After a super late night chatting with some old high school friends I decided to get a short runin. I was shocked at how hot and humid it was already I enjoyed my stroll around a small part of Ames.
Now this is not the bonfire I thought it was was going to see tonight that is part of our HS Reunion gathering but I guess we are in the country of small town Iowa. 🤷♂️
Explored some new areas on my run today. After the warmer humid weather lately it was nice to have a cooler overcast morning today.
This run wasn’t going to happen today if it didn’t happen when it did. However, it was already 72°F out with 86% humidity and I am guessing if the sun keeps staying out today it is only going to get worse.
Decided on a whim (or maybe it was by some taunting by someone) to run today. Glad I was able to get lucky and find a break in the all day rain action that I actually didn’t get overly soaked.
Decided to do a little morning Father’s Day run solo that I regretted due to the heat and humidity. The wind was nice but only seemed to feel it when I was head on. Slightly thankful I am not training for anything so nothing mattered or was required of me. Except getting back to our camper. 🥵
Trails with my oldest daughter… Wasn’t the plan today but how could I say no if someone wants to run with me. She did really well on this little route with no complaints and just kept chugging along.
She was picture shy so she covered her face when I turned around to snap this. 📸
Wasn’t the plan to run this sort of a distance as I was thinking something shorter at the hottest time of the day. However, since I was waiting for my son and his friend to finish golfing I had time on my son and honestly I need this time, space, and miles after the last couple of weeks.
Doing some volunteer hours for my daughter’s swim tonight and I successfully set it up for the live stream and had to do some other tech things to fix some issues. Overall it wasn’t that bad and I found watching the terminal text flash by fascinating.
With some co-workers in town this week and other activities it might be a struggle to get some runs in. Most likely they are going to be in the evening but at least tonight it wasn’t too hot as the sun went down.
My sleep has been a little out of wack lately so this run probably felt harder than it should have. However, overall not bad for a midday long run.
Don’t get me wrong I actually accomplished a lot of work in my 12+ hrs I was in the Portland Airport. However, I did try to have some fun with it as I was reminded of the old movie The Terminal with Tom Hanks and what else are you going to do but create some fun images with ChatGPT.
Decided to run along the York River which want to bad as I found some interesting scenery as well as the Wiggly Bridge. However, once I got into more wooded trails I was wondering why I didn’t run along the ocean again as these wooded trails are like what I can find in Minnesota. 🤷♂️
Run to Nubble Lighthouse this morning. Might have been further than I was planning on running but it was along the ocean the entire way so I can’t really complain.
The cliff walk along the ocean was “closed” but the sign didn’t deter me. There was a couple rough / washed out spots so I had to climb sound but worth the views for some of my run this morning.
This is why the sign was there as you can tell the path is not entirely intact.
A great way to round up the weekend for these boys going 3-0 to cruise into and winning the Championships game! 🥇
Got 2 dozen donuts for the Birthday boy and his basketball team. Let’s hope for a Championship win as well! 🎉🥳🏀
I might have over bought food but it all sounded so good. I know it might have been a mistake to buy food for a late lunch after a very active morning.
Started early today as my running friend I could tell wanted me to help push him the extra distance and I had a hard stop at 11 AM. Granted he created a route that gave us some outs but I knew my role and even though longer than I had run this year he has a race coming up so we got the miles done.