I was listening to the Intentionally Wandering Podcast by Jeff Sandquist last week and it really struck a chord with me.  The topic he was discussing was "How About Finding Your Tribe."

I am a frequent listener of the podcast and I have found that I almost exclusively listen to it when running in the morning as a way of reflecting.  This episode specifically got me reflecting not only after listening to it but now as I am writing it a week later.  I am guessing it was just the right timing as we and probably the message I needed to hear as we just had some good friends stay with us for an extended weekend.  Then we went to Iowa for a short trip to visit family we don't see enough which then led into a very after a hectic week at work.  Finally, probably the icing on the cake was that I realized it was the first week of August and some of my summer goals of connecting with friends and spending more time with family down in Iowa had not turned out as I had planned.

“Ultimately [finding your tribe] comes down to reaching out to people. … It comes down to putting yourself out there to find the people that you resonate with.” - Jeff Sandquist

The podcast, during that morning run, really made me reflect/challenge why my existing connections are still very important and reminded me that I still need to do a better job of staying connected to them.  Also, it hit me that even though my life/work tends to get away from me, I still need to continue to create/cultivate new(er) connections with people that I resonate with.

This idea of “Finding your Tribe” fits nicely in a year of changes as I continue to reflect on how I want my life to look in the next year/decades to come.  Even, more importantly, it is an underlying theme that guides who, what, and where I want to spend my free time.

There is a lot of other good resources that Jeff points you to with links on his page so I would suggest you go listen to the podcast and check out the other links and information he has.  While you are at it, consider supporting this local (to me) Minnesota Podcaster by checking out his Pateron page.