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Mar 30, 2025: Decided to take big Darbs for a longer than normal walk today enjoying the snowfall. 🌨️🐶

Mar 28, 2025: Got lost in a book tape and just enjoying the beautiful weather and scenery I almost forgot to take a picture today on my run. So I took a rather odd …

Mar 27, 2025: Not going to lie, even with the beautiful weather out today this run was a struggle. However, I pushed though mostly because it was more or less an …

Mar 27, 2025: Sitting in the Shed Office this afternoon it is feeling kind of warm so I was debating if this weekend I should get the window AC unit down and …

Mar 26, 2025: Running Route Diverted - Portland Maine Because I’m a slightly curious person, after coming across all the mess on my usual running route in Portland, Maine, I had to dig into why they seem …

Mar 25, 2025: It was a long day of work today with some other kid stuff sprinkled in as well. I kept just thinking I would take a day off but honestly I needed this …

Mar 24, 2025: Forty-Four I’ve just spent the last two weeks in Portland Maine obviously traveling back on the weekend because I wanted to watch my daughter swim at her state …

Mar 24, 2025: Planned to take a little time off this morning to do my yearly birthday run. It got a little delayed for work stuff but I did make it out. I …

Mar 23, 2025: Glad to be back home running on some familiar trails again. Decided to put in a short one before everyone was hungry for brunch and basketball games …

Mar 21, 2025: Looks like I will be on a big plane for the last leg of the flight.

Mar 21, 2025: Not exactly what I had planned for today. I created really interesting route that I wanted to try only to wake up and find it pouring rain outside. I …

Mar 20, 2025: It was a rainy and cool one out this morning as I meandered around the bay and then town of Portland. However, not too cold that I could run with …

Mar 19, 2025: Another week in Maine and another loop around the Back Cove in the morning hours. Even though I could probably sleep in more when I travel here it is …

Mar 16, 2025: Was able to find the only time I had today to get this run in. In fact, I dropped my youngest and wife off at the door for State Swim then found a …

Mar 14, 2025: Shorts and tee shirt weather today on this run back in Minnesota. It was super nice out today and just wanted to get a couple miles in this afternoon …

Mar 14, 2025: Running Behind Podcast A friend of mine, Joey Metzger, has jumped into the podcast game with Running Behind. On top of already making great YouTube videos about his running …

Mar 13, 2025: I was glad to get this run in today as I fell like I would have been disappointed if I didn’t wake up early again to make it to the back cove area. I …

Mar 12, 2025: I wasn’t sure I was going to make it out today but I noticed that it wasn’t going to be an overcast day so decided to get at least a short …

Mar 11, 2025: Glad to have actually pushed myself out the door today to get a run in this morning. Once done I felt great and even though it was cloudy today it is …

Mar 9, 2025: Decided to test the ankle and enjoy this beautiful afternoon before I had to fly out later. Explored some new areas as I started where I dropped my …

Mar 7, 2025: This run was not a stellar one at all. It was one of those runs I should have probably stopped two blocks in and called it a day to just take the rest …

Mar 6, 2025: Well I see that Eden Prairies approach to all the snow on the sidewalk is to not touch it more than 30 hours later and just hope that it all melts. …

Mar 6, 2025: I decided to shovel a path to my “shed office” this morning but ended up having to make two paths at a point because under the very direct route was …

Mar 5, 2025: Over the weekend to help me get to the shed office without completely jumping from dry ground to try ground I tossed some boards from the rink to make …

Mar 3, 2025: Some days my Dogs can brighten my day or if at a minimum make me laugh… I looked over this morning from the table and in this light it appears Lainey …

Mar 3, 2025: If it wasn’t for the morning sunrise this run didn’t have much to offer me but forcing me to run on tired legs from yesterday. I am pretty sure I have …

Mar 3, 2025: I convinced my friend Joey to let me run with him for a while around Hyland so I could get some elevation today. We split off after a while and I went …

Feb 27, 2025: As the youngest had swim tonight I decided to use all the light I could to get out for a run. However, it eventually turned dark and I found some …

Feb 26, 2025: There is something extremely satisfying about taking something that doesn’t work and fixing it to extend its life a little longer. My shop vac had a …

Feb 26, 2025: Such a nice day out again today. So I decided to take the time I had and extend this run a little bit further.

Feb 24, 2025: Such a nice day out with 50°F out for a recovery run after a longer run yesterday. Even though it was overcast it felt great out as I wore shorts …

Feb 23, 2025: What start out in hopes to match last weeks total distance I really tried to gear myself up for a 7-8 mile run. A rough start which I had thought …

Feb 21, 2025: It was a nice day out today so decided to get a run in probably against my better judgement. However, I feel like I found what seems like a trail or …

Feb 21, 2025: Every day between 8-9 AM, the sun shines through this window and glares on my computer screen and it is well.. terrible. Well, problem solved now! 😅

Feb 21, 2025: Shed Office Heating Upgrade On a whim last week I decided I needed to get a little more heat flowing in the Shed Office as the electric heaters I have works great until the temps …

Feb 20, 2025: Might have been the very end of the day but I got a run in however it felt terrible… I think if I didn’t have an hour to kill while my daughter was …

Feb 19, 2025: Besides my watch failing me today on this run, I couldn’t complain as it was sunny out and warmer than the other day. However, by cutting out …

Feb 19, 2025: Well first for a long time but I knew I was playing with fire when I left for a run and my watch was at 11% it almost got me to the end but missed out …

Feb 18, 2025: It was still cold today but decided while my oldest daughter and two friends practiced dryland for hockey I would try to get some miles in. Overall, …

Feb 17, 2025: So maybe I shouldn’t go outside for a run today… 🤷‍♂️

Feb 16, 2025: Didn’t want to let this sunshine get away from me today so I went for a run after the morning livestream of swimming before the hockey game in …

Feb 16, 2025: Sad to not be in person at the swim meet today but thankful for technology that I can be sitting at home this morning watching it to cheer on our …

Feb 15, 2025: For our family Christmas gift exchange this year I asked for “swim” socks so I could represent and support my youngest swimming. These work great …

Feb 14, 2025: This was probably not one of my better ideas to run this morning. However, I had the day off today as my youngest has a swim meet that needed to leave …

Feb 13, 2025: I had exactly 35 min to get a run done today to be back before a meeting. How am I feeling? Not great! Should I have gone on this run? Probably not! …

Feb 12, 2025: Felt really good while running today in the very light snowfall outside. Once I got moving it wasn’t bad at all and I might have tried to extend …

Feb 11, 2025: Fascinated watching these two bald eagles just sitting in the tree across the street watching over the neighborhood. Actually come to think about it …

Feb 11, 2025: I have never had a Footnote on any of my blog posts (that I can remember) except for today. So due to that fact, I felt like I should probably update …

Feb 11, 2025: Obsidian Plugin - Linter In my quest of updating old blog posts that I have dumped all into Obsidian I found a great plugin called Linter. What it says it does is as follows: …

Feb 10, 2025: Against my better judgement I went out for a run today telling myself I am back at 100% but I knew this was not true. I felt good moving more today …

Feb 8, 2025: Really enjoyed this weeks People and Blogs featuring Lou Plummer. I really enjoyed reading about his journey to what and how he creates what he does …

Feb 8, 2025: Went to Stages Theater with our youngest and her friend tonight to watch Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus the Musical. It was very well done, …

Feb 7, 2025: I was glad to find a little bit of time to get out for a run after work tonight. However, I did one of those an Apple workouts yesterday for only 10 …

Feb 6, 2025: Got a call out of the blue from an old friend today. It was by accident on his part and I was kind of shocked that I was getting a call at that …

Feb 5, 2025: Ran across this little guy on a trail out running today who didn’t even move when I walked slowly past. 😬😰

Feb 5, 2025: Decided to make this run a little longer today as the temperature seemed better than yesterday. Had the trail to myself except for what appeared to be …

Feb 4, 2025: It really took some effort to motivate myself to get out the door for this run. today. Then I told myself it would be just a couple of miles that then …

Feb 3, 2025: With the snow that fell this morning I decided to toss on my trail shoes and hit the trails for a run. I thought it was going to be colder but wasn’t …

Feb 3, 2025: Hi deer 👋 🦌 As seen out on my run today.

Feb 1, 2025: Got some streets checked off the list today while the youngest was at swimming. Crazy how the other day running it was almost 50°F and today’s run was …

Jan 31, 2025: Thinking about how displays posts in the timeline and if there would be an advantage to excluding a category. Specifically, books as @Annie …

Jan 30, 2025: Decided to take advantage of this beautiful Minnesota weather today and put a long run in. The first two miles I was really second guessing my …

Jan 28, 2025: It was an amazing day out today for a run. It is just too bad that my body didn’t feel the same as I think it has been tired since the long run …

Jan 27, 2025: Killing some time while the youngest is at swimming. I kind of wish I would had a little more time to run but this was probably good enough as I ate …

Jan 27, 2025: Sorry for any noise in my RSS feed as of lately. I have been pulling in posts from Weblog and Obsidian Publish to my site as a way to make …

Jan 26, 2025: Couldn’t pass up on this amazing day to get out for a long run. Decided to go find some hills around Christmas Lake.

Jan 26, 2025: Obsidian Publish Update Let’s just say it was a good run and test. I published a handful of posts about things I was finding out about it and honestly it is very slick …

Jan 26, 2025: While I wait the cold out this morning as I would like to get a run in, I decided to make some breakfast sandwiches for the family. Not going to lie, …

Jan 26, 2025: Weekly Thing Newsletter If you are looking for a great Newsletter to sign up for I would highly suggest the Weekly Thing by Jamie Thingelstad. He does a great job of sharing …

Jan 25, 2025: After spending the day working and messing around with other tasks I decide to do a short run to get the body moving today. It was a good nighttime …

Jan 24, 2025: Some days you just don’t have it. 🤷‍♂️ It wasn’t even the coldest day, but I felt cold and tired the entire run. Pushed through to hit my usual …

Jan 22, 2025: Glad it was warmer out today so I took advantage of this warm weather to get a longer run in. I felt pretty good overall but probably helped having …

Jan 22, 2025: Using Obsidian for I was doing my yearly backup of my site as well as other things I have online just to pull them down and store them on my local storage. As …

Jan 21, 2025: Today feels like an inside the house workday seeing how it is fairly cold outside, and the shed office is a bit cooler than I’d like. I could head to …

Jan 20, 2025: It was another cold day but I was getting a little stir crazy sitting with no running and I couldn’t go a third. So I decided to venture out for …

Jan 19, 2025: Blog Question Challenge 2025 It seems as though Jason has challenged me to do some work this weekend and answer questions. 🫠 Why did you start blogging in the first place? This is …

Jan 19, 2025: Is it a good morning? 🥶 I guess I am inside with a hot cup of coffee with little plans to do much more outside today than shuttle kids to some games.

Jan 18, 2025: With this… we have another teenager in the house. Happy Birthday to our oldest daughter who always seems amazes me. 🎉🎂🥳

Jan 17, 2025: Morning run and the weather felt great. Well the weather felt great but my legs were screaming at me. I probably shouldn’t have pushed it but the next …

Jan 17, 2025: Not sure why but I find this article very interesting learning about Astoria, Oregon as well as hearing the coined term “The Graveyard of the …

Jan 16, 2025: So nice out today I ditched my outer shell jacket for this run. Didn’t have time for a super long one today which would have been nice but at the same …

Jan 15, 2025: This run felt good today even though at the time I went out the clouds rolled in. I did come across this city water truck “smoothing” out this city …

Jan 13, 2025: It was not as cold out as I thought it was going to be which was a good thing as it was 0°F. It was good to get out for a run after a busy hockey …

Jan 11, 2025: My daughter got moved to forward for hockey during this tournament weekend and well today she shined. Today she scored 2 goals on the same shift in …

Jan 10, 2025: These girls got it done today with two shutouts paving their path to an extra game at Freezeburgr 🥶.

Jan 10, 2025: I felt like I had to make a quick run along the water today. However, more sleep would have been better but after I woke up I could not fall back to …

Jan 10, 2025: Got these miles in before a turn in events today that had me driving to Duluth tonight. Glad I added the extra mile today as I was feeling good and in …

Jan 7, 2025: Nothing special on this run today just getting some miles and thinking done. However, I happened to pull up the Training Today app and realized I had …

Jan 7, 2025: Good run to start the week off in between a bunch of meetings. Found another very nice ice rink along my meandering route as well. 🏒

Jan 3, 2025: Cold one out running today with temps low single digits in not only actual but feels like. Wanted to get some miles before the car trip to Iowa this …

Jan 1, 2025: I enjoy stumbling upon some amazing rinks when I go for runs. Today did not disappoint as this one in the distance had a scoreboard. I mean what.?!?. …

Jan 1, 2025: Had the trail to myself on this New Year’s Day run. Good way to start 2025.

Jan 1, 2025: 2024 Application Defaults It is about time as it seems like everyone else is doing a 2024 update to the Dual of the Defaults so I figured I would get it in right under the …

Dec 31, 2024: Figured I would do a short run today to round out the year. Felt good and not too bad outside either.

Dec 29, 2024: Tonight hockey game viewing after an early morning is going to be powered by coffee from Treats. The other kids not playing a hockey game got some …

Dec 28, 2024: Short weather today as the temps hovered around 40°F. Felt good running out there but glad I avoided the trails as they for sure would have been muddy …

Dec 27, 2024: Here we are December 27th and it is raining outside. Not a great situation for the ice rink from a usability perspective for the kids over break but …

Dec 26, 2024: After a nice day off yesterday I decided to use today, of what could have been a work day, to get some fitness work in and meander around for some …

Dec 24, 2024: New bridge on a random run today as I needed to go out and get some balloons. Felt good and meandered my way through the snow and trees.

Dec 24, 2024: Very sluggish run today. Maybe having a couple extras days off this past weekend didn’t help, or it could be all the extra food and sweets.

Dec 22, 2024: We had a Christmas movie marathon tonight (Holiday Touchdown, Christmas Vacation, Daddy’s Home 2) after a hockey game. All the while baking cookies …

Dec 21, 2024: More Obsidian Publish Automation Once I had created the template so I could get a better way to have things display on my Obsidian Publish site I next zeroed in on how to quickly …

Dec 21, 2024: Not sure about anyone else but this looks like a tunnel. I mean if it wasn’t a tunnel why would it be made out of wood as we know wood …

Dec 20, 2024: Obsidian Thoughts 🤔 The more I have been using Obsidian as part of trying out Obsidian Publish, I actually think it could fit even more of just my everyday workflow and …

Dec 20, 2024: Had to drop a gift off at the school for my daughter’s teacher as she left it on the counter at home. I figured on my drive back since it was around …

Dec 19, 2024: Well… I just happed to check our doorbell camera at the right time today to be able to capture this gem… 🫣🏀📦 I think my brothers comment is spot on… …

Dec 19, 2024: How could I pass up this snow day run! My only regret was I decided to go trails and I realized that the boardwalk has some bumps so started to take …

Dec 19, 2024: Obsidian Post Template Go figure my first time ever making a Template in Obsidian is when I decided to go a little further in this Obsidian Publish and figured out a way to …

Dec 19, 2024: Sometimes you just have to dress up for the work holiday party and deck the shed office with some lights. Kind of sad I didn’t do more as planned but …

Dec 19, 2024: After such a long day yesterday I really needed this run. It was cold out but I didn’t notice it one bit as I was all bundled up and just kept moving.

Dec 17, 2024: Initial Thoughts on Obsidian Publish Now that I pretty much have a working example of Obsidian Publish going and have changed around some of the settings and CSS even to make it look like …

Dec 16, 2024: After a long weekend away from home and no running it was good to find some time to get a run in today. The weather wasn’t too bad at all but a little …

Dec 13, 2024: As strange as this day started I still found 45 min for myself this morning to get a run in. I think I will be thanking myself for this as the weekend …

Dec 12, 2024: It was a real cold one today but again thankful the sun was out to keep this run warm enough. Still would like to find some more miles tomorrow if …

Dec 12, 2024: Snow and Cold today on this run circling the lake. The first lap was pretty cold the whole time and I made my own tracks but thankfully after warming …

Dec 9, 2024: It might be really cold outside but inside the pool area has a different feel according to this can.

Dec 9, 2024: Monday morning miles. Meeting got canceled and the rest of the day was looking full so after a day off yesterday I decided to go a little longer today …

Dec 7, 2024: Couldn’t pass up this great weather today to go out for a run in shorts!

Dec 7, 2024: I had limited time on this Friday but it was warmer today than the others this week so I decided to get out for a run. This pond was mostly frozen but …

Dec 6, 2024: Game on! The big two are ready to face off tonight on the rink… 🏒🥅

Dec 5, 2024: With this the 2024 Gott Walker Ice rink is open for business. The girls and Big Darbs tested it out. I will say after shoveling it earlier today Darby …

Dec 5, 2024: Smile! 😀 Why not, I am out running which I enjoy and my ankle didn’t bother me which I was worried about. Also, the sun was out today and no wind …

Dec 4, 2024: Don’t let the sun in this photo fool you as it was up till this point on the run it was windy and overcast. Running wise things were good until about …

Dec 2, 2024: It felt good to get out for a run tonight before dinner. Felt a little sluggish after not being overly productive all weekend but overall it wasn’t …

Nov 30, 2024: Was a cold run out there today and I seemed to have ran across some pumpkin massacre on the trail. I am not sure I have seen so many destroyed …

Nov 28, 2024: After some debating yesterday I did decided to sign up for a 10K Turkey Trot with a little encouragement from people 🦃 . Was a chilly morning but had …

Nov 27, 2024: Flooding Complete: 27 hrs and 11,649 Gallons (44,096 L) of water later I am now going to call it good. It really did take much longer than when I did …

Nov 27, 2024: Flooding Update: 24 hours and I am going to let this continue for a while to make sure I have enough water on the shallow side. I am now wondering if …

Nov 27, 2024: Flooding Update: 22 hrs in and all four corners are finally covered with about 1 inch of water on this shallow side. Since I don’t have to be …

Nov 27, 2024: Flooding Update: Decided to call it a night after the 16 hr check-in as it didn’t look like I was going to have any issues with it overflowing …

Nov 27, 2024: Flooding Update: Can’t believe I still have not filled the 4th corner after 16 hrs of flooding. I am thinking I am just going to go with the plan so …

Nov 27, 2024: Made some time today with flooding the rink and working to get out for a run. Sometimes the best motivation is listening to something interesting.

Nov 26, 2024: Flooding Update: Well 14hr in now and all braces around the rink are in tack except maybe some small ones as things progress. However, water has still …

Nov 26, 2024: Flooding Update: Still filling up slowly now that it is about 10 hrs in I am getting eager for it to at least cover all 4 corners. Hopefully, by the …

Nov 26, 2024: Flooding Update: 12 hours in and only three out of the four corners are now covered but I feel like reaching that fourth is going to take some more …

Nov 26, 2024: Flooding Update: Things are still progressing nicely with no issues to report. I decided to get the back braces put on as I think we have about 1ft of …

Nov 26, 2024: Flooding update: 6 hrs in and things are still looking good. Not quite to half the bottom covered yet but the deep end is filling up nicely so far.

Nov 26, 2024: Flooding update: 2 hrs in and keeping pace with the last time I did it from what I can tell as the water is touching the whole back wall (closest in …

Nov 26, 2024: Commencement of year 11 10 ice rink filling is officially a go! I guess last year I put the boards up but nothing ever happened.

Nov 25, 2024: Not the plan but decided to break my run into two runs today due to a meeting right in the middle that couldn’t be avoided. It was cold out today but …

Nov 24, 2024: I might have to reconsider just waiting until December to flood the backyard rink. This week is actually looking like good weather from what I can …

Nov 24, 2024: Made a little appearance in last weeks video of “Run Joey Run” from when I was at the Trout Brook 10 Mile in October. I love how my friend has taken …

Nov 23, 2024: The amount of signs telling me this was not the way I should run convinced me to turn around as I didn’t want to risk injury or death as the sign …

Nov 23, 2024: The EP Eagle showed up to help cheer the girls on to a victory today. 🦅🏒

Nov 21, 2024: I am not sure why but working at home in the “Shed Office” and then turning around to see this always makes me happy no matter how bad of a day I have …

Nov 20, 2024: Snow run! This was a good break mid day as the days have become longer and it is good to have a reset from time to time. Might have been why I chose …

Nov 20, 2024: I was able to find some time to get away from my desk today to get some miles in. Seeing how I just closed my work laptop now reminds me why I don’t …

Nov 18, 2024: This run was therapy after the rollercoaster morning. Didn’t feel like I was working too hard and just kept moving till it was time to stop. Well and …

Nov 17, 2024: Decisions have been made so here we go again…. 🏒 Probably won’t get a lot done today but boards out in the grass and stakes down from garage.

Nov 17, 2024: Watched Matilda tonight that was put on by our High School. We didn’t know anyone in it but our youngest wanted to see it so invited some other family …

Nov 15, 2024: This was not sure the plan in more ways than one today. What started as me wondering what my friend was going to do for his birthday “run” turned into …

Nov 13, 2024: 60 min to burn in between some meetings today so I used it wisely to go outside and see how many miles I could do then with 5 min to spare. The new …

Nov 13, 2024: Is it? Is it really closed? I am not sure who this sign is going to stop but not the guy running down this sidewalk… 😅

Nov 12, 2024: Under the light of the moon tonight I decided to get some miles in while my youngest was at swim. It was a long day today and I felt very sluggish …

Nov 12, 2024: With a day off of work today I couldn’t think of a better way to recharge than getting some trail miles in at a place I don’t visit often enough. The …

Nov 10, 2024: Decided to get some miles in this weekend as today was not as early as yesterday or tomorrow will be. I probably should have headed out earlier to get …

Nov 6, 2024: Fitting run today with the fog pretty dense this morning and the trail I was on had lots of obstacles ahead.

Nov 5, 2024: Big Darbs and Lainey wanted to be sure to remind everyone vote.. 🐾🐶 🇺🇸

Nov 4, 2024: I was asked if I could go pickup another new “I Voted” sticker as my wife lost the one she has when we voted early. I figured it seemed like a good …

Nov 4, 2024: Got outside for this run mostly in the middle of the rain fall. Decided to find trails and just enjoy being out there as the time change gave me some …

Nov 1, 2024: Needed to get my wife’s vehicle in for an oil change so I dropped the car off and decided to run home. It wasn’t too bad out, might have overdressed …

Nov 1, 2024: I think I will work from inside for a while this morning as the shed office heaters kick on and warm it up slightly.

Oct 31, 2024: This years Halloween crew was out taking over the streets where they left no house behind in a small radius… 🎃 This is a favorite so was obviously on …

Oct 31, 2024: Had the trails to myself on a Halloween Snow day run! 🎃☃️🏃‍♂️ Decided to hit the trails which was fun but really was slipping and sliding along so no …

Oct 29, 2024: A little later start because my youngest missed the bus. So maybe this run could have been longer in my ramblings of the streets and trails but …

Oct 28, 2024: Another year around the sun for this good pup! I think he had a good day as we got him a couple new toys as well as doggie ice cream for him and his …

Oct 28, 2024: Had a small window to get out and run today and I got it done. I didn’t feel to worse for the wear today after the hills yesterday but it was warmer …

Oct 27, 2024: Hills and trails today. More up and down than I am used to but it was fun exploring the random trails of Hyland.

Oct 25, 2024: I had no plan more than I just wanted to get outside and moving today. As for the actual run it was good but nothing fancy with some great …

Oct 24, 2024: This felt good to get out for a run today. The weather was great, helped clear my head, and it honestly didn’t feel like much work so I added some …

Oct 22, 2024: Was a nice day out and I found myself with some time to get some miles in on my favorite boardwalks. This really helped me get through the rest of the …

Oct 21, 2024: Monday miles to start the week off. One meeting got done early so thankfully I could get this run in the cooler morning hours. These two friends …

Oct 20, 2024: Fun time at the game tonight and glad for my son that ISU squeezed out a victory in the end. 🏈

Oct 19, 2024: Was a great morning outside to get this run in before the fun day ahead. I only wish I could find my other gears. Since last week I feel good running …

Oct 18, 2024: Not sure why this just makes me laugh. Probably because there is some truth to it. All Those Meetings, by Kaamran Hafeez and Helene Parsons, New …

Oct 17, 2024: At my son’s request my wife made Chicken Noodle soup with very minimal broth. It thought it was delicious tonight and glad there is leftovers!

Oct 17, 2024: Had to drop my daughter off in the other side of town so conned convinced my friend to go on a run with me. It was needed after the past two days of …

Oct 15, 2024: It was good to get out for a run today as the weather was beautiful out. It was a long day so the energy level was not probably there but oh well I …

Oct 15, 2024: We dropped off the travelers this morning early at the airport. Excited for them and their week together in New York City. Should be a very special …

Oct 14, 2024: 18 years and counting! It’s hard to believe how time flies, and true to form, we’re spending the evening running kids to their activities. We’ll hold …

Oct 14, 2024: With the day off of work today I convinced a friend to go on a run with me today. The weather was great but I could still feel my legs talking to me …

Oct 13, 2024: Siri on iOS 18.1 I finally Fixed my Issue Since the update that happend this last week my Siri has failed to work and I could not figure out why for the longest time. I should preface that I …

Oct 12, 2024: 2024 Trout Brook 10 Miler Trail Run Such a fun event and another Trout Brook 10 Mile run in the books at Willow River State Park in Wisconsin. Couldn’t have had better weather as not as …

Oct 10, 2024: The coffee issue from yesterday has been solved. Today has been a better day because of it. 😄☕️

Oct 9, 2024: Another run after eating… Still not ideal but I have found out my “backyard” trail seems to have become a real trail these days as the city has …

Oct 9, 2024: Looks like things might get interesting this weekend! However, now that I think about it with my road closed, trail closed, bridge out, and trees I …

Oct 8, 2024: After a long day and bad sleep last night this run felt like a lot of work. It probably didn’t help that I ate spaghetti 20 min before because carbs …

Oct 8, 2024: Well I did another last min registration but not as last minute as last year with hours to spare. This year I did it a day in advance. I am looking …

Oct 7, 2024: Another early morning run in the books right after I put the youngest on the bus. I wasn’t sure how this one would feel but felt better the longer I …

Oct 5, 2024: By the time I finally left the house I left myself with a very tight timeline to get this run done before the day really started. It felt good and had …

Oct 3, 2024: Got this run done right after my youngest got on the bus. It was very cool outside… Dare I say I almost needed a long sleeve when I started but …

Oct 1, 2024: Such a nice morning out today but I wished I would have started right after my youngest got on the bus vs 10 min later as I think I missed the morning …

Sep 30, 2024: Back on the home turf this week. I think this whole run was a bit of a blur though as I am still fighting either allergies or just a head cold.

Sep 28, 2024: Probably didn’t need to get up to run at this hour this morning but I didn’t want to hold my relatives up by sleeping in as I was told we had nothing …

Sep 27, 2024: Foggy morning run today as I took to the Back Cove.

Sep 25, 2024: Another early morning that I had to get out there as the days have been long at work. Wasn’t sure at the start of this run what was going to happen …

Sep 24, 2024: Very early run around Portland keeping it mostly to the streets with lights till the sunrise. Then I took to the harbor view.

Sep 22, 2024: Tour of South Portland today where I ran around three Lighthouses (running on the break wall was interesting to say the least). To add more fun to it …

Sep 21, 2024: Created a backing board for our Dartboard that has been in the garage for approximately 5 years. Also, who starts projects at 8pm on the day before …

Sep 20, 2024: Early morning hockey today so I when I dropped the girls off I decided to use the time to make some laps around the nearby lake.

Sep 19, 2024: Tried to get this one in earlier today but still left later than planned. I was really hoping to get the rain that the forecast had but nothing and in …

Sep 17, 2024: I have no comment on this run. I put the miles in….. 🥵

Sep 16, 2024: Just my luck that it happened to be full sun when I decided to head out for a run today. It really felt like work today getting these miles in. The …

Sep 14, 2024: Wet tracks and trails was the theme of this rambling run while my son and his friends golfed at a nearby course. It was a good way to pass the …

Sep 13, 2024: Fun run checking out the new hiking trails around Braemar. Not going to lie I liked the old ones better but I am sure over time these might grow on …

Sep 12, 2024: Due to me not wanting to cross traffic and at the lights I decided to just create a route on the fly which took me to a place I was 2 years ago in …

Sep 10, 2024: We are going to have a lot of new sidewalks soon on a pretty normal go to running route. It will be nice but today’s run made more challenging as it …

Sep 9, 2024: Well that was a warm run today after yesterdays pleasant morning. I really wasn’t looking at my watch for time or anything and kept trying to …

Sep 8, 2024: I actually felt today like I could have gone longer but no sense in overdoing it. I had hoped for this millage on my run today but I really didn’t …

Sep 8, 2024: Another Chapter Closed 📕 A month ago, the title was officially signed over, and a cashier’s check was placed in my hand for the sale of what was once our camper, golf …

Sep 5, 2024: I thought the weather was going to be nice and cool with the overcast sky and breeze. Not to mention I was in need of some coffee so did a coffee run …

Sep 4, 2024: Nothing about this was really enjoyable during the run but after I was reminded it was good to get done. After having some cooler days and running in …

Sep 2, 2024: Day was too nice out to again not go on a run. My legs were heavy but kept prodding along as it was nice out and a long week ahead so needed to front …

Sep 1, 2024: Well I wasn’t planning on running but the weather is amazing out. Not to mention a kid was game to bike along with so I jump on her excitement.

Aug 30, 2024: Couldn’t pass up the nice weather today so decided to go for a run on the trails north of my house. I was shocked to find the boardwalk mostly covered …

Aug 29, 2024: Last week before kids have school next week with our youngest having to catch a bus before 7am 😳. So I figured I would take advantage again of a not …

Aug 29, 2024: GOTOES for Strava I was doing some blog gardening today and stumbled across a picture I took when hiking to Estes Cone back in 2017 with my wife. We were out there for …

Aug 28, 2024: Granted it has been over 24 hrs since the storm but I figured I would make a run around and see some of it. Trail obstacles More Trail obstacles that …

Aug 26, 2024: The new day has not brought any change to the weather but I wanted to get this run done early. Not sure it mattered too much as it was like swimming …

Aug 25, 2024: Despite the stifling weather I had to go out and test the new shoes on a short run. There is a road closed in the neighborhood that I can never really …

Aug 25, 2024: New Running Shoe Day = Great Day 😃🏃‍♂️👟

Aug 23, 2024: Long run before the weekend. Probably should have bailed before I started.. Didn’t get great sleep, iPods only half worked, and after the first mile …

Aug 21, 2024: I am really surprised at how clear the pictures from my daughters GoPro are under the water. It is interesting seeing some of the videos she took to …

Aug 21, 2024: Getting darker in the morning hours makes it slightly harder to get up and move. However, mornings really are the best time for me to get a run in.

Aug 20, 2024: Really feeling it in my legs today on this run after all that biking yesterday. However, it was good to start the day with this as it is back to work …

Aug 20, 2024: New Coffee day! 🥳 ☕ Excited to try the second and last pack I got from

Aug 19, 2024: To continue with the shocked day my daughter wanted to ride back home after riding all the way out to my parents house this morning. We stayed there …

Aug 19, 2024: I am still in shock that my daughter really was game to ride her bike all the way from our house to my parents house. Put in 14 miles this morning and …

Aug 17, 2024: Thankful for the overcast skies today but it was still humid as can be out and I was drenched at the end. Glad to get these miles done even though I …

Aug 16, 2024: Rainy miles this morning. I am glad I decided to not pull my long run in today and will wait till tomorrow.

Aug 15, 2024: After lots of walking and driving yesterday this run was needed I thought. However, my legs didn’t agree.

Aug 13, 2024: This was a fun unplanned exploring run today. We ended up on a road I had been meaning to find in Eden Prairie that is now closed for years and also …

Aug 12, 2024: Long day but got some miles in before doing some other house projects tonight. I took to some trails and found some hills as well.

Aug 11, 2024: Really was a nice cool morning for a run. So I decided to get to what the original thought of miles were vs what I was setting as a bare minimum …

Aug 8, 2024: This one took work to get out and want to run today but this the next few days I am thinking I won’t find time. So the plan was just to get some …

Aug 7, 2024: Got out early to run this morning to enjoy the cool weather. My legs didn’t enjoy it as much as I did but that is ok I wasn’t in a rush.

Aug 6, 2024: It was good to get out after work today for a run but maybe eating dinner first wasn’t my best idea.

Aug 1, 2024: Decided to make a fire tonight at the camper. It was nice and sat out for a while with the dog until the wet wood won out and we headed back inside to …

Aug 1, 2024: Nothing like a new Coffee day to kick start the day. I was pleasantly surprised as I really enjoyed this segfault medium roast from Terminal.Shop. ☕️

Aug 1, 2024: The plan was 6 but ended up with 10 miles this morning. It rained a little but that really didn’t matter I was soaked at the end anyway.

Jul 30, 2024: Was hoping there was rain in those clouds on this run this morning but no luck. So just hot and humid again.

Jul 29, 2024: I think the nailed this on this runand matches this pond… “86°F ☀️ Dew pt.: 70°F | RunFeel™: (4/10) stifling 🤢.” Glad it got the miles in …

Jul 28, 2024: Fresh homemade salsa…

Jul 28, 2024: I love that this lake really has a trail all the way around it. A good distance of ~4.3 miles the only real unfortunate part is if you are trying to …

Jul 26, 2024: Today was a run in search of trails to run on and I think I chose a good trail to go ramble on this morning. Felt good enough to complete this run but …

Jul 25, 2024: M has been really into baking lately and her newest item is blueberry muffins from scratch. I will have to say they are pretty good!

