I stumbled across these videos a while back and forgot to share them as they are really amazing, especially if you enjoy skiing.  In fact, the videos don’t seem really fitting anymore since all of the snow was gone long ago in Minnesota.

However, my Brother’s family and my parents are out in Colorado this week skiing and while talking with them last night it reminded me that I had these videos in a draft post from a while back.  Watching these videos really makes me want to hit the slopes as it reminds me and makes me miss the time I used to spend skiing with my family in Colorado and Utah. It seemed like for a while there we used to go every year over Christmas break as a kid.  Not only did those trips create my love for skiing but thinking back it was a time that we got away from our normal day-to-day school (or work for my parents) with the only care (or care I had) was being the first and last person on the slopes every day.  Then at nights we just relaxed by a fire, played board games or watched TV.

I am always reminded of that tradition whenever I see pictures of mountains or other people skiing.  It is just amazing how those triggers bring me back to even my first time skiing in Colorado when I was in 5th grade.  Now that I am thinking back to then, I will see if I can dig up some old pictures to share another time, but until then enjoy these really awesome videos.

Finally, if you made it this far, is there a place you used to go as a child with your family that when watching a video, looking at someone else’s pictures, or even just talking about something remind you of that time?  I would love to hear about the place and what seems to trigger that memory the most.

#WednesdayWeeklyPrompts - Memory