I convinced my friend Joey to let me run with him for a while around Hyland so I could get some elevation today. We split off after a while and I went solo the rest of the way which might have been a mistake as it was then much longer than planned as I might have gotten lost along the way.

A view from the top of a snow-covered hill looking down a ski slope. The slope is surrounded by bare trees, with patches of snow visible on the hillside. A building and a red snow grooming machine are located at the base of the slope. In the background, there’s a cityscape that includes several buildings and clear blue sky. The scene is bright and sunny, indicating a clear day.

A frozen lake under a clear blue sky, with bare trees on the far shore. In the foreground, dry grass and shrubs are visible along the edge of the lake, accompanied by a single tree stump casting a shadow.|354x266

A snow-covered path winds through a forested area with bare trees. The sky is clear and blue, casting shadows of the trees onto the snow. A few trees retain some brown leaves, contrasting with the white snow and blue sky.