Jul 25, 2024: It was actually cool out this morning which felt great. Just wish I could say the same for my body during this run .

Jul 23, 2024: Glad to get moving on this run early today as the day seems pretty busy with meetings. Also, helps to avoid some direct sunlight midday and I got an …

Jul 22, 2024: Took to the trails running today to change up my normal paths. Not sure if it was any cooler there but gave me something different to worry about.

Jul 22, 2024: Terminal.Shop Coffee Thanks to Jamie and I guess ultimately his cousing Qunn as I saw both of the posts at the same time for me Saturday morning about Terminal Shop. As a …

Jul 19, 2024: Decided to make it a long run morning and head over Ridge Road. It was humid out but I will take the cooler temps since I did a lot more miles than I …

Jul 18, 2024: The girls got the whole family playing Volleyball tonight. Well I know it isn’t a regulation net but we made it work with some rule modifications. …

Jul 18, 2024: This shortcut got me thinking with some modifications might be my best path to get some of the shorter posts I make to DayOne as well. My current …

Jul 18, 2024: Going to try this little Tot to publish shortcut again as it did work as intended but some of the links didn’t translate through as I …

Jul 17, 2024: Giving this shortcut from @crossingthethreshold a try so I can publish to from Tot. Here goes and thanks again for sharing it David! 🥳

Jul 17, 2024: The weather seemed too good today to pass up a run after work. The weather was ok but I wasn’t feeling 100% and tried to find a couple hills along the …

Jul 16, 2024: Early run today was the plan to get some cooler weather. Today was one of those days I decided to add some miles but even when I finished I thought I …

Jul 15, 2024: Found some time today to get a run in. I was super thankful for the overcast sky to at least not have the sun with the heat and humidity. I might have …

Jul 14, 2024: Woke up really early to get the swimmer off to swim in the first car. Then I sat in the camper debating if this run was going to happen. I probably …

Jul 13, 2024: Spending some time out on the lake today in this sweltering heat. 🥵

Jul 12, 2024: Went back and forth in my mind this morning on whether or not this run was going to happen. Mostly with being more busy the next two days I felt I …

Jul 11, 2024: Another humid day even during an early morning run. It seemed more like putting in the miles today but overall after a couple miles I just found a …

Jul 10, 2024: Going to be a long day of work and then “working” at the swim meet tonight so I had to get this done early. It was humid out there but at least the …

Jul 8, 2024: I regretted my decision to run after I looped Round Lake. I then ran across this deer that I see had the right idea of sitting in the shade relaxing. …

Jul 6, 2024: First time Playing Kubb and for sure won’t be my last.

Jul 6, 2024: If someone suggests running I always jump on board as it is nice to have company on a run. The plan was not to run today but sometimes a little …

Jul 5, 2024: Was just going to go for a shorter run today but after getting out there the kinks went away so I kept going not knowing if I would run this weekend.

Jul 3, 2024: Tonight’s creations… ✅ Homemade simple syrup ✅ Red Sangria (though I haven’t drank for 150 days now so let’s hope this will taste good for whomever …

Jul 2, 2024: Thankful for the odd starting point of this run as I found a fun new trail to run. I have mapped all of the “public” trail but looking back I think …

Jul 1, 2024: The plan was to just circle the lake but I was feeling good so I found a place to add some miles. It might have been windy out but I will still take …

Jun 30, 2024: Decided to get a run in before the day got too far along by doing a tour around Waseca. Really couldn’t beat the weather and I was feeling good.

Jun 29, 2024: ✅ Unplanned Camper Landscaping Overall this worked out pretty well. Two bags of mulch, 6 small bags or rock and these little tile brick looking …

Jun 27, 2024: I guess the sign was actually correct today by saying the Trail was underwater. By the time I ran across the sign and then into this bypass I was of …

Jun 25, 2024: Probably not the smartest of decisions running on some of the trails and maybe in general with my bum eye. Not to mention it was hot but it did feel …

Jun 22, 2024: After a super late night chatting with some old high school friends I decided to get a short runin. I was shocked at how hot and humid it was already …

Jun 21, 2024: Now this is not the bonfire I thought it was was going to see tonight that is part of our HS Reunion gathering but I guess we are in the country of …

Jun 20, 2024: Explored some new areas on my run today. After the warmer humid weather lately it was nice to have a cooler overcast morning today.

Jun 18, 2024: This run wasn’t going to happen today if it didn’t happen when it did. However, it was already 72°F out with 86% humidity and I am guessing if the sun …

Jun 17, 2024: Decided on a whim (or maybe it was by some taunting by someone) to run today. Glad I was able to get lucky and find a break in the all day rain action …

Jun 16, 2024: Decided to do a little morning Father’s Day run solo that I regretted due to the heat and humidity. The wind was nice but only seemed to feel it when …

Jun 15, 2024: Trails with my oldest daughter… Wasn’t the plan today but how could I say no if someone wants to run with me. She did really well on this little route …

Jun 13, 2024: Wasn’t the plan to run this sort of a distance as I was thinking something shorter at the hottest time of the day. However, since I was waiting for my …

Jun 12, 2024: Doing some volunteer hours for my daughter’s swim tonight and I successfully set it up for the live stream and had to do some other tech things to fix …

Jun 10, 2024: With some co-workers in town this week and other activities it might be a struggle to get some runs in. Most likely they are going to be in the …

Jun 8, 2024: My sleep has been a little out of wack lately so this run probably felt harder than it should have. However, overall not bad for a midday long run.

Jun 6, 2024: Don’t get me wrong I actually accomplished a lot of work in my 12+ hrs I was in the Portland Airport. However, I did try to have some fun with it as I …

Jun 5, 2024: Decided to run along the York River which want to bad as I found some interesting scenery as well as the Wiggly Bridge. However, once I got into more …

Jun 4, 2024: Run to Nubble Lighthouse this morning. Might have been further than I was planning on running but it was along the ocean the entire way so I can’t …

Jun 3, 2024: The cliff walk along the ocean was “closed” but the sign didn’t deter me. There was a couple rough / washed out spots so I had to climb sound but …

Jun 2, 2024: A great way to round up the weekend for these boys going 3-0 to cruise into and winning the Championships game! 🥇

Jun 2, 2024: Got 2 dozen donuts for the Birthday boy and his basketball team. Let’s hope for a Championship win as well! 🎉🥳🏀

Jun 1, 2024: I might have over bought food but it all sounded so good. I know it might have been a mistake to buy food for a late lunch after a very active …

Jun 1, 2024: Started early today as my running friend I could tell wanted me to help push him the extra distance and I had a hard stop at 11 AM. Granted he created …

May 30, 2024: Wrong turns, hills and mosquitoes was the theme of this run. Legs felt the ski hills today and of course that was around the time I could find the …

May 29, 2024: Had to drop the vehicle off to get an oil change after my early morning meetings. So it gave me just enough time to run home as well as adding a …

May 28, 2024: JSON to RSS for This started out long ago from a post I saw from Sven Dahlstrand (@sod) where he had posted or replied to a post that he created a JSON feed that …

May 28, 2024: Was an interesting run with the changes in weather. It went from storming (thunder and lightning) to sunny outside with blue skies (see the picture), …

May 27, 2024: It is going to be a pizza kind of night after a rainy cool day. 🍕

May 26, 2024: Going to have a long day of sitting in the car today so I figured I would get up on the earlier side and put a couple miles in running. Found this …

May 23, 2024: Sun was shining and it was “nice” out overall for this run. I couldn’t believe how fast this little creek was running where sometimes there is very …

May 22, 2024: The rain from yesterday finally stopped and allowed for some cooler weather today even with the sun out. Pretty uneventful but with my watch settings …

May 21, 2024: It was a treadmill run today due to the rain… 😑 Made the most of it and got some elevation so flipped it at a 1/2 mile of 1 elevation and then …

May 20, 2024: I am not going to lie this is pretty darn refreshing…

May 20, 2024: Was humid out this morning during this run. I am sure if I wouldn’t have gotten it in earlier it would get worse later today. However, I had some time …

May 19, 2024: So proud of these girls for battling all weekend. They should be very proud of what they accomplished in this weekend’s tournament and this …

May 19, 2024: Got this one in before my daughter’s hockey game. She was up and ready to go and gave me a disapproving look when I said I was going to get a quick …

May 17, 2024: Hills and Heat was the theme of today’s run. I even knew the heat was going to get to me but I pressed on and of course the sun was up high beating …

May 16, 2024: Of course right before I jump on a call nothing connects… Come to find out we are having internet issues in the area. This is where I am thankful I …

May 15, 2024: 100 days an counting... Something I didn’t do when I decided to run a 5k a day was talk about or even mention it. Thinking back I believe I told only one person over …

May 15, 2024: This run was saved by Apple Watch notifications… Well more specifically it got me to my meeting on time that forgot about as I thought I still …

May 14, 2024: Sun was really shining down for this run but ducked into the trees for a second to get this photo. Just kind of ran on cruise control today and tried …

May 13, 2024: I realized a couple miles in today that there was still smoke in the air from the fires but assumed it wasn’t too bad. I did get a text from my wife …

May 13, 2024: Sometimes Single and Double won’t do…. Obviously I needed to buy the MEGA STUF

May 10, 2024: Portland Observatory Running the other day I ran by the Portland Observatory which is on my list to actual goto when it is open but I haven’t had a chance as it …

May 10, 2024: No I am not getting on a private plane but they made us walk quite a ways from the actual terminal to get out here. Glad it is a nice day out.

May 10, 2024: Wanted to get a run in this morning before a busy day of work and then flying. Plus how can I pass up one last morning run along the water and then …

May 9, 2024: Decided to meander around the streets tonight before dinner. Didn’t have a solid plan as I just didn’t want to run too far but the weather was nice.

May 8, 2024: Went for a longer run this morning as it is going to be a long day of meetings at work. Decided to hit the Back Cove again and now that it is lighter …

May 7, 2024: After getting into town so late last night I didn’t think I was going to wake up and run today. However, with it being so much more sunny at 5am here …

May 7, 2024: Changed it up this time and decided to have dinner at Luke’s Lobster. I am not sure why I don’t come to this place more often good food and a …

May 6, 2024: Writing with Obsidian For the past couple of posts I have made, everything has been written in Obsidian and then pushed to via Micro.Publish created by Otavio …

May 6, 2024: It was a warner one than I anticipated but I know my body is not heat ready still with all these changes in temps. However, I pushed through the miles …

May 5, 2024: Where Balloons go to Deflate 🎈 I didn’t think much of it a couple weeks ago when I found a balloon sitting next to my office door in the backyard. However, a couple days later I saw …

May 5, 2024: The kids slept in this morning so I took that time to quickly get a run in. Legs felt heavy today so probably good that this week had some lighter …

May 4, 2024: Mystery Solved just a NameDrop Last night I saw this random animation on my Apple Watch that I had seen once before but had no idea what it meant or why it started. It seemed to be …

May 3, 2024: Went to support one of my kids friends perform in the school play Annie tonight. I miss going to play as we haven’t been for years. Also, reminds me …

May 3, 2024: Thankful that my early morning meeting got canceled as I was able to actually get a run in earlier than I normally would. It was so nice outside too …

May 3, 2024: Really I can’t complain how this Friday has started out, I got an early run in and came home to try another newer coffee for me from Groundwork. …

May 2, 2024: WorkOutDoors App I really do like my Apple Ultra watch and am glad to only be rocking one watch on a daily basis unlike a couple years ago. However, having the Ultra …

May 2, 2024: The start of this run it was very misty out but then cleared up. Overall just plugging away at some miles but being careful of the geese I came across …

May 1, 2024: Bolo Every now and then I run across something that has me remember something from my past and today it was a computer game called Bolo by Stuart Cheshire. …

May 1, 2024: Quite a bit of wind on one of the long straight sections right in my face. Not horrible but really made I hard to listen to my audiobook. Other than …

Apr 29, 2024: Tried out a new game that has been in the closet for a while with the girl that normally doesn’t like board games. How could I pass that up. It was …

Apr 29, 2024: Rained all day again today so got lucky to only have a little mist from time to time. Was good to get out for a run after a very derailed work day. I …

Apr 29, 2024: I really want to use Shortcuts more but I feel like I run into this issue so much moving from my iOS to MacOS which then I need to recreate the …

Apr 27, 2024: No good reason but thought it was good idea to utilize my 2 hr and 45 min wisely. All went well on this run until around mile 12 I realized this is …

Apr 26, 2024: Well I was thinking about having a longer run today not knowing what the weekend is going to hold but my running friend I was able to twist his arm …

Apr 24, 2024: Just put myself on cruise control today to see where the run took me on this beautiful day with no clouds in sight. Overall it was a great use of my …

Apr 23, 2024: Overcast day but the weather was good so I will take it. I didn’t really have a plan when I started but I have been trying to seek out hills more on …

Apr 23, 2024: What better way to start off a Tuesday than trying a new coffee to get going… ☕️

Apr 22, 2024: The seemingly permanent sign wasn’t wrong today the Trail was Underwater. Thankfully I was able to hop through it without soaking my feet for the …

Apr 20, 2024: Even though this run was longer than last week this felt so much better. I think the weather had a lot to deal with it but also being slightly more …

Apr 20, 2024: For You by Patrick Rhone Such a great book and as the title suggests it really is For You, now granted Patrick wrote it for a very specific You in mind but the words and …

Apr 19, 2024: Productive morning at the campsite there was no damage and the camper worked just fine (guess no water is on yet). Not to mention the golf cart still …

Apr 19, 2024: Backyard neighborhood trails in my backyard neighborhood… Would have been a good running choice until I forgot about all the rain we got …

Apr 18, 2024: Since I finally finished my work book club book I can shift my focus to picking some of these off that have been sitting patiently waiting on my …

Apr 18, 2024: Glad to have found some time to get out there for a run on this sunny but cool day. Felt pretty good so just rambled around the neighborhood with no …

Apr 17, 2024: Gmail Overload - Because of Calendar Invites and Document Shares For any of you working somewhere that uses G-Suite products you might be able to relate to my issues. To preface, working in all sorts of time zones …

Apr 16, 2024: Utilized my time running tonight while waiting for my son to finish basketball practice. Thankfully, I found a break in the rain that lasted all day …

Apr 16, 2024: It is tough some nights to find time for the whole family to be together when each kid has a different activity from 5 to 9 PM. However, thankfully, …

Apr 15, 2024: This ZIKE card is nice and fits perfectly in my thin wallet that I shouldn’t misplace anymore.. Shout out to @burk from Episode 108 of …

Apr 15, 2024: Wasn’t sure how this run was going to go after the weekend but I felt really good. I need to do better at pivoting my route so when I want to do a …

Apr 14, 2024: I am again starting to see a trend in my Tax filling promptness… I get I again had all day tomorrow but still feels down to the wire when I …

Apr 14, 2024: Guess it is a Super 73 biker gang that went into Target 🏍️🚲

Apr 14, 2024: Had a good longer walk with Big Darbs this morning who now is passed out on the floor in front of his water bowl. We saw two swans this morning but no …

Apr 13, 2024: Sometimes you make mistakes in planning but you push through the training run. Even though I knew it was going to be warm I misjudged the amount of …

Apr 11, 2024: 📷 Photoblogging: Day 11 - Luckily I missed those dark clouds in the sky when I was outside. However, I also missed snapping a picture of a rainbow 15 …

Apr 11, 2024: This day has been crazy so I am glad I got some time earlier today between meetings today to get this run done. I really wasn’t sure it was going to …

Apr 11, 2024: Found some time tonight before I had to pick the youngest up from dance to squeeze this run in. The rain stopped right before I started which gave the …

Apr 10, 2024: 📷 Photoblogging: Day 10 - As we have been doing some organizing over the last couple of months I keep holding onto all of my old model Trains even …

Apr 9, 2024: 📷 Photoblogging: Day 09 - Now that I have been using a paper notebook again to jot things down for work I appreciate the crisp new pages I start each …

Apr 8, 2024: A tail of running on tired legs and misjudged weather. I guess just one of those runs you try to get into a zone and try not to think about it. I will …

Apr 8, 2024: 📷 Photoblogging: Day 08 - This is probably good prevention for most but when out for a run I don’t let these little obstacles stop me.

Apr 7, 2024: 📷 Photoblogging: Day 07 - Sparkling water (from this machine now specifically) has been a staple of my well-being lately giving me a slight pivot I …

Apr 7, 2024: Well before we started this run we knew it was going to be a rainy one today… And it was for really all but a couple miles. 🌧️

Apr 7, 2024: Shaarli Shortcut I was sad to see the news inside of the Shaarli IOS app that the IOS app will cease to exist starting sometime in the summer of 2024. I am not sure if …

Apr 6, 2024: 📷 Photoblogging: Day 06 - Seems windy out today but based on the weather I saw it might be worse tomorrow morning when I am planning on being out and …

Apr 5, 2024: 📷 Photoblogging: Day 05 - I feel bad reposted a picture I already posted today but to me this is serene when running in the morning because at this …

Apr 5, 2024: Got this run in earlier today as the kids didn’t have school. So enjoyed this casual, slightly on the cool side with shorts run.

Apr 4, 2024: 📷 Photoblogging: Day 04 - Really not much foliage on any of the trees but give another month and I feel like this path alone will start to change.

Apr 4, 2024: I had exactly 45 min to get this run in before the next meeting. Not bad overall as I gave myself a couple min to cool down as it was much warmer out …

Apr 4, 2024: Still Sticking with the USB sticks I see... I am baffled by what has been happening as I posted in December last year when I purchsed some picturs and was handed a USB stick. I am not quite sure …

Apr 3, 2024: 📷 Photoblogging: Day 03 - Just a couple of important cards to keep around the office 😏

Apr 2, 2024: 📷 Photoblogging: Day 02 - With this strange Spring weather the only flowers found were fake ones inside 🤷‍♂️

Apr 2, 2024: Running street hunter edition… It got dark quick so I decided to use my time to pick off some streets I have not run and boy did I find …

Apr 2, 2024: Is it important? A little word of advice, but honestly it just seems like common knowledge… If you are trying to set up what you deem as a very important …

Apr 1, 2024: 📷 Photoblogging: Day 01 - Big Darbs looks longingly at his Toy…

Apr 1, 2024: Even though it was overcast today the weather wasn’t bad out for my run. I like having slower Mondays at work from a meeting perspective as it lets me …

Mar 31, 2024: Decided to do a short Easter run today in order to hit a smaller millage goal of the week. Also, felt like with the amount of snacking and food in my …

Mar 30, 2024: The Return of Record Monsters..🦖 Well not really the return of the actual company or products but as I was looking at past blog posts today I found My First Post that was posted on …

Mar 29, 2024: Had fun playing this older game we would play with the kids when they were little called The Bernstein Bears Learn to Share. We had fun and I always …

Mar 29, 2024: Friday morning unplanned half that included Ridge Road. I might have choose one of the more hillier routes to run today for no good reason at all. …

Mar 27, 2024: Had to take it slow with a number of ice spots out there today. Also, the route I ran got interesting as I came to some sections where the sidewalks …

Mar 26, 2024: We Escaped the Room tonight playing the box escape room game called Mystery at the Stargazer’s Manor. We even competed the whole challenge in …

Mar 26, 2024: Took the “Bear” (Big Darbs) for a walk in the snow tonight on some trails near the house. I think he really enjoyed it and felt at home blazing a …

Mar 25, 2024: Compared to yesterday today’s run was rainy. I thought I found a break in the action only to find myself out there getting poured on. Just amazing …

Mar 24, 2024: What better kind of run to have than a trail run while the snow falls. Not bad for a birthday run this year. 🥳

Mar 24, 2024: Forty-Three What another year it has been. It has been an interesting year and still busy as always. I keep thinking to myself that I should start these days, if …

Mar 23, 2024: Even with the colder weather it was actually a good day for a run. Explored some new areas and then took the easy trail to get back to the car in the …

Mar 21, 2024: Needed to move today after a long day of being on calls and knowing my night was going to entail updating slide decks. However, on this run if I would …

Mar 20, 2024: When you see a green arrow while out on a run pointing into the woods you follow it right? Well it didn’t lead me to anything but took my mind off the …

Mar 19, 2024: Running tonight I can close to a track and this came up on my watch. Very interesting and I wonder if it helps with track accuracy (which I am …

Mar 19, 2024: Between running into the wind for the first half of this run and the GPS screw up. I am not sure how far or fast I really ran 🤷‍♂️.

Mar 18, 2024: Spending a day with my girls... Spent today with these two girls and had fun with limited plans. We played some Arcade games at Dave and Busters, ate some rolled Ice Cream, did some …

Mar 17, 2024: Took the girls out to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner tonight and they wanted to dress up fancy.

Mar 17, 2024: When we started the goal was 8 as we both have been a little down for the count. As we approached stopping at 12 I swayed the vote to run another loop …

Mar 16, 2024: Decided to take the big dog for a longer walk this morning as we have very little on the schedule today. 🐶

Mar 16, 2024: On this day... In my blog gardening (thank you Jamie I am stealing your term) I have stumbled across when I was in Germany for two weeks for work back in 2018. …

Mar 15, 2024: Decided to make it a short easy run today on as many trails as I could find. Was the perfect start to the day in the woods with the sun peaking …

Mar 14, 2024: Some days it feel hard and today was that day. I decided to use the not feeling great run to pick up some streets I hadn’t completed. Nice to see the …

Mar 13, 2024: Well it has happened… This is the first to get braces (and not the last). I think Boo is pulling this look off and she was super good/nervous excited …

Mar 12, 2024: Where did the trail go? I thought they hadn’t started construction around Braemar yet and I was right and wrong as I found myself running through …

Mar 12, 2024: I really hope that there is nothing wrong with drinking too much plain sparkling water as I think my consumption level of that has increased 5x. In …

Mar 11, 2024: Now that is is finally getting warmer out and the millage is creeping up I realized I am in need of a new Hydration pack since the last time I wore …

Mar 11, 2024: Over 60°F run wow! Such nice weather out today but deep down I know my body needs to start getting used to warmer weather on the horizon. Glad that …

Mar 9, 2024: It was such a nice day to head out for a long run. Pace for some of the miles were maybe a little fast for building but when you get to talking it …

Mar 9, 2024: Guess today is National Barbie day so when the local grocery store has Barbie-themed donuts it makes sense to get some.. 🍩

Mar 8, 2024: Today is going to be powered by lots of coffee… ☕️🔋

Mar 7, 2024: These bacon wrapped scallops really hit the spot 😋 📍DiMillo’s On the Water, Portland

Mar 7, 2024: Well this was a very wet run this morning as it rained the entire time I was out there. I tried my best to avoid puddles but found myself on a muddy …

Mar 6, 2024: Shorter and quicker run today because I had to get into the office very early before a long day of meetings. Interesting sunrise this morning with a …

Mar 5, 2024: Decided to hit the streets of Portland and with no running plan. Along the way I stumbled upon this building and had to look it up later. The Hey …

Mar 4, 2024: Good morning from the East Coast! I am sure some of it is just a change of scenery and it helps that the sun rises earlier here than home but I really …

Mar 4, 2024: Reminded why I like app based ride services Say what you will about ride-sharing companies, but honestly, a coworker and I arrived at the airport at the same time and were going to share a cab. …

Mar 1, 2024: Had the day off today so why not get the run in early so I had the rest of the day free. Oh wait, there was Hockey games today. This particular route …

Feb 29, 2024: This is why I can’t buy nice sunglasses…. I toss them in the car and then I sit on them…. and repeat 🤦‍♂️

Feb 28, 2024: Last time for my daughter to do piano for a while so I filled the time running and filling in my street map. Still cold 🥶

Feb 27, 2024: What the weather happened here! This was snowy, windy, and cold on this run. Strange how a little more than 24 hrs goes by and my whole outlook …

Feb 26, 2024: Start of the week so I wanted to make sure to get some miles in. However, I quickly realized that my body was not ready for 58°F with lots of sun to …

Feb 25, 2024: Well 45 min of work and we will call this Backyard Ice Rink season a wrap… or bust! 🥺 Till next year I guess… 👋 🧊🏒

Feb 25, 2024: Well didn’t see this one coming after yesterday but here I find myself at a swim meet all morning today. Thankfully I have a great spot and view of …

Feb 24, 2024: The plan was for a mile less running today but seeing how we made a couple wrong turns it helped force our decision to continue to the half distance. …

Feb 23, 2024: 🔗 Genius vs. Expertise - by John Warner Playing drums on pillows or even simulate drum rhythms and fills by clicking his teeth together is not being …

Feb 22, 2024: I decided to flex my lunch today and get this run in since it is short weather! Day started crazy at work with lots of little things to tackle so I …

Feb 22, 2024: Drafts Thoughts I think the idea of drafts still is very compelling but there is a part of me thinking there is just to much it can do and I really just am …

Feb 21, 2024: I have no good reason at all but found myself installing Drafts again. I don’t think it is going to stick but figured I would check it out and …

Feb 21, 2024: It is that time of year I guess… This is the first year of Girl Scouts for this girl to experience cookie selling so we were out pounding the …

Feb 20, 2024: I told myself I wasn’t going to run today but it was so nice out that I had to. I somewhat regretted it as I my legs were feeling but I got some miles …

Feb 19, 2024: Kind of a day off but before I actually started working I decided to put some miles in to start the week. Was glad it was another nice sunny day. All …

Feb 18, 2024: So much nicer out today than yesterday. I think I still am not good at “recovery” miles or a recovery run.

Feb 17, 2024: Decided that this seemed like a good way to end my mall experience with my daughter and her friend tonight

Feb 17, 2024: With packed and uneven snow on the trail added for a more interesting run than planned. We had figured it might have been plowed and then with the …

Feb 17, 2024: No, no, I don’t have a problem… 🫣👟🏃‍♂️

Feb 15, 2024: Had to get out and actually run through the snow today! 🌨️ I had no real plan just wanted to creat my own tracks but wish I could have done it when …

Feb 14, 2024: Snow dog… 🐶 🌨️

Feb 14, 2024: Missed this yesterday but I am really interested to dig into Notes for! Congratulations and thanks to @manton and the team this will be a …

Feb 14, 2024: The plan was to wake up earlier than normal to run but I got a little bit more of a head start today since for some unknown reason my daughters set an …

Feb 13, 2024: Just two best friends hanging out in the Shed Office while I get work done today. 🐶🐶

Feb 12, 2024: Another great day to get outside for a run with shorts! This was one of those days I didn’t think it was going to be as productive as a run and in …

Feb 12, 2024: I think I have spent the entire day working on presentation slides, and slicing and dicing data in Excel to make charts and figure out the details of …

Feb 11, 2024: It was almost too nice not to get outside today with the run shinning. I also kind of wanted to get my weekly running total over a number so decided …

Feb 10, 2024: Continuing to build the millage base. This run was longer than any run I ran in 2023 which is kind of odd to think since it is only February. Saw some …

Feb 10, 2024: App Since I’ve been trying to post more photos to, I found that even with the shortcut, it was a bit cumbersome. I had to then log into …

Feb 9, 2024: Notes I have not actually used all that much on but really it is a Pastebin for those of you who know what that is. I did use it already at one …

Feb 9, 2024: Well the ice might be receding now but it felt so much colder out running today and my body is not used to this anymore. Not only cold but the wind …

Feb 8, 2024: View from the office today. Even though it hit 50°F, I made the decision to not venture out any more than necessary.

Feb 8, 2024: weblog firehose? The feature on has me wondering how many people are utilizing the weblog service. I ponder whether there could be a directory or a …

Feb 8, 2024: Now Page It probably took me too long, but I finally managed to put together a “now” page on At this point, it’s pretty basic, and I …

Feb 7, 2024: Some.Pics I didn’t really spend any time today diving into more stuff on, but I did look closer at as I had a picture I took this …

Feb 7, 2024: Early morning run that had a small trail section to make it that much more remote in the early hour.

Feb 6, 2024: Posts with Images In reading more chatter online, it seems like people are really checking out all of these newer indie blogging software which is great and each is on …

Feb 5, 2024: This run was mostly done so I could goto the pharmacy to get my son some medicine. On the way back I wanted to see if this nice hockey rink got picked …

Feb 5, 2024: ChatGPT and Theme Support I still like the work that I did late last week on the theme of this site, but I kept thinking I didn’t have the colors right, as what I really …

Feb 4, 2024: 🎬 Family Movie Night - Wonka which was a fun musical and overall good movie.

Feb 4, 2024: Finishing the weekend off right after a busy fun filled couple of days…

Feb 4, 2024: Setup with Working Copy So I tried to make a post yesterday and had no idea why I didn’t see it, figuring it would show up eventually. This morning, when I still …

Feb 3, 2024: Kind of forced this run by leaving myself no out. My youngest had a swim meet this morning and then other things. So I had my wife leave me at the …

Feb 3, 2024: Some days it is good to flex different brain muscles and do something outside your comfort zone. Today for me that was spending some quality time …

Feb 2, 2024: Spending time with Weblog I have spent way more time than I would like to admit messing around with today. However, I am pleased with the overall result as I have a …

Feb 2, 2024: Digging back in to the configurations and setting of allowed me to find out that you can have titleless posts now. Kind of nice for someone …

Feb 1, 2024: It was short weather today for this run and crazy to think it is Feb 1st. I was planning on doing less millage than this as I am trying to build the …

Feb 1, 2024: Beginning Again - Weblogs It works, but how does this work again? With all of the new fun blogging tools that have been coming out lately, I have been wanting to try every …

Jan 31, 2024: Decided to get an early run in today in order to make sure I had time for it. Very quiet out which made for a nice morning. If only it was that time …

Jan 30, 2024: Correcting a problem… Clicking on On this Day at the top of my blog like I have been trying to do most days only to find out no posts found. …

Jan 29, 2024: Nice and sunny out today for this run. I think adding so much millage last week might have made me felt more tired today than I should have. If you …

Jan 27, 2024: Well got a nice long run in even if I lead us down some very muddy trails… I was close at points but at least I didn’t fall.

Jan 27, 2024: Finally got an earlier morning run in today as the kids didn’t have school. However, with the fog / mist again no sunrise views. I tried to keep this …

Jan 25, 2024: This crazy weather.. You almost wouldn’t even know it was winter here from this picture. However, it wasn’t bad running weather to get out there today …

Jan 25, 2024: Such sad news that with all this warmer weather the US Pond Hockey Championships Golden Shovel weekend has been canceled. Years ago I stumbled upon it …

Jan 24, 2024: I really can’t believe this weather we are having as it is January 24th and it is lightly raining outside and 34ºF. The little bit of snow that …

Jan 24, 2024: Remember that time I thought it was a good idea to put some watermarks on photos I uploaded to and old blog? Now that everything has been on M.b for a …

Jan 23, 2024: The run itself felt good but boy was there some slick spots out there. What you can’t tell is the hidden ice on this sidewalk. We got a little mist …

Jan 22, 2024: Amazing how much better 30°F weather is to run in after all the single or below zero temps we had last week. I wish I could have gotten out in the …

Jan 21, 2024: Ended today with basketball again for this kid who made some great and clutch shots to help his team win by 1.

Jan 21, 2024: The photographer and her mini apprentice 📸

Jan 21, 2024: Birds Eye view of the Hocky game today… Let’s go Eagles! 🦅 🏒

Jan 20, 2024: Last event of the day… Hockey again… 🏒 Let’s go Eagles 🦅

Jan 20, 2024: Next up on the agenda today is a Swim meet… Let’s go! 🏊‍♂️

Jan 20, 2024: 8am hockey let’s go Eagles! 🏒🦅

Jan 19, 2024: Friday Night Hockey… 🏒 Let’s go Eagles 🦅

Jan 19, 2024: Was still cold outside on my run today but glad to get a couple more miles in before the weekend. In a round about way I have stuck to my plan for the …

Jan 17, 2024: Finally the last of my domains have been moved off Google Domains to Porkbun… Saying this also has me thinking I should maybe let a couple …

Jan 17, 2024: With the sun out today this run felt much warmer. There was a little wind out so I strategically tried to not run into it for as much as possible.

Jan 17, 2024: Made a grave mistake today as I decided to come work from the shed for my 7:30am meeing and I should have turned up the heaters earlier. This 30° F …

Jan 16, 2024: Another night run but at least it is getting warmer again.

Jan 15, 2024: Didn’t want to not have run for 4 days because I was at a hockey tournament so I decided to go for a run to tonight in this balmy weather. Seemed like …

Jan 14, 2024: This rink is an experience and now to add to it they had bathroom issues so droppped off some of these. The weather outside is -6°F and I would guess …

Jan 14, 2024: Good morning Duluth… It is so cold outside that steam is coming off Lake Superior.

