This past weekend we went down to the Gott Family farm in small town Ollie, Iowa. It is a little bit of a hike to get there from where we live but the kids loved every minute of it as they get to do all the things they donโ€™t do in the cities (e.g., ride tractors, 4-wheelers, and have a personal finishing pond). I am pretty sure if you couldnโ€™t catch a fish in this pond something is really wrong.

As you look though and see the size of the fish you will realize that they seemed to be well fed. Especially when the Grandkids are around.

Doodle checking out the fish


I feel like everyone caught a lot of fish. Unfortunately only one person got the luck job of taking the fish off and putting a new worm back on ๐Ÿ™„.

Riding around the Farm

April, Doodle and I

Brother and Sister


Even the Doodle got to ride along

Drawing on the dock

Also, was great just hanging out with family.

I still canโ€™t believe how tall my son is. It is really a matter of time before he passes me up

On our long drive back we stopped off quick to see my parents and played a round of โ€œGolfโ€