The Caballo Blanco Experience - Ryan Van Duzer
For anyone who has read the book Born to Run or enjoys running, in general, needs to check out this series of videos that Ryan Van Duzer put together of his trek down to run the Caballo Blanco Ultra Marathon earlier this year.
“You can’t feel pain if your smiling… right?” - Ryan Van Duzer
That was a perfect quote he had at the very beginning and was fitting since he was smiling during what appeared to be the last couple of miles at the end of the video. Honestly, being a runner myself, after watching this video I was ready to strap on my shoes and hit the trails.
Take note, not only is the feat of running 50 miles in a single time amazing but remember he did it all while carrying the video camera to capture this amazing event on film too. If you are looking to be motivated you should definitely check this video out.
Here is the entire playlist so you can start from the beginning and watch all 6 episodes.
Finally, as amazing as these videos are, Ryan has made a bunch of other amazing videos and I don’t see that stopping anytime soon so be sure Subscribe to his YouTube channel, and follow him on Instagram (you can also find him on Facebook, and Twitter).