Jan 13, 2024: I am not going to stand like this for too long or I will be doing the splits on this moving restaurant at the top of the Radison Hotel …

Jan 12, 2024: Hockey Tournament weekend again… Let’s go Eagles 🦅 🏒

Jan 12, 2024: Was a cold one out there today so it was just a meandering run on very familiar paths. Decided to take the backyard trail but it was very rough as no …

Jan 10, 2024: Had the time today to peel away from my desk and get a little longer run in before the snow flew this afternoon. I had no real plan on this run but …

Jan 9, 2024: Took Big Darbs on a walk tonight who guided the way with his light on his collar 🐶🔦

Jan 9, 2024: Had to go pickup the van from an oil change today so the only logical way was to run there. I should probably avoid this tunnel but I didn’t want to …

Jan 8, 2024: Making fresh tracks while the snow was falling today on my run. Don’t get me wrong when I was on the sidewalks I was a little nervous about slipping …

Jan 8, 2024: I need to sync up some passwords on all of my devices again as I am currently unsure what my password is on an older Macbook Air as I have had to …

Jan 7, 2024: Rounding off the weekend activities with the oldest playing some Swag Ball 🏀

Jan 6, 2024: Saturday night means Swim meet for the youngest.. Let’s go! 🏊‍♀️

Jan 5, 2024: I don’t know if I trust that ice on the lake yet… That is ok I will continue my run around it. Not to bad out, still feeling good but it is …

Jan 5, 2024: Friday night… Hockey night of course. Let’s go Eagles 🦅 🏒

Jan 5, 2024: Seems to be some issues with my cable modem and I need to go reboot it. However, that is all the way back in the house so for now I am just going to …

Jan 4, 2024: Starting off 2024… Such a great comic from

Jan 4, 2024: Enjoyed a cup of coffee in this new mug this morning while I caught up on things avoiding work 🫣…. ☕️

Jan 3, 2024: Avoided this icy tunnel I ran by today. I was glad to get the millage I was shooting for with my limited time and felt good out there even at the …

Jan 2, 2024: Time to start off 2024, no plans yet but need to get my running fitness back up after my time off and feeling under the weather. This run felt good …

Jan 2, 2024: Over a year ago I got the brainy idea to host my image uploads on another site I have and just link them in M.b. Decided to fix that and put them all …

Jan 2, 2024: It seems especially dark in the “office” today even with all the windows open and my normal small light on. I might have to turn the top …

Dec 30, 2023: It felt good to get out there yesterday but I could tell about mid way through the end of this run I am still not 100% from whatever I picked up. …

Dec 28, 2023: I decided to jump on the bandwagon and create some of my own figurine 😏 🏃‍♂️

Dec 28, 2023: With being sick before Christmas (not still at 100% but getting there), Christmas Day, limited kid activities (only hockey), and me having work off …

Dec 28, 2023: 🎬 Family Movie Night: The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes - Enjoyed the movie took me a while to tie this movie into the others. My …

Dec 28, 2023: Backyard Rink Update: December 27 Such a strange winter this has been… I should step back to say that originally I was kind of on the fence if I didn’t want to do a hockey …

Dec 25, 2023: I have now twice in the last almost month been down for the count for over 24hrs. I am hoping to not make this a tradition in 2024 🤦‍♂️. Sad I missed …

Dec 24, 2023: Finally got the yearly picture with Santa off the memory stick. Merry Christmas 🎅🎄

Dec 22, 2023: Thanks for taking pictures with us today Santa but want am I supposed to do with this now… I mean could you not have emailed me the 6 pictures 🎅🙄

Dec 21, 2023: Some change in our evening activities today so after work I decided ramble around the trails of Edenbrook Conservation Area. It was nice to catch the …

Dec 19, 2023: Another Apple Watch fail on my run today but I was able to somehow get the .fit file to import correctly in the end. It was nice to have some warmer …

Dec 19, 2023: Cold run today but still no snow (or ice rink for that matter). Guess on the positive note the trail was still clear so I ducked into it for a little …

Dec 18, 2023: 2023 Iowa State Basketball Road Trip Last year was the first year for a Christmas gift to my son I took him to the Iowa State men’s basketball game. I pulled him out of school a …

Dec 17, 2023: Basketball Game two of the day watching Iowa State Cyclones Mens play against Florida A&M. Another good victory and obviously a happy fan watching …

Dec 17, 2023: Basketball Game one of the day watching Iowa State Cyclones Women play against Troy. It was a good victory and my son was pleased to see his team win …

Dec 17, 2023: 🎬 Family Movie Night - We strayed from a Christmas movie tonight to watch The Family Plan and overall it seemed to get positive comments from the …

Dec 17, 2023: Boardwalks, bridges, and really low tunnels. It was a wet one out there but by getting this run in today I think this is the most millage I have done …

Dec 16, 2023: Such a great interview on Manuel Moreale’s People and Blogs series talking to Jamie Thingelstad (@jthingelstad). Even though I have connected with …

Dec 16, 2023: Couldn’t agree more with this statement from Spencer Fry about time off When you’re working, it’s important to be present and engaged with work, but …

Dec 15, 2023: 🎬 Family Movie Night - Obviously a favorite and holiday classic National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. For me it keeps standing the test of time …

Dec 15, 2023: Had some time and with the warmer than normal weather I took it as an opportunity to explore and run longer than planned. It really was a nice night …

Dec 14, 2023: Cannot believe it is 50°F today in Minnesota on December 14th. If you have been at the edge of your seat wondering what is up with my backyard rink, …

Dec 13, 2023: Darby was not a fan of this run as at one point he stopped and just laid down in the middle of the street. Let’s just say I was thankful he still …

Dec 12, 2023: Well hello there… 🦃 Found a roadblock on my run today that oddly enough didn’t think much as I ran past, stopped and then took this picture. …

Dec 12, 2023: After a weekend off I was glad to be able to get this run in and start the week off right. My goal was for a little shorter than what it ended up …

Dec 8, 2023: Decided to run around Lotus Lake today to get another long run in for the week. Even with my Apple Watch pausing failure I still hit my millage I was …

Dec 8, 2023: First Apple Watch Ultra fail today as for some reason it paused the workout. Glad I caught it after not to long but it did cut me a little short. You …

Dec 7, 2023: Back to familiar trails… Well I guess I have been going to Maine enough now that maybe those trails feel second nature too. Feeling sluggish …

Dec 7, 2023: 🎬 Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning Part One - Was a good movie to start on my Sunday night flight out and finished up on todays flight back. I …

Dec 7, 2023: Markdown 🤔 I would say for at least the past year I have been pretty true to using Markdown when publishing stuff on this here blog and more specifically making …

Dec 6, 2023: Could catch a little bit of the sunrise on my run this morning which was good to see as it has been overcast here all week. Today I decided to …

Dec 5, 2023: Christmas Train 🎄🚂… The Eastern Promenade Trail sure was slick out this morning running as there was a very thin sheet of ice on it. Glad that …

Dec 3, 2023: Going to be a long day and wanted to round the week out with a little more millage to get back on track assuming next week will be lower. So I had to …

Dec 1, 2023: Meetings got moved so I decided to get out for a run early to enjoy the sun rising. Was colder again this morning but not all bad and I ran farther …

Dec 1, 2023: Rink Update: Seeing how I made the decision to make a backyard rink again this year it is that time of year I start watching the weather in the …

Dec 1, 2023: Reflection Walking my daughter out to the bus like I do almost every morning I am here reminds me of the small things that I get to take advantage of working …

Dec 1, 2023: After some really cold days I think I overdressed for this run. This route had no preplanning and I just went where it made sense today and today it …

Nov 29, 2023: Gave my first go at making Wassail Tea tonight and I think it turned out as I remembered. Big thanks to @jthingelstad for having me try it and having …

Nov 28, 2023: Don’t be fooled, that boardwalk was a little slick so I took my time navigating them. Other than that the run wasn’t bad once I got moving, tried to …

Nov 28, 2023: I have enjoyed using the Apple Notes app more but unless I am doing something wrong I wish you could manipulate, really just move around, …

Nov 27, 2023: This was a cold run until about the last 2 miles when I was warm enough to consider taking this photo. After being down and out for the past couple of …

Nov 27, 2023: 😳 I realized a little while ago that I hadn’t had coffee for more than 2 days…. That is when you know for sure you have not been feeling …

Nov 27, 2023: This weather is just silly… Feels like negative degrees today but tomorrow a high of 40°F. Let’s just say the office is cold today as I hadn’t fully …

Nov 27, 2023: Testing out the new Micropost from Obsidian by @otaviocc and I will say it is super slick! 👏

Nov 23, 2023: Early morning Thanksgiving Day run along the High Trestle Trail. I was surprised to find it concrete vs just a crushed rock or asphalt. Also, I veered …

Nov 22, 2023: 🎬 Leo was on the docket tonight and I will say I was a little skeptical… However, I thought it was a really good movie and for the kids that …

Nov 21, 2023: I needed these two little wins tonight running even though I know they won’t last 😏. However, it is crazy these two pictures were taken less than 20 …

Nov 20, 2023: Had to pickup the liner for the hockey rink today and it was by some trails I have run on once before. So I decided to use my time wisely and go …

Nov 19, 2023: So proud of this girl for trying something new this year and actually finding success and fun in doing it.

Nov 18, 2023: It was a cold but peaceful morning out with frost covering the prairie grass. Didn’t see many people actually didn’t see anyone 😆. Might have still …

Nov 18, 2023: Well… Decisions were made and I got most of the structure in place for the backyard rink tonight. 🏒

Nov 16, 2023: Can’t believe how warm it got today and felt good to go for a run. I don’t think I have run on this little backyard trail all year so glad to get it …

Nov 16, 2023: Knew this day would come... ⛹️‍♂️ I had worried about this day from the point my kids went to a bigger school 8x the size of the one that I did growing up. Yes from an education …

Nov 16, 2023: With the warmer weather yesterday I shut off all the heaters in my shed office. It isn’t that cold today but a little more chilly than I would …

Nov 15, 2023: Nervously waiting to hear how Basketball tryouts went for our oldest in high school now…😬

Nov 15, 2023: This run wasn’t the plan for a lot of different reasons but glad to add some more miles today as I feel like the night might be long. It was a real …

Nov 14, 2023: Had a dentist appointment this morning which was right next to these two lakes that has a nice trail around it so I took advantage. Probably should …

Nov 13, 2023: Just some Monday morning miles in what seemed to be warmer weather than I thought. I decided to run on the boardwalks again as I am not sure how much …

Nov 12, 2023: Sometimes it is just nice to start the day with a cup of coffee and going through Reeder to catch up on things. Slow mornings are good.

Nov 11, 2023: Needed to get this one done early with kid activities today. Wasn’t sure how far I was going to run but happy with how it turned out and where I went. …

Nov 9, 2023: A little windy when I turned to start to head home in this run today. Actually felt better than I thought I would as I haven’t had a rest day yet but …

Nov 9, 2023: Well hello there… 👋🦌

Nov 8, 2023: Wasn’t sure I was going to run today or not so I decided to meander around the neighborhood to get some miles in. However, in what seemed like an …

Nov 7, 2023: Tuesday Trails! Found some time today to explore a lot of the Purgatory Park trails in this nice weather. Based on my map it makes it look like I had …

Nov 6, 2023: Yep, it does get dark quick in the evening. I didn’t have my lights and was mostly in the dark during this run. However, I didn’t get hit by cars or …

Nov 6, 2023: Application Defaults Loved this idea from Episode 097 of Hemispheric Views where they had a Dual of the Defaults! So to join in the fun as everyone else has I decided to …

Nov 5, 2023: It was a nice morning to get miles in running along the Lake Minnetonka Regional Trail. Found a nice overlook spot in Excelsior to turn around and got …

Nov 2, 2023: After today this run was needed! The weather was great and I can’t complain about the sunset while meandering around. Glad to make a loop around the …

Nov 1, 2023: Squeezed in a quick run today before the Ice Draw tonight. Wasn’t too bad out and might have overdressed as the sun wasn’t really out and felt colder …

Oct 31, 2023: Wasn’t the plan but since there was snow out I felt obligated to get out and run today. ☃️ There was a little ice out there so had to take to …

Oct 30, 2023: Guess we couldn’t escape it any longer… Hello snow I won’t lie you and your colder weather could go away for a couple more weeks… Thanks. 🌨️

Oct 30, 2023: It was a great morning to get a little reset and ran longer than I had planned as I was feeling good and an easy trail to follow out and back. I had …

Oct 28, 2023: We almost missed it but… Hold the show everyone!!!! It is Big Darbs Birthday today 🥳 🎉🎂

Oct 28, 2023: 💅 New dad moment that I found myself at a nail salon because my daughter needed her nails done. I can confidently say I have never been in one and the …

Oct 27, 2023: I still like the idea of Apple’s Journal app but I have not really gotten suggestions 🤔. Maybe I am doing something wrong but what I thought I would …

Oct 27, 2023: After a late night this run felt sluggish and didn’t help with the high winds today. Tried to find some coverage with a trail and around a marsh that …

Oct 26, 2023: We have gotten a lot of water the past couple of days and the marsh is showing it as the water is almost to the bottom of the boards. The run was good …

Oct 26, 2023: Had to create a makeshift walkway to get to and from the office today due to all this rain we have been getting. I seem to have a river now that I …

Oct 26, 2023: Foundry by Eliot Peper What can I say Eliot Peper did it again with Foundry! From the moment it started the whole story was a fast-paced, entertaining, and almost too …

Oct 24, 2023: Got this run done right before the rain came down. I was about 1 miles from home and my watch notified me that rain was starting in about 8 min 😅. It …

Oct 23, 2023: This is a great little Obsidian Plugin Open Link With that allows me to have my links in Obsidian in Chrome (which I have to use for work) vs my …

Oct 23, 2023: Early Monday morning run to start the week off right or I hope. Thankfully so many people keep their fun Halloween decorations on all night so I can …

Oct 21, 2023: Beautiful fall day running around Carver Nature Reserve. Explored some new trails and made sure to connect up to the last time I was out there so the …

Oct 19, 2023: Mall Rats run and then more exploring. I believe this photo location was part of the movie. Might have to watch the movie now to find out.

Oct 17, 2023: Finding my way around Lake Ann’s trails both marked and unmarked. Only ran into a few obstacles on this run and only almost fell once when I was in …

Oct 16, 2023: Sometimes you have a double run day 🤷‍♂️. Some meetings got canceled and with how busy the day was up to this point I just needed a break. So I hit …

Oct 16, 2023: Didn’t wake up as early as I planned today to have enough time for a full run and get some birthday donuts for our youngest today. However, I did …

Oct 14, 2023: Had less than an hour to fit this run in today. However, in making the two loops around this “creek” today I found a path I never knew existed that …

Oct 12, 2023: Realized one block from my house I forgot my knuckle lights. Such a rookie mistake 🤦‍♂️. So this run had me in the dark for most of it except a couple …

Oct 11, 2023: It was a nice day out in the Regional Trail. Glad to have squeezed this run in as once I got back to work the rest of the day was putting out fires.

Oct 10, 2023: Not going to lie I was super excited to see this in the mail box tonight. Can’t wait to see what my friend Eliot Peper has cooked up in this book, …

Oct 10, 2023: Not sure why but once I spot frost on the ground in the morning I know that the weather is now changing and I should probably think about turning the …

Oct 9, 2023: Legs still felt it from Saturday I am guessing for the first part of this run . However, it was a really nice day and since I had the day off I went …

Oct 7, 2023: Trout Brook Ten Mile Trail run in the books. It was a really great morning out for a run up and down hills around Willow River State Park. Maybe more …

Oct 5, 2023: Found a Calvatia Gigantea (giant puffball mushroom) on the trails today which I am pretty sure I have not seen one this big. Using my hand for scale …

Oct 5, 2023: Let’s just say I love the weather today but the run felt not as good as it should with a race two days away. What did I get myself into…. oh …

Oct 4, 2023: Sometimes the Race finds you… Oddly enough I was just saying earlier this week I should find a trail race to run but I have been dragging my feet a lot. Well that is all over now …

Oct 4, 2023: Cable Break Found out late yesterday that the ethernet cable that connects my shed office to the house has a broken connection somewhere. I wonder how long the …

Oct 3, 2023: Meeting got canceled so I took advantage of the extra 30 min I had this morning and went for a quicker run . Not an early morning Harbor view but …

Oct 2, 2023: It is good to be back home this week and with a lighter meeting load this morning I decided to get out for a run . It will be interesting to see what …

Oct 1, 2023: Running some clock this morning at the rink… Going to be really hot outside today and I am wearing pants and long sleeves 😄

Oct 1, 2023: Really sad to hear that the Twin Cities Marathon got cancelled today but with the weather I get where organizers had to make that tough call. I do …

Sep 29, 2023: Ran around the back cove this morning. In low tide it kind of just seems like a muddy swamp vs an actual body of water.

Sep 28, 2023: Morning shakeout after a long day before. Didn’t get a great sunrise run this morning as I found out later in the day there was smoke in the air which …

Sep 26, 2023: The whole team is meeting up this week from all over the globe so we went on a schooner boat ride in the Portland harbor after our day of meetings …

Sep 26, 2023: Another early run morning along the harbor. When you have a full day of meetings starting at 8 this is about the best time to get out. Honestly, it is …

Sep 25, 2023: Early morning run on the waterfront. Struggling after sleeping in a what I found out was a warm hotel room and the run the day before but… at …

Sep 24, 2023: Bug light and a big boat from the other side of the Harbor. Felt good and found a some turns and trails I didn’t my last run over the bridge and …

Sep 22, 2023: This run felt harder than I think it should have been. However, finding this dry creek bed got me thinking what it will look like in the Spring or …

Sep 20, 2023: New Shoe Day! 👟 It was a good day to clear my head with work. However, in hindsight it was much warmer and hotter than I had anticipated when I …

Sep 19, 2023: Might have gotten darker faster than I thought while running tonight on some of the trails. If you put the pace aside I felt like I was working much …

Sep 18, 2023: Out and around Rice Marsh Lake run on this really nice weather day. Saw a lot of people out there for a Monday morning at 9am but who am I to judge as …

Sep 16, 2023: Almost 100% trail run along the Minnesota River bottoms today. Let’s just say that was fun exploring! My friend thought I got us lost at one point …

Sep 14, 2023: I think lack of sleep and the heat of the sun today made this run feel much worse than it should have been. Temp looked ok but don’t get me wrong it …

Sep 12, 2023: I took a friend advice tonight and I think I understood what he was saying… He said I should go for a walk in the woods (NOT A RUN). I took …

Sep 11, 2023: Meandering Monday lead me to this almost primitive looking Private Property sign of what I thought was a trail to run on. I let it deter me today, but …

Sep 10, 2023: Hindsight, probably shouldn’t have run but I told myself I wanted more overall miles than the week before and I need this to do it. At least picking a …

Sep 9, 2023: Looking forward to seeing Seinfeld again, should be a great time…

Sep 9, 2023: I would be lying if I said this run felt great the whole time. First 2 miles we felt like we were pulling plows. After that we found a comfortable …

Sep 8, 2023: This is a great little write up / story about a Footbridge that connectss Bloomington to Richfield. In fact, I could see my self trying to dig into …

Sep 7, 2023: It was still too nice outside today to not get out there for a short recovery run . The legs felt it from the late night run last night but as much as …

Sep 6, 2023: 🌙 Night run… Missed the near mountain blvd and ended up adding another mile to the loosely planned route. I am not complaining in this weather …

Sep 5, 2023: Took a half day since it was the kids first day of school today so I started this run later than I would have wanted due to the heat outside. At least …

Sep 5, 2023: Another summer is gone and it was time for the kids to head back to school today… 🚌

Sep 5, 2023: I have realized over the weekend our family has way too many chargers and charging devices… Yet, we can never find one for our phones or devices when …

Sep 2, 2023: Decided to hit the trails of the Lowry Nature Center Today. It was a warm one out there but I really enjoyed the change of scenery for this run.

Sep 1, 2023: Since I was up early to get my son to the bus I decided to chase the sunrise with a little run on some trails before going to watch him run.

Sep 1, 2023: Who was excited to wake up super early today to get their son to school to catch the bus to a cross country meet?

Aug 30, 2023: Had some time to kill while the dogs were getting groomed. I quickly looked at a map and decided to run just random streets and trails in the area. …

Aug 29, 2023: My friend and I decided to use our time wisely tonight running and exploring some trails while our kids were doing a fantasy football draft. It was …

Aug 28, 2023: Long weekend and a little oversleep because of the dog made for an interesting run today. However, I can’t complain as I finished the millage I was …

Aug 27, 2023: Not one of those super exciting projects this afternoon but I painted this portion of our house. Doing it in some phases and it doesn’t looked like I …

Aug 27, 2023: Good way to end the hockey weekend / summer season with some food at Treats.

Aug 26, 2023: It started out and was going to be a 6 mile run, then 7, then 8… Finally got done after hitting 10. Couldn’t complain had great weather and …

Aug 25, 2023: Was thinking with the cooler temps for this mornings run was going to be nice but for some reason I forgot my friend the humidity. Thankfully today I …

Aug 23, 2023: Thoughts from today’s fun run. I am not sure what is worse the air outside today which was very similar to yesterday but with sun or this body of …

Aug 22, 2023: Don’t mind watching hockey and basking in this cool weather inside as outside it is another story. 🥵

Aug 22, 2023: It felt like swimming during my run today with 94% humidity and a 71°F dew point. I think the only saving grace was the clouds were out and not the …

Aug 21, 2023: Decided to stretch this run out a little longer since the weather was cooler this morning. Not sure how the rest of this week is going to fair out …

Aug 19, 2023: Down in Iowa for a wedding in the country… Figured I would try to fit in… Some have laughed and said nice work and others think I need to correct this …

Aug 18, 2023: Early morning trail run before driving to Iowa for the weekend. I will not at all complain about the 50°F weather this morning either.

Aug 16, 2023: Well the bees got me again weed eating around the house (Eric - 0 Bees - 3, that is the overall times not the amount they have stung me 😔). However, …

Aug 16, 2023: Was a nice morning out today and glad to have gotten this done as I have a full plate of things to get done. However, I think from last nights run to …

Aug 15, 2023: Well this run had a lot of interesting hills but fun trails so was well worth it in the end. I am thankful my friend chose this route and we will have …

Aug 15, 2023: I am not going to lie when I say I like that it is 53°F out this morning. I wish I would have done something but drinking coffee and getting some work …

Aug 14, 2023: Off and on rainy run today so took some shelter on the trail. The cooler temperatures were appreciated but same end result with being soaked at the …

Aug 11, 2023: First time running with the dog today. He might have had fun for half of it but then I think he was ready to be done. However, in this picture I do …

Aug 10, 2023: "The Seven Summits of My Neighborhood" video by Brendan Leonard Nice find in my email today that a friend Brendan Leonard has a new film out today titled “The Seven Summits of My Neighborhood” which I found very …

Aug 10, 2023: Catching the sunrise over the Prairie on the run today. I realized I haven’t ventured to the trails North of my house for a while and it was a …

Aug 8, 2023: Talking with my running friend last night gave me a little extra motivation this morning and the fast I was feeling pretty good to deviate from what I …

Aug 7, 2023: Thankful for the cooler morning with some sprinkles from time to time though I think it was mostly because of the humidity. Good way to start the week …

Aug 7, 2023: Testing out @Amit’s new Scribe app to publish to and it seems really slick so far!

Aug 5, 2023: Ok it is time for our Puppy “Big Darbs” (Darby the Doodle) to go check out the lake. We will see how this goes 😬

Aug 4, 2023: This Strava integration dewme is just fun and I really enjoy seeing the emojis of how wonderful the weather was like. Today for instance this is what …

Aug 4, 2023: Some 1 mile hot (as in temp) laps around Round lake today while the boy was up lifting and working on his basketball shot in the gym. As I kept …

Aug 3, 2023: I do enjoy these early morning runs and being able to catch the sunrise but I still don’t enjoy the heat at this hour of the day. I tried to take a …

Aug 2, 2023: Can’t believe I missed this news about SquareSpace acquiring Google Domains but it reminded me I have a couple more domains sitting at Google that I …

Aug 2, 2023: Always enjoy trying new coffee from time to time to break my normal routine and this one from Sumptown is pretty good. ☕️ Thanks @burk!

Aug 1, 2023: Things I am Pondering 🤔 These things have been swirling around in my mind all day. Some are actual questions I am pondering and probably need to look for advice from others …

Aug 1, 2023: Well it kind of looked like a fun temporary trail to explore as there was no utility workers around…. Until it wasn’t as I tried to push on …

Jul 31, 2023: Didn’t really want to get up this morning but after an hour of tossing and turning I decided I should start the day off with some miles around the …

Jul 28, 2023: Had to drop the dogs off for the weekend and decided to do something productive before heading to the camper today so I looped this lake twice. Was …

Jul 27, 2023: You know it is going to be a warm one today when it is 75°F at 6am. For that reason I decided to do a short run and early today. Also, a bonus a new …

Jul 26, 2023: It looked nice out but don’t let that deceive you. It was actually brutality hot outside today and I regretted my running route from about mile 2 on. …

Jul 25, 2023: Fun game for the family and better with more people according to my son. With that said he beat me badly. Either way check out the game Macro Dungeon …

Jul 25, 2023: It was a warm one out running today even at this hour early morning hour of the day. However, I think it is going to get hotter so I was glad to put …

Jul 24, 2023: Air was thick today and after a while I would have preferred not to be out there. However, glad to get this millage out of the way on a hot smoky …

Jul 23, 2023: The temp this morning was nice but a lot of humidity in the air on this run. However, I knew after I finished I would have plenty of time to sit on …

Jul 23, 2023: 🕵️‍♀️ Agent “Kickover Kid” was on the case yesterday to figure out what happened to Jingles…. Thankfully she cracked the case with the help of her …

Jul 21, 2023: It was good to finally get another long run in as I haven’t had one in a long time this year. It was a nice morning out but I think my lack of sleep …

Jul 20, 2023: When your daughter says she wants to go for a run how can you say no? So we went and it was maybe warmer than anticipated and then might have been …

Jul 19, 2023: After the rain early morning we had some clear blue skies I took advantage of by getting out for a run.

Jul 17, 2023: Starting the week off right with a higher millage run than a typical Monday. Mostly because I know come the weekend it has been harder to commit to …

Jul 16, 2023: One of the joys of going to the camper on the weekends in the summer is that we have less activities for our kids or other commitments. I enjoy taking …

Jul 11, 2023: Legs were a little scratched up after this run as I didn’t take into account that weeds and other plants would have grown up more on this trail than …

Jul 10, 2023: Why I Post My Runs It might seem silly that I do this as I am sure some people might get sick of seeing a photo every other day or so with a link to Strava and some …

Jul 10, 2023: Had to get some groceries this morning for breakfast as my parents are in town and we have not been home much. So I ran to the store and ended up over …

Jul 9, 2023: The plan was to have a longer run and start earlier today but I had a 5:30 wake-up from our older dog and then I willed myself to go back to sleep …

Jul 8, 2023: Finally found myself back at home in familiar setting in the trails North of our house. It was good ramble along before dinner.

Jul 6, 2023: Trails! Convinced my running friend to meet me at a park where we could have lots of fun in the trails and hills. Disappointed that we couldn’t get to …

Jul 5, 2023: Today’s run effort was brought to you by the plumber who had all day to stop by and chose the moment I started to run to call. Then gave me well …

Jul 4, 2023: How Darby’s first 4th of July parade started…. And how it is going now as it is on a rain delay.. ⛈️🐶

Jul 4, 2023: Had to get this one in early today with all the activities. 4th of July 5K run in the books and the heat but looks like we might get rained out later …

Jul 3, 2023: Kind of a last min run as I didn’t even have the right shoes on. However, since I dropped off our stuff for the Edina Parade I decided to run the …

Jul 2, 2023: Stroll around Clear Lake and Maplewood Park in what was some warm weather with lots of sun out. Glad to be done and jumped in the pool with the kids …

Jul 1, 2023: The coffee from the hotel got the job done but I am glad to be home this morning for some of my own again. ☕️

Jun 30, 2023: It was a super humid one out there today at 90% before 730am 🥵. I took the trail the other way to explore some more before we leave today.

Jun 28, 2023: Guess I shouldn’t go outside this afternoon… 😬😳🔥

Jun 28, 2023: Foggy morning or maybe foggy and smoky. Found a some interesting places to explore around the Fox River.

Jun 28, 2023: Something tells me this coffee is not going to be amazing… 🤨 ☕️

Jun 26, 2023: Early morning Chicago exploration. Not used to seeing so many other people out running at this hour. At times I felt like I was in a race.

Jun 23, 2023: Another beautiful day to run along the Harbor and I decided to make it a little longer by circling Back Cove.

Jun 22, 2023: 24 hrs later and a whole new look of the harbor. Enjoyed the sun out today on this early but doesn’t seem as early run.

Jun 21, 2023: Misty morning harbor run. Needed to get out early today before a day full of meetings.

Jun 19, 2023: I have again spent probably more time than I should have for no reason at all updating a couple webpages that no one goes to or probably maybe only …

Jun 19, 2023: Out and back to Bug Light! It felt good running after what seems like a day of travel with a little work from time to time.

Jun 19, 2023: Thanks to Delta for free fast WiFi so I could finally find some time to mess around and create a website monitor page for some of my random sites. …

Jun 18, 2023: Father’s Day 4 miles was all I could muster on a really humid hot day. If only the rain in those clouds would have come.

Jun 18, 2023: Planned on enjoying a morning run while the family was asleep but when I got up at 6 it rained until 10. So the next best thing was making some …

Jun 17, 2023: Weather held out and it cooled down a little bit so we could have a nice fire going tonight… 🔥

Jun 16, 2023: Friday night fire…

Jun 15, 2023: Might still be some smoke in the air today from the Canadian Wildfires but much better than yesterday. It is strange looking at this photo now vs the …

Jun 13, 2023: Found a couple random trails to explore around Westgate Conservation area. Some trails were good some seemed more like deer trails as I wound my way …

Jun 13, 2023: When you have multiple kids and are out numbered, it is great to have one on one time with them as it happens less frequently over the years as they …

Jun 12, 2023: Meeting got done early and the boy was at basketball so I decided to get a run in. It wasn’t bad out today but better in the shade than the direct sun …

Jun 11, 2023: Really couldn’t beat this weather this morning at 50°F. So the lack of effect was not due to weather but I got these miles in before going to sit at a …

Jun 10, 2023: Ready to call it a day already. Weeded the flower / rock beds, sprayed the yard for bugs, vacuumed out my car, gave a dog a bath, and yelled at Best …

Jun 9, 2023: Little bit of a covered trail here. Not to mention the morning dew on this grass had me getting soaked as well as scraped up and full of seeds on my …

Jun 9, 2023: This happens too many times but never gets old when I wake up in the morning to go for a run, put my AirPods in only to find 1 of the 2 has battery 🪫😖

Jun 8, 2023: More trails tonight but this time around Braemar Golf Course in Edina again. I do enjoy the hidden trails that are less traveled but I am sure someday …

Jun 7, 2023: Trails! So many fun trails that the miles just kept flipping by tonight. I am definitely going to go exploring this way again. Also, was great to get …

Jun 6, 2023: Guess my shed “office” automation of all lights out at 10pm works pretty well as I am now trying to turn the lights back on…

Jun 5, 2023: This time of seasons is always depressing when you wake up at 5:30am to run and it feels like you are swimming. Also, looks that way after too.

Jun 2, 2023: Tracks and Trails… Run started with rain and then the morning sun came out and got steamy even at this early morning hour. I chose my starting …

Jun 2, 2023: I was told it was National Donut Day today… Not that I really needed an excuse to go buy donuts but it is also my son’s Birthday so… I got a couple …

May 31, 2023: Warm quicker than I should have miles so I cut it short. However, I got to circle and see the setup of Schooner Days. I have lived here now for 14 …

May 30, 2023: Good shake out after a long Tuesday that felt like a Monday. Still warmer out than I would like as my body is not used to this yet but I slogged it …

May 30, 2023: With it being 85°F outside today I was pleasantly surprised that the shed “office” stayed hovering around 70°F. I know the summer is just upon us but …

May 28, 2023: Decided to make a quick run around Clear Lake today. Probably the first of many this year but wow was it warmer than anticipated today.

May 26, 2023: Camper yard mowed, fire going, chairs out, lights on and drink in hand (not pictured). Here is to the start of our 2023 Camping season with our new …

May 26, 2023: What a beautiful morning today to go out for a run. Not to mention I stumbled upon a new little trail to explore which was most likely human created …

May 25, 2023: 😵‍💫 I seem to be down a rabbit hole of trying to to figure out the Strava API in conjunction with Apple Shortcuts. I think this is quite beyond my …

May 24, 2023: Beautiful day to spend on some of my favorite nearby trails. Typically I just cut through from one side of the conservatory to the other but today I …

May 22, 2023: Of course I tried to take the deer trail that followed this stream. It was fun while it lasted which was about 100M and then the deer must have went …

May 21, 2023: I knew this was going to be work today as I planned on going out at the hottest part of the day and right after lunch. Not sure what got to me more …

May 21, 2023: The dog has his clock set to a 6am wakeup as that is when we normally get up but today could have been a sleep in. I guess all is well as I have been …

May 18, 2023: Smoke run… I didn’t notice it today until after the rain left and it seemed hazy but in looking it up it is smoke due to the Canadian fires. …

May 17, 2023: Has been a busy day but my youngest has a 45 min piano lesson that I took advantage of to get a workout in. Fun seeing some of these trails in the …

May 16, 2023: Found some time at the end of the day after kids activities to get out there. Felt like a struggle but I like seeing the green everywhere again.

May 16, 2023: It was so nice outside last night that I decided to let this pup roam the backyard as we played fetch 🐶

May 15, 2023: Fun giving a run on these newer trails around Lake Ann and Lake Lucy. To bad there is an abrupt stop at one end but hopefully that will change in the …

May 11, 2023: Guess we are allowing birds in the airport these days. 🤨 I mean how do they get in and it wasn’t just these two I counted 5 at one point.

May 11, 2023: The end of the narrow gauge train line. Also, last day in Portland so I had to get out there one last time.

May 10, 2023: Early morning run before a long day of work with some big meetings very late in the afternoon. As early as I got up it is still shocking to me how …

May 9, 2023: Instead of just running along my normal trails in Portland I rambled around the streets of Portland. Not 100% sure that was a great idea as I found …

May 8, 2023: After a long travel adventure and work it was good to get out and move a bit as I have been sitting a lot. I decided to go all around the back cove as …

May 6, 2023: Had to get up earlier than I liked for this one as a friend I was running with had something at 730am. However, I enjoyed showing him some of the …

May 4, 2023: Great weather out today and circled a very familiar trail / marsh. Really can’t beat a sunny 66°F with no clouds in sight.

