Such a great book and as the title suggests it really is For You, now granted Patrick wrote it for a very specific You in mind but the words and wisdom in this book can be shared and internally reflected on by anyone.

A book titled “For You” by Patrick Rhone lies shut on a scratched surface, captured in black and white.

This is probably a book I should have read before now and then revisited every year as it is just a quick read. I can see this book being my reminder of the magic in our everyday connections and honestly how to think about and tackle things you might run across.

There is honestly so many bite sized quotes and phrases I could pull from this book but one I jotted down as it resonated with me in in the You Are A Result section:

You make choices and actions in this moment, right now, that will change you For better or the worse. It’s your choice.

Just a perfect small reminder that depending where you are at in your life or thougths it grabs your attention and really makes you think. Maybe today is the day I should do something different because whatever happens in the future most likely could have an impact from today.

If you are wondering where to pick up this amazing book it is available now so go snag a copy if you think this might be something that could be helpful as well. I am most likely going to get one as a gift for each of my kids for them to have and a a proper time. In addition, I am thinking I might pick up an extra one or two that I might drop off at a little library during my travels this year.