Where the Hell is Matt?
Thanks to Andrew Hyde’s post (Where The Hell is Matt 2012) I have ran across the website called “Where the Hell is Matt?” and more importantly the video below.
This is an awesome video but you can also check out some of the prior years on his website. Good Luck going forward Matt Harding (@WhereTheHIsMatt) and can’t wait to see the 2013 video.
Time Lapse Video in Yosemite
Here is an awesome time lapse video taken in Yosemite.
Yosemite Range of Light from Shawn Reeder on Vimeo.
9yr old Entrepreneur - (Replay)
This is very delayed from the original airing on the Today Show but I thought I would share it again to the world as I have gotten around to re-watching it and am still amazed by the 9 year old’s imagination, spirit, and drive.
Caine's Arcade from Nirvan Mullick on Vimeo.