May 3, 2023: Found a strange abandoned road (Cirrus Way) that didn’t say no trespassing so I figured I should give it a run. I am very curious why it became unused …

May 2, 2023: I don’t take some of the other trails connected to the main route by my house but they really make you feel like you are not in a city. I will say it …

May 1, 2023: Was windy out running today and felt much more tired and sore than I should after a two day break. I should be thankful as all my morning meetings got …

May 1, 2023: Never to late in the afternoon for some coffee right? ☕️

May 1, 2023: I realized this morning that a book I started listening to I am pretty sure I have listened to before. However, I am wondering if I ran out of time …

Apr 28, 2023: Rainy Friday miles that I was able to fit in-between morning meetings.

Apr 27, 2023: My original plan was for a shorter run today but I got stuck in cruise mode and decided to keep going on this lonely stretch of trail.

Apr 27, 2023: Congratulations and a well deserved recognition for my amazing wife on not only being nominated but received the Special Caring Award from the …

Apr 25, 2023: This one felt like real work tonight but the views were worth it after a busier day than I was hoping for. Now time to reset and it can be water under …

Apr 24, 2023: Nice evenings like tonight are just great when our good friends kids come over to play some backyard baseball. Note: None of these kids play baseball …

Apr 24, 2023: Legs were a little sore from yesterday’s run as we might have been cruising faster than I should have. However, I went out with no expectation (like I …

Apr 23, 2023: Was really nice outside this morning for this run. Glad to help a friend out and guide him though the streets in my neighborhood so he can continue …

Apr 23, 2023: Woke up way to early today for no real reason so just having coffee with the dogs.. ☕️🐶

Apr 21, 2023: After a busy day of manual labor getting the campsite setup it was good to get out for a quick run. I decided to take the backyard trail (as I call …

Apr 21, 2023: Spent the day getting the campsite ready to go for the summer. I had to piece the deck together, level the deck and camper and got the golf cart …

Apr 20, 2023: Got an email out of the blue asking if I could help create something similar to what I did years go. I still lightly maintain it today so I will have …

Apr 19, 2023: If he liked it or not I dragged my friend along for what should have been a shorter run but I guess I didn’t calculate it correctly and overshot our …

Apr 18, 2023: Rambling around the streets in the early evening. Wasn’t sure what to expect as I didn’t time dinner right and felt full but overall happy with …

Apr 17, 2023: With the sun out today almost all of the snow melted away. I found a little bit on this bridge during my run which had to get cut short due to a text …

Apr 17, 2023: I was kind of cutting this one close to the wire as I didn’t file an extension. I get I had all day tomorrow but glad to get another year done. …

Apr 17, 2023: I enjoy watching my youngest participate in track this year but watching the coaches coach I wish I would have helped out 🫣. However, she will miss …

Apr 16, 2023: Happy Birthday to my amazing wife who keeps us all organized! 🥳🎂 Probably not exactly how she picture the day with snow and being at a dance …

Apr 16, 2023: No matter how many dance competitions I go to I still do not understand dance facials. Some of these dancers look like they are trying to catch bugs …

Apr 16, 2023: Guess spring, summer, and fall have passed us again… 🌨️

Apr 15, 2023: Doing a little electrical work in the shed tonight…

Apr 15, 2023: Quicker than my normal run speed this morning because it was raining and I only had a 30 minutes to spare.

Apr 13, 2023: Wasn’t planning on going for a run to today and took it easy since I needed to somehow get my car as it was in the shop getting the AC fixed 🤦‍♂️. I …

Apr 12, 2023: Found myself back in the Edenbrook Conservation area tonight running with my friend as our kids were at basketball practice.

Apr 12, 2023: Added another item to the collection 🧡

Apr 11, 2023: Wow it was actually hot out there at around 80°F so I made sure not to push it as my body is unsure what to do at that heat. However, with the snow …

Apr 10, 2023: Kids didn’t have school today so I woke up early to get ahead of todays meetings only to find out a bunch of them got moved and I had some hours …

Apr 9, 2023: Good luck finding the Gold Egg kids 🐣🐰 Look very close it is just showing enough to be found.

Apr 8, 2023: Couldn’t avoid the pull of the nice weather today and I thought I would check out the marsh trails. I will say there is still a good amount of snow …

Apr 8, 2023: The deconstruction starts… See you next year Backyard Rink 👋

Apr 7, 2023: Who really thought we were done with hockey season… It lasts all year, now we are on to our 1st game of summer Hockey which starts… Now! 🏒

Apr 6, 2023: Had to make a grocery run as we needed a couple ingredients for dinner tonight. I have done this before but these were a little more awkward to carry …

Apr 5, 2023: I really thought winter was over but it was snowing again during this run and really windy which made it extra interesting. However, the good thing is …

Apr 3, 2023: Just getting some miles in today. However, I did notice that a marsh nearby is really flooded with all that new snow melting. I had a random thought …

Apr 2, 2023: My wife wanted to watch Titanic with the kids this morning and I have never seen the movie and feel like no reason to start now so I went for a run. …

Apr 1, 2023: Hindsight maybe I should have just left all the snow on the driveways as I did 4/5 houses in our cul-de-sac and as of now a lot of the snow has …

Mar 31, 2023: I mean this video from my father-in-law is crazy. From their porch in Iowa earlier this evening.

Mar 31, 2023: I really need everything to melt and drain away fast as my walk to work is becoming more difficult as I have to cross these streams… 

Mar 29, 2023: Don’t be fooled by the sun out today it was a cold run today and felt sluggish after yesterdays run. I fear these people might be losing their pond …

Mar 28, 2023: Was great to find time tonight while both girls were at dance to just zone out for a run. Unfortunately, the sun from all day went behind clouds and …

Mar 28, 2023: Come 15 min early they say for your 1:30 appointment to finally get your Real ID. I wanted to make sure I could find it so I made sure to come even …

Mar 27, 2023: Sunset run tonight as I had to run to the store to get a prescription for my daughter as we found out today she has a sinus infection. The waiting in …

Mar 26, 2023: First time taking the whole family to an Escape room and this one was Scooby-Doo and the Spooky Castle Adventure… I was actually surprised we finished …

Mar 25, 2023: This should not be a $5 cup of coffee 😖 Thanks for nothing dance convention

Mar 24, 2023: Apple Share Audio when it works on AirPods are awesome! For instance you are at a hotel and need kids to sleep but you want to watch a show with no …

Mar 24, 2023: Forty-Two It is shocking for me to say that I am 42 years old today. Thinking back over the past year I feel I hit my goal of Embracing as there really was a …

Mar 24, 2023: No better way to start off my birthday than a morning run around a nearby lake. I guess it might have been colder than I was thinking for short …

Mar 22, 2023: Tired to take a trail during my run today but that was short lived as the rain from this morning didn’t make the snow slush but actually just a nice …

Mar 22, 2023: Darby Hatrick Walker Welcome to the family Darby ”Hatrick” Walker… Yes, this was our foster dog Daffy, who somehow, some way became another forever dog we have even though …

Mar 21, 2023: 📸 Photoblogging: Day 21 - Tiny screws require a tiny screwdriver 🪛

Mar 21, 2023: Time to get back to work so I had to force myself to get out for a run. While out I was reminded I am thankful that this bridge was built as I didn’t …

Mar 20, 2023: 📸 Photoblogging: Day 20 - Not my houseplant but one at a hotel “we” were using for the afternoon till next afternoon. Just a small staycation while my …

Mar 20, 2023: Orange kind of day today… 🧡

Mar 19, 2023: 📸 Photoblogging: Day 19 - A little analog reading before bed tonight by one of my favorite writers whom I got to know over the years.

Mar 19, 2023: Sun was out and I had a free afternoon while the girls went shopping so I decided to make a long run today. Felt good today and kind of strange this …

Mar 18, 2023: 📸 Photoblogging: Day 18 - I sometimes wish we would have the extra 4 feet of inside shed space instead of the porch. However, it is nice on rainy and …

Mar 17, 2023: 🎬 Family Movie Night (Take 2) - Secret Headquarters - Another good family movie that I thought was good. I was surprised our youngest liked it the …

Mar 17, 2023: 🎬 Family Movie Night - Rock Dog 3 : Battle the Beast - Nothing spectacular about this movie but a good one to watch with the family as you might have …

Mar 17, 2023: 📸 Photoblogging: Day 17 - Never to early for a little St. Patty’s day celebration with the family 🍀

Mar 17, 2023: Will our youngest catch a Leprechaun with her trap…? 🍀

Mar 17, 2023: Don’t let this sunshine fool you, it was single digits out there today with a -°F feels like temp. Not to mention dodging ice from yesterday’s rain, …

Mar 16, 2023: 📸 Photoblogging: Day 16 - With the rain, sleet, snow, and now lots of wind is not going to fair well for anyone traveling on these roads as the …

Mar 15, 2023: Was an overcast day today but overall felt good on my run for the first 4 miles. Then I think the lack of water this morning and too much coffee …

Mar 15, 2023: 📸 Photoblogging: Day 15 - It takes patience training a new dog. However, so far things have been coming along nicely.

Mar 15, 2023: Busy day in the office today but I feel like my co-workers are not pulling their weight today. 🐶😴

Mar 14, 2023: 📸 Photoblogging: Day 14 - Watching the sunset on the horizon while trying to get a run in. As the weather gets warming I am looking forward to more of …

Mar 14, 2023: It has been to many days of rest so time to get back to it running. In some consolation it was warm when I started but got a little cold at the end. …

Mar 10, 2023: 📸 Photoblogging: Day 10 - Pretty much a daily ritual is to drink some coffee. With today I only had one cup until 3pm then I had another. ☕️

Mar 10, 2023: Fingers crossed this next flight takes off on time… Come on let’s board this plane! 🤞

Mar 9, 2023: 📸 Photoblogging: Day 9 - Two train cars connected together.

Mar 9, 2023: Wasn’t planning on running but work up early again and saw it was going to be a beautiful sunrise so I quickly tossed my running gear on and headed …

Mar 8, 2023: Had to get out a little earlier this morning before heading into work. Wish I could have seen the sunrise vs overcast weather still glad to get this …

Mar 8, 2023: 📸 Photoblogging: Day 8 - Nice night here in Portland and enjoying the walk home after a team dinner.

Mar 7, 2023: 📸 Photoblogging: Day 7 - During the whole day while in the office i think this is spot on…

Mar 6, 2023: It has been a long 24 hrs and I wish I could have gotten to sleep in longer this morning but it wasn’t because of a meeting or anything… The bright …

Mar 6, 2023: 📸 Photoblogging: Day 6 - This building has a lot of engineering history but even after the plant itself closed, this building was moved brick by brick …

Mar 5, 2023: 📸 Photoblogging: Day 5 - Tiled bricks with some awesome shoes 😉

Mar 5, 2023: Was a cloudy morning in the Prairie and at first I really didn’t want to go for a run but I have a lot of travel this evening so knew it would be good …

Mar 4, 2023: 📸 Photoblogging: Day 4 - Zipped up and ready for work travel tomorrow.

Mar 3, 2023: 📸 Photoblogging: Day 3 - The solitude of my “shed” office helps me focus during the workday. Now if only I could find some more time to clean it 🫣

Mar 3, 2023: Found a quick break in my day around lunchtime to go run around some muddy trails. Afternoon full of meeting so I had to make sure I didn’t spend too …

Mar 2, 2023: 📸 Photoblogging: Day 2 - Finally some sun after the interesting weather we have been getting of rain / sleet / snow. Now if more of the ice on …

Mar 2, 2023: Wasn’t many tracks out there today after the snowfall this morning. I did try to find my way paths that were more plowed at one point to avoid ice …

Mar 1, 2023: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 1 - These have been essential this season in keeping me feel secure on some very icy runs.

Mar 1, 2023: Realized I had some posts sitting in Ulysses that I crafted while on vacation with limited internet. Once we got reception I forgot to post them so I …

Feb 28, 2023: Exploring a new area tonight and was unfortunately surprised with a lot of hills. I was not really ready for all that up hill climbing. I almost …

Feb 28, 2023: Kid had late basketball practice tonight and I realized right before I left I didn’t have any coffee for tomorrow. Nothing a quick run couldn’t solve …

Feb 26, 2023: Another beautiful morning run along the river in Rochester before back to back basketball games. The weather said it was 23°F but felt much warmer in …

Feb 26, 2023: Hope no one has an emergency…

Feb 25, 2023: Long break in between basketball games today and the sun was out so I took advantage of the nice paths by the river in Rochester. Wish I wouldn’t have …

Feb 25, 2023: This was an overly filing lunch of Sweet Asian Zing Chicken and Waffles from Birdies at the Workshop Food Hall.. However so good 😋

Feb 24, 2023: Found some plowed sidewalks and some not so plowed like this one today on my run. Since I was pressed for time today it just added to the work out …

Feb 23, 2023: Still tinkering with Obsidian and I got to thinking of searching for a plugin that can post to directy and well… Here is a plugin …

Feb 22, 2023: The snow might not be as bad as people thought but running through it was a fun little challenge tonight. Also, probably shouldn’t have done it 20 min …

Feb 21, 2023: Well this is going to get interesting real quick… For context our surrounding schools have already moved to eLearning for the next two days 😳😱😑 …

Feb 20, 2023: Watching the kids bake cookies while one was blindfolded, one was deaf (noise canceling headphones in with music cranked) and one couldn’t talk was …

Feb 20, 2023: Hockey Weekend - Second Place Champs! 🏒 These girls work hard this weekend only allowing 1 goal in for 4 games and to get beat in the Championships to the number 1 team in the state in …

Feb 19, 2023: 🎬Family Movie: Dog Gone - Really good family movie about well.. a dog!

Feb 19, 2023: So fun that a lot of extended family were in town this past weekend and we could meet up together. Not to mention watch our now kids play hockey a lot …

Feb 19, 2023: Busy middle of the day today with hockey so I had to force myself to get up early today or this run would most likely have never happened. Weather was …

Feb 19, 2023: Great day of hockey yesterday but the late game really threw a wrench into my evening’s with an unexpected expense before todays Championship Sunday. …

Feb 17, 2023: Ok… Time to test out Drafts and see what all of the fuss is about 🤷‍♂️

Feb 16, 2023: Well the instructions from Open Core Legacy Patcher worked well and I have my old 2013 MacBook Air now running Ventura. Haven’t installed anything …

Feb 15, 2023: Of all the things i should be doing this is most likely not one of them… I am looking at you @maique 👀

Feb 15, 2023: With all the rain yesterday and sun I was hoping this trail was cleared to run on. It was good until I turned and was met with this. Unfortunately, I …

Feb 13, 2023: After a busy day I found time to get out in this warm weather to run and watch the sunset. Glad more of our ice is melting away.

Feb 11, 2023: So far today: ✅ Early morning run (was regretting it when I woke up after a late night) ✅ Coffee and a couple min to relax ✅ Made Breakfast for the …

Feb 11, 2023: Early morning run helping a friend navigate some side streets in Eden Prairie. I think I regret staying up so late the night before but glad to get …

Feb 11, 2023: Well my daughters team had a huge upset tonight by winning her hockey game 5-3. So fitting the parents went out to celebrate 😆. Funny thing is this is …

Feb 10, 2023: Another sunny day and was glad to find exactly 30 min free in my schedule to run. I should have kept to the streets as the sidewalks are not quite …

Feb 10, 2023: Before all my meetings this morning I felt like a short order cook as I made this exact breakfast three different times… 🍳🥓 One for each kid as they …

Feb 9, 2023: Finally some warm weather and less icy streets and paths. I did happen to find a trail to make my way down to Red Rock Lake and then did a little …

Feb 7, 2023: It is good to be working out in the shed office again today with my now two companions. 🐶

Feb 6, 2023: With the warmer weather yesterday I had to try to keep to the streets as much as possible as sidewalks were sheets of uneven ice. Longest run of the …

Feb 5, 2023: 🎬 Family Movie: Puss in Boots: The last wish - After a busy day we made homemade pizza and watched a movie. This was entertaining enough to keep …

Feb 5, 2023: 🎬 Family Movie Night… Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile - Overall funny family musical.

Feb 4, 2023: It has been a long time since I have stepped into a gym. My intention was to just use the weights but out of habit I jumped on the treadmill and put …

Feb 4, 2023: Had a little game night tonight… I did well in Happy Salmon and Mancala. However, I didn’t do so well again against the oldest in Chess later in the …

Feb 3, 2023: Where else would I want to be on a Friday night… Go Eagles 🦅🏒

Feb 3, 2023: Looks like it is going to be a great day outside today 🥶

Feb 2, 2023: Maybe I shouldn’t have tried to do two days in a row as I was feeling this run in my legs today. However, the sun was out again and I had some time to …

Feb 1, 2023: I understand how this happens but it doesn’t make it any less frustrating when I am on a call and you hear the sound letting you know there isn’t much …

Feb 1, 2023: Easing back into things after 10 days with no activities. Starting February off with a short run to make sure everything is working and besides being …

Jan 28, 2023: I have seen this bird around a lot and always refer to him as a Red-Headed Woodpecker… However, I seem to be mistaken upon further identification as …

Jan 27, 2023: Youngest and I watched Wish Dragon… Pretty good remake of Aladdin geared with some real world funny.

Jan 27, 2023: Someone is not happy that I beat her by a slim margin by drawing the right coco tile for the free building at the end 😁

Jan 27, 2023: With iOS having a pretty well built in document scanner why not make it easier to access? I understand I can get there from the files app but it would …

Jan 27, 2023: I am starting to think this is the the plan from Evernote… Email me daily to subscribe so that I will become frustrated enough to pay for it or I will …

Jan 25, 2023: It is days like this I wish I could go outside and do something. Not that I feel bad as I have heard some get this worse but rational side of my brain …

Jan 25, 2023: As I am looking around the house for my AirPod Pro’s before jumping on a meeting, I can’t help but wonder why they don’t have the …

Jan 22, 2023: Thanks to modern technology I was able to sit at home and watch my daughter score for the first time this year… 🏒🎉

Jan 22, 2023: Hello darkness, my old friend… I guess it has been a year since we last met but this is not exactly what I had planned for the day 😔

Jan 21, 2023: Chalk this up to a first as I had some time in between my son’s late basketball games tonight so I decided to go on a run with no real running cloths …

Jan 21, 2023: I see your sign and I will take it under advertisement… 😁 My view to record the game from the track😁

Jan 21, 2023: Might have felt a little more sore running today than I thought after yesterday’s spill. However, I stumbled upon this fun pond hockey rink.. Well …

Jan 19, 2023: Tired Pup… 🐶

Jan 19, 2023: I do like running in a light snow fall and seeing the snow stick to that trees. However, that was quickly changed in my mind when I was reminded the …

Jan 19, 2023: Not sure if it is just finally starting to click due or what but I think I am getting a better handle on how to document my work stuff in Craft. Maybe …

Jan 19, 2023: The temperature is at that fun point of slush in some areas and very slick in others. Ended up with just wet socks and shoes while what felt like …

Jan 18, 2023: Sometimes when running, I find myself purposely or unintentionally at a dead end or cul-de-sac, I am interested to see the signs they put up. This is …

Jan 17, 2023: Digital Documents Everywhere About 14 years ago I started what was an ongoing process for the next 4-5 years of removing most of the paper clutter in my life and either moving …

Jan 17, 2023: Because we felt like life wasn’t crazy enough and we had tons of downtime… 🤦‍♂️ We decided to foster another dog, meet Daffy the Aussiedoodle… 🐶

Jan 16, 2023: Well what was rain today turned into a snow run tonight with no lights. Sidewalks started to get a little slick but not to bad and I was able to look …

Jan 16, 2023: Well I am not sure what to think with this constant rain all day. I am fairly confident that it is not helping that rink as there is puddles out …

Jan 15, 2023: The strange things you find in the middle of busy streets when running. I have to think this looked really odd carrying the last mile of my run …

Jan 14, 2023: Sometimes to break up a long drive you just need to stop at a random park and go for a run. 📍Riverwalk Park, North Branch, MN

Jan 11, 2023: Just an amazing find running today. Utilizing all this excess show we have been getting by building a huge fort in the middle of the cul-de-sac. Well …

Jan 11, 2023: Another 3.5 hr drive home where luckily the weather wasn’t too bad. Started to rain but wasn’t slick yet. However, what a fun time being able to take …

Jan 10, 2023: 3.5 hrs later we made it to our destination as my son is a huge fan! So I guess go Cyclones 🌪️🫣

Jan 10, 2023: Going to be a busy day so this was really the only time and distance I had to work with.

Jan 10, 2023: ☕ It is going to be a long day with two 3.5 hrs driving stretches at some point. Just keep the coffee flowing.

Jan 9, 2023: Had to pick the car up from the shop today so it seemed like a good time to get a run in.

Jan 8, 2023: This is really a minor gripe in the grand scheme of things but I wish the sidewalks were clear. This should be a sidewalk next to this this busier …

Jan 7, 2023: Junk miles today… I say this because I had only a certain amount of time to do this run. I was so worried that I wouldn’t get back to my …

Jan 7, 2023: 🎬 Family Movie: Matilda the Musical -

Jan 6, 2023: For what started as other family members puzzle (they did the outside boarder) I was left to finish it as I couldn’t help myself. Glad to put this …

Jan 6, 2023: Going to call it a night / week and start making the commute home 😁

Jan 6, 2023: Loving the bright sun reflecting off the frost of the trees today. Should have wore spikes running today. Let’s just hope someone was watching my slip …

Jan 5, 2023: Winter running tools needed during this night run. The side streets have not been plowed great and after an above freezing day with lots of menting …

Jan 4, 2023: As much fun as blazing my own trail is I will take the hint as it is snowing again and assume this trail is closed. Thankfully the sidewalk I was on …

Jan 4, 2023: Winter wonderland ☃️ - I have shoveled this path twice and ran the snow blower over it last night. Based on the amount of snow still falling I am not …

Jan 3, 2023: Nothing like running shuffling through deep snow today as there was probably 4-5 inches already on the ground and not plowed in some places. It was …

Jan 2, 2023: Now that it is colder again the ice is back out on the streets and sidewalks. Didn’t fall on my run so that is a win and I continued to fill in my …

Jan 1, 2023: Not a bad way to start the New Year than a run with my oldest Daughter. I was surprised when she said she wanted to come along so I changed my plans …

Jan 1, 2023: Hockey game didn’t go as planned, they played hard but couldn’t put another one in the net to get a tie. I decided to take this one to Treats after …

Dec 31, 2022: What better way to ring in the New Year than watching 10UA hockey semi-finals… Go Eagles 🦅🏒

Dec 30, 2022: Getting in a run in before the day is done. Probably the last one for 2022 and after a sluggish first mile started to feel better. It could also be …

Dec 29, 2022: Thanks for not plowing and actually leaving a pile of snow on the sidewalk McDonald’s 😖. Had to take our van in so figured I would run home as we have …

Dec 28, 2022: Wet rough mess out there running today. However, after all the festivities I was slow moving so it didn’t bother me too much just didn’t want to hurt …

Dec 26, 2022: Merry Christmas from our family to yours! 🎄🎅

Dec 26, 2022: Early morning Christmas run before opening presents. It was another cold one but I was just trying to make sure I made it back in time.. I might have …

Dec 25, 2022: Late night but everything is set for the morning 🎄 *Don’t mind the sleeping kids waiting for 🎅 *

Dec 23, 2022: What ended as a really fun night lead to a 3am drive to the ER as B thought he ankle was broken. He took a puck to the ankle and thought the pain …

Dec 23, 2022: Well done to these kids braving the cold and putting good use to the outdoor rink late into the night. 🏒

Dec 23, 2022: Hot Chocolate bar for the outdoor skaters… 🏒🥅⛸️☕️

Dec 23, 2022: After a late night at the ER it was an early morning to wake up as the Ice Ops crew needed to resurface the ice. 🏒🥅🧊 Ready for the skaters now!

Dec 22, 2022: Wave one of workers done in the house and the family went bowling. So I took a 27 min run outside to see how cold it was really was. Looks like I got …

Dec 22, 2022: Welcome to chaos - Kids' school got canceled, family came into town one day early due to the weather, the cleaner is scheduled to come today, the …

Dec 20, 2022: I am probably late to the party on this but I have been playing this game for the past week and I really enjoy it to get my mind working in the …

Dec 19, 2022: Snowy run today that was slow going as there was a nice sheet of ice under as well. However, I used this time to fill in some streets that I have not …

Dec 19, 2022: Why have only one project going on at your house when you have have many… Had the contractor move to fixing the entry way floor as he waits for the …

Dec 18, 2022: Slowly starting to come back together after painting today…

Dec 18, 2022: The task for today… Painting

Dec 17, 2022: ⛹️‍♂️ Two games done and they are 1-1 so hopefully they can pull off another win!

Dec 17, 2022: ⛹️‍♂️ 3 Basketball games tonight and the first one is staring now and I think we will be done by 11 😳

Dec 17, 2022: Great time with my uncle, brother, cousin and other family tonight at the Wild game. It was great to see a win and Zuccarello get a hat trick for a …

Dec 17, 2022: There was really no plan to run today but I couldn’t pass up this beautiful scenery. If anything it is a great way to just zone out for a while and I …

Dec 16, 2022: Winter wonderland walk to the office this morning.. 🌨️

Dec 16, 2022: 🌨 Still watching the snowfall and thinking of how much damage this is going to do to the backyard rink 😑

Dec 16, 2022: Readwise Reader It doesn’t seem like it was that long ago I was talking about Rethinking my Information flow and I believe I said something along the lines that …

Dec 15, 2022: I really do love snowy days like today. I was just thankful it was still snowing this afternoon so I could go for a run while listening to my favorite …

Dec 15, 2022: Nothing like running in the rain on December 14. Being late night runs after dinner I have found a new goal with no plan for pace as I am finding …

Dec 14, 2022: Projects and Progress continues.. I am not sure why we thought getting so much done all around the same time was a good idea… 🤦‍♂️

Dec 13, 2022: 2022-2023 Ice Ops update: This weather with the other issue is not looking good for the rink conditions… 🌧️

Dec 13, 2022: Late night run as my son was at basketball practice. After a long day of work and dealing with contractors this was needed as I just explored random …

Dec 12, 2022: 🤳 Dealing with contractors that screwed up installing our shower upstairs is not the highlight of my morning.

Dec 11, 2022: Setting up Github for Weblog Setting up Github for Weblog Hoping this will work as planned and now I will have a post on my Weblog site that was generated from Github. I really …

Dec 11, 2022: Setting up Github for Weblog Setting up Github for Weblog Hoping this will work as planned and now I will have a post on my Weblog site that was generated from Github. I really …

Dec 9, 2022: Found some time close to lunch to get out for a run and enjoy the weather. Well mostly enjoyable, if anything I wasn’t dealing with house projects or …

Dec 9, 2022: 📨 Triaging emails this morning before I need to get more kids moving off to school and the bathroom people show up.

Dec 8, 2022: This last second shot by Ohio state to pull off a win by one point is amazing. What they don’t show right before this is a free throw missed that …

Dec 8, 2022: 👨‍💻 Building some random iOS shortcuts because for some reason I tell myself I need them.

Dec 8, 2022: With the temperature hitting a low of 5°F (-15°C) the rink was making lots of ice last night and has a nice layer on top… 🧊

Dec 7, 2022: Surprised this run went as well as it did today as there was fresh snow on the ground and I lacking sleep based on my late night flooding. Maybe it is …

Dec 7, 2022: Now that is not something I see everyday in my backyard… 🦊

Dec 7, 2022: Flooding Complete: A little over 18hrs of flooding brining my 9th year of this to a close. This year size was 54’ x 32’ and has about 14,041 Gallons …

Dec 7, 2022: Now that my city upgraded our water meters and I have an app I can check it with, I realize that my calculation last year was way off. Guess I …

Dec 7, 2022: Flooding Update: 12 hours in.. things are progressing nicely but at this point we have not covered the base but should in the next hour.

Dec 7, 2022: 💦 Still watching water fill my backyard rectangle up and praying there isn’t a leak… Also, testing out the beta app 😉

Dec 6, 2022: Flooding update: 8hrs in and still going well but the ground is not covered yet. Also, some of the snow chucks have been sticking up in the tarp so I …

Dec 6, 2022: Flooding update: 2hrs in and things are progressing nicely as water is touching all of the back wall at this point. No leaks but at some point tonight …

Dec 6, 2022: It’s that time of year again when the air is cold and I am going to pump a lot of water in my backyard that hopefully freezes. Let’s go! 💦🧊🏒

Dec 6, 2022: Could this be a shortcut to end this run early? I am not 100% confident that it is completely frozen but maybe another time.

Dec 5, 2022: Seems fitting for the end of today that I missed hitting the Delay button and just ran the coffee maker… 🤦‍♂️ I guess is anyone up for some coffee I …

Dec 5, 2022: ⛹️‍♂️ Probably should be sleeping but rewatching videos of my son’s basketball games to do the stats for the coach 🫣

Dec 5, 2022: Spent the day watching kids activities which I find enjoyable. At my daughters hockey game I was able to have fun taking photos with our “good camera” …

Dec 4, 2022: Today was a bust! It was supposed to be a day to get stuff done or at least just relax as the only things we had on was something in the morning and then evening. …

Dec 2, 2022: It is hard to always keep things on track and have line of sight to the end in the distance. The problem is just like this track there are curves …

Dec 2, 2022: Cross posting from Weblog to As always Adam does a great job quickly fixing anything that doesn’t work. So even though my last post when feeds were new didn’t work. This one …

Dec 2, 2022: Cross posting from Weblog to Cross posting from Weblog to As always Adam does a great job quickly fixing anything that doesn’t work. So even though my last post when …

Dec 2, 2022: Doesn’t everyone spend a break in their day snow blowing their backyard instead of eating lunch or doing something else important? Before …

Dec 2, 2022: Cross Posting from Decided to take advantage of the Day 2 new feature of Weblog. So this post is being created on Weblog and pulled in automatically to So …

Dec 2, 2022: Cross Posting from Cross Posting from Decided to take advantage of the Day 2 new feature of Weblog. So this post is being created on Weblog and pulled in …

Dec 1, 2022: Took some work on heavy legs today trudging through the snow. Below is the same picture that was taken 2 days ago but now with snow.

Dec 1, 2022: With temperatures hovering in the single digits last night the shed is a little chilly this morning. I need to have the heaters kick on earlier in the …

Dec 1, 2022: Oh this is going to be big 🤯 Look here it is a Weblog… I am not 100% sure how this is going to change my whole process but I can see it having a big impact very soon.

Nov 30, 2022: Braved the cold (15°F with a feels like 0°F) and enjoyed running over the snow and on ice today. Actually, broke out the yak tracks but might not have …

Nov 29, 2022: 🎶 Might be a snowstorm outside but the school choir concert will continue

Nov 29, 2022: Snowy walk back to the house this afternoon. I see I am going to have to shovel my path again before heading back. I am not sure why but I really like …

Nov 29, 2022: I feel like I have to have done something wrong as my feed keeps pulling articles from months ago even though I every now and then clear …

Nov 29, 2022: Lucky that I found some time today to get out for a run so it was short. It worked out as my ankle was a little sore for some reason or another. I …

Nov 28, 2022: Writing reviews for people that you have only known and worked with for 2 months is a lot more challenging than I had thought it was going to be. …

Nov 28, 2022: Well even though the night of the tire issue turned out well, today I got the news from the repair people I needed 4 new tires… 💸 Why …

Nov 26, 2022: It didn’t take me this whole time as I might have ducked out for a quick run but the boards are up. Next up I need some cold weather… Sorry other …

Nov 26, 2022: Such nice weather today that I had to take a break from rink building to go for a run. It was so nice I wore shorts even though snow was on the ground …

Nov 26, 2022: Well.. It is now or never (for this season), if I am putting up the rink today and tomorrow are the days to set the boards up. Let’s go!

Nov 26, 2022: Well Fix a Flat saved the day as the night might have ended up a lot worse as we had 2.5 hrs of driving to go. At that point our arrival time was …

Nov 25, 2022: 🏈 Time for some in person live Football

Nov 24, 2022: Keeping the tradition alive with an early morning Thanksgiving day run. This year we are back in my hometown and I enjoy the memories that come back …

Nov 23, 2022: 😒 Work up this morning to my Smart Thermostat telling me for the last 2 hrs our house heater has not turned on. Looks like this day is going to get a …

Nov 23, 2022: Passing some time while my girls were at dance. Too bad it was dark out but I made the best of it doing a little running.

Nov 22, 2022: As an owner of a OneWheel, I understand it is not the easiest to use and is slightly dangerous as you need to know your own limits. However, this CPSC …

Nov 22, 2022: Rethinking My Information Flow Sometimes I spend more time tinkering with things to try to get to the ideal solution than using the ones I currently have. Last night I was digging …

Nov 22, 2022: Squirrel 1 - Eric 0 Last week Wednesday my parents dropped off this new bird feeder called a suet feeder. It took a couple of days for the birds to show up and start …

Nov 21, 2022: Thankfully the sun was out and it wasn’t windy because this run was miserable. Not that time time or anything was bad but one of those times that the …

Nov 20, 2022: 🎬 Family Movie night… Spirited - Overall I thought it was a good movie and got overall positive results from the family. We will have it watch it …

Nov 20, 2022: Waffle on a stick anyone?

Nov 20, 2022: My daughter had a hockey practice and she forgot her water bottle so.. I decided to run it to her 😁

Nov 20, 2022: ⛹️‍♂️ Early morning basketball today. Really hope these boys can pull this one together as there were some close tough losses yesterday. I will do my …

Nov 19, 2022: 🏀 Time for more basketball

Nov 19, 2022: 💃 The little one has a quick dance performance…

Nov 19, 2022: 🏒 Now on to some Hockey

Nov 19, 2022: 🏀 Time for some basketball

Nov 19, 2022: 🎳 First up today bowling…

Nov 19, 2022: ☕️ Going to be a busy day today but first coffee…

Nov 18, 2022: 🍕 Homemade Pizza night..

