We dropped off the travelers this morning early at the airport. Excited for them and their week together in New York City. Should be a very special 10th birthday for our little one being with her grandparents.

Three people stand together, smiling, each holding luggage by a doorway labeled “3” at an airport curbside.

18 years and counting! It’s hard to believe how time flies, and true to form, we’re spending the evening running kids to their activities. We’ll hold off and celebrate when things calm down later this week, but for now, Happy Anniversary! So grateful to have my amazing wife by my side to navigate through it all.

Two people are sitting and smiling on a large, bright green wooden chair. Surrounding them are trees and colorful playground equipment. The text on the chair reads, “Kiesler’s Campground and RV Resort.

With the day off of work today I convinced a friend to go on a run with me today. The weather was great but I could still feel my legs talking to me from Saturday. So glad I had some company so I didn’t bail on this.

Lake reflects sky and trees; surrounded by lush foliage. A dirt path runs parallel to the water, bordered by wildflowers and grasses, under a partly cloudy sky.

Siri on iOS 18.1 I finally Fixed my Issue

Since the update that happend this last week my Siri has failed to work and I could not figure out why for the longest time. I should preface that I have Apple Intelligence running as well. Everytime I would try to ask it to do something it would quick flash and go away.

As it frustrating has not worked all week I have realized how many times I ask it to do simple things like text, open apps and what not. As I thought about it when I saw this message and captured it I got the feeling this probably was the culprit.

Using that as my guide I did some digging on the interwebs as I had some time during the swim meet this morning. Thankfully I found some help on the Apple Developer forum as it seems like others have had a similar problem. This last comment I did exactly this and it worked.

You should change region to something else then change again to US even if you are not in us because AI is now only working in US region after changing restart your phone then go to AI settings you should either see join the waiting list if you havent press it but if you see it says downloading, do this quick it need a quick manouver. Go to language below again and set it to English.

2024 Trout Brook 10 Miler Trail Run

Such a fun event and another Trout Brook 10 Mile  run in the books at Willow River State Park in Wisconsin. Couldn’t have had better weather as not as cool as last year but just perfect short and short weather. Glad it was cooler as I took my water bottles along thinking I would take one just incase on the run only to find out I forgot the belt it goes with. Since I didn’t want to carry it I decided to just wing it as that was what this whole tail run was anyways. 

I ended up running it faster than last year though I think this route was more challenging. With more up and downs on single track trails. Which comes to find out I am not good at in a race.  Hence in the first two miles I took a little fall in order to take a souvenir home after the run on my knees. Even despite the fall and hills I probably could (should) have pushed it harder on some up hills to stick to the two leaders as after the stairs and the turn around I never saw them again and was really by myself till the end of the race to take 3rd overall.

A scenic view of a lush forest landscape surrounding a winding river under a cloudy sky.

It was also great that I did talked an old work friend the one and only Joey Metzger to join last min this week. So it was great catching up with him before. 

Two men are smiling for a selfie outdoors, wearing athletic gear and standing in a park with trees and cars in the background.

A multi-tiered waterfall cascades down rocky ledges surrounded by autumn foliage and is viewed from a wooden observation deck.

River winds through a forested landscape, reflecting the cloudy sky. Trees with autumn leaves frame the foreground, creating a serene, natural setting at dusk.

Scraped knees show cuts and dirt, while legs stand on grass. Bright blue and orange running shoes, paired with red socks, are near a plastic water bottle on the ground.

A hand holds a square, dark slate coaster featuring crossed fishing rods, flies, and text: “TROUT BROOK” and “WILLOW RIVER STATE PARK” with “ST. CROIX RUNNING CO.” underneath. A wooden floor is visible in the background.

I guess I could still not stop and take pictures in a race. That might help as well but.. it was just so nice out which also could be why I fell as I was not watching my feet and looking around.

The coffee issue from yesterday has been solved. Today has been a better day because of it. 😄☕️

A hand holds a yellow coffee bag labeled “Wonderstate Coffee - Summer Solstice, Organic, Seasonal Blend, Med-Light Roast.” The setting is a wooden-floored kitchen with visible cabinets.

Another run after eating… Still not ideal but I have found out my “backyard” trail seems to have become a real trail these days as the city has made it less an adventure/deer trail and more a real trail.

