Donโ€™t get me wrong I actually accomplished a lot of work in my 12+ hrs I was in the Portland Airport. However, I did try to have some fun with it as I was reminded of the old movie The Terminal with Tom Hanks and what else are you going to do but create some fun images with ChatGPT.

Man sitting in airport seating using a laptop surrounded by travelers and luggage against a backdrop of flight information displays and a large, windowed ceiling

Decided to run along the York River which want to bad as I found some interesting scenery as well as the Wiggly Bridge. However, once I got into more wooded trails I was wondering why I didnโ€™t run along the ocean again as these wooded trails are like what I can find in Minnesota. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ

A narrow paved path stretches towards a tree-covered island surrounded by low tide waters under a partly cloudy sky

A green suspension footbridge spans across a body of water, leading to a lush, tree-covered area with a blue sky and clouds above

A dirt path winding through a dense forest filled with slender green trees and scattered underbrush.

Run to Nubble Lighthouse this morning. Might have been further than I was planning on running but it was along the ocean the entire way so I canโ€™t really complain.

Lighthouse standing on a rocky coastal hill under a clear blue sky with the ocean and an unobstructed horizon in the background during daylight.

A lighthouse with an attached house and outbuildings stands on a rocky cliff overlooking a calm ocean under a clear blue sky.

A serene sunset illuminates the ocean, with the sunโ€™s reflection stretching across the water and a distant silhouette of a landmass on the horizon

The cliff walk along the ocean was โ€œclosedโ€ but the sign didnโ€™t deter me. There was a couple rough / washed out spots so I had to climb sound but worth the views for some of my run this morning.

A house overlooks a rocky shoreline beside a calm ocean under a partly cloudy sky with blue and white hues.

Rocky coastline adjacent to calm sea under a cloudy sky with a concrete pathway winding through large rocks and distant greenery displayed on the horizon. This is why the sign was there as you can tell the path is not entirely intact.

A great way to round up the weekend for these boys going 3-0 to cruise into and winning the Championships game! ๐Ÿฅ‡

Auto-generated description: A group of young basketball players celebrates with a trophy in a hallway, some wearing medals and uniforms

Auto-generated description: A smiling group of six people, including a young basketball player with a medal, pose together indoors

Got 2 dozen donuts for the Birthday boy and his basketball team. Letโ€™s hope for a Championship win as well! ๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿ€

Two boxes of assorted donuts are held by a person in a gym where a basketball game is occurring between teams in red and white uniforms.

I might have over bought food but it all sounded so good. I know it might have been a mistake to buy food for a late lunch after a very active morning.

Various grilled foods are cooking on an open outdoor grill including skewered meat vegetable kebabs steak medallions wrapped in bacon and twice-baked potatoes

Started early today as my running friend I could tell wanted me to help push him the extra distance and I had a hard stop at 11 AM. Granted he created a route that gave us some outs but I knew my role and even though longer than I had run this year he has a race coming up so we got the miles done.

Small wooden structure standing amidst dense green trees with two picnic tables nearby on a dirt pathway in a forest setting

Wrong turns, hills and mosquitoes was the theme of this run. Legs felt the ski hills today and of course that was around the time I could find the trail I needed.ย  It was good to change things up today to a different location. Halfway through the run I stopped listening to the Timberwolves game ๐Ÿฅน.

Tall pine tree standing in a green field with a winding dirt path, surrounded by lush greenery and dense forest under a partly cloudy blue sky.

Lake reflecting sky at dusk surrounded by green grass and trees with a calm water surface and a partially cloudy sky above.

Had to drop the vehicle off to get an oil change after my early morning meetings. So it gave me just enough time to run home as well as adding a couple miles as well. Not a bad day out today at all but the legs were feeling tired.

Railroad tracks stretch into the distance surrounded by trees and greenery beneath a blue sky with scattered clouds.

JSON to RSS for

This started out long ago from a post I saw from Sven Dahlstrand (@sod) where he had posted or replied to a post that he created a JSON feed that included at the bottom of each post where you could reply in This was a great news for me as I got to the point where I like to catch up every now and then on what is going on in my Timeline of but with out some sort of sync I wanted everything to just live in my RSS reader of choice. However, I was quickly sad that my current RSS process / application (FreshRSS) did not support JSON feeds.