Nov 18, 2022: Lazy Friday afternoon from the Shed office couch… 🐶

Nov 18, 2022: It was colder than I was thinking when I started this run today and was wishing I wore my other gloves. However, as things progressed I was feeling …

Nov 18, 2022: 🏃🏻‍♂️ It is hovering around 15°F… Seems like the logical time to get outside and run. 😁

Nov 17, 2022: Finally got cold enough to make it challenging out there today with ice under the snow. I was not anticipating that or the wind / blowing snow. …

Nov 17, 2022: 🏒 Time to watch some Hockey

Nov 17, 2022: Shed Office faired out well with temps last night around 20°F. I turned the heaters on full at 6:30 am and by the time I made it out by 7:45 it was …

Nov 17, 2022: Does anyone use anything or recommend a product to monitor electricity usage? I am not opposed to hooking it up to a breaker panel to get a bigger …

Nov 16, 2022: Weather is not looking good for someone who didn’t get his hockey boards setup.. I am going to still tell myself there will be warm days ahead in …

Nov 16, 2022: Loved the white scenery today so I decided against my better judgement to hit the snow covered trails. Mostly they were good but the boardwalks made …

Nov 16, 2022: 🎉 Love it when a meeting gets canceled and I get an open block of time!

Nov 16, 2022: Let’s see how this can handle pictures of Lainey Lou the Doodle after her morning walk. She was ready for bed and everyone else needed to get …

Nov 16, 2022: Testing a post from Craft.. This could get interesting 😉

Nov 15, 2022: 🚕 Glorified Uber driver.. I mean parent 😁

Nov 15, 2022: Watching the snow fly again from my “office” window. I like how far this little space has come and still many more little things to do. But in the …

Nov 15, 2022: 🌨️ Seems to be snowing again…

Nov 14, 2022: With the fresh snow and that it kept snowing most of the morning it made sense to get out there and make some tracks. The perfect day to go for a snow …

Nov 13, 2022: Such a busy weekend for this girl and her team so far and they have had some tough games. Today they get to play in the championship game and it …

Nov 12, 2022: Quick run in before the next hockey game today.

Nov 10, 2022: Thank you Detroit airport for saving me with some needed coffee this morning… The egg scramble was a hit as well. Time to catch the next flight 🛫

Nov 10, 2022: Why do they even have flights so early at the PWM airport if nothing is open… Specifically no shops or places to get coffee 😔.

Nov 9, 2022: Morning is going to come very fast…

Nov 9, 2022: Was up early again but had to wait a little longer to get out for a run as the temperature was 32°F. Not that it was much warmer when I went but the …

Nov 8, 2022: Short run today as I had some earlier all day meetings today. Definitely a little colder out today and the wind blowing.

Nov 7, 2022: I really do like running in the morning and watching the sunrise. It was more humid than I thought it was going to be after running in cooler weather …

Nov 6, 2022: Living the dream… Sitting in a hotel watching my daughter play hockey and updating the stats of my sons basketball games from the weekend. I am not …

Nov 6, 2022: The joys of traveling with flight connections… Just boarding flight 1 and found out flight 2 is now pushed back another hour to the current layover. …

Nov 5, 2022: Since I will be traveling next week I found some time in between morning basketball and hockey today to vote 🗳️

Nov 4, 2022: Already 3 cups of coffee in on this Friday morning and it is only 6:30am 😳☕️

Nov 3, 2022: With taking a kid to the doctors and team meetings all day I gave myself 25 min to run. I was guessing how long it would take me and gave myself a …

Nov 3, 2022: Spent a couple minutes this morning tinkering around with getting the new service by @vincent working on my site. It was super easy to …

Nov 1, 2022: Since we still have this nice weather I decided while my girls were at dance I would go run across my hidden bridge again. Only too bad it gets dark …

Nov 1, 2022: Going to give this a go with a picture directly and see if this gets sucked into

Oct 31, 2022: Found a gap in my calendar early today and took advantage of it. Decided to explore some trails I haven’t been to in a while.

Oct 30, 2022: In between all the stuff today I found some time for a run. I am kind of surprised I had these trails to myself today as the last couple of times I …

Oct 30, 2022: Her first piano recital and yes you are seeing it right the teacher has them do it on zoom. Really fun as since the kids don’t ever see each other and …

Oct 30, 2022: We were cheering on our favorite bowler in his first bowling tournament of the season 🎳 Unofficial results later in the day had him getting second …

Oct 30, 2022: This girl did a great job at carving out the big pumpkin we had this year. 🎃

Oct 30, 2022: Jump! When you have a big pile of leaves the obvious thing to do is jump in them and make a slow motion video. 🍂

Oct 28, 2022: 💻 Doing some database work...😱

Oct 28, 2022: Just playing a little Dog Crimes with my youngest. Fun little problem solving game for younger, older, and adults.

Oct 27, 2022: Had to take it real easy as it got dark fast and these boardwalk and trails require some decent footwork with no running lights. However, it was a …

Oct 27, 2022: Here I thought it was over but still Ice Drawing… Well really trading and sharing now but still part of the whole package. 🏒😖

Oct 27, 2022: 🏒 Ice Drawing….

Oct 26, 2022: Another year of Ice Drawing fun in the books. Now home to create a simple calendar to view for the coach… Oh and probably call some teams tomorrow …

Oct 26, 2022: “I think I am safe here and the vet won’t find me under this chair.” - Lainey Lou the Doodle 🐶

Oct 25, 2022: Found the hidden bridge I was looking for but also another one too 😁. Overall run was good after starting off a little rocky by tripping over rocks on …

Oct 24, 2022: 🤒 Time to get back to work this week after a week off. Too bad I seemed to have picked up something as I feel miserable today.

Oct 23, 2022: Even though I am still not feeling 100% I needed to get outside today. Decided to go out and catch the sunset on a boardwalk trail run. 🏃🏻‍♂️

Oct 19, 2022: Richard T. Anderson Conservation Area is one of my favorite places to run but it is all hills. My Lungs were burning a little today from a nagging …

Oct 19, 2022: ✅ Another task completed for Project Shed! It is now insulated and ready for the Minnesota winters. Still a little messy but this will do for now.

Oct 18, 2022: It has been a couple of days so it was time to get out for a run. I figured I would just find some trails and do some exploring as I am still trying …

Oct 16, 2022: Can’t believe this girl is 8 🥳🎉🎂 She has been so excited for the day! We started off with donuts with her cousins. Lunch was some homemade waffles on a stick which is her favorite. I …

Oct 15, 2022: How could I pass up a chance to run with my youngest at her fun run. All night she kept telling my wife the it would be fun because it was a “fun run” …

Oct 14, 2022: After the strange weather day we had I stepped out to run and it started sleeting so I gave it 5 min and thankfully it stopped. Glad I didn’t scrap as …

Oct 14, 2022: Looking out from the “shed office” at 8:30am 🌨️ Same picture now at 10:30am. Thanks for stopping by snow let’s catch up next time in a couple months.👋

Oct 14, 2022: Snowy walk worth the doodle this morning. Can’t believe this is the first snow of the season but I know it won’t last long… 🌨️🐶

Oct 13, 2022: Day In The Life. 5:04pm found a little path and trail to kill some time while the kids are at activities. Eden Prairie, Minnesota, United States 📷 🍂

Oct 12, 2022: What a full looking rainbow tonight… Look close though it is actually a double 👀🌈🌈

Oct 12, 2022: Another beautiful day to see the fall colors. Wasn’t the plan to get out today but glad I did. 🍂🏃🏻‍♂️ Update: It has been rainy and cloudy since I …

Oct 11, 2022: Passing the time running while my girls are at dance tonight. I am not sure where this change in weather came from but it was warmer and windier than …

Oct 7, 2022: Still loving these fall runs and colors 🍂. Decided to take to the trails today.

Oct 7, 2022: 🏃 Just seems like the perfect time of year to get outside…

Oct 6, 2022: These Fall days… I just wish this picture turned out like how I actually saw it with all the colors. However, this is what gets me out there.

Oct 5, 2022: After a couple days off I decided to put a couple miles in while my youngest was at her piano lesson. I was in no hurry and enjoyed the scenery. I …

Oct 3, 2022: 🔗London Marathon 2022: Man dies after collapsing during event - BBC News - Seeing this article a day after finishing a marathon kind of makes you take …

Oct 2, 2022: 🎬 Bullet Train - This was the perfect movie to watch after an exhausting day. Probably isn’t a show for everyone but I appreciate the style and …

Oct 2, 2022: Another Twin Cities Marathon in the books. Overall, I am happy with my time as I wasn’t slower than last year even though it was an interesting …

Oct 2, 2022: Time to have some “fun” 🏃🏻‍♂️

Sep 30, 2022: Best thing about working from my shed office… My youngest just got off the bus and ran to the backyard so excited to tell me about her day. Then her …

Sep 30, 2022: 🐶 Taking the Doodle in to get her monthly shot… Poor doodle :(

Sep 29, 2022: Most likely the last run till Sunday. Not sure why my hip started giving me some pain during the last half mile but hope it was just a fluke.

Sep 28, 2022: Stretching the legs out again as the day is getting near. As my friend said at this point the biggest objective of these last few runs is to not trip …

Sep 28, 2022: Goodbye RV 🚐... A couple of weeks back we finally said goodbye to our RV as we watched drive out of our driveway for the last and final time. It was a bittersweet …

Sep 28, 2022: 🥶 Trying to get the Shed office warm… Currently 51°F

Sep 28, 2022: Wow this weather really turned quick 🥶 Looks like I need to get moving on the next phase of Project Shed or I am going to be wearing gloves to work

Sep 27, 2022: I don’t think I am doing this taper thing right 🫣 but it was a beautiful day and I had an hour to kill between meetings.

Sep 27, 2022: 🏃 Running….

Sep 27, 2022: ✨ Time to mess around with all of the statuses….

Sep 25, 2022: Had to motivate myself to get out there today but it was really a nice day out. With one week to go, a lots of curveballs of life plans have made me …

Sep 23, 2022: Might be time to say goodbye to the Garmin as now there is the Apple Ultra in town 😱 ⌚️ You know it actually feels lighter and looks smaller than my …

Sep 23, 2022: Last day in Portland for a while so I needed to catch the sunrise one more time. Starting to get a little chilly out there but I will take this …

Sep 21, 2022: Sunrise run this morning before heading into the office. The scenery doesn’t get old for me.

Sep 20, 2022: It was a nice cool morning today but not too much from a view perspective. Just trying to get some more miles in before the rest of the week might get …

Sep 20, 2022: Here we go again... After having a couple of my running friends twist my arm I finally signed up for the Twin Cities Marathon again. However, it wasn’t just because of …

Sep 19, 2022: Rainy evening run along the water after a full day of in person meetings with the new team. This one felt good and has some speed to it. Must have …

Sep 18, 2022: After sitting on a plane it was nice to get out for some fresh air and stretch my legs. Found two very different purposed boats in the harbor. Info on …

Sep 17, 2022: Didn’t go as planned but I am ok with it. Only time to start running was right after a dinner on a full stomach as my family was in town. Got about 3 …

Sep 15, 2022: It was too nice out this morning to not get a couple of miles in before going to the office.

Sep 14, 2022: Really a beautiful late afternoon to get out and run along the water. Felt good even though I had no plan in place but a loose route in mind.

Sep 12, 2022: After what felt like a strange day of work as my flight was in the middle of it. It felt good to just stretch the legs and put some miles in along the …

Sep 12, 2022: Starting my new adventure today…. Should be a good one and more to come. See you soon Portland, ME. 😉

Sep 10, 2022: Glad to get this one in the books and feeling as good as I could. On the other hand random running routes lead to more hills than planned. At least …

Sep 9, 2022: Closing the door on another chapter in my career. I will miss everyone I worked with over the past 3 years but I am also excited for what is next.

Sep 8, 2022: Had to get a late run in tonight as I had a full day in the actual office today. The moon has a yellow glow tonight and the picture doesn’t do it …

Sep 7, 2022: Another brutal day out there today but kept telling myself it was all about getting out there. My route and no rhyme or reason but trying to find some …

Sep 6, 2022: I see my friend the heat came back today to make me regret taking yesterday off. At least this path was somewhat shade covered.

Sep 6, 2022: It is that time again for another year of school and wow how the kids have changed… 🚌 Now that everyone is off to school there is a sad doodle again …

Sep 4, 2022: Wasn’t even sure I was going to get this run in but glad to get double digits to keep some momentum going forward. Really couldn’t have asked for …

Sep 4, 2022: Perfect way to start a cool Sunday morning… Coffee, bacon and pancakes ☕️🥞🥓

Sep 2, 2022: Finally cooled off tonight so we are sitting by the fire and watching some heat lightening.

Sep 2, 2022: Did I mention I like finding trails? 😉 Had to get this one done early today as going to watch my son run his Cross Country meet was next. Felt good …

Sep 1, 2022: Well the design crew @hemisphericviews have out done themselves for the 2022 Arcadia June awards.🏆 Such a fun event again this year and I had fun …

Sep 1, 2022: 🎬 Me Time - It had some really funny moments in the movie but glad the kids were not watching this one. Maybe in a couple more years for the younger …

Aug 31, 2022: I don’t entirely know my daughters plan here but so far I think she might be on to something. Maybe I should let her design my next pair of running …

Aug 31, 2022: For a minute I was thinking of taking this familiar trail but the heat / humidity was kicking me. I thought running when the sun went down would be …

Aug 31, 2022: 🎬 Vengeance (2022) - Kept seeing previews for this the last couple of weeks so we gave it a go. I thought it was a really good movie and I enjoyed how …

Aug 30, 2022: Good thing I didn’t have to run under this dead tree branch. After the cool weather last night this one felt much harder than it should have been or …

Aug 29, 2022: Run felt good tonight after the weekend run. My daughters asked me in the middle of the run for cake mix. Which of course I said I would figure it …

Aug 27, 2022: Misery loves company - The perfect title to this run due to the heat and humidity. So it was slow going as hydration was key. However, not all was …

Aug 27, 2022: Saturday morning breakfast of champions… 🧇🥓☕️

Aug 27, 2022: For all the complaining this kid does about Cross Country, he had a great mile time trial last night and shaved a min off his personal best split last …

Aug 24, 2022: Probably wouldn’t have done this run if it weren’t for the fact I needed to pickup my car. It was a hot and humid one out there again today.

Aug 23, 2022: Finding a trail is always a plus even when it is near familiar paths. It was much warmer than I was thinking on this run but I had to get home from …

Aug 22, 2022: Glad to find some shade tunnels on this run. Not that it was all that hot but I meant to bring water along only to realize I forgot my water bottle at …

Aug 22, 2022: We are again fostering another puppy as the last one we just said goodbye to Ewok on Friday to her forever home. So next fast forward to late last …

Aug 22, 2022: Found a new coffee last week that I am giving a go this morning from Northern Coffeeworks. I want to say it is too early to tell but based on the …

Aug 21, 2022: I have never seen this error on my watch before but seems fitting with that about of turns I had on my route yesterday.

Aug 20, 2022: Touring Waseca today as I tried to figure out how to fit in 17 miles in this town 😉. Biggest struggle was this wasn’t my weekend plan so I didn’t have …

Aug 19, 2022: Found a new place to get some work done thanks to the Waseca-Le Sueur Regional Public Libray

Aug 18, 2022: With everything going on today I was glad to squeeze this run in. I was actually surprised the rain held off though it could have helped me cool down.

Aug 17, 2022: Fitting the clouds come in after my run and after I finished mowing. The run was needed to clear my head but man was it warm out there.

Aug 16, 2022: Another step in the right direction with Project Shed. After the successful test the past week I figured out with my new router and satellites to back …

Aug 16, 2022: Random thoughts on documenting travels and trips Most likely the last big trip for this year has wrapped up and I am again reminded that I was going to attempt to post/record more of what happened so …

Aug 15, 2022: I know my part has been minimal in this puppy fostering adventure but she is really a good dog. I am enjoying the distractions during my busy days as …

Aug 15, 2022: Enjoyed the view tonight as I ran across the small boardwalks. I probably shouldn’t have run through all the wooded areas as the last half of my run …

Aug 14, 2022: A tail of two bridges over the Minnesota River Valley and old brewery remains that ended in the dark. Glad to get this run done with out feeling too …

Aug 12, 2022: Finally a really nice night to just sit outside. I just wish we would have gotten here earlier so I would have a fire too. Hopefully, tomorrow 🤞

Aug 12, 2022: While my son was at a basketball practice I took the down time to lace up the shoes and explore the area. Found this awesome boardwalk in Bloomington …

Aug 11, 2022: Made another crack tonight exploring the trails around Braemar. Wonder how long this trail has been under construction. I will be sure to make it back …

Aug 10, 2022: Finished reading: Holy Chow by David Rosenfelt 📚 - Was kind of predictable after a while but I still really enjoy the Andy Carpenter series.

Aug 9, 2022: Wanted to try something new today with my running but that ended up with me having to stop and then restart my run 🤷‍♂️. I will figure this Garmin …

Aug 9, 2022: I guess I will say the recovery run went well but the heat got to me. Interesting that since May this section of trail has still not been …

Aug 9, 2022: Another task partially completed in the long Project Shed list. Finally connected the hard wire to the house. Currently using an old router for the …

Aug 8, 2022: Micro Monday - 116 @micromonday Thanks again Jean McDonald (@Jean) for letting me join Micro Monday and chat with you about running and backyard …

Aug 8, 2022: We are fostering this little puppy for a while… I am taking the morning shift so my wife and oldest daughter can sleep as I think it was up all night. …

Aug 7, 2022: Did some exploring in Edina again and found they opened a trail I had been hoping would be completed. Also, found some really cool bridges at another …

Aug 6, 2022: 🎬 Family Movie night (take two)… Luck I think it was from youngest to oldest child on how much they liked it. Another good movie which I will say had …

Aug 6, 2022: 🎬 Family Movie night… Minions: The Rise of Gru The kids have been wanting to watch this for a while so since it was raining it seemed like a good time …

Aug 5, 2022: Hemispheric Views Podcast - It's a Bracket This is long overdue but I really did enjoy my time on the Hemispheric Views podcast that was published last week titled It’s a Bracket!. I …

Aug 5, 2022: When will the meetings end today…. Time try this drink out ☠️ 😆

Aug 5, 2022: Just rambling around this morning to clear the head. The breeze was nice but I knew better with such high humidity and due point. 🏃🏻‍♂️

Aug 4, 2022: Had limited time after dropping one girl off and waiting to bring the other one home from dance. Probably good as I really wasn’t feeling it today. …

Aug 2, 2022: That’s a wrap on our 2022 Main vacation! Time to head home… ✈️

Aug 1, 2022: I mean why wouldn’t I become a Junior Ranger? 😁 The younger than I Park Ranger told me it wasn’t about age but rank so my kids thought I should do all …

Aug 1, 2022: Last day running and exploring along the coast of Maine. It has been fun but my legs and ankles are ready to take a break from the cobblestone and …

Jul 30, 2022: Exploring Bar Island today as I timed it right this morning at low tide. Ran on trails and some maybe trails to kill some time before the tide came …

Jul 28, 2022: Decided to take another tour over the bridge and in the town of Wiscasset, ME again today. Was short on time so cut this run down.

Jul 27, 2022: Quiet morning looking out on the Sheepscot River. Also, great day to do some exploring of Wiscasset, ME.

Jul 24, 2022: The Freedom Trail run in Boston today. I figured I had never done the full trail before that I can remember. It was nice as I didn’t have any crowds …

Jul 22, 2022: We are off on another adventure… Here we come Boston see you at Midnight ✈️

Jul 22, 2022: Had the trail to myself today. Had to get this in early as it is going to be a full day today as we are traveling again tonight.

Jul 21, 2022: Had to get this run done earlier today as there was a lot going on. The first couple of miles my legs reminded me that I had only finished running a …

Jul 20, 2022: Did a little exploring tonight as I was hoping to run on the Riverview Rd but it seems to be blocked and fenced off. Decided to improvise and at least …

Jul 20, 2022: Well, which one is it IT department? Are you forcing me to reboot in 4 days or 2 days 😄

Jul 20, 2022: Played Happy City last night. I do love that our family likes trying out new board games from time to time. This one reminds me of some other games …

Jul 19, 2022: Enjoying a night around the campfire at our campsite. I enjoy this place even more when the stars align for quiet cool nights with no bugs.

Jul 18, 2022: “Are you done with work yet?” - Doodle 🐶

Jul 18, 2022: Another warm one out there running today on a route with very little shade around Clear Lake. I did take this time to explore a another new trail …

Jul 17, 2022: The doodle is not impressed sitting outside in the heat waiting for her sisters to come by in the parade.

Jul 17, 2022: Long run day of rolling hills… Started early to avoid the heat but you can’t change the dew point or humidity which was 66° and 90%. 🥵

Jul 16, 2022: Truely a highlight of my summer being able to chat with these guys on Hemospehirc View. If you want to check out the actual episode I have a post …

Jul 15, 2022: Was kind of hoping there was rain in those clouds as it was really humid and hot this morning running.

Jul 15, 2022: Come on Garmin… really do you think I cut through all those houses.. actually don’t answer that 😆

Jul 13, 2022: Long day ahead of me today so back to the earlier morning runs. This morning it is hard to tell from the picture but it was pretty foggy out.

Jul 12, 2022: Doodle is feeling much better and really enjoying her chicken and rice meals. I have a feeling she will never go back to normal dog food now 🙄😆

Jul 12, 2022: Fishing and hanging out at the farm 🎣🚜 This past weekend we went down to the Gott Family farm in small town Ollie, Iowa. It is a little bit of a hike to get there from where we live but the …

Jul 12, 2022: Poor doodle 🐶 Yesterday our dog woke up and nothing seemed off as I took her outside as I normally do. However, when we got back inside and I normally give her a …

Jul 12, 2022: Didn’t sleep great as I was on the couch with the dog to make sure she didn’t need to go out quick so this was a little slow going from the start. …

Jul 11, 2022: It is day’s like this that I am not really sure why I run. So hot outside and this route had less shade than discardable. Just glad that is over and …

Jul 10, 2022: Happy 4th Birthday Lainey Lou the Doodle 🐶🎂🎉 This dog really loves the camping life

Jul 8, 2022: I really underestimated the amount of water to bring on todays run with the humidity. Probably didn’t help I got a little turned around and added some …

Jul 7, 2022: It was a hot and humid run out there today. I was glad when it was over and I was back in the AC the rest of the day. 🥵🏃🏻‍♂️

Jul 7, 2022: Kind of a long 10 min video but very interesting to see and be reminded of the very early Mac OS. Evolution of the Apple Mac OS from System 0.97 to …

Jul 6, 2022: Really nice evening run exploring some more trails. I am actually surprised how dry the creek bed was.

Jul 4, 2022: The local run today got canceled but I still decided to get outafter the rain stopped. However, wow the humidity and heat I was not ready for again.

Jul 4, 2022: Happy 4th of July 🇺🇸 Might have gotten rained out of things this morning but these two paraded around the campsite.

Jul 3, 2022: Back home finally and did a little exploratory run in the Southern part of Eden Prairie where it seems there is an actual Prairie 😁. Trying to figure …

Jul 2, 2022: Had a nice run into Bayfield on the Brownstone Trail. The section I was on might have been closed as I noticed a sign I blew past as well as a fence I …

Jun 30, 2022: Was raining today but wanted to get out for a run mostly to explore Porcupine Mountains. The trail was interesting and at first I felt like it just …

Jun 27, 2022: First time running along a beach for most of the run. It was fun but I did get a little too close tempting the water and soaked a foot 🏃🏻‍♂️ ran all …

Jun 25, 2022: Thankful for the quiet mornings on this trip when the kids have all been sleeping in after late nights. Don’t mind me I am just sitting here drinking …

Jun 25, 2022: It was a beautiful cool morning today to get a small run in. The roots from trees on this route kept me looking down a lot but still saw some good …

Jun 23, 2022: Lake Superior RV Trip 🚐 Today starts day 1 of 10 for our Lake Superior RV trip with some friends. This will mark the first long trip we have taken with the RV over the course …

Jun 23, 2022: Didn’t really want to get up and move today. However, this was the only time I was going to find to run so it was a now or not going to happen. Maybe …

Jun 22, 2022: Early morning trail run on the boardwalk. 🏃🏻‍♂️

Jun 22, 2022: One would think a simple question to my cell phone provider of does my plan cover data usage in Canada should take about 1 min. The agent is still …

Jun 21, 2022: With this heat I am thinking I need to get up earlier to get my miles in. However, it was still pretty warm out at this hour too. 😴🥵🏃🏻‍♂️

Jun 19, 2022: Happy Father’s Day run. I explored more of Waconia today and found some new trails and couldn’t find others I had hoped to find. 🏃🏻‍♂️ Had to follow …

Jun 18, 2022: Looks calm but I tell you what it was hot, humid, and windy out there today. I probably should have woke up earlier today to get this done. 🏃🏻‍♂️

Jun 16, 2022: Wasn’t feeling it today but glad to get some miles in as it was cooler than the prior days. 🏃🏻‍♂️

Jun 15, 2022: Thankful for the cloud cover today as it was still humid out there. 🏃‍♂️

Jun 14, 2022: I meant to run much earlier today to avoid some of the heat and humidity but didn’t and was right in the thick of it. If the sun would have stayed …

Jun 13, 2022: Felt like I was swimming out there today with the humidity and heat. I did find a new place I have run by often but never down the road to see the …

Jun 12, 2022: In these brief moments I am reminded why it was worth all the travel I did years ago.. I love seeing the joy on my kids face when we go to a hotel for …

Jun 10, 2022: Change of office scenery today

Jun 9, 2022: I think my Xfinity Mobile finally fixed my problems after multiple calls and chats with customer support. Not to mention the number of hours with out …

Jun 9, 2022: Most likely the last run in this area till fall when my girls are back at dance. I enjoyed this small loop I found that is right around 400 meters. It …

Jun 8, 2022: New place to run but my legs were not ready for the rough terrain and up and down of these trails. However, some of the scenery might have made it …

Jun 7, 2022: I guess leave it better than you found doesn’t apply to whatever contracted crew did some work on the CenterPoint gas lines today… Now what am I …

Jun 7, 2022: To say I am not excited about this day is an understatement… Death by meetings ☠

Jun 6, 2022: As unplanned days go this was another unplanned run but it was nice out and I had good company for it. Thankful he waited an extra 15 min as I …

Jun 6, 2022: School lunch with the Boo… 👻 Decided to change my plans today and surprise this girl for lunch today 😁. She had been begging us for the last month now that visitors can come into …

Jun 5, 2022: Today’s unplanned run was powered before and after by Casey’s pizza. Probably not the best choice for before but then again I wasn’t shooting to …

Jun 4, 2022: Wet and rainy morning has lead to an early fire this afternoon. Pretty peaceful out in this little corner of the campground we now call “ours” for …

Jun 3, 2022: Ummm… that is not what I wanted to happen Xfinity. Now it makes sense when I looked at my phone during the middle of my run and it said activation …

Jun 3, 2022: Just beautiful outside today. Blue skies, a breeze, and the temps sitting at around 60°F. Couldn’t pass this up on a Friday morning and am thankful …

Jun 2, 2022: Can’t believe this kid turned 13 today!! We have our first teenage in the house now. 😳 I really need him to stop growing though, he is almost taller …

Jun 2, 2022: New favorite cut through trail I found a couple weeks back. Each week at dance I try to get a faster time one this little segment. Not so much this …

May 31, 2022: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 31: Endurance As much as I give this kid a hard time I applaud him for researching and finding a place to help him in …

May 31, 2022: I appreciated the overcast morning. It was good to get back in the swing of things today after being gone all weekend.Tried to get a crown in one …

May 30, 2022: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 30: Fish The best part about fishing at my in-laws is that they have a lot of fish in the pond. Helps keep the kids attention …

May 29, 2022: It was a warm one today but I needed to move so I ran around Clear Lake in Waseca, MN.

May 29, 2022: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 29: Stripes We put a couple decorations outside the RV this weekend 🇺🇸

May 28, 2022: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 28: Fair One of my favorite photos of the Iowa State Fair. In fact we have a canvas of it on our wall.

May 27, 2022: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 27: Written Tunnel close to Paisley Park that is full of writing.

May 27, 2022: Grocery Shopping Run I like how well the Apple AirPods just work with my iPhone. Only over the last year have I switched almost all of my personal devices back to Apple …

May 27, 2022: Just a beautiful day to be outside running. Blue skies and 61°F this morning. 🏃🏻‍♂️

May 26, 2022: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 26: Schedule Camping food schedule for the weekend 🚐

May 26, 2022: Needed this run today it has been a long week. Not to mention I felt much better running than I though I would have. 🏃🏻‍♂️

May 25, 2022: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 25: Mountain Beautiful mountains… I mean farmland as I am driving through Iowa today 🙃

May 24, 2022: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 24: Intricate Not sure why I always enjoy stained glass. 📍 St. Michael’s Parish, Whittemore

May 24, 2022: Had to get this one done in the early morning hours today. It has been awhile since I have woken up and went right out for a run. I think my body was …

May 23, 2022: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 23: Plain Just a plain looking sky today on my late afternoon run.

May 22, 2022: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 22: Textile I have spent too much time today and yesterday sitting in these chairs.

May 21, 2022: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 21: Symmetry In between the various dance number I watched I stared at this structure as well.

May 21, 2022: Thank you Murphy Micro Roast for being outside the dance competition this morning. I am sure I will need another one too as 5am was a little too early …

May 20, 2022: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 20: Beverage What a whirlwind last couple of days it has been. Time to sip on this one for a while…

May 20, 2022: Saw this shovel and spraying can in the road on my run today. I decided to do my good deed by moving it into the grass I am sure either of those could …

May 19, 2022: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 19: Indulgence Might be more of a sickness… I actually had no idea I had so many 🫣👟

May 19, 2022: Just ran by a family of geese this afternoon. 🏃🏻‍♂️

May 18, 2022: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 18: Random I guess water on the table from the rain is better than from the bowl inside… 🤔 Silly doodle 🐶

May 18, 2022: I would not suggest taking a swim or drinking from that pond in the distance. Another great day though so I will just keep moving 😁🏃‍♂️

May 17, 2022: Really wasn’t feeling it today but it was beautiful out again so decided to hit the trails and pavement for some miles today. 🏃🏻‍♂️

May 17, 2022: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 17: Hold Had to hold this nervous doodle while attending a training online today. There was someone doing some work in the house …

May 17, 2022: I think the better question is who are you? Seeing how you texted me and I have had this number for 15 years. Anyone else getting a recent increase in …

May 17, 2022: Listening to a webcast right now and kind of wishing I could 1.5x the speed they are talking. Possibly a Trim Silence function as the current …

May 16, 2022: Who would have thought this was our sleep under the stars kid. 😴 I don’t blame her as it is a beautiful night.

May 16, 2022: Really was a beautiful day today and good day to recover from yesterday’s long run.

May 16, 2022: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 16: Time Isn’t the first and for sure won’t be the last time that time is not in sync 🤬

May 15, 2022: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 15: Clouds It was really a beautiful day out there today with these wispy clouds.

May 15, 2022: Explored a good amount of new terrain today and was able to cut next to the Minnesota Arboretum on their new boardwalk trail.

May 14, 2022: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 14: Fence Fence I pass every morning walking our youngest to the bus stop.

May 13, 2022: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 13: Community Beautiful night for food trucks at a school carnival

May 13, 2022: Thinking About Friendships via @patrickrhone - Such a great post and the below excerpt is too accurate from this guys prespective and has me thinking. …

May 13, 2022: 📚 Reap3r by Eliot Peper This book was just awesome! I had been looking for a book to read and this one dropped into my lap at the right time. I have been a big fan of Eliot’s …

May 12, 2022: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 12: Tranquility This would have been a very tranquil spot except it was right before everything went downhill. I guess looking …

May 12, 2022: What started out as a fun adventure turned out to be a very hilly, wet, muddy, and scraped filled adventure (from branches blocking paths). Don’t …

May 11, 2022: I am not sure why I keep running across very friendly deer lately. I mean they are in no hurry to run a way as I am running what has to seem like …

May 11, 2022: Hanging out in the hallway waiting for the storms to pass. Without no electricity 😒 The Doodle is fine with her fan and light 😆🐶

May 11, 2022: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 11: Maroon Calm before the Tornado and Thunderstorm warnings.

May 11, 2022: Really IT… The VPN connection only lasts for 1 hr 🤦‍♂️

May 10, 2022: Cutting through the woods for some different scenery today. 🏃🏻‍♂️

May 10, 2022: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 10: Pots My little helping was filling all the pots with some already established flowers and some with flower seeds.

May 9, 2022: Seems like the day of the deer 🦌. I ran right by this one, stopped, got my phone out and took this picture with out it even running. 🏃🏻‍♂️

May 9, 2022: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 9: Bloom Some flowers from Mother’s Day add a nice touch to the dining room.

May 9, 2022: Had some visitors stroll by the shed office today. I was only quick enough to get a picture of the last one that walked by. 🦌

May 8, 2022: Dialed it back this weekend as Saturday was a busy one and could barely sneak this run in today.

May 8, 2022: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 8: Union Union Pacific rail line is what I think of most times I cross tracks. Growing up there was a main line that crossed the …

May 7, 2022: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 7: Park Spending some time at the dog park 🐶

May 6, 2022: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 6: Silhouette Going for a stroll around the block with the dog.