A dirt path meanders through a dense forest, with tall trees arching overhead and scattered fallen leaves, creating a serene, natural tunnel-like environment.

Looks like things might get interesting this weekend! However, now that I think about it with my road closed, trail closed, bridge out, and trees I jump over making my own trails. I might just be at home. 🏃‍♂️

Text on a dark screen announces: “2024 Trout Brook Partici…” focusing on “Trees Down.” Several trees on the course are down due to storms, making navigation challenging and adding adventure.

After a long day and bad sleep last night this run felt like a lot of work. It probably didn’t help that I ate spaghetti 20 min before because carbs are good right? 🙄😬

Well at least it was a nice night on the trails.

A wooden boardwalk stretches forward through tall grasses, leading into a distant grove of trees, under a clear evening sky with a hint of dusk on the horizon.

Well I did another last min registration but not as last minute as last year with hours to spare. This year I did it a day in advance. I am looking forward to going back to The Trout Brook run this year an hopefully the whole race group doesn’t get lost this time.

Another early morning run in the books right after I put the youngest on the bus. I wasn’t sure how this one would feel but felt better the longer I went. Guess that is a good start to the week.

Vivid orange clouds illuminate a tranquil sunrise over a reflective lake, surrounded by silhouetted trees and grassy foreground, creating a serene and picturesque landscape.

By the time I finally left the house I left myself with a very tight timeline to get this run done before the day really started. It felt good and had great scenery today on Ridge Road and around Christmas Lake.

Flags of the United States and United Kingdom wave on a dock, silhouetted against a calm lake at sunset, with trees lining the horizon under a clear sky.

Got this run done right after my youngest got on the bus. It was very cool outside… Dare I say I almost needed a long sleeve when I started but was fine after a little bit.

Sun sets over a calm lake, casting warm orange hues on the water. Wispy clouds scatter across the sky, while trees and grassy areas frame the serene landscape.

Such a nice morning out today but I wished I would have started right after my youngest got on the bus vs 10 min later as I think I missed the morning glow. That is alright today run felt much better than yesterday and I extended some after getting redirected due to sidewalk construction.

Willow trees stand still, framed by marshy vegetation with a gentle pond, at dusk, under a pastel sky transitioning from pink to light purple.

Back on the home turf this week. I think this whole run was a bit of a blur though as I am still fighting either allergies or just a head cold.

A wooden bridge crosses a small stream within a dense, green forest, with a dirt path leading up to it surrounded by lush foliage and trees.

Probably didn’t need to get up to run at this hour this morning but I didn’t want to hold my relatives up by sleeping in as I was told we had nothing on today but we should meet for breakfast at 7:45. 😅

Cleared forest with scattered tree stumps and debris; tall, sparse trees surround the area under a clear, early morning sky.

Foggy morning run today as I took to the Back Cove.

Two sailboats float on calm water with scattered buoys, surrounded by a rocky shoreline, under a dense, foggy sky.

Another early morning that I had to get out there as the days have been long at work. Wasn’t sure at the start of this run what was going to happen and figured just some miles would be good but I got in a rhythm and it was nice out this morning.

A calm sea under a cloudy sky with a distant shoreline visible, scattered with small boats on the horizon.

Very early run around Portland keeping it mostly to the streets with lights till the sunrise. Then I took to the harbor view.

Wooden pilings stand still in calm water at sunset, under a vibrant, clear sky. Sailboats and docks line the distant horizon, reflecting softly on the serene surface.

Tour of South Portland today where I ran around three Lighthouses (running on the break wall was interesting to say the least). To add more fun to it on my way to get to the first one I ran through Hobstone and Robinson Woods where my ankles got destroyed from the tree roots and rocks.

A lighthouse stands on rocky cliffs beside crashing ocean waves, with houses and an American flag in the background under a clear blue sky.

A stone pathway extends into the ocean, leading to a small lighthouse. Sailboats and two large vessels float on the water under a clear blue sky.

A white lighthouse stands on a rocky shore beside a calm, blue sea, with a sailboat gliding in the background under a clear sky.

Wooden boardwalk stretches through a dense, lush green forest, surrounded by various trees and undergrowth, creating a serene, natural pathway amidst the woodland.