Giving this shortcut from @crossingthethreshold a try so I can publish to from Tot. Here goes and thanks again for sharing it David! 🥳
The weather seemed too good today to pass up a run after work. The weather was ok but I wasn’t feeling 100% and tried to find a couple hills along the way as I think my lack of miles lately is translating to lack of elevation gains.
Early run today was the plan to get some cooler weather. Today was one of those days I decided to add some miles but even when I finished I thought I had run 1 mile less but still was happy. Then I looked closer and realized I matched last weeks mid week long run.
Found some time today to get a run in. I was super thankful for the overcast sky to at least not have the sun with the heat and humidity. I might have to do a morning run tomorrow.
Woke up really early to get the swimmer off to swim in the first car. Then I sat in the camper debating if this run was going to happen. I probably missed a cooler time to complete it but I did end up adding a little bit to check out this old “camp” nearby.
Spending some time out on the lake today in this sweltering heat. 🥵
Went back and forth in my mind this morning on whether or not this run was going to happen. Mostly with being more busy the next two days I felt I should get this done and due to again the heat. I didn’t wanna wait until this afternoon or evening.
Another humid day even during an early morning run. It seemed more like putting in the miles today but overall after a couple miles I just found a groove and stuck with it.
Going to be a long day of work and then “working” at the swim meet tonight so I had to get this done early. It was humid out there but at least the sun wasn’t shining yet today so that helped keep it a little cooler on my run.
I regretted my decision to run after I looped Round Lake. I then ran across this deer that I see had the right idea of sitting in the shade relaxing. In fact it was so relaxed that it didn’t move much as I ran by about 10 ft away.
If someone suggests running I always jump on board as it is nice to have company on a run. The plan was not to run today but sometimes a little motivation or push helps get you moving. This also lead to a faster pace than I would have done too.
Was just going to go for a shorter run today but after getting out there the kinks went away so I kept going not knowing if I would run this weekend.
Tonight’s creations… ✅ Homemade simple syrup ✅ Red Sangria (though I haven’t drank for 150 days now so let’s hope this will taste good for whomever tries it tomorrow 😂)
Thankful for the odd starting point of this run as I found a fun new trail to run. I have mapped all of the “public” trail but looking back I think there is another connection I could have made.
The plan was to just circle the lake but I was feeling good so I found a place to add some miles. It might have been windy out but I will still take this cooler weather running any day of the week.
Decided to get a run in before the day got too far along by doing a tour around Waseca. Really couldn’t beat the weather and I was feeling good.
✅ Unplanned Camper Landscaping
Overall this worked out pretty well. Two bags of mulch, 6 small bags or rock and these little tile brick looking things. I kind of wish in hindsight I had a before picture now.