May 5, 2022: It was another beautiful day but not sure I should have been out there as both watches were telling me I should rest. What could I do my girls were at …

May 5, 2022: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 5: Earth A project my daughter had to complete tonight for an upcoming dance competition Note she is holding the Earth up 😁

May 4, 2022: charity: wordle 1 - 5/6 ⬛⬛⬛🟩⬛ ⬛🟩⬛🟩🟩 ⬛🟩⬛🟩🟩 🟩🟩⬛🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 I don’t think I have posted anything about Wordle and don’t really play but I do …

May 4, 2022: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 4: Thorny Well it serves me right that I picked these up today for following what was the old trail but is no longer 🤦‍♂️

May 3, 2022: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 3: Experimental We have tried to craft a space within a space of our house. The jury is still out but it has been much more …

May 3, 2022: Exploring new paths near familiar paths. 🏃🏻‍♂️ *I am pretty sure there is a trail here and I wasn’t just running though the woods. Ok maybe it was a …

May 2, 2022: Finally some sun after the past couple days of rain. Glad to be out there with the small crew again.

May 2, 2022: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 2: Photo I love capturing interesting photos when traveling and then making canvas out of them. Here are some in a corner of our …

May 1, 2022: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 1: Switch Main Power switch for the RV 🚐

Apr 30, 2022: The plans changed but glad to get out there today even though it was a wet one.

Apr 28, 2022: Got this one done with the group just before the rain came. 🏃🏻‍♂️

Apr 27, 2022: Sun is out again today so took to the trails for the first couple of miles. Typically don’t take selfies with only me in it but I couldn’t resist with …

Apr 26, 2022: These evening runs while my son is at basketball have been fun as it is just three of us dads trotting around town for an hour 😆 🏃🏻‍♂️.

Apr 26, 2022: Been on meeting calls since 6:30am today (it is 1:30 now) and seeing this face I think I will take her for a walk before I grab a quick bite to eat… I …

Apr 25, 2022: I had some snow flakes flying around on my run today. To think 2 days ago I was out and it was 73° F and now we are back to this mess. Please just be …

Apr 24, 2022: Finished reading: A Safe House by Stuart Woods 📚 - Great typical Stone Barrington book that kept me company on my long drive this afternoon/evening.

Apr 24, 2022: RV is back in the driveway to get ready for summer adventures. Unfortunately it was 6 hrs of riding and the 6 hrs of driving later (672 miles total). …

Apr 23, 2022: Good thing we didn’t get rained on running today. However, I don’t think we were ready for 74°F weather and the humidity. 🏃🏻‍♂️

Apr 22, 2022: Running in the rain….Again! 🙄🌧🏃🏻‍♂️ I find it interesting that Storm is the Chanhassen mascot but that can not be the reason it is on this …

Apr 21, 2022: It was a beautiful evening out tonight. Finally some warmer weather and seeing a sunset. Also, was joined by my normal running partner and another …

Apr 19, 2022: I had to squeeze in a short run this morning because I thought I had back to back meetings with limited breaks this afternoon. Only to find out 5 min …

Apr 19, 2022: Had to make it a quick one today with one meeting going long this morning and then back to back meetings this afternoon. Glad I decided to squeeze it …

Apr 19, 2022: Doing a thing…. 😄 *Still working on making that final push to archive the old website to have everything point to*

Apr 18, 2022: Gloomy day out there today. Decided to take some paths off the main one today.

Apr 18, 2022: Well I have delayed long enough.. Technically, I know I could hold off longer but it is finally time to pay the piper and submit my taxes 🙄

Apr 18, 2022: I have spent a good amount of time this morning helping my parents toubleshoot a Windows spyware issue 🤦‍♂️. However, the issue has been temporarily …

Apr 17, 2022: Wasn’t quite expecting that weather running today. The windy snow blowing in my face reminded was the least fun I had today. The picture does not do …

Apr 16, 2022: Happy Birthday April Happy Birthday to the wonderful April! The kids and I tried our best to make it a special day by movie and then dinner that wasn’t entirely planned …

Apr 15, 2022: Come on door to door salespeople…. Stopping by at 5:30pm on a Friday night… really come on…

Apr 15, 2022: Are you sure?… That bridge looks completely safe to me. Glad the sun was out on my run today as it made a cold windy day much more bearable.

Apr 15, 2022: Well this was quite the embarrassing find digging for something in a closet upstairs….. Yep this is 41 unopened Christmas cards 🫣😵‍💫 I will say I did …

Apr 14, 2022: In the “office” today 😁. Much warmer than the other day though as I have two heaters and ran it for 20 min before coming outside. Outside temp is 27°F …

Apr 13, 2022: I have a great idea… Lets have everyone’s weekly full virus scan run at 10:30 am. That seems like it would be a good time that people don’t need to do …

Apr 13, 2022: Ran across these ducks who I almost didn’t see right away with all the debris in there. Also, this is about the full size of this puddle so an …

Apr 13, 2022: Just a little hail last night 😳

Apr 12, 2022: Finally made it to the nature conservation trails close to my house as the ground is a little more dry. However, as I finished today it started …

Apr 12, 2022: A little colder than I had hoped working in the shed office this morning for our Global Team meeting. The fireplace helped but probably should have …

Apr 11, 2022: The moment you get a notification reminder that you have a meeting starting in 15 min and you were actually ready to go to bed and don’t want to jump …

Apr 11, 2022: Sign fail 🤦‍♂️ as seen out running on this beautiful sunny day

Apr 11, 2022: Over the weekend in the many hours that I was waiting for my girls to perform only 3 dances I downloaded Two Spies. It is by no means a new game but I …

Apr 10, 2022: Explore a whole new area today as it was a longer run. Everything was great on the new trails until we hit a familiar hill that had a nice cross wind …

Apr 9, 2022: It is going to be a long day. First dance at 7:45 am and awards at 8:45 pm. However, between both girls they only have 3 dances 😵‍💫

Apr 8, 2022: So glad I can just drag and drop files and folders for all this stuff I need to send to an external party. Wait a min… I can’t upload folders …

Apr 7, 2022: We will see about this No Access to Trail, I know there is a trail back there. Well, I can confirm with my backtracking there technically wasn’t …

Apr 7, 2022: Excluding the rather poor but consistent upload speeds, the downloads speeds from the Router / Wi-Fi I got from Xfinity is wildly different than the …

Apr 6, 2022: Straight as an arrow right? Maybe I was looking for a reason to stop quick as there was a rain / snow mixture out there today.

Apr 5, 2022: Since we are all heading to the office today I figured I would get the team some donuts from YoYo Donuts 🍩

Apr 4, 2022: Luckily most of the snow from overnight melted by the time I got out there today.

Apr 3, 2022: I appreciate the sign someone left and I think it is a great idea 🏃🏻‍♂️🍻. What I wasn’t expecting was the amount of snow that would be coming down for …

Apr 2, 2022: Another long run for the week and it was beautiful out today. A little chilly at the start and overcast but blue skies when we ended.

Apr 1, 2022: Well, I have spent more time than I would like to admit stumbling around GitHub today. However, I am happy to report that I moved an old PHP app I …

Mar 30, 2022: From a distance it just looks like light snow on the trees but up close you can see it is frozen drops. By the time I got out today it was clear but …

Mar 28, 2022: Wasn’t a bad day running along this old rail trail. In fact I did a quick tour through Garfield.

Mar 27, 2022: To think a year ago I ran this same route and took this same picture but it was much warmer and no ice on the lake.

Mar 25, 2022: Come to find out later in my run those dark clouds had snow in them 🌨😆

Mar 24, 2022: It was later in the day than planned but got my birthday run in while the girls were at dance. Went longer than planned but now I have connected some …

Mar 24, 2022: Forty-one Another trip around the sun for me as I flip my internal digits to 41! As I am sitting down in these morning hours, hoping the kids will sleep in …

Mar 23, 2022: The snow finally stopped today and even melted by the time I could get out. Maybe I will choose another route than get my feet soaked 😁

Mar 23, 2022: Wake up and all of a sudden I missed spring, summer and fall… I guess winter is back 🌨 🤦‍♂️

Mar 22, 2022: Two awfully familiar but yet strange delivery workers rang my doorbell and hand delivered a package to me 📦🤔 *This is what happens on a rainy spring …

Mar 21, 2022: Feeling it in the legs today after the long one yesterday. However, it was 65°F so I had to get out there after work was done.

Mar 21, 2022: I was going to start writing a post and I was looking back at prior years' posts on this blog and it reminded me that I never really finished the blog …

Mar 20, 2022: The sad thing is I don’t really care who wins this game but I live close games or games that go into overtime. Also, it is another extended game to …

Mar 20, 2022: We found out poor Lainey Lou the Doodle has Addison’s Disease. 😓💔 Poor girl started treatment Friday with her first injection and will be closely …

Mar 20, 2022: Found some time late today to hit the streets and trails. It was great exploring some new areas of Eden Prairie and getting some miles in.

Mar 18, 2022: Some double screen basketball action tonight watching the local Eden Prairie Eagles and home state Iowa State Cyclones…. 🏀⛹️‍♂️

Mar 18, 2022: Bridge out is a sign I wish was here or that I would have considered my choices a little better. Instead this puddle looked innocent in my quick …

Mar 17, 2022: The adventures today took me running through the Golden Triangle industrial park.

Mar 16, 2022: Thankful for the 54°F weather today but that just made everything a wet mess. Ran across these turkeys and quick pulled out my phone to take this …

Mar 14, 2022: Bridge building… I really can’t wait for this to be done as I talked about it to a running buddy back when I took up running again. The road …

Mar 14, 2022: 7th Grade State Champions 🏀⛹️🏆 Wow! All four games over the weekend were down to the wire last second buzzer beater games! The point differential in total was 8 (2,2,3,1 in that …

Mar 14, 2022: Frustrating moment of a Monday… All of these Speedtests are connected to the same modem however, the first and last is the new device provided by our …

Mar 13, 2022: I might be watching to much Severance trying to catch up but I really did a double take this morning 😳😆

Mar 11, 2022: Brisk one out there again today. Looking forward to the warm weather next week. Glad I got this one done in time to attend the Micro.Camp kickoff 👍

Mar 9, 2022: Beautiful yet cold day out due to the wind. The temps said 15°F but feels like 0°… Maybe when I was running into the wind but it sure was sunny which …

Mar 8, 2022: Quick footwork at times today trying to avoid ice patches made for more of workout both physically and mentally than it should have been. However it …

Mar 8, 2022: Spent the morning working off my iPad Pro emailing, connecting with my team, and editing a Word doc. In addition, I had my trusty new iPad Mini to jot …

Mar 7, 2022: Disappointed the plows hadn’t come by at first but then I got an escort about a mile in. Unfortunately he was going to slow so I had to take to the …

Mar 7, 2022: It happened 🤦‍♂️… I didn’t want to like it but I think with the 20 min in so far I might be sold on it. I have two people to blame and I might hold a …

Mar 6, 2022: Too little too late Wild.. However, it is always fun to goto a live game. At this point is was to make it 2-4

Mar 5, 2022: Got it put back together with only a handful of screws left 😆 Just kidding and all is well it boots up and everything is working great 👍

Mar 5, 2022: Wish me luck I think I was thinking I am more technical than I really am 😬 Yep, trying to replace a MacBook Pro battery 🤦‍♂️

Mar 4, 2022: 🎬 Family movie night… American Underdog - Really good movie but it could be a little clouded judgement as I remember the story and also went to UNI …

Mar 4, 2022: Apple Watch ⌚️ - Strange Stop or Results I have been collecting this data and been reading articles for some time about the discrepancies in my Apple Watch 6 vs my Garmin fēnix 5x. However, I …

Mar 4, 2022: It’s Friday so it made sense to head out around lunch on a grey skies kind of day. I am intrigued by this bridge but not 100% sure why. However, today …

Mar 3, 2022: Getting Organized 🗃 I am not completely there yet but it seems a lot of my other projects as of lately have revolved around this idea of organizing things… This …

Mar 3, 2022: Todays early morning meeting is brought to you by Coffee ☕️… Well maybe a pot of coffee not just a single cup

Mar 2, 2022: Did some exploring today today while running round the Prairie and decided to follow a long forgotten ”path” of what was once the trail.

Mar 1, 2022: Another great day and glad I waited longer than planned as the sun came out again. I ran across this today on a trial that had been closed off and …

Feb 28, 2022: The sun felt awesome today with no clouds and 40 F weather. I ran a little farther than planned as I was also running a little faster than planned. …

Feb 28, 2022: This kid had a great time hanging out with his team out of town at the hotel for a basketball tournament. The second day of games were not pretty but …

Feb 28, 2022: Another photo from my wife over the weekend as she was on dance duty. She was sharing backstage moments with our youngest. 💃

Feb 28, 2022: My wife captured a great photo of our oldest this weekend at dance 💃🔥 I am looking forward to watching her perform as the season is really just …

Feb 27, 2022: Such a beautiful day to get outside… Once you have your gear 🤦‍♂️ Running when traveling or visiting places is always fun and you can typically find …

Feb 26, 2022: Day one of Basketball tournament is done for our team with 2 very close wins. So how am I spending the afternoon you ask 😆…. I mean I am going to have …

Feb 25, 2022: Glad the sun was out today but still a good amount of snow (with hidden ice) to trudge through. 🏃🏻‍♂️

Feb 24, 2022: There is a trail right through that mound of snow. 🙄 At this point I wasn’t going to turn around so I had to go over it. Also, more ice out there than …

Feb 22, 2022: Had the sidewalks to myself today. Next time I run in a snow storm like this I am going to wear my ski goggles. Also, thankful for Yaktrax today for …

Feb 22, 2022: Good use of time? I spent more time that I like to admit thinking about using a Read it Later service I ran across called Wallabag only to on a wim sign up for a trial …

Feb 21, 2022: Well this is disappointing how different the Apple Watch tracked my run against my Garmin 🤔. I know the Garmin number is right too as I run this route …

Feb 21, 2022: Lots of ice today after yesterday’s 43°F weather. Had to watch my step out there running on the sidewalks specially.

Feb 21, 2022: Finished reading: Mercy (Atlee Pine Book 4) by David Baldacci 📚 - Lot’s of twists and turns in what I can only manage is the last of the series. …

Feb 20, 2022: Couldn’t pass up this amazing weather today and had to get outside for a long run with my running partner. It was a short weather day at 43°F 😄🏃🏻‍♂️

Feb 20, 2022: Tough break for this girl and her team today. She got home and wanted to start practicing right away so fired some pucks at the tarp for a while 🏒

Feb 19, 2022: Spent a lot of time at the ice rink today behind the camera taking pictures of this girl (#11) and her team. My wife found a great spot for me to …

Feb 19, 2022: Watched King Richard tonight and I thought it was a very interesting movie. I didn’t know much about the background of Venus and Serena Williams but …

Feb 19, 2022: Poor choice of routes today had me running into the wind for most of it (28mph from WNW) 🤷‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️🏃🏻‍♂️ Not quite sure why they cut out so many trees …

Feb 17, 2022: Had to escape the house for a while today and decided to run a different route on this cold day today (-1°F 🤷‍♂️) 🏃🏻‍♂️

Feb 16, 2022: Well I have never seen this before… Tank Zamboni

Feb 16, 2022: Why is this emoji not on my iPad but on my iPhone? Guessing it won’t show up right here either “🫣”. iPhone iPad 🤷‍♂️

Feb 16, 2022: Was a nice day today and decided to take a couple different turns to get an extra mile in. 🏃🏻‍♂️

Feb 15, 2022: Running and rescuing dogs is what I do 🐶🏃🏻‍♂️😁 Just a normal run until I had to help rescue this dog that escaped its owner. When I found the dog no …

Feb 14, 2022: This seems like a sign to call it a day… Thanks Microsoft 365 and the Edge browser 🤦‍♂️

Feb 13, 2022: As I sit watching my sons basketball game today I feel like I could keep these stats on an iPad Mini 😄

Feb 11, 2022: This girl was super excited to sell two creations to her friends for her Lainey’s Creations’s business! Not sure what to think about this as it for …

Feb 11, 2022: It was a yaktrax run day today. Late last night the weather was 40°F and then we’ll below freezing this morning and throughout the day making for …

Feb 11, 2022: I have never heard of these guys but thanks to the tip from Semi-Rad’s Friday Inspiration (#320 to be specific). I click on this video and …

Feb 11, 2022: I have spent too much time this week messing around with a “links” blog and how it could feed things to I was hoping that the descriptions …

Feb 10, 2022: Worst part about a warm last two days is now the sidewalks have become a mess of ice / frozen slush. Careful stepping here… 🏃🏻‍♂️

Feb 9, 2022: The day was a busy one that started out with a 6am conference call. I decided to do something I normally don’t do and mid day I took a quick 10 min …

Feb 9, 2022: Log out, right now via The Oatmeal - Or maybe don’t 😄

Feb 9, 2022: Took advantage of the nice weather today and convinced a friend to join me for a longer run 🏃🏻‍♂️.

Feb 7, 2022: There is Light at the end of the tunnel. Kept dragging my feet about running today but glad I got out there as I think it helped get me out of todays …

Feb 7, 2022: One of those Monday’s that it is harder than normal to focus. However, I did just transfer two domains away from Google Domains to Porkbun. So… it has …

Feb 6, 2022: Decided to use my time wisely and get a quick run in as I was waiting for my son to finish his pre-bowl for the week. 🏃

Feb 4, 2022: Such a sunny day that I had to get outside and enjoy the positive temps. Also, I love that in Minnesota we create outdoor Ice Rinks everywhere 😁. Just …

Feb 4, 2022: This girl played Defense early this week against the number one team in our district and she played great! Since my wife couldn’t make it I decided I …

Feb 4, 2022: In between Hockey games, Basketball games, and a dance competition I am hoping to attend as many sessions of Micro Camp 2022 🏕 as I can 👍

Feb 4, 2022: Mac Mini 🍏 This is something I should have done years ago honestly. However, as I have been moving more stuff to the old computer I used to use for some of my …

Feb 3, 2022: For some reason I had the trail to myself today. Such blissful weather but the humidity was a drag… (-10°F, Feels like -22°F, Humidity 72%) 🤷‍♂️ 🏃🏻‍♂️

Feb 2, 2022: 👋 G Suite legacy free edition, it was.. fun? This was an easy one to start with but the family domain will take much longer 🤦‍♂️

Feb 1, 2022: Finally feeling a lot better running and even with the wind I decided to add a couple more miles… 🏃🏻‍♂️

Jan 31, 2022: I like the little rink cut into the lake here and the snowman is pretty impressive as well. I do enjoy running to find interesting things ⛄️🏒🏃🏻‍♂️

Jan 29, 2022: In between kids activities I took advantage of the beautiful weather today and got out for a run. Still feeling the lingering results from COVID but …

Jan 29, 2022: On one of her last days out of school due to COVID she decided to use that time to tear it up on the rink 🏒

Jan 26, 2022: Second run back since the virus got me and it felt much better than the first. Not great but better 🤨🏃🏻‍♂️

Jan 24, 2022: It has been over a week since I have worked out and I think the lingering COVID virus made this 3.3 Mile run feel like it was much longer. Might have …

Jan 22, 2022: Operation “fix the ice” is in full effect today for skating later 🏒

Jan 21, 2022: As with everything the project list seems to continue… I wrote this post earlier yesterday and of course last night I found out I need to start …

Jan 21, 2022: Down the rabbit hole of projects... I am not sure how this happened but I have gone down what I will call the rabbit hole of projects lately by having too many and all of them are in …

Jan 20, 2022: Just got done with a conference call to check in on the kids in their various quarantined rooms 🤣

Jan 20, 2022: This is really nitpicky but honestly, the worst part of being stuck inside with COVID is I am missing my outdoor running time. I probably could go do …

Jan 19, 2022: Instagram Import - Complete! Another step in migrating a lot of my stuff in one place has been completed. I wish I could say this was a super simple process that took an hour or …

Jan 18, 2022: Can’t believe this girl is 10 already! 🥳 🎂 🎉 Don’t mind the masked COVID creeper in the background - We let him out of the basement to watch gift …

Jan 18, 2022: Well… that escalated quickly 🤔 We now are 3/5 down as our birthday girl got it today too. Not sure if it is a good birthday present or not yet. She is …

Jan 18, 2022: Catching up on all things after a busy weekend of sports and then finding out Sunday night that our son tested positive for COVID. He is doing well …

Jan 18, 2022: Basketball - 3 games no subs 😲 Glad we were able to make it back to the cities after an out of town hockey weekend in time to see our favorite basketball boy play his last game of …

Jan 18, 2022: Duluth Hockey Weekend Had such a great weekend watching this our #11 and her team play their hearts out. Not to mention they all just had fun hanging out as much as they …

Jan 12, 2022: Not sure about you but I can see the open water from here… 🤔 I guess I should go across it right? 🤦‍♂️ I really do enjoy the signs I find running …

Jan 11, 2022: Just a girl and a dog snuggling next to my office desk (and a heater) this morning before school 🥰

Jan 11, 2022: Well someone else packed this down so it has to be a trail🤣🏃🏻‍♂️

Jan 11, 2022: This sweet girl just lights up on ice 🏒. We have so many pictures where she is smiling behind her helmet as she plays 😍

Jan 11, 2022: The BEST skating partner! 🏒🐶

Jan 10, 2022: Well at least the sun was out today as I found some paths (thanks frozen ponds)… Let’s not talk about the temperature… OK? 🏃🏻‍♂️

Jan 10, 2022: When your daughter gets excited about creating something and making a video about it… You clear the rest of the day and help out 😁 The …

Jan 10, 2022: I think I missed the better day to run yesterday but needed to move a little today. Also once I got out there in the 2°F weather it didn’t seem so bad …

Jan 7, 2022: Today seemed like a great day to update my profile picture so I went for a run. At the end of the run Strava told me the weather was: Few clouds, …

Jan 7, 2022: Someone is trying to stay warm today… I am not sure she could get any closer to the heater. 🐶

Jan 6, 2022: We will not even hit positive temps today but tomorrow will be even colder in the morning 🥶

Jan 6, 2022: Making fresh tracks today in the fresh snow. It was a cold one and I actually broke out the spikes for the first time this year but not sure it was …

Jan 5, 2022: We finally dismantled a butcher block shelving system I made a long time ago. I decided repurposed the top with some pipes and wheels to create a …

Jan 5, 2022: All in on Micro.Blog I can’t say for sure this will be my final solution but it has made sense so far. A little while ago that I wanted to give this a try as I don’t like …

Jan 5, 2022: Nothing like waking up early to then realize you actually have a meeting in 10 min 🤦‍♂️. More coffee please ☕

Jan 4, 2022: Rookie mistake as I am at the office today and I forgot my glasses at home. Note I really only use them for reading or computer work but that is …

Jan 3, 2022: Back to work tomorrow but actually to the office too. New employee is starting so might be there a couple days this week. Today was nice as the kids …

Jan 3, 2022: Caught her in action working as a School Patrol after school today 🛑

Jan 2, 2022: Finally, found a game that the whole family likes AZUL. The only bummer is this is a 4 person game but I would still definitely recommend it.

Jan 2, 2022: I think it is going to be an indoor sort of day…. 🥶

Jan 1, 2022: After a long couple of days driving around Iowa it was family movie tonight. Thanks to to @jthingelstad (and family) for a suggestion they threw out …

Dec 30, 2021: Last run of 2021 and there was just a little snow on the ground this morning to cover the ice 😁 🏃🏻‍♂️

Dec 30, 2021: Because this is what you do before you travel to see family 🤦‍♂️. Everyone is negative so lets go!

Dec 30, 2021: This kid may be a basketball player, but he sure does seem to enjoy his time on the backyard rink 🏒 He especially loved introducing his baller friend …

Dec 29, 2021: My most of the time team of one Maintenance crew finished shoveling the ice for tonight so it would be ready for another day of hockey and skating 🏒

Dec 29, 2021: Below 0°F today and it didn’t stop these kids from getting out on the ice to play a little hockey 🏒🥶

Dec 26, 2021: Had to do some backtracking on my run this morning as I really wasn’t going to be happy if I lost one of my favorite gloves… Thankfully I found it …

Dec 26, 2021: Walker Family Christmas 2021 It is always so fun to get all the cousins together to hang out. Seeing that they are all from Minnesota and know how to skate they also enjoy playing …

Dec 26, 2021: Even after a busy day of presents, food, and inside fun the kids wanted to get outside to do some night skating now that everything is solid again 🏒

Dec 25, 2021: This was actually a gift of my sons that we did together. However, he gave up after a while and I preserved through to identify the right person. Fun …

Dec 25, 2021: Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday to all from my family to yours… I like smiling, smiling is my favorite 😀

Dec 25, 2021: Before, during and after Christmas 2021 Present opening 🎁🎄 Quiet night before the chaos and fun! Encanto gifts and a “tik tok light” this morning, our festive girl is loving Christmas! In fact this one woke up …

Dec 25, 2021: When you get arcade games for Christmas you are for sure going to create an arcade room for your family to visit. Don’t worry she made sure to find …

Dec 24, 2021: With the temperature of 40° today I decided to get a run in since I could wear shorts of course 🤷‍♂️🏃🏻‍♂️.. It was nice outside today for a run but …

Dec 23, 2021: Rink is open, and the fire is going… 🏒

Dec 23, 2021: First day of Winter Break First day of winter break for the kids so I took the morning off work and we all went to the The Original Pancake House for breakfast followed by …

Dec 22, 2021: Chanhassen really likes these signs. Why can’t they make mention of it at the beginning of the trail instead of after you fully committed to a half …

Dec 22, 2021: Trying to join a Webex call and I get this screen… Well this isn’t good 🤦‍♂️

Dec 21, 2021: Been on the project docket for a while and with limited kids activities tonight I finally constructed (cobbled together) a “built-in” shelf for my …

Dec 21, 2021: I feel like this is the time of year that we reorganize everything in our house. Some of it is just to reorganize but also get rid of some clutter. I …

Dec 21, 2021: 4x4x48 Recap Two weeks ago I decided to set off on completing a 4x4x40 as part of some crazy ideas for my 40th birthday year. However, after I reached the 40 miles …

Dec 21, 2021: Snowy run this morning as I created my own tracks in the neighborhood 🌨🏃🏻‍♂️

Dec 20, 2021: One of those head scratching moments seeing the icicles in this tunnel while out on my long run today. Kind of makes me think there is cracks in it …

Dec 20, 2021: What was only going to be my wife and our daughters going to the movies ended up with our whole family going. It has been a while since I have been to …

Dec 18, 2021: 2021 Girls Hockey Weekend Had a fun afternoon watching this girl skate at the Xcel Energy Center where the Minnesota Wild play for a 10U clinic that was part of Girls Hockey …

Dec 17, 2021: Was feeling sluggish this morning due to being up most of the night flooding. Decided a long run would help me wake up and it did. Not to mention I …

Dec 17, 2021: Well, this is not good and seems to be taking some sites offline.. I host a couple WordPress sites for friends and a non-profit and the usage is never …

Dec 17, 2021: Finally finished up flooding for my 8th year of doing this at 4am for a total time of 18 hrs. That equated to about 1484 Gallons (5618 L). Now we wait …

Dec 16, 2021: 13 hours in and the rink is full. Now I need to fill the whole thing up a couple more inches to be skateable. 🏒

Dec 16, 2021: 9 hours in to flooding and it still hasn’t covered the high side of the rink 😆. Also, the temperature keeps dropping and we are at 18°F now 👍

Dec 16, 2021: Finally, the day and time have come to flood the rink 👏 🏒 With 3 hrs in so far and this is all the water I have but only 1 hr of it has been 2 hoses. …

Dec 15, 2021: Family Christmas Movie Night 🎄 The girls setup a family movie for tonight to watch which was of course a family favorite… Elf. They went all out too and made signs, got …

Dec 14, 2021: What? You don’t use a snow blower to clear your backyard 🤷‍♂️ cooler weather is coming again and I need to prep the rink area 😁

Dec 14, 2021: Seemed like a heat wave today as the snow was melting in this 35°F weather. Also, why do you think they plowed to this bench? Who is going to sit here …

Dec 14, 2021: Checking my site over to make sure nothing else is broken from the domain switch and importing of some old posts. I clicked on my On This Day and …

Dec 13, 2021: Finished off the day (well at 4:53pm) with a sunset run 🏃🏻‍♂️

Dec 12, 2021: Before a busy afternoon of basketball, I had to get a couple miles in 🏃🏻‍♂️

Dec 11, 2021: Just like that… Well I guess it was that easy once I made some decisions on the direction I wanted to go but here goes. New blog address and …

Dec 10, 2021: I have used the snow blower twice already tonight and it is still coming down. Should look pretty nice tomorrow 😁☃️ Note this is not on fast mode or …

Dec 10, 2021: Got a run in before all of the snow fell today.. I do enjoy a good run while the snow is falling. Assuming I don’t hit some hidden ice 🏃🏻‍♂️🌨

Dec 9, 2021: Was in the office this morning and home in the afternoon. On my drive home the weather so too perfect so I stopped at a park for a run 🏃🏻‍♂️. I ran …

Dec 8, 2021: First real amount of snow for the year and I ended up having to blazed my own trail this afternoon in the snow. 🏃🏻‍♂️

Dec 6, 2021: When I pulled into Home Depot to pick up my order I got some strange looks and questions. I just don’t understand why wouldn’t you want to buy 30 bags …

Dec 6, 2021: Seems like Lainey Lou the doodle is a little cold today with our single digit temps outside…. 🥶 And yes there is a heat vent right there 🤣

Dec 6, 2021: Something doesn’t seem quite right with this picture this morning 🤔

Dec 6, 2021: Missing out on these two great ice making days for the rink because I haven’t flooded it yet or put the tarp down 🤦‍♂️. Can’t do it today either as it …

Dec 3, 2021: It seemed like a great idea 2 weeks ago when I signed up to do my volunteer basketball hours from 7:45-10:45pm. Right now I think I made the wrong …

Dec 3, 2021: It has been over 4 hours and I haven’t posted anything 🤔😂… Well, hope no one got too irritated with all my running log posts every 4 …

Dec 2, 2021: Running Log: 4x4x40 +8 - 12/10 (8:51 pm) - 4.03 miles at 8:35/mi pace, 39°F 🌧 Overshot my goal and did the actual 4x4x48. After 40 I found some time …

Dec 2, 2021: Running Log: 4x4x40 +4 Leveling up 😁 - 11/10 (4:46 pm) - 4.03 miles at 8:27/mi pace, 41°F ☁️ Had some time while my girls were at dance so I decided …

Dec 2, 2021: Running Log: 4x4x40 - 10/10 🎉 (12:58 pm) - 4.69 miles at 8:06/mi pace, 45°F ☁️ A cloudy final run that a running friend joined me on. He was in charge …

Dec 2, 2021: Running Log: 4x4x40 - 9/10 (9:52 am) - 4.02 miles at 8:35/mi pace, 38°F ☀️ Sunny day on the trails makes getting out there pretty easy. Well except …

Dec 2, 2021: Running Log: 4x4x40 - 8/10 (5:04 am) - 4.02 miles at 8:59/mi pace, 40°F 🌌 Less sleep in between than I hoped, my wife woke up not feeling well. So I …

Dec 2, 2021: Running Log: 4x4x40 - 7/10 (1:02 am) - 4.02 miles at 8:47/mi pace, 47°F ☁️ Well hello there… 🦌🏃🏻‍♂️

Dec 1, 2021: Running Log: 4x4x40 - 6/10 (7:57 pm) - 4.01 miles at 8:31/mi pace, 48°F 🌥 Over halfway done. Time for some short night’s rest before the next …

Dec 1, 2021: Running Log: 4x4x40 - 4/10 (1:01 pm) - 4.02 miles at 8:33/mi pace, 45°F ☁️ This one I turned into a grocery store run as we needed a couple things for …

Dec 1, 2021: Running Log: 4x4x40 - 5/10 (4:41 pm) - 4.02 miles at 8:59/mi pace, 50°F 🌥 Probably shouldn’t have run the trails as it got dark faster than I …

Dec 1, 2021: Running Log: 4x4x40 - 3/10 (9:00 am) - 4.01 miles at 8:51/mi pace, 36°F 🌥 I should have guessed that the boardwalks would have had a little ice on …

Dec 1, 2021: Running Log: 4x4x40 - 2/10 (5:02 am) - 4.02 miles at 8:55/mi pace, 37°F 🌘🌥 I wish I would have slept more since that first run but it is what it is at …

Dec 1, 2021: Running Log: 4x4x40 - 1/10 (1:01 am) - 4.02 miles at 8:39/mi pace, 36°F 🌧 Nothing like starting out this challenge in the middle of the night while it …

Dec 1, 2021: 4x4x40 Running Challenge 🏃‍♂️ Earlier this year I had a plan to run 40 miles with a really good friend of mine through the mountains of Colorado. We thought it would be fun to run …

Nov 29, 2021: Finishing touches going into place on a project/challenge I have been kicking around for a little while now. Not sure I am really ready for it but I …

Nov 29, 2021: Setting up the tree and the final product… 🎄

Nov 28, 2021: Family Bowling Brecken has been begging us to go family bowling since he has started in this junior League every that plays every Saturday. With his new ball finally …

Nov 28, 2021: Found time to sneak away between family bowling this morning and hockey after dinner. Couldn’t pass up an opportunity to wear shorts again running as …

Nov 28, 2021: Found some time to get outside today and was listening to Hemisphere Views One Prime Plus episode 15 and 16. Let’s just say one really hit home with …

Nov 27, 2021: Friday night open skate. We met up with her dance friend at a very old barn styled hockey rink where the Mighty Ducks original movie was filmed. 🏒

Nov 25, 2021: Wasn’t the plan for my distance but decided to keep enjoying our 12°F weather today (with a feels like -1° F) and run 13.1 miles this morning 🥶🏃🏻‍♂️🦃

Nov 24, 2021: Found time today to finish putting up all the boards and pounding in the stakes. Now just waiting for a couple of days of really cold weather to …

Nov 24, 2021: Such a beautiful day out today (53°F) how could I not get outside for a late afternoon run to enjoy it. 🏃🏻‍♂️

Nov 23, 2021: Well this isn’t a good way to start Thanksgiving break… 🤒

Nov 23, 2021: Sick kid at home today. Did a rapid at-home test as obviously that is the main concern and it was negative. However, this might put some change in …

Nov 22, 2021: Had some time this morning for a longer than normal run. It was a welcomed way to clear the mind after a busy weekend and get to work for this short …

Nov 22, 2021: Dilemma if I’m excited or not that ice is starting to show up on small streams. I still have some work to do to get the backyard rink ready to go …

Nov 22, 2021: Cold morning in the Prairie today… 🥶 I need to speed up the ice rink building if this kind of weather is going to stay around.

