It seems as though Jason has challenged me to do some work this weekend and answer questions. 🫠

Why did you start blogging in the first place?

This is a great question and I don’t have a great answer. I know I dabbled back in my High School days of just writing silly things and posting it to a static webpage with just straight HTML. So that would have been at least back in 1998 since I worked at an Internet Service Provider with a good friend of mine. I probably kept doing that off and on then even though college as I have recolections of sites and that is where my domain came from (probably more on that another time). However, I would say actually documented in a CMS kind of blogging software started in 2007 when my wife and I went to Peru we documented out travels and then we started another one up the months before our first was born in 2009. However, you will see this blog really only goes back to 2011 when I started doing one just more for myself again. Also, I don’t really have anything prior to 2007 online either but I do have the Travels and Family one still online that reminds me of another project that I want to do something with them at some point.

What platform are you using to manage your blog, and why do you use it?

Everything is in for me at this moment and no real plans to change. I have tinkered with some other platforms since going all in on in January of 2022 but this platform fits my needs of having short posts to document things I am thinking about as well as longer form ones as well. I appreciate the work that Manton has done so far and I know he keeps making it better and adding features from time to time.

Have you blogged on other platforms before? 

Of course I have… Seems like a silly question as I would like to find the one person that has been blogging for longer than a decade that has used the same platform since they originally started. I am going to include in here some of the places I have trialed as well but just didn’t stick but I was more curious. So here is the list:

Honestly now that I typed these out I feel like there is probably others that I am just not remembering that I gave a try. However, that have been more short lived or that I am justing giving a try to for fun I noted with a ^.

How do you write your posts?

Everything now starts in Obsidian and gets published to from obsidian. The nice thing is since pulling all my posts down into Obsidian I can go back and edit everything in there too and using Micro.Publish plugin it is super simple to post and update anything.

What’s your favorite post on your blog?

I think my personal favorite is the one where I documented running a 5k a day for 365 days. It is mostly two fold because on the one had it was for me to just document what I did and my own accomplishment as that is really what I like about a blog is a good way to document things. The second is I did get a lot of feedback about it and in fact connected me with a conversation on a Podcast with two guys talking about running and one of which I still chat with from time to time today. The is the second part of Blogging that is amazing is that it does connect you with people you might have not run across in your normal day to day life and makes the world feel that much smaller.

Any future plans for the blog?

I have no real plans at this time as I like the current setup and it is working pretty well. I have been thinking about putting all my images on Bunny to have them hosted from there but for now I think having everything on works perfectly for what I want.

Who will participate next?

I would like to hear from Camiel and Darby