a quick gimps of how those people are just like us and when asked will dance silly just like us.
Fast forward a couple of years and Matt is ready to start traveling/dancing again and is going to create a new video for 2016. So to help fund his project he has a Kickstarter with a couple twists as well. So check out the video and information below in hopes that the 2016 video is created.
Check out the full details of the KickStarter here. Also, to stay up to date with what Matt is doing you can follow him @WhereTheHIsMatt or stop by his new website for more information and other older videos at
Exclusive STAR WARZ Merch Revealed...By Topher Grace!
Just ran across this today and I had to post it as it is a very well done skit with with Topher Grace and Josh Horowitz
via Exclusive STAR WARZ Merch Revealed…By Topher Grace! | MTV News - YouTube.
Everything is a Remix Remastered and Kickstarter
I can’t believe I missed the announcement that Everything is a Remix by Kirby Ferguson was remastered and all four parts were put together in a nice single video. I stumbled upon Everything is a Remix a couple years ago and wrote about how great the work was back then.
However, besides the remastered version of his project, I was even more shocked to see that Kirby was running a Kickstarter again for the Five Year Anniversary of Everything is a Remix. Now, this is where it gets even better, there is a bunch of cool rewards out there and if his project makes it past $20K (at $15K at the time of writing this), he will start work on another Everything is a Remix project.
So watch the video below, and then contribute to his Kickstarter project so we can get another great video on this topic. Then browse some of his websites like Everything is a Remix and his other project he has been working on called This is Not a Conspiracy Theory. Honestly, how could you not be a fan of Kirby’s work as he does amazing research and puts that together in an awesome video story that captures your attention? Also, don’t forget to follow him on Twitter @remixeverything so you can keep up-to-date on his current projects and anything else.
via Everything is a Remix Remastered (2015 HD) on YouTube.
PS - I just contributed to the project and pushed it over the 15K mark. Now only 5K more to go with 18 days left.
John Oliver talking about Patents Trolls
“At least trolls actually do something” - John Oliver
Really good clip from John Oliver on his show Last Week Tonight, where he talks about how Patent Trolls are hindering innovation.
I would say my favorite part of the clip is where John Oliver thinks calling them “patent trolls” is insulting too trolls. “At least trolls actually do something, they control bridge access for goats and ask people fun riddles.”
TEDx Talk about how to sound smart in your TEDx Talk
If you only have a couple min to spare today it will be time will spent by watching this brilliant TEDx Talk from TEDxNewYork titled “How to sound smart in a TEDx Talk” by Will Stephen. It will be well worth the 5 min and 55 seconds it takes you to watch it.
Hat Tip: Andrew Hyde
How to Find Fulfilling Work
From the title of this video you are probably thinking you have read a number of articles about how you can find fulfilling work and why would you waste you time watching one more video. However, being someone who has worked at different companies in various roles I think this advice is more spot on than the rest. It isn’t necessary saying anything different but pointing out you aren’t always going to get it right and more importantly it is going to take time to get right.
Hat Tip: Matt Mullenweg
Speedrun: Back to the Future I in 60 seconds
This video is actually a little dated now but I just stumbled across it and figured I would share. It has been a while since I have actually watched the original Back to the Future movie but I was able to track with this 1 min Speedrun pretty well. Really great work by by the creators 1a4studio. Also, if you are interested they have some other Speedrun video’s out there that you might want to check out as well.
Quote of the Week - 01.09.2015
“You’re either the author of your own book or a character is someone else’s.” - Christian Macy
This is one of my favorite quotes and I encourage you to watch Christian’s entire Ignite Boulder presentation as the whole thing is really good.
As the first full week of 2015 is coming to a close I couldn’t help but think this quote was perfect as I started a new job on Monday of this week. I am not starting a job in the way that Christian describes it in the video, as I gave my previous employer about a month’s notice and wrapped up all my outstanding tasks. However, my new job was really me taking control of my career as the other options in front of me I wasn’t as excited about. So I decided to take that step outside of my past 6.5 year comfort zone and I found another company that I could get behind, enjoyed the people I met and hopefully I will be able to do great things for.
'One Man's Loss' by Philip Sansom
ONE MAN'S LOSS from Phil Sansom on Vimeo.
via 'One Man's Loss' by Philip SansomI know last week I posted a different short film by Philip Sansom but when I stumbled on this one I figured it too was good enough to share.