Nov 22, 2021: Busy day of basketball today… These boys got the job done and got the hardware to show for it 🏆🏀⛹️‍♂️

Nov 20, 2021: Not what I was hoping to do for 4 hrs this afternoon but I got the mound of dirt (clay) flattened and smoothed out as well as I could. Phase 1 of …

Nov 20, 2021: Saturday ritual as of lately… Goto the bowling alley to watch my son bowl (for this league he is in) while I drink an amazing cup of coffee 🤨

Nov 20, 2021: Well this card is awesome! I think I know some people I should annoy this holiday season 😹

Nov 20, 2021: 🎬 Red Notice - Thought it was a good movie. The rest of the family actually watched it and thought it was good too.

Nov 19, 2021: Seems like they cleared out a lot of buckthorn and tall grass here in the center circle of the nature trail. Then the clearing stops, wonder what the …

Nov 19, 2021: 10:30pm and I am in the backyard with floodlights on filling in a trench. ⛏ I am sure it doesn’t look strange to anyone looking out the window …

Nov 19, 2021: Nostalgic November 🚂 Prompted from an episode of Hemispheric Views where they brought up this subject of Nostalgic November where you would share a memory of anything from …

Nov 18, 2021: Todays running adventure in the light snow fall was finding a new trail. Or that is what I thought I had stumbled upon… Come to find out I was wrong. …

Nov 17, 2021: The Tale (or Trail) of 6 Tunnels Decided to follow a trail with 6 tunnels yesterday along the 3.4 mile Bluff Creek Local Trail in Chanhassen 🏃🏻‍♂️ W 78th St Tunnel (the start of the …

Nov 16, 2021: Got boosted today 💉🚀… Also, for good measure I got the flu shot to but they gave it to me in the other arm.

Nov 16, 2021: I think Walgreens made a slight mistake on the wording of the product matching to the picture… 🤷‍♂️🤣

Nov 15, 2021: These bridges were slicker than I had anticipated today with the little bit of packed ice/snow on top. Not to mention the rest of the trails were …

Nov 15, 2021: Going to figure out how to write a PhD recommendation letter for an employee of mine. Never had to do this but might need to search the web for some …

Nov 14, 2021: After a busy weekend, I went out for what Strava tagged as an “afternoon” run 😄🏃🏻‍♂️

Nov 14, 2021: After the early morning hockey game today the team went to Treats in Blaine. I am pretty sure all of the Hockey girls enjoyed it like this one did 🏒😍

Nov 14, 2021: This weekend consisted of our girls in a lot of activities… Hockey and dance took the prize but mixed in was a little basketball, hanging out …

Nov 12, 2021: Day off today but there is early morning hockey games as my oldest daughter has a tournament this weekend. Coffee please ☕️ 🥱

Nov 11, 2021: Nice new crushed rock to run on today. I had some time this morning so went for a longer than normal mid week run before the snow falls tonight 🌨

Nov 11, 2021: Got to test out a new hat this evening from my friend Brendan Leonard Seemed very fitting with the moderate rain I encountered most of the time.

Nov 8, 2021: Found some time before dinner after a busy day to run on some trails North of my house. On the trail I scared up this big buck (if only I was quicker …

Nov 8, 2021: Unannounced Electricians… I am OK with it Project “Shed” is quickly taking shape with the electricians stopping by unannounced and ready to string it all up 😁 This also required me to make …

Nov 7, 2021: Weekend shed trenching project was a success but I underestimated the amount the workers left for me today 🤦‍♂️

Nov 6, 2021: First tournament in the books and these boys took home second place. Not a bad start to the season and a hard fought last game it was…

Nov 6, 2021: Busy day of kids activities… Bowling, Dance, Hockey game and a Basketball tournament that my sons team took 2nd. Time to enter some stats before I …

Nov 5, 2021: Where did the trail go… Let’s hope I don’t trip 😬🏃🏻‍♂️

Nov 5, 2021: Thanks @manton for the little script you sent my way as it worked great to pull my latest photo into Drummer.

Nov 5, 2021: Just like that operation “shed” project is full steam ahead as the electricians are at work. Now that means I have work to do this weekend …

Nov 4, 2021: WebEx calls using my phone this morning led me to this Windows app in order to assign a hotkey for muting -> MicSwitch. I probably need to revisit …

Nov 3, 2021: Health / Fitness Tracking Back when I was a long time Fitbit user, I used to have a scale from them as well so all of my fitness information was in once place. In fact, from …

Nov 3, 2021: Decided to run while the dog was getting groomed. Found a new trail with an amazing view of Anderson Lake. It was a smaller than normal paved trail …

Nov 3, 2021: Early mornings (if not running or after a run) are just made for coffee… Today is one of those days as I am already working. More coffee please …

Nov 2, 2021: Run, Vote, Run! Decided to make a quick stop halfway through my run today to vote 😄

Nov 2, 2021: Apple Pencil 2 is Found again I really can’t believe that I found my Apple Pencil late yesterday. As I kept thinking about it I was trying to remember what was around me at the …

Nov 1, 2021: The first of what I am assuming will not be the last but I have misplaced my apple pencil. I feel like they need to come out with a newer version of …

Oct 31, 2021: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 31: Home Happy Halloween…. 🎃

Oct 31, 2021: Early morning today for my sons first Basketball tournament of the year… Let the sports season officially commence 🏀🏒👯‍♀️

Oct 30, 2021: Took my son on a little trail run today as the weather was amazing. Not sure if he enjoyed the overall run or the narrow bridges 🤷‍♂️ 🏃🏻‍♂️ Then after …

Oct 30, 2021: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 30: Red Found a really cool kids Bowling league that my son signed up for so this is how I spent the morning today… 🎳

Oct 29, 2021: Family Movie (Show) tonight - Maya and The Three I am not sure who was more intrigued with this movie me or the kids 🤔

Oct 29, 2021: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 29: Cycle Was struggling on this one then it all fell into place… Cheers 🍻

Oct 28, 2021: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 28: Underneath It’s exhausting work being a doodle during the day while everyone is working or at school. 🐶

Oct 28, 2021: Finally, I either figured out how to get the custom Cloud Icon bar (for quicker publishing) to show up in Drummer, or I missed it from the beginning …

Oct 27, 2021: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 27: Chaos Ice Draw for the 2021-2022 Hockey season in the books. It was interesting to say the least.

Oct 26, 2021: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 26: Bliss I really do enjoy blazing my own trails sometimes as you never know where the trail might end 🏃🏻‍♂️

Oct 25, 2021: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 25: Gravity Specific gravity readings of my past…

Oct 24, 2021: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 24: Connection Connection or crash? Either way I am always super grateful when my uncle invites us to use some of his season …

Oct 23, 2021: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 23: Meaning Sometimes the days take a different turn than you expect…

Oct 22, 2021: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 22: Rest Overall it was a relaxing kind of day today but I did find some time to do a little exploring. Not a bad view from this …

Oct 21, 2021: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 21: Space Great day to hike around Willow Falls and was thankful the overlook space was open to enjoy this view.

Oct 20, 2021: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 20: Sports Let’s just say my son and I made a sport of how we could game the high score to get the most tickets. When we started …

Oct 20, 2021: I mean come on people, do we have to complain about everything 🤦‍♂️. Personally I actually enjoyed the music when I hit mile marker 23 it was the end …

Oct 19, 2021: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 19: Mirror The water had a mirroring effect this morning from the glow of the sunrise.

Oct 19, 2021: Old sites It has been so long since I have actually logged into and looked around at my WordPress powered site that I realized so much stuff is …

Oct 19, 2021: Looks like I need to wrap up work quickly as I am getting the forced reboot and the snooze is greyed out… 🤦‍♂️

Oct 18, 2021: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 18: Finished Some days you have to start extra early to find time to finish everything. It was quiet still at 6am as I was …

Oct 17, 2021: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 17: Compass One of my favorite most interesting things I got from my Grandpa Cloutier was a 1921 Ansonia Clock Co. Sunwatch with …

Oct 16, 2021: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 16: Rotation Another rotation around the sun and the Boo has turned 7 👻👀… Happy Birthday 🥳

Oct 15, 2021: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 15: Ethereal Seemed like we had the place to ourselves today at the Great Wolf Lodge

Oct 14, 2021: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 14: Wheels In honor of today’s prompt I took the OneWheel out for a ride today. So fun! But something I haven’t done as much …

Oct 14, 2021: Doing a little work from the shed again today. Always good change of scenery but it is getting a little cooler out. I might have to move up my …

Oct 13, 2021: One year Micro Blogging 🥳 I believe today marks my one year of using Micro blog or at least based on my post from a year ago today (my one year being a paid member is coming …

Oct 13, 2021: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 13: Animals This is where this animal sleeps all day while I work nearby

Oct 12, 2021: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 12: Legend(ary) I think I know what I might fire up this weekend… I can’t even count the hours I have spent in my younger …

Oct 11, 2021: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 11: Hygge Everyone wants to lay next to the doodle but she just likes soft blankets… 🐶

Oct 10, 2021: I really enjoy when October rolls around as my youngest always drifts to one of my favorite Halloween books to read and listen to. I prefer listening …

Oct 10, 2021: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 10: Bridges Decided to take to the foot bridges today through the woods and prairie… 🏃🏻‍♂️

Oct 9, 2021: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 9: Safe Fun little project for our 6 yo today putting this together. Obviously it is not the safest safe but she had fun and it …

Oct 8, 2021: Nothing like a school carnival to bring out the gourmet hot dogs this one was the Chihuahua Dog.

Oct 8, 2021: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 8: Twilight Sometimes there is an advantage to getting up early in the morning before a long day of work. Still going… …

Oct 7, 2021: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 7: Spice This isn’t even all of the spices and I am not sure how often we use any of them. Maybe that is not me, pizza or tacos …

Oct 6, 2021: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 6: Street Back to the streets again today after 2 days of rest since the Marathon. The legs were not as excited as I thought but …

Oct 5, 2021: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 5: Toy My kids seem to be at that age where they go in phases with various toys. This was just sitting like this in our …

Oct 4, 2021: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 4: Sharp This time of year is great for fresh apples from a tree picked to be sliced up and eaten

Oct 4, 2021: 2021 Twin Cities Marathon Recap Well after all the build up for the past 9 months the race is done and I am happy with my own results. After, what has been a 20 year hiatus (more on …

Oct 3, 2021: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 3: Majority A majority of people would not say this is a fun way to spend a Sunday morning. However, I had a great cheering crew …

Oct 2, 2021: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 2: Dark Tomorrow is go time and it will be an early morning in the dark. So gathering up what I need for tonight and explaining …

Oct 1, 2021: 📸 Photoblogging - Day 1: Touch

Sep 30, 2021: Was a little warmer out today than I was thinking it would be. I sure hope it gets cooler again in the days to come. However, got my last run in until …

Sep 27, 2021: Running toward the darkness… 🏃🏻‍♂️ (Only hours remaining 🤣, ok 6 days to go)

Sep 27, 2021: Not sure why they are doing the hour countdown already. In a way it makes me feel like there is a bunch of time left… 🤔

Sep 25, 2021: I have some people to blame that I loaded STORY OF SEASONS: Pioneers of Olive Town and started to play last night 🤦‍♂️. Let say I didn’t get to bed …

Sep 24, 2021: Enjoying this amazing weather while trying to dial in some sort of pace 🤷‍♂️ (9 days to go… single digits 😱)

Sep 23, 2021: I think the fastest hour of my day is when I wake up early to try to get things done before I have to walk around and get kids moving for school. …

Sep 21, 2021: This is not an optical illusion 😱… Long story short kid puts wife’s iPad near van sliding door. Someone opens door iPad slides into the track 👀😒 (note …

Sep 20, 2021: Just another rainy run today… 🏃🏻‍♂️ (13 days to go)

Sep 17, 2021: This might take looking over your shoulder while you work to a new level. Not sure I can concentrate and it is almost a little creepy 👀🐶

Sep 17, 2021: Prespective... Earlier this week where I live a runner, Mike Elhard, who was going out on a 20 mile training run for the Chicago Marathon went missing on Monday …

Sep 15, 2021: I guess the one downside of working from home is when you lose power. Not that I still can’t do work using my phone as a hotspot but just not as …

Sep 14, 2021: Luckily I didn’t get rained on this morning but it was nice out…. Until I got a text from my son that he missed the bus 🤦‍♂️. Let’s just say I ran the …

Sep 12, 2021: Let the taper begin… Overcast morning run today with views of the Twin Cities while we circled the chain of lakes (21 days to go)

Sep 10, 2021: Getting spoiled now with this nicer weather for running. For picture purposes I sometimes like clouds in the sky but I will take the clear blue skies …

Sep 9, 2021: Another beautiful day for a run today but headed another direction from the old rail trail of the Minnesota River Bluffs Regional LRT Trail (that’s a …

Sep 8, 2021: Nice thing about everyone gone durning the day to school is now I have more flexibility during my days as work is the only focus. That also lets me …

Sep 8, 2021: Season of change as everyone heads off to school… Except the sad doodle that helps me work from time to time when she is not moping around the house 🐶

Sep 8, 2021: It is a strange feeling having the house to myself to work today. All the kids (and my wife) are at school today. To bad I have to get some work done …

Sep 7, 2021: As much as I feel responsible for this kid joining Cross Country this year I think he “enjoys” it. His first meet is in the books and he ran well …

Sep 6, 2021: Just got lunch and hung out at a park for a little while today with the family

Sep 6, 2021: Spent a short amount of time today exploring some new trails in town. Pretty sure we ran across 7 of these bridges in a 1 mile stretch…🏃🏻‍♂️

Sep 5, 2021: Beautiful day for a long run this morning as it finally wasn’t too hot (57°F) and we had some cloud cover along the way. 🏃🏻‍♂️ Not a bad way to get …

Aug 31, 2021: Nice slow run this morning watching the sun rise. Earlier than planned however as the dog got me up at 5am 🤦‍♂️🌅🏃🏻‍♂️ (32 days to go)

Aug 31, 2021: Two more days left for my Ulysses trial and I am leaning into giving it a go for this next year. I have this other thought of instead just upping my …

Aug 30, 2021: Love watching this girl skate 😍. She was testing out the new blades to make sure they have some good edges.

Aug 30, 2021: Monday morning… Painfully putting in the miles today after a long one yesterday 🏃🏻‍♂️

Aug 29, 2021: Early morning long run after my soak run on Saturday 😁

Aug 29, 2021: Advantages of me running a long run on a Sunday morning… I bring back drinks for the family (pup cup in the center included 🐶) 😁…

Aug 28, 2021: Might have underestimated the downpour that was going to happen when I decided to go for a run. Let’s just say even with our puddles like this I won’t …

Aug 27, 2021: And that’s a wrap on this week at work… 🤣

Aug 27, 2021: Rain threw things off for me early this morning but I found a break in the action to quickly get a run in before more rain. Thankful this branch …

Aug 26, 2021: Someone just lost their first tooth 🦷

Aug 26, 2021: I am doing everything in my power to avoid all the emails unread and/or read that more than likely require some sort of action. 🙈

Aug 24, 2021: Such a cool looking sticker to add to the collection… Also, the stamp is very interesting as well.

Aug 24, 2021: Just hit send 📨 Honestly, I am not very good at keeping in touch with people. This could really be anyone, friends, old co-workers, newer acquaintances. For some …

Aug 23, 2021: Seems like all of a sudden the mornings got a lot darker. I might have to dig out the running lights soon. 🏃🏻‍♂️

Aug 22, 2021: Felt good to get a long run in today with no issues. It probably helped that the weather was much cooler out this morning 🏃🏻‍♂️

Aug 20, 2021: Found this friend in the middle of the road on my run this morning… Don’t worry he made it safely across 🐢

Aug 20, 2021: New Devices 🍏 I had been an Android user for as long as I can remember and have always enjoyed the phones and software. Maybe I should caveat that last statement …

Aug 19, 2021: Running Restart - 2021 Version Sometimes you have to start over at ground zero. Well technically I am probably not at ground zero this time because I only had four days off in a …

Aug 19, 2021: It was a warm one out there this morning even at 6am. Glad to be feeling better and getting back to some longer runs.

Aug 16, 2021: Getting back at it this evening 🏃🏻‍♂️

Aug 11, 2021: Downpour and storm made for an interesting run this morning… 🏃🏻‍♂️

Aug 9, 2021: Not a good start for a candidate I was supposed to be interviewing as it is already 7 min past the start time. I will give the person 3 more minutes …

Aug 9, 2021: Definitely a Monday morning that felt harder than it should have been. The thick air from 96% humidity made it feel like I was swimming… 🏃🏻‍♂️

Aug 6, 2021: Note taking apps.. ugh! Was trying to find quote I was pretty sure I put in a note app at one point and realized I have a lot of note taking type apps. I really would like to …

Aug 5, 2021: Rookie mistake starting the coffee pot, walking away and now suck with a pot of hot water 🤦‍♂️

Aug 4, 2021: Don’t always get 2 parents to one kids but we had fun going to Valleyfair with this one. They had a carnival theme there so we let her play a couple …

Aug 4, 2021: Had to make it another early one today 🏃🏻‍♂️

Aug 3, 2021: This was shared this with me and I thought it was funny enough to share along: Don’t talk to me before I’ve had my coffee. Or after my coffee. Or …

Aug 2, 2021: Either you’re using time. Or it’s using you. You can watch the clock, but if you do, it’s watching you. Really makes you think for a second.. via …

Aug 2, 2021: Had to get up extra early this morning to run as I had a 6:30am meeting. However, really who schedules meetings that early on a Monday 🤦‍♂️🏃🏻‍♂️

Aug 2, 2021: Possibly the greatest troubleshooting statement from my works help desk: “I see that there were some shenanigans happening with reactivating …

Aug 1, 2021: Not the plan but glad that the Smoke left us and we had blue sky’s today. Also, thankful I found some time between kids activities to enjoy the 70° F …

Jul 31, 2021: This air quality issue derailed my long run today and I ended up having to run on a treadmill. I appreciated my fiend letting me join him at his gym …

Jul 30, 2021: Family Movie night watching Jungle Cruise - Solid Dwayne Johnson movie with humor and fighting. Also, not a bad intro with a Metallica song “Nothing …

Jul 30, 2021: Why did I wait till Friday to complete some of these work tasks 🤦‍♂️

Jul 28, 2021: Frontenac State Park had some great views but my legs were not ready for rocky terrain, narrow trails, and steps that took you up and down 425 ft of …

Jul 23, 2021: Never knew Old Powers Blvd existed till I stumbled across a small section today. It was what I needed as the long run was not going well. Most likely …

Jul 21, 2021: It might just look overcast by the picture but this morning’s run was smoke filled ⚠️🏃🏻‍♂️

Jul 21, 2021: I will have to find a special place for this award 🤣. Thanks @HemisphericViews for the fun and challenging Arcadia June! 🏆

Jul 20, 2021: I am glad Tuesday is behind me now as it was a very long busy day that started with this picture of a train track where you can’t see the end …

Jul 19, 2021: Early morning run to start the week off right 🏃🏻‍♂️

Jul 18, 2021: Time for some “camping” coffee… ☕️

Jul 17, 2021: It might look like it but in reality, I wasn’t running through storm drains this was a “tunnel”.

Jul 16, 2021: Found some fun trails to explore today at Theodore Wirth Regional Park. Granted some where mountain biking trails but good for a runner too 🏃🏻‍♂️

Jul 14, 2021: The humidity was thick during this mornings run and assuming it rains this afternoon as forecasted. 🏃🏻‍♂️

Jul 13, 2021: Taking to the shade of the trails today as it started to get a little warmer again today.

Jul 12, 2021: Hey WebEx, seems like a little much telling me that I have a meeting in 151 min from now 😆

Jul 12, 2021: Very peaceful and cool morning with an eerie look to the sky and sun. Also, looked up at one point later in the run and I noticed I had a cheering …

Jul 10, 2021: Happy 3rd Birthday Lainey Lou the Doodle. I am thinking she is enjoying her puppacino 🤣🎉🐶

Jul 10, 2021: Glad to get another double digit run in today and explore a new area off a familiar route.🏃🏻

Jul 10, 2021: Really proud of this kid for his decision as I know how much he really doesn’t like shots. However, now he joins the club of fully vaccinated people …

Jul 10, 2021: Tinkering with a kids John Deere gator motor and gear box and I think I found the issue 😁

Jul 10, 2021: Good advice and very relatable to lots of things. When you get stuck trying to make something, don’t force it. If you tighten the psychological …

Jul 9, 2021: I have this strange urge today to fire up a new website in a means of better linking M.b and my WordPress blog. Now that I have been using M.b more …

Jul 9, 2021: It was a beautiful morning out there today. Made even better that today is Friday 😁

Jul 8, 2021: There has to be something fun on the other side of the tunnel 🤣. Let’s just say I was glad to find a new place to explore as my body was not excited …

Jul 8, 2021: 📚 I H💛TE RUNNING AND YOU CAN TOO by Brendan Leonard If you are looking for a great motivational book to keep you going in whatever you are trying to do look no further. If you are looking for a book …

Jul 8, 2021: It is official and now on record… 🏃‍♂️ 😱

Jul 7, 2021: Finally a cool morning to get a run in again. I will not complain about the 56° F temps after what seemed like ages of hot and humid weather.

Jul 7, 2021: I normally don’t log onto the old 2008 iMac I have stashed in a storage room but did today to update Backblaze and found out I don’t have …

Jul 6, 2021: Was a rainy run this morning after these dark clouds rolled in. I am not complaining though much better than the heat lately ⛈🏃🏻‍♂️

Jul 6, 2021: Change in scenery this morning while my daughter is at hockey 🏒🥅 📍 Bloomington Ice Garden, Bloomington

Jul 4, 2021: Created my own solo 4th of July 10k by Lake Independence and on Lake a Independence Trail 🏃🏻‍♂️🎆

Jul 2, 2021: Beautiful morning to put in a longer run by circling Lake Katrina twice on the Lake Independence Regional Trail. 🏃🏻 Baker Park Reserve, Medina

Jul 2, 2021: 🐶 I call shotgun… What an alert copilot 😁

Jul 1, 2021: Strange looking sky this morning. Too bad I had to cut my run a little short and I was still cutting it short for my 6:30am work meeting. Glad we …

Jun 30, 2021: Chased again 🏃‍♂️...🦅...🌳 Pretty sure I was chased by the same bird that followed me a couple of weeks back. This time however it was less in a fun way of circling me and more …

Jun 29, 2021: Year end performance review time 🤦‍♂️… I am looking for any distraction I order to not work on it right now. So what is everyone up to and does anyone …

Jun 29, 2021: Found a new trail to explore this morning that connected to another I have been on before. Tried to get out extra early in order to avoid the heat but …

Jun 27, 2021: Very foggy morning run around Clear Lake in Waseca, MN this morning. Also, ended it with some stairs to dirt trails.🏃🏼

Jun 26, 2021: Family movie tonight was Mrs. Doubtfire. It has been a long time since I have seen it. Unfortunately, we had to watch it in the RV tonight as we …

Jun 25, 2021: Free WiFi they say… Don’t worry your in range they say… 🤦‍♂️ Doesn’t bother me as I am glad I wasn’t planning on working this trip but was a thought …

Jun 25, 2021: Good start to my Friday and no real excitement on this run 😁🏃🏻‍♂️… Next up getting the RV packed up!

Jun 25, 2021: In today’s running adventures… First part went great, then ran into a team of ducks blocking my path and that’s when things went a little …

Jun 22, 2021: Found some new trails to explore today… 🏃🏻‍♂️

Jun 22, 2021: Always seems fitting that the time I am about ready to spin down a long-standing side project I get an email the following day asking if they can use …

Jun 21, 2021: This is a pretty good bit from The Late Show with Stephen Colbert last week when Jon Stewart was on - Jon Stewart On Vaccine Science And The Wuhan Lab …

Jun 21, 2021: Family movie last night I selected The Great Outdoors, however after about 30 minutes the kids were bored with it. I feel like they should have given …

Jun 21, 2021: Had a great Father’s Day with the crew yesterday. Not to mention they did a great job creating this very unique Father’s Day cake for me 🎂😁.

Jun 20, 2021: Happy Father’s Day little run in the rain but thankfully the trail provided good cover for a little of it 😁🌧

Jun 17, 2021: I was followed then circled by this bird twice on my run this morning. Not sure if it was wise but I stopped to snap this photo while he was on his …

Jun 15, 2021: Taking advantage of this beautiful morning by working outside on the deck

Jun 15, 2021: Rise and shine… Had the trails to myself at 5:30am 😳🌅🏃🏻‍♂️

Jun 14, 2021: Does anyone else have this problem of wanting to get a new domain name from time to time?🤦 No… Just me 😁

Jun 14, 2021: Change of plans this morning as I had a companion on my run… 🐶🏃🏼

Jun 10, 2021: I have always been a fan of Kirby Ferguson’s work and can’t wait to see the newest Remix - Everything is a Remix 2021 Trailer

Jun 9, 2021: Had to get out early again this morning to try to beat the heat… However, it was still hot 🥵🏃🏻‍♂️

Jun 7, 2021: Got up early today to run but maybe not early enough to beat the heat and humidity… 🏃🏻‍♂️

Jun 4, 2021: Very warm night to be sitting outside but can’t complain too much as it was fun watching my nephew play baseball.

May 28, 2021: Stopped in my tracks during the middle of my run today as I didn’t want to play chicken with the Turkey on a single bridge 😳 🦃

May 27, 2021: Rainy, wet, and a little muddy out there on my run today 🌧🏃🏻‍♂️

May 26, 2021: The NoPhone Air - “It’s simply a plastic box with nothing inside.“🤣🤣 - Be sure to watch the video as it is some solid marketing …

May 24, 2021: Well now things are getting a little out of hand with another Apple purchase… I think I know some people to blame for all of this 👀 🤣

May 19, 2021: Wondering if anyone has used Shaarli or thought of using something like this to save bookmarks, notes or just things to read later?

May 19, 2021: Ran across a slightly hidden trail today if you look close 👀… Taking it put me in an area I have not explored at all so I will for sure be back. …

May 18, 2021: Running this morning I found a sidewalk that leads to nowhere… Or does this mean I need to blaze my own trail next time? 🤣🏃🏻‍♂️

May 13, 2021: Electrical wiring in older houses are an adventure… This little issue sucked away a good chunk of time for me yesterday when all of a sudden the lights where I work shut off. Problem was some power was …

May 9, 2021: Super proud of this girl yesterday as she started off strong to get 2nd in the 400m dash with a photo finish 🎉🏃‍♀️

May 7, 2021: A true “lunch run” today 🤣… Too bad my sushi got a little tossed around 🤷

May 6, 2021: Too much pressure and not enough coffee this morning to really choose a side @hemisphericviews 🤷‍♂️ 😂

May 5, 2021: Well this is super annoying that my work computer is off by 7 min. Of course they have locked it down so I can’t force sync it or change it …

May 4, 2021: Need more coffee already today… Trying to knock out my self-assessment and employees quarterly performance reviews ☕🥱

Apr 29, 2021: I really wasn’t feeling it today but after I got out there I just kept powering through. Luckily I found a nice little trail to run on next to …

Apr 28, 2021: Such a busy day with random work stuff but I am thankful for working from home so I can quickly sneak away and go for a run 🏃… Not to mention …

Apr 27, 2021: I am so far behind in all of my Podcasts after listening to a book tape over the last week while running. Today I was able to start catching up and …

Apr 27, 2021: Looks like I need to figure out more and better ways to deter these little acrobatic critters.. 🐿️

Apr 26, 2021: Did some exploring yesterday on a long run from the Lowry Nature Center to the Lake Minnetonka LRT Regional Trail in order to connect up with our last …

Apr 22, 2021: In the Background of Pictures I often take pictures while out running as a way to document random things I see or things of interest. However, today’s picture was entirely …

Apr 21, 2021: I know this has happened before but sometimes I get this feeling that I am being watched while I work… 👀🧐🐶

Apr 21, 2021: Can’t believe I just cut my run short today for a 10 min meeting that was scheduled for an hour 🤦

Apr 15, 2021: Meet Stella... Meet Stella… I found her out on my run today and nowhere near my house. Between myself and another lady, that saw her at the same time while …

Apr 15, 2021: Early morning global meetings today… ✅ Coffee ✅ Amazingly comfortable and stylishly shirt from @HemisphericViews 😁 ✅ Second, third and more …

Apr 14, 2021: 🔗 The FBI might have gone ahead and fixed your Microsoft email server This is very interesting indeed… 🤔 I wonder if come May 9th any thing …

Apr 14, 2021: Some late night video work in the “studio” for a school project. He should be super thankful that his mom has the right equipment to …

Apr 10, 2021: Done and done! Thankful for modern medicine…

Apr 7, 2021: Still working through some email triaging after taking last week off… Going to need more coffee ☕

Apr 6, 2021: Really great episode of Micro @Monday, if anyone hasn’t already you should check it out. Episode 100 where @jean and @manton talk all about …

Apr 2, 2021: To think exploring Parks when visiting new places can make you famous 🤣

Mar 29, 2021: Another late afternoon exploring on the Central Lakes Trail 🏃

Mar 28, 2021: After checking into our place for the next week I decided to do some quick exploring around Alexandria, MN.

Mar 27, 2021: Watching how the critiquing is done from behind the judges table while my girls are on stage… Go Sister Squad!

Mar 26, 2021: Not a great start to a Friday… I got out to the kitchen to find my coffee pot ready to go like normal only it wasn’t, the coffee was cold …

Mar 24, 2021: Forty Forty… Yep, you read that right I hit the big 4-0 this year which besides the number I don’t feel much different today. Looking back over the past …

Mar 23, 2021: I felt like I was being watched while working today and turned around to see the doodle staring at me… 👀🐶

Mar 23, 2021: Some solid sticker game going on here… If you don’t have any you should pick some up from @HemisphericViews and CoffeePot Games 😉

Mar 19, 2021: My son stayed up watching the NCAA tournament first four games last night and before he went to bed said his bracket was already busted 🤷‍♂️… …

Mar 18, 2021: Global early morning meetings are sometimes frustrating because you wake up early thinking you have a 6:30 am meeting only to find out the organizer …

Mar 16, 2021: 10 Simple Truths 10 Simple Truths: curated by @Naval If the news are fake imagine history Human life is gradually turning from a struggle against suffering into a …

Mar 15, 2021: Right in the middle of a work discussion about some stuff that should be quick enough to get resolved by chatting instead of email or a phone call I …

Mar 13, 2021: The backyard rink season has finally come to an end… Can’t wait till next year 🏒

Mar 10, 2021: Sometimes I believe I am a small cat 🐈 😸

Mar 8, 2021: My t-shirt game is looking strong today… I will for sure turn the camera on for meetings and give @HemisphericViews a little publicity 🤣

Mar 6, 2021: Early morning for this crew with a 5:15 wake up call to get all the costumes and make up on. Great work @aprilgottwalker as my part was only really …

Mar 5, 2021: Teaching and Learning - 5am Joel Part of teaching, is learning. And part of learning, is teaching.

Mar 5, 2021: Reminded again why I got rid of my Fitbit! Last night I was looking for a place I ran in Germany when I was there on a work trip in 2015. I then realized when I stopped using my Fitbit in 2019 …

Mar 3, 2021: Got this book late yesterday and can’t wait to dive into it. I have chatted with one of the authors, Brendan Leonard from Semi-Rad briefly over …

Mar 3, 2021: Took a couple wrong turns that led me on a lot longer run than planned today. At one of the dead ends was this sign that I don’t think I …

Mar 2, 2021: 📷 Photoblogging: Day 30 - Privacy Peering back into my “office” area that I have been working from for the past year

Mar 1, 2021: 📷 Photoblogging: Day 29 - Light After a snowy yesterday the sun was looking extra bright this morning

Mar 1, 2021: Was hopeful that the dishwasher was going to be fixed today. The repairman diagnosed it wrong and got the wrong part. The actual part he needs has to …

Feb 28, 2021: 📷 Photoblogging: Day 28 - Up Good words to live by

Feb 27, 2021: 📷 Photoblogging: Day 27 - Pompasetting Always dress to impress with sass 🤣

Feb 27, 2021: 📷 Photoblogging: Day 26 - Favorite One of my favorite paths to run on

Feb 27, 2021: 📷 Photoblogging: Day 25 - Code

Feb 26, 2021: Power went out at our house which is not ideal for working… Seems like a good time for a run and I will just hope it is back on when I …

Feb 24, 2021: 📷 Photoblogging: Day 24 - Baby We call her Baby Lainey… Even though she is 2 now 🐶

Feb 23, 2021: 📷 Photoblogging: Day 23 - Banana Smoothie

Feb 23, 2021: Goodbye Blogging Meetup... It has been 5 years since the Blogging Meetup was started as it came about from a group of us that wanted to keep the conversation going after a …

Feb 22, 2021: 📷 Photoblogging: Day 22 - Spell Using the blanket of fresh snow to write

Feb 22, 2021: 📷 Photoblogging: Day 21 - Colors Enjoying this colorful can after a long weekend of kids activities

Feb 21, 2021: 📷 Photoblogging: Day 20 - Weather Finally blue sky’s and warmer weather to find some trails to run on 🏃

Feb 20, 2021: 📷 Photoblogging: Day 19 - Alive Jumping up near the edge of a cliff at the Badlands National Park

Feb 18, 2021: 📷 Photoblogging: Day 18 - At Home Glad to be back home…

Feb 18, 2021: 📷 Photoblogging: Day 17 - Still Very calm and quiet morning running through the snow on the back roads in Indiana

Feb 18, 2021: 📷 Photoblogging: Day 16 - Erudite

Feb 15, 2021: 📷 Photoblogging: Day 15 - Reflection Late night working from a hotel room

Feb 15, 2021: 📷 Photoblogging: Day 14 - Compassion These kids

Feb 14, 2021: Been over a year since I have traveled on an airplane. Very different traveling now but here goes…

Feb 14, 2021: 📷 Photoblogging: Day 13 - Make Building this for more creations by others

Feb 13, 2021: Mood follows Action - 5am Joel. Good reminder here as the cold days could be keeping you down.

