It has been 5 years since the Blogging Meetup was started as it came about from a group of us that wanted to keep the conversation going after a Blogging Bootcamp that was put on by Honestly, in thinking back I can not believe it has been 5 years but also, I know in the past 1.5 years the site has kind of remained the same and there hasn’t been the engagement as there was in the first couple of years.

Blogging Meetup

Long story short it is time to say goodbye… As of March 1, 2021, it will just remain an archive of information with nothing new posted.

I should probably address some simple questions that you may or may not be asking at this point…


Mostly because I feel like it is time and I think in looking at the stats the Community believes it is time as well. I think most people who have joined over the years found that the WordPress Reader does a great job of keeping you up to date on current posts and makes it simple to quickly interact with one another. Not to mention there are Twitter and Facebook that allow people to easily ask questions and interact/follow others with similar interests.

That is not to say I don’t think a Community like this couldn’t work or isn’t valuable. I just think this specific community has run its course and it is time to close down.

Will this be temporary with a comeback at a later date?

No, this is not just temporary. The plan is permanent but I will never say never. If something would ever take the place with the same name it would have to take on a different form altogether in my opinion but at this point, I have no plans to have a comeback tour.

Won’t you miss this?

Of course, I will miss this, even though I haven’t used it much in the last year I believe the site provided a lot of great value over the years. Also, it is something that was created, time was spent dreaming up ideas and executing various actions to make it what it was. It was a passion project and I honestly enjoyed every minute I worked on it even when I was looming over my head to get another task or post published.


I could go on and on but in closing, I will miss the community we had as this was such a fun project over the past 5 years, and even though I am the one saying Goodbye I will still miss it. Thanks to EVERYONE who helped pioneer and champion, or those who joined, contributed, and followed along in the past. I wish each and every one of you more success in your blogging careers!