Such a strange winter this has been… I should step back to say that originally I was kind of on the fence if I didn’t want to do a hockey rink this year just because I felt it was not used as much as I would have liked to have seen it last year. However, on a whim and looking at weather forecasts in November I quickly decided to put the boards up and then order a tarp from a new company. Then the weather started to get warm and I waited…. and waited… Like I have done since learning that valuable lesson in my earlier years. However, fast forward to today and it is December 27th and the weather may maybe getting close to the right conditions as you can see from my chart below but I am asking myself a very important question. Am I going to finish building the rink for the 2023-2024 Season?

Such a hard questions as I have a streak going of 9 years and not to mention a good handful of the work is already done with the boards up.

I guess I always do say never say never so who knows maybe in the last moment I will change my mind but I don’t think so as of right now. I don’t take it lightly though breaking a good streak right before a round number but this winter is not what I would have expected and once January 2nd hits everyone will be busy again as normally between Christmas and New Year is when we use the rink the most. Hopefully, looking forward to the 2024-2025 season as I will still have the tarp now and should be ready to go. Guess I will have to (unless I change my mind) since everything is purchased and only labor is needed.