Happy 10th Anniversary to by beautiful and lovely wife April!  It doesn’t seem like that long ago when we first meet in college and well the rest seems to be history now.  However, to quickly recap here are some highlights:

Walker 0910 6793 *10 years and counting*
  • Traveled Internationally to Peru, Belgium, Jamaica, Canada, and Mexico as well as traveling from coast to coast of the US (Arizona, Virginia, New York, California, Colorado, Texas, Michigan, Maine, Massachutes, New Mexico, Washington DC, Indiana, Washington, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, New Hampshire, Penslivania, Missouri)
  • Lived in two different states (Illinois, Minnesota) after growing up in Iowa our whole life.
  • Have had two amazing dogs (Tucker and PJ) that we spoiled completely until the kids took over
  • Have three amazing kids that are very unique in their own ways (Brecken, Madiana, and Gretchen)
  • Bought a house that was a real fixer upper that we have crafted slowly into a house we now call home

Granted we have known each other for more than 10 years but even then in this short period of time being together we have done a lot together and now have a family of our own that keeps us very busy.  I would say we haven’t change much at all but who am I kidding look at how my hair has changed over the years below as it is a lot grayer now! (Can you tell what pictures were after kids :-) )

Thanks for a great 10 years as I couldn’t imagine being on this journey in life with anyone else.  Also, I can’t wait to reflect on the next 10, 20, 30 years and so on.

Here are a couple photos of us through the years.

Wedding eric april 2 683x1024 *The dating days of college* April walker halloween *College Halloween* Dsc07983 1024x768 *Being silly like we often do* Eric and april 040bb 683x1024 *Wedding day 10 years ago* Dsc01490 1024x768 *Party in Chicago* Dsc 6312 1024x686 *Wedding in Virginia* Imag1459 *Watching a Cubs game* Img 3350 1024x683 *Enjoying a Winery/Apple Orchard* Img 0177 1024x768 *Hanging out in Seattle* Img 3098 1024x683 *Hiking around Macchu Picchu* Img 5249 1024x683 *Famous at Archiver Store* Img 6373 1024x683 *Hanging out in Philadelphia* Img 4335 1024x683 *Sitting outside the White House* Img 8070 1024x683 *Beaches in Maine* 14409465 10154549171136660 46629722387196131 o 1024x683 *Family photo as of September 2016*