Technology and Games to promote learning for all Students
I can’t believe I missed the video below as it practically happened in my own backyard. However, you have to watch this video of 5th grader Cordell Steiner giving a TEDx presentation at the University of St. Thomas about the benefits of video games in the classroom to further students learning. First of all, how impressive that he stood up in front of the audience and gave such a presentation.
You can tell that Cordell is very enthusiastic about education through failure as it is just as instructive as classroom success. He makes some really good points in the video and it is refreshing hearing a kids perspective on how video games (or Apps) can really help every student learn to their full potential.
I think with technology changing it is only right that education and how students are taught will change as well. My son started kindergarten this year and everyone in the school has iPads. I have been fortunate to help out in the classroom on a couple of occasions and watch how the kids use the iPads first hand. Most of the Educational Applications they use could probably be considered games as they try to encourage students by keeping a tally of right and wrong answers. Also, from what I could tell most of the Apps would change automatically change the difficulty as the child answered more and more correct. There were other Apps that allowed the teacher to set a baseline of what level the student was at and she could track their progress of how they are doing by easy to view reports on her computer. They don’t use iPads as the only way to learn as the teacher still does instruction as we all remember. I would estimate that they only use the iPads at most an hour a day (over the course of a week).
As a parent and technology enthusiast I actually like that they are using technology to assist and educate my child. I know for a fact that by allowing him to have some time to learn at his own pace using the educational Apps has only furthered his interest in learning by continuing to keep him challenged.
What are your thoughts about the use of video games or apps in education?
'The Black Hole' by Philip Sansom and Olly Williams
via ‘The Black Hole’ by Philip Sansom & Olly Williams.
Pretty funny video short I ran across the other day.
Jerry Seinfeld's Clio Acceptance Speech
What a great acceptance speech by Jerry Seinfeld’s at the 55th annual CLIO Awards. Really funny stuff.
I love advertising because I love lying. In advertising, everything is the way you wish it was. I don’t care that it won’t be like that when I actually get the product being advertised, because in between seeing the commercial and owning the thing, I’m happy. And that’s all I want.
Ready for winter?
Really good video put together by MSP Films titled “Days of My Youth”. If you are a skier this just might make you ready for the snow to fall.
'Johnny Express' by Kyungmin Woo
Funny short animated film to start off the week.
“JohnnyExpress” by Kyungmin Woo from AlfredImageworks. Hat tip: Topher Grace
How The Sun Sees You
Ran across this video that Matt Mullenweg’s posted a while back. It reminds me how important sun block is for everyone. Would be interesting to see how spray sun block looks under the light compared to the lotion they show. Since I have found it much easier to use for myself and our kids but I am guessing it might not cover as well/consistent.
What do you communicate to your audience?
I actually ran across this video a while back but I am reminded of it on a weekly basis in the various meetings I attend. It is very interesting how communication can change depending on who your audience is.
Vooza has some other great videos too that you can find here
It kind of reminds you of the telephone game you probably played when you were younger. In my experience, I have noticed communication going something like this:
So how does your company communicate to the various audiences and is it a consistent message?
'The Gunfighter' by Eric Kissack
Since I haven’t posted anything lately I thought I would share this Short film I ran across thanks to Topher Grace ‘The Gunfighter’ by Eric Kissack. You should check it out as it is pretty funny.
*'The Gunfighter' by Eric Kissack from his official website*Embracing Awkwardness
“Everyone at some point has felt awkward and that must mean you are human.”
I am going to publish this post about awkwardness…. and keep going. What a great video that came from Ignite Boulder21 by Banks Benitez (@BanksBenitez).
One of my favorite quotes in the video is the one he shares from Dr. Seuss and for some reason really hits home with me as it reminds me very much of my wife and I as we are both weird.
“We’re all a little weird. And life is weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutual weirdness and call it love.” - Dr. Seuss
Thanks to Andrew Hyde (@AndrewHyde) and his most recent post blog post titled Embracing Awkwardness (keep going) by Banks Benitez otherwise I might not have seen it.
Everything is a Remix
I stumbled upon Kirby Ferguson because of the TED Talk video that was posted a few days ago. I would encourage you to watch the video as it really starts to make you think about copyright laws. One of my favorite quotes is “Everything is a Remix, until you are the one getting remixed.”
via TED: Kirby Ferguson: Embrace the remix - Kirby Ferguson (2012).