So I turned to searching various rabbit holes on the internet until I found what I was looking for where you could hardcode a JSON feed into a PHP script (note you have to have this running on your own server) and then it would give me back a RSS feed. This was a great start and I appreciate all the help I found from the Dave Jones and his jsonfeed2rss.php script. However, it was missing the crucial part I now wanted thanks to Sven where I could actually click on some sort of link and get back to the post where I could leave a reply.

So I went to hacking together from what I could figure out how to get an JSON feed from to somehow give me a link to where I could get back and leave a reply if I wanted. I was able to figure it out and have been running that v1.0 since back in March 2023. The only downside was that I was hardcoding my username in the script so I couldn’t really share anything out at that point. Also, I found out the discovery feed was a JSON feed too but I couldn’t quite figure out how to get that to work either.

So I finally took the time to get the Discovery Feed to work not only the main one but also the emoji specific searches. However, I was still kind of stuck at using multiple copies of the script as I was still hard coding it. Easy enough solution, more digging and figuring out how to easily hack* together a passthrough so if anyone wanted to use it they could by just including the old get at the end of a link.

The only catch is you have to have the PHP script on a web server somewhere. If you are interested or find yourself in need of a JSON to RSS script links to both version are below. Also, the list to find available RSS and JSON feeds is included as well.

Versions of my Hacked together json2rss Script

** Support

05/24/2024 Update: I am going to write a little bit more on this topic I think as rereading it again as I just hit publish I think I could expand more but I wanted to keep this article intact. Since my phone issue (self inflicted last week) I have started really doubling down on only using the RSS side to consume and post to More on that in another week.

Was an interesting run with the changes in weather. It went from storming (thunder and lightning) to sunny outside with blue skies (see the picture), and then back to stormy-looking and cloudy when I finished. At least the run felt good.

Wooden bridge spans a small stream surrounded by dense green foliage on both sides in a sunlit forest clearing.

It is going to be a pizza kind of night after a rainy cool day. ๐Ÿ•

A pizza oven flames inside on a wooden table outdoors with a spatula lifting dough nearby. Items like a glass with lemon slices and an umbrella are on the table.

Going to have a long day of sitting in the car today so I figured I would get up on the earlier side and put a couple miles in running. Found this nice little pond that had a paved trail all the way around it which was perfect.

Bare trees stand still in water surrounded by tall grass and vegetation in a wetland area during sunset with a clear sky and distant power lines.

A large green field with tall grasses and sparse bushes leading to a calm lake with dead trees standing in the water, under a blue sky with white clouds.

Sun was shining and it was โ€œniceโ€ out overall for this run. I couldnโ€™t believe how fast this little creek was running where sometimes there is very little water here. Looked neat enough I stopped to take a picture I guess. ๐Ÿ“ธ

A shallow stream with clear water flows through a lush, tree-lined landscape on a sunny day, with underwater plants visible through the surface.

The rain from yesterday finally stopped and allowed for some cooler weather today even with the sun out. Pretty uneventful but with my watch settings a little out of wack from the reset I wasnโ€™t sure of my pace so this run was quicker than I planned.

Tree with green leaves overhanging a grassy field in the foreground dense forest in the background clear blue sky overhead

It was a treadmill run today due to the rain… ๐Ÿ˜‘

Made the most of it and got some elevation so flipped it at a 1/2 mile of 1 elevation and then a 1/2 mile at 7. Also, I somehow was not paying attention and stopped short of 6 miles at 5.99 miles. ๐Ÿ˜ฑย 

This will haunt me for the rest of my life.

I am not going to lie this is pretty darn refreshing…

Hand holding a can of Topo Chico Sabores Tangerine with Ginger Extract flavored sparkling water in a cozy room with a large thermos books basket Pepsi mat GoPro carrying case and AirPods.

Was humid out this morning during this run. I am sure if I wouldnโ€™t have gotten it in earlier it would get worse later today. However, I had some time in the AM before taking my son to the doctors so I took advantage of the time the best I know how.

Sun shining through the clouds over a dense forest of green trees and shrubbery surrounding a small pond.

So proud of these girls for battling all weekend. They should be very proud of what they accomplished in this weekend’s tournament and this spring season! ๐Ÿ’