I didn’t really spend any time today diving into more stuff on Weblog.lol, but I did look closer at some.pics as I had a picture I took this morning on an early morning run. So, I did find a shortcut that you can download if you would like something like that, thanks to Maique. The one nice thing I found is that although it says that pictures are not shared publicly without a description, that really means as of this point, it will not show up in some.pics main feed or your own some.pics feed. However, you can still use that markdown code to put on your own site.

I do want to preface this by saying that before you go crazy uploading a ton of photos or even screenshots, do read the Community Guidelines and especially what the service isn’t.

Final note as I kept diving into some.pics is that I could put it on my omg.lol page at the bottom with the following script:


 <script src="https://some.pics/by/ericmwalk.js?count=1&alt"></script> 


There might be more that you can do with it, but it does fit what I would want at the bottom of my omg.lol page. Now that I have somewhat updated that page and taken a closer look at some.pics, I wonder if I should, at some point, take a closer look at the “now” page. πŸ€”