I have not actually used paste.lol all that much on but really it is a Pastebin for those of you who know what that is. I did use it already at one point to save a json to rss script file that I created with other help I found online for a specific use on my Micro.blog consumption. More on that script another time.

The other day, I was reminded me the other day about past.lol and as always because someone took the great omg.lol creation and then added to it by creating a web app where you can write (like I am now) and save them directly to Pastbin. The app can be found at write.omg.lol.

Depending on what you want to use paste.lol for maybe it would not be that useful but for writing like I am right now, I can write in Markdown, quickly view it using the eyes in the upper right hand corner and save it to Pastbin as I go along. Obviously, in the end I am going to copy this over to my weblog.lol but you could just leave this as a single page of notes on your past bin site that I will do as well just to see how it works as well. Remember if anything you can create fun pictures in paste.lol like below:


   U  ___ u __  __    ____    _      U  ___ u  _      
    \/"_ \U|' \/ '|U /"___|u |"|      \/"_ \/ |"|     
    | | | \| |\/| |\| |  _ U | | u    | | | U | | u   
.-,_| |_| || |  | | | |_| | \| |/_.-,_| |_| |\| |/__  
 \_)-\___/ |_|  |_|  \_____  |_____\_)-\___/  |_____| 
      \\  <<,-,,-.   _)(|(") //  \\     \\    //  \\  
     (__)  (./  \.) (__)__" (_")("_)   (__)  (_")("_) 


I will have to see if this really fits into more of a process for me going forward but I do like that it is another little app that can serve a purpose in the overall omg.lol suite of applications. I wonder if I should actually call it the omg.lol toolbox or maybe the omg.lol swiss army knife of online programs. I will keep workshopping it.

paste.lol link to this post weblog.lol link to this post