Feb 12, 2021: 📷 Photoblogging: Day 12 - Sporg Found it

Feb 11, 2021: 📷 Photoblogging: Day 11 - Machine Currently in the corner of my basement near the walkout where my “office” is located this is my favorite …

Feb 10, 2021: 📷 Photoblogging: Day 10 - Energy If only I had this ones energy and perseverance right now as she is ready to play

Feb 9, 2021: 📷 Photoblogging: Day 9 - Muddy I have found my fair share of mud over the last year

Feb 8, 2021: 📷 Photoblogging: Day 8 - Hope My frozen face hopes the weather warms up soon 🥶🏃

Feb 8, 2021: It’s time for the Monday morning round up to get the kids up, ready, and off to school… Wish me luck 😁

Feb 7, 2021: 📷 Photoblogging: Day 7 - Craving The double stuffed Oreos are my favorite and the kids will clean up the rest 🤣

Feb 6, 2021: 📷 Photoblogging: Day 6 - Sport _Never grew up playing Hockey or really watching it but my two girls love it and tomorrow is game day for them_🏒

Feb 6, 2021: 📷 Photoblogging: Day 5 - Pets The Doodle lays, watches, and waits for her human friends to return from school🐶

Feb 5, 2021: That time of day when there is under an hour and the kids will get off the bus… 😨

Feb 5, 2021: 📷 Photoblogging: Day 4 - Layers Not as many layers as you would think for 5°F with a feels like -13°F temp on this mornings run 🏃

Feb 4, 2021: I consider myself a morning person but I really don’t like having to jump on work calls right away in the morning. I understand the time …

Feb 3, 2021: 📷 Photoblogging: Day 3 - Comfort Watching the fire

Feb 3, 2021: First day I have been to the office in over 4 months. It is interesting how strange this feels as it was once normal. Good thing it is only for a day …

Feb 2, 2021: 📷 Photoblogging: Day 2 - Morning Beverage Coffee Please 🙋

Feb 1, 2021: 📷 Photoblogging: Day 1 - Close up Making Tracks

Jan 29, 2021: Question but does anyone use screen protectors on their phones anymore? I bought one and it doesn’t seem to allow my fingerprint to go through …

Jan 26, 2021: Another sunny yet cold day for a run in MN… 🏃

Jan 25, 2021: Bright sunshiny day… ☀️🏃

Jan 23, 2021: Snowy trail walk with Lainey this afternoon 🐶

Jan 22, 2021: Today’s distraction… Not sure why but I am going to test out a new to me RSS reader 🤦‍♂️

Jan 22, 2021: Going to be a cold one today… 🥶

Jan 17, 2021: So I am doing this tonight… Wish me luck!

Jan 14, 2021: avoided-the-snow Avoided the snow falling today but with the warm temps I found a lot of slush and puddles on this run…🏃

Jan 13, 2021: It was an amazing 41°F today so how could I pass up the opportunity to run in shorts 🏃…

Jan 13, 2021: I feel like my day job has moved to be a coffee barista when I am working upstairs and kids come out from their “busy” schooling asking …

Jan 12, 2021: Not a bad view of the sun setting tonight. However, it got darker than I thought which I didn’t prefer as I was in a place I don’t …

Jan 10, 2021: Put in some long mostly straight miles today… 🏃

Jan 8, 2021: Of course after posting my thoughts on Newsletters this morning I ran across this amazing article talking about newsletters, RSS, and writing which …

Jan 8, 2021: Blog Posting or Newsletters Has anyone ever considered instead of a specific Blog site to just create a Newsletter and publish that? With the abundance of them these days I am …

Jan 8, 2021: Friday early morning! Time to get some work done and I will be sure to keep the coffee flowing… ☕😆

Jan 6, 2021: Such a beautiful day to put in a longer run as I attempt to build a bigger base of miles… 🏃

Jan 6, 2021: Does anyone else find themselves switching up locations in their house to work who typically never worked from home?

Jan 5, 2021: Treadmill vs Exercise Bike I have always liked the idea of an exercise bike. In fact, last December when my wife was talking about buying one over a treadmill I told her to go …

Jan 5, 2021: It is that time of year again for the 2020 Ugly Sweater Contest - Better late than never. Statement seems all too fitting for 2020 right?

Dec 29, 2020: Rink is finally fully functional after the blizzard last week which required some maintenance over the weekend… These girls are in heaven and …

Dec 23, 2020: Not many days during this year I can say I that 10k steps before noon… Let alone before 10am 🏃

Dec 21, 2020: I have been a user of Evernote Premium for a long time and used to use it to store everything but now I use it very infrequently and only for some …

Dec 21, 2020: Seems about right for a Monday, started the coffee pot and take the dog outside. When I get back I realized I didn’t put the coffee grounds in ☕ …

Dec 17, 2020: That feeling you have knowing that you need to now wake all the kids up after a nice quiet morning so they can get ready to distance learn. 😬

Dec 17, 2020: Seem to have gotten trapped in another rabbit hole of looking at and trying to install open-sourced applications. I feel like I need to break this …

Dec 16, 2020: Found a new spot to run not far from my house actually while I was waiting to pick up dinner last night…🏃

Dec 16, 2020: Spent 4 hours putting together a dresser for my kids last night where a majority of that was sitting on the floor… I think I am getting too old …

Dec 15, 2020: I am not sure why I do this to myself but I decided to try installing Quill on my own domain as an alternative to posting directly to …

Dec 14, 2020: Found time to check out @HemisphericViews podcast and it is really good stuff. Started with the ones where they discussed desks and I enjoyed the …

Dec 14, 2020: I am still baffled that with company connected calendars showing when people are free or busy people still schedule over other meetings prior to …

Dec 13, 2020: The season is upon us… This will mark the 7th year flooding a hockey rink in the backyard for the kids to enjoy. Also, see how this crazy thing …

Dec 11, 2020: If you build it they will come… Commence the flooding 🏒

Dec 10, 2020: Run with the dog this morning… She was less than impressed with this way to start her day. 😁 🏃🐶

Dec 8, 2020: Didn’t mind the view this evening running on the trails by our house. Kind of lost track of time and kept going… 🏃 On the way back I …

Dec 8, 2020: Two questions for the Micro.Blog community: What is your typical way you post to Micro.Blog? Is it the same or different how you post to Micro.Blog …

Dec 8, 2020: On a conference call this morning and Lainey is really trying to get some attention. I am not sure how many more toys she can bring me… 🐶

Nov 30, 2020: It is a coffee and work email catch up kind of morning as I wait for the house to wake up.

Nov 27, 2020: Another Thanksgiving day 5k in the books this year. However, I decided to double it to over a 10k because.. 2020 🤷🏃

Nov 24, 2020: A little frosty run yesterday morning…🏃

Nov 20, 2020: Chasing the sunset tonight… 🏃

Nov 19, 2020: The longer I work from home the more I reazlize how bad my email management is getting. I try to get a lot of my team to communicate outside of email …

Nov 14, 2020: Getting ready for the 2020-2021 season for the bigger 80x32 backyard rink… 🏒

Nov 12, 2020: Making tracks in the snow today… 🏃🌨️

Nov 11, 2020: Office partner today… Are you ready to play again yet? 🐶

Nov 11, 2020: Have I mentioned that running in the snow is actually kind of fun 🏃🌨️

Nov 5, 2020: Even with everything going on I haven’t been on normal “Social Media” that much but a friend passed this Twitter Thread along about …

Nov 4, 2020: Had to get outside and space out for a while after a long night before and day…🏃

Nov 2, 2020: Came across some ice still out there today on what was a beautiful day today… 🏃

Nov 2, 2020: I went though some time where I wasn’t sure what book to read next and now I have about 5 in the queue and overwhelmed thinking if I will ever …

Nov 1, 2020: Doing a little fitness challenge with some friends which motivated me to get outside and run today 🏃

Oct 31, 2020: Can’t believe Sean Connery died… played such iconic roles.

Oct 29, 2020: Pretty sure this isn’t a “real” path to run on 😂… Oh well it will work… 🏃

Oct 29, 2020: I feel like Scott Adams was reading my mind yesterday with the Dilbert comic today as I spend most of the day reviewing slide decks and reports - 32 …

Oct 29, 2020: Why when joining a call and a conversation is already going do some people feel then need to announce themselves 🤔. I mean it has been almost 8 months …

Oct 28, 2020: After some really cold weather last week today feels like an amazing spring day in Minnesota at 47 °F right now. Did I miss winter already?

Oct 27, 2020: It was one of those days where the sun is shining, you feel good and you just keep going and going… 🏃☀️

Oct 26, 2020: Sometimes large organizations make it so hard to get things done. I have spent too much time trying to pay a consultant we had help us back in July …

Oct 25, 2020: Early morning hockey tryouts for this girl… 🏒

Oct 24, 2020: It was definitely colder than I would have hoped but not a bad evening for a run… 🏃

Oct 23, 2020: Not a bad way to spend a Friday night… 🏒

Oct 22, 2020: It was a rainy one out there today… 🏃

Oct 22, 2020: Finally decided to jump all in and give this M.b a real go with a membership. Now I just need to figure out how to point a sub domain here 😁

Oct 22, 2020: I have read something similar to this a while ago as well but I think Seth Godin says it well that typically disagreements begin with emotions - …

Oct 22, 2020: Global organizations sometimes mean extra early mornings… 🥱☕

Oct 21, 2020: Sometimes the only time to fit a workout in is late at night when the streets are quiet… 🏃🌃

Oct 21, 2020: Want to change a bunch of things at once but I know I need to be patient in order to get things right… However, I still need to move forward …

Oct 20, 2020: Lovely Fall day for a run blazing my own trail… 🍂🏃🌨️

Oct 20, 2020: Question for the Micro.Blog community… I am guessing it is better to have an actual Micro.Blog site verses hosting or having a WordPress one …

Oct 19, 2020: First snow run of the 2020-2021 season in the books and in shorts 😁... 🏃🌨️

Oct 19, 2020: Not looking at anything work related for the past 4 days my Inbox seems to be full of things I need to tackle this morning 😒. Let’s just keep …

Oct 18, 2020: Got out early for a run today to catch the sunrise and as a bonus no one was at the waterfalls… 🏃🏞️

Oct 18, 2020: Last RV camp trip of 2020 in the books. Drove home early today, cleaned it out and winterized it. 🏕️

Oct 17, 2020: Good day of hiking, climbing around waterfalls, forging our own paths, and just hanging out around the campfire today…

Oct 16, 2020: Nothing beats a fall run with some views… 🏃

Oct 16, 2020: I can’t believe this Birthday Girl is 6. Happy Birthday Boo! She really wanted to camp this weekend so we had bring the party along 🥳🎁🎂🎈🎉

Oct 15, 2020: Hiking to a waterfall on a cold day…

Oct 14, 2020: No work on Thursday and Friday means up late working trying to stay afloat so Monday isn’t a disaster… Oh also, nothing beats trying to …

Oct 14, 2020: Today is our 14th anniversary. I believe the traditional gift for #14 is a new backyard shed. No? 😂

Oct 14, 2020: Dark morning runs are not all bad but I would prefer having the sun peeking through the trees … 🏃

Oct 14, 2020: It has been interesting playing around with this new Micro.Blog format. I think long term if I get into it I will probably just pay for a yearly plan. …

Oct 13, 2020: New day, new site, new running goal... GO! 🏃🌄 #running, #sunrise #morning

Oct 6, 2020: It has been a while since I woke up before the sun to run but it felt great to get out early again even if my body was not fully awake yet….

Sep 17, 2020: Time Spent More than ever I am guessing people are (or maybe are not) noticing how they are spending their time or maybe not as various schedules have been …

Aug 26, 2020: One advantage to all of this camping lately is finding new and interesting spots to run in the morning…

May 28, 2020: 📚 Veil by Eliot Peper Veil by Eliot Peper (@EliotPeper) was just released a week ago and I really can’t say enough good things about it. If you are looking for a great book …

May 25, 2020: Spotted Elf on the Shelf rollerblading tonight on my walk with Lainey Lou the Doodle 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️😂🤣

May 4, 2020: Starting this week off right with a sunrise run on some trails…

May 2, 2020: Had a great time biking with this girl again today. She wanted to go farther than yesterday so we ended at 12 miles. Also, don’t think for a …

May 1, 2020: Ran into a couple small obstacles this morning while feeling like I was running through people’s backyards 😁. Update from back when I realized I …

Apr 24, 2020: It has been a long time since Lainey Lou the Doodle has run with me and I think she regretted all those morning she scratched on the door after I left …

Apr 22, 2020: Beautiful morning run today which is fitting as it is Earth Day today. Hope everyone can enjoy the nice weather today but physically distancing …

Apr 16, 2020: Happy Birthday to this amazing lady that keeps our family moving one day at a time. For her Birthday she got two amazing cakes from the kids that they …

Apr 15, 2020: Well hello there. Nothing to see here I am just passing by…

Apr 12, 2020: I decided to find some less traveled trails this afternoon for a snowy run. Had a good amount on the ground and it kept coming down the whole time. …

Apr 5, 2020: Today’s home science lesson was on how to make simple syrup… Real life skill!

Apr 5, 2020: Was a beautiful morning for a long run today. I enjoyed the signs along the trails telling people to well… Be smart 😁

Apr 2, 2020: Early morning meetings require even earlier morning runs.

Mar 26, 2020: The weather was too nice today for me to sit inside all day. So after my last work call late this afternoon I ventured out and what was going to be …

Mar 24, 2020: Thirty-Nine It seems strange trying to look back at the last year when there is so much noise clouding the past couple of days/weeks/months. I am sure this will …

Mar 17, 2020: Late night run was what was needed to clear my mind after all that’s been happening…

Mar 14, 2020: Today was supposed to be… After getting back from a short run earlier this morning I am currently sitting in our kitchen drinking coffee and pondering what today was suppose to …

Mar 13, 2020: Design Your Future by Dominick Quartuccio I can never pass up an interesting book and TCK Publishing reached out to me a while back to take a read through a book they had called Design Your …

Mar 3, 2020: Found some new trails this past weekend when we were down in Rochester. They have some nice trails along the river and I didn’t run across much …

Mar 3, 2020: Future Voter tagged along with me to vote today #vote

Feb 27, 2020: The warmer weather has been great except for early morning running where I come across sidewalks like this… 🏃‍♂️🧊 I might have to start running …

Feb 26, 2020: After a little snow a couple weeks ago I ventured to the trails by our house with Boo and Lainey. I am not sure out of the three of us who had the …

Feb 26, 2020: From the Lens - Backyard Campsite Turning our backyard into a campsite in order to really the summer weather seems to be a highlight of our kids (July 2019, Eden Prairie, MN) Tuesday …

Feb 19, 2020: From the Lens - Numbers Water drops blurring the view of my numbers at the end of a rainy run (Nevada, IA) Tuesday Photo Challenge - Number

Feb 18, 2020: Off The Couch podcast - Running 5k a Day for 365 Days As with my 365 days of running, I really didn’t mention to anyone that I was going to be on a podcast episode of Off The Couch until right now …

Feb 13, 2020: It might have been -14°F this morning but I felt like it was a good challenge to conquer. If you dress right it isn’t as bad as you think or …

Feb 13, 2020: Rise of Audiobooks These days most of the reading I do is listening to someone read me a book. I have written about this before but I came across a tweet by James Clear …

Feb 13, 2020: Getting ready to do a thing with some very fun people. More to come… 🎙️

Feb 12, 2020: From the Lens - Bounding through the Snow This dog loves bounding through the snowdrifts in the backyard to chase the kids (January 2019, Eden Prairie, MN) Tuesday Photo Challenge - Action

Feb 6, 2020: Running a little bit of the Appalachian Trail did not disappoint last week as the views were great. I could definitely tell I am not in mountain …

Feb 5, 2020: This girl is taking advantage of being the first one to outdoor Hockey practice tonight… 🏒

Jan 28, 2020: It's Your Ship by Captain D. Michael Abrashoff It’s Your Ship: Management Techniques from the Best Damn Ship in the Navy by Captain D. Michael Abrashoff is a really good book if you are ever …

Jan 26, 2020: Had a great morning at the US Pond Hockey Championships. The kids enjoyed skating around as well.

Jan 24, 2020: Realized we didn’t have any coffee this morning so I solved that problem by running to go get it… ☕🏃‍♂️

Jan 22, 2020: From the Lens - Snow Tree Snow covered tree in April (April 2019, Eden Prairie, MN) Tuesday Photo Challenge - Trees

Jan 15, 2020: From the Lens - Air Travel *Traveling above the clouds is an enjoyable way to travel. In fact, it is a great way to give you different vantage points on thing (Somewhere from AZ …

Jan 7, 2020: From the Lens - Ancient Sewer Walking through the stone sewers built by Roman engineers (February 2018, Under the Grossed Budengasse street, Cologne, Germany) Tuesday Photo …

Jan 1, 2020: From the Lens - Jump Jumping into the New Year and Decade (July 2018, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado) Tuesday Photo Challenge - Retrospective

Jan 1, 2020: These four wasted no time this morning getting outside to skate in the New Year!

Dec 23, 2019: It’s that time of year again for the Gott Family Ugly Sweater Contest. Click on the link to vote now!

Dec 21, 2019: Starting the Saturday off right with a great view… 🏃‍♂️

Dec 21, 2019: Keep Going… Some days you just have to keep going. That is what I told myself as I hit mile 2 of my 3.1 mile loop I have run many times before. So what did I end …

Dec 18, 2019: This just seems like a fitting Iowa picture… 🏃‍♂️ 📍Trout Run Bike Trail, Decorah, Iowa

Dec 18, 2019: From the Lens - Lainey Lou the Doodle Lainey Lou the Doodle our Families Best Friend and common fixture in our household. (September 2019) Tuesday Photo Challenge - Common

Dec 15, 2019: After all the hockey played on the rink this afternoon it is time for the “Zamboni” to get to work… OK it is done now 😁🏒

Dec 13, 2019: Mini Sabbatical A couple weeks ago I was on what I called a mini sabbatical but in reality, it was just a week off of work before I started a new job. During that …

Dec 11, 2019: First Frozen Face this winter but probably not the last. The temp was a balmy -6° F with no wind this morning… 🏃‍♂️

Dec 11, 2019: From the Lens - Foggy Fog covering the top of the iconic Golden Gate Bridge (San Fransisco, August 2010) Tuesday Photo Challenge - Mist

Dec 5, 2019: From the Lens - Backyard Rink Glow In the peaceful night the glow of the lights on the hockey rink is very calming (Dec 2019, Eden Prairie, MN) Tuesday Photo Challenge - Glow

Dec 5, 2019: The season is upon us… 🏒 This year I upped our rink game by making the rink 70' x 32' compared to the last 6 years of 46' x 32' 😁. The kids are …

Nov 28, 2019: What better way to start Turkey Day than a 5k run. Not to mention one that ends with a donut 🍩😋. Minus the icy conditions in a couple places, it was a …

Nov 14, 2019: Had a great time enjoying the beautiful weather running around Lake Harriet and catching up with my cousin today… 🏃‍♂️ I might have then done a …

Nov 13, 2019: From the Lens - November Trail Running the sloped trails to enjoy the scenery in and around the park was a great way to spend a day off (November 2019, Richard T Anderson …

Nov 13, 2019: I might be spoiling the dog this week as we have been to the dog park twice already… 🐕🐶

Nov 10, 2019: Friday was a day of big changes… I had to finally wear my jacket and pants for my morning run 😂. Also, I said goodbye to the company and …

Nov 6, 2019: With the snow flying around this morning I was able to make some lovely first tracks 🏃‍♂️

Nov 6, 2019: From the Lens - Grand Canyon Peering over the edge and looking down into the steep Grand canyon walls (June 2015, Rim Trail, Grand Canyon Village) Tuesday Photo Challenge - Steep

Oct 23, 2019: From The Lens - Farm Country Sunset Sunset with a picturesque farm in the background (Wayne Brothers Farm, Ellendale, MN, August 2019) Tuesday Photo Challenge - Sunset

Oct 20, 2019: Quick trip down to Iowa with two for the three kids. They had fun hanging out with Grandma and Grandpa making cookies, doing puzzles, playing pool, …

Oct 17, 2019: It was a good day to be outside exploring. As with all family days off, there are struggles but overall the walk around the falls was what we needed. …

Oct 16, 2019: These two completed their first paying job this evening by raking and mowing a neighbor’s yard.

Oct 16, 2019: From the Lens - Kölner Dom A morning I won’t forget anytime soon as I was the first to the top of the 533 steps of the Kölner Dom (February 2018, Cologne Cathedral, …

Oct 16, 2019: Starting off 5 in style… Happy Birthday Boo! 🎂

Oct 15, 2019: Break the Twitch Member Community Have any of you been a part of an Online Community? If so I would be curious about what it is, how it works, does it cost you anything and if you feel …

Oct 11, 2019: What is a Photocopier? This is an old video produced by the New York Times but I only stumbled upon it a while back and thought it was not only cleverly put together but …

Oct 9, 2019: From the Lens - Many Parks Curve Great spot to stop and look back over Rocky Mountain National Park. It never gets old looking at those mountains (July 2018, Many Parks Curve …

Oct 8, 2019: Goodbye Fitbit… I have used my Fitbit since January 2014 after what I remember was a long time trying to decide if I really wanted one and if so which one. Thinking …

Oct 4, 2019: Decluttering in Fall Fall is one of my favorite times of the year. Mostly because the weather is cooler outside and I have been known to pretend I am allergic to heat and …

Oct 3, 2019: 5K a Day all about the Data You asked for it so let’s dive into the data! I knew this was going to be a follow-up post to the one I just wrote earlier this week about my 5K …

Oct 2, 2019: From the Lens - Market While traveling in Peru to get to our destinations, I enjoyed seeing and wandering around the small towns and markets (Dec 2019, Pukara Peru) Tuesday …

Oct 1, 2019: School Picture Day Boo… 👻💃📸

Sep 30, 2019: 5K a day for 365 days I ran a 5K a day for 365 Days in a row and counting… Most people will think that is crazy and pointless. I have run well over 1131.5 miles over the …

Sep 25, 2019: From the Lens - Stone Stairs Stone Steps to start the journey up Cadillac Mountain from the North Ridge Trailhead (July 2004, Cadillac Mountain, Bar Harbor, ME) Tuesday Photo …

Sep 21, 2019: I will just hang out here in the water until you are ready to chase me again 🐶🐾🐾🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️

Sep 14, 2019: Found myself running along the EP Cross Country course this morning. Brings back memories of Saturday morning races… 🏃‍♂️

Sep 8, 2019: Fun time exploring Amsterdam this afternoon as I ran along a bunch of canals. Might have gotten a little lost and felt out of place as it …

Sep 5, 2019: North: Finding My Way While Running the Appalachian Trail by Scott Jurek This summer based on the suggestion of others I decided to read pick up the book titled North: Finding My Way While Running the Appalachian Trail by …

Aug 28, 2019: From the Lens - City Always interesting to see how much your home town has changed during an early morning run when the streets are empty (November 2018, Nevada, IA) …

Aug 23, 2019: Welcome Up North! Something is New around here… Welcome to Up North! I am certain you have noticed that the blog has changed ever so slightly as it is no longer …

Aug 21, 2019: From the Lens - Foggy Tracks Foggy tracks that seem to disappear in the distance… (August 2019, Pleasant Hill, Iowa)

Aug 19, 2019: Nothing like a little obstacle in my path… 🏃‍♂️

Aug 17, 2019: Do you ever have a feeling you are being watched when you run? 🦌🏃‍♂️

Aug 15, 2019: Foggy morning today in Iowa… 🏃‍♂️

Aug 10, 2019: Nice sunset view from the Sky Glider at the Iowa State Fair 🌇

Aug 10, 2019: Whatever my thoughts are about the Fair on a hot day, watching this girl get so excited to see the Dollipops every day puts a smile on my face. I feel …

Aug 8, 2019: When at the @iowastatefair you have to start with a healthy breakfast 😁

Aug 6, 2019: Lining up for the crucial putt with the support of her siblings…

Aug 5, 2019: Pretty quiet this morning as I was running around the Iowa State Fair grounds. It will look quite different in 3 days… 🏃‍♂️

Jul 26, 2019: Good first evening at family camp. The kids are excited to do ALL of the activities tomorrow.

Jul 26, 2019: Was not expecting rain this morning so took to the covered trails… 🏃‍♂️

Jul 24, 2019: From the Lens - Country Road There is always miles of road ahead when running in the country (July, 2019, Ollie, Iowa)

Jul 24, 2019: Even though the car races got rained out last weekend, we all had a blast spending time together. In fact, all but one of the Gott Great Grandkids …

Jul 17, 2019: From the Lens - Rice Lake *One of my favorite local parks that has hilly hiking trail. There is a bench at the top of one trail that gives you this wonderful view of Rice Lake …

Jul 17, 2019: Last weekend we did a bike ride around Eden Prairie to hit up 5 Little Free Libraries. We had a bunch of books to distribute but in the end, I think …

Jul 17, 2019: It was a hot one this morning with 95% humidity but I can’t complain too much as I enjoyed the sunrise… 🏃‍♂️

Jul 12, 2019: Happy Birthday Lainey Lou!!! 🥳🎉🐾 Can’t believe this pup is one year old!

Jul 10, 2019: From the Lens - Great Wall **Looking towards Tower 23 in the far distance at the Mutianyu Great Wall before the steep climb to come with no one in sight. (May 2019, Mutianyu …

Jul 7, 2019: The sun slowly filled the covered green trail this morning… 🏃‍♂️

Jul 7, 2019: We had a great 4th of July with our annual events: Parade with the Walker clan, swimming, biking to round lake so we could enjoy the festivities, …

Jul 3, 2019: From the Lens - Grand Lake Peaceful afternoon Kayaking on Grand Lake with the Rocky Mountains in the background (July 2018, Grand Lake, Colorado) Tuesday Photo Challenge - …

Jun 28, 2019: Was a hot run this afternoon in the Prairie as there was no breeze and lots of humidity. Thankful for the scenery as I think my body has been spoiled …

Jun 27, 2019: Last T-Ball practice for the Boo. It was fun seeing her get excited about this every week. ⚾

Jun 26, 2019: From The Lens - Summer Sunset Summer sunset run after a busy day is good way to recharge and focus (June 2019, Edenbrook Conservation Area) Tuesday Photo Challenge - Radiant

Jun 26, 2019: Summer sunset run after a busy day is a good way to recharge… 🏃‍♂️

Jun 19, 2019: Wordless Wednesday 06/19 Trail running is always my favorite but I enjoyed the company on this Father’s day run even more. I might need to get her a better bike if we …

Jun 13, 2019: Enjoying the new scenery on an early evening run that was a lot harder than I anticipated 🏃‍♂️

Jun 12, 2019: Wordless Wednesday 06/12 Enjoying the new scenery on an early evening run that was a lot harder than I anticipated (June 2019, Richard T. Anderson Conservatory, Eden Prairie)

Jun 8, 2019: The travelers are now California bound as I dropped them off early this morning at 5:40 am… Can’t wait to hear how the birthday vacation …

Jun 5, 2019: Calm morning after an evening and night of rain. Great morning to be out running for #GlobalRunningDay 🏃‍♂️

Jun 3, 2019: Wash out! What a beautiful weekend it was to be outside and I really can’t thank my amazing wife @aprilgottwalker enough for letting me go …

Jun 2, 2019: Happy double-digit birthday to this kid 🎉🎈 🎂… Can’t believe he is 10 years old and finishing up 4th grade this week.

May 31, 2019: How Connected We Could be First I want to caveat this as there is not any detailed research or analysis done on this topic other than my own observations over the past week …

May 27, 2019: Wet morning for a 5k run today but for a good cause. I don’t even remember the last time I actually ran a real race so I was happy enough with …

May 22, 2019: Wordless Wednesday 05/22 *Mutianyu Great Wall in the early mornings before others arrived was so peaceful (May 2019, Mutianyu Great Wall, Beijing China)*

May 21, 2019: Last morning in China as I fly out tonight so my last morning of exploring the streets. It still seems strange to find all of these little paths like …

May 19, 2019: Had a great time exploring the Mutianyu section of the Great Wall today. Hiked to both ends of the 2-mile stretch and felt like I had the place to …

May 18, 2019: Had a good afternoon exploring Beijing…

May 17, 2019: Random thought while running this morning… As crowded as it is in Shanghai China they still have found some way to make lots of bike lanes all …

May 15, 2019: Wordless Wednesday 05/15 Quiet morning run in the streets of Shanghai (May 2019, Shanghai, China)

May 15, 2019: Quiet morning run in the streets of Shanghai… 🏃‍♂️

May 14, 2019: “Breach” by Eliot Peper Breachby Eliot Peper (@EliotPeper) was a great ending to the Analog series as it compliments both Bandwidth and Borderless. Not to jump too far to my …

May 14, 2019: Had to get a run in this morning before a really long day of travel (16+ hrs🤦‍♂️)… 🏃‍♂️

May 11, 2019: Good start for a Saturday… Running with Lainey followed up by coffee on the deck while catching up with a good friend on the phone while the …

May 11, 2019: Tetris like Life If Tetris has taught me anything, it’s that errors pile up and accomplishments disappear. - Mana (@damana) August 4, 2011 This quote has been …

May 8, 2019: Day Four Recap in Sedona and Phoenix... We started out with some solo hikes / runs around the hotel. Then we went o the Sedona Airport Loop which had great views on the hike. It might have …

May 8, 2019: Wordless Wednesday 05/08 Running along the Skywalker trail in the early morning hours (May 2019, Skywalker Trail, Sedona, AZ)

May 8, 2019: Last run in Arizona before heading home tonight. Thankfully the rain stopped right before I went outside but that added the challenge with a little …

May 8, 2019: Day 3 Recap in Sedona... What started out as an overcast day of shopping and good food in the hotel as well as the Cowboys Club for lunch. Turned out to be a great afternoon …

May 7, 2019: Cloudy morning trail run today but I still can’t complain. Beautiful view of the mountains but with my narrow trail at points looking down was a …

May 6, 2019: It doesn’t matter how much I run but running on these hills around Phoenix this morning was less than easy. Thankfully the view was worth …

May 6, 2019: Day 2 Recap in Sedona... Devil’s Bridge like that I am still shocked that all kids hiked the 2 miles there and 2 miles back with smiles on their faces for the most part. …

May 5, 2019: Day 1 recap in Phoenix, AZ.... Morning hiking, afternoon in the pool 😂game time with Kent, and dinner with Grandma Gott.

May 4, 2019: Great way to start the weekend off right with a morning run with Lainey Lou the Doodle… 🏃‍♂️🐶

May 3, 2019: This girl is super excited about her soccer season and I can’t wait to watch her play… Oh and help coach ⚽😲

May 1, 2019: Wordless Wednesday 05/01 *Frozen Hand... I can't believe we got snow in April. (April 2019, Eden Prairie)*

Apr 28, 2019: Afternoon run with the big kids today… It was interesting that they stopped at this spot to wait for me and see/listen to the sounds of nature. …

Apr 27, 2019: Saturday morning run and conversations with this girl and her favorite dog. It is kind of selfish as I want to run but I truly enjoy the company and …

Apr 25, 2019: I came home from work tonight to find these girls who are obviously ready for summer ⛱…

Apr 25, 2019: Go out and Create Something Looking for some motivation today? I might have something for you as I too was looking for motivation. Looking back through the many draft posts and …

Apr 24, 2019: Wordless Wednesday 04/24 *Almost perfect early morning reflection (April 2019, Round Lake, Eden Prairie) - Flipped* Almost perfect early morning reflection (April 2019, Round …

Apr 22, 2019: This past weekend our crew had a great time exploring around our town. It is amazing the things you can see if you just get outside and explore. …

Apr 18, 2019: Found an observation deck on my run this morning by the lake. Not a bad view from the top but a little windy… 🏃‍♂️ 📍Erie Basin Marina …

Apr 18, 2019: Pending Appointments - Air Travel Edition I am no road warrior when it comes to traveling but I feel like over my 15+ year career I have traveled a fair amount. However, most of my travel …

Apr 17, 2019: Wordless Wednesday 04/17 *Bright lights of the city from above (April 2019, Buffalo, NY)*

Apr 14, 2019: CAUTION! Rough road ahead. Note this is in town and helps sum up the winter we had… My pace biker even with the obstacles is too fast for me …

Apr 14, 2019: Lovely day to build a snow family… ⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄ #facesofboo

Apr 11, 2019: Amazing the difference 26 hours looks like… Not to mention “No School Snow Storms” can stop me from getting outside… 🌅🏃‍♂️🌨🌬

Apr 11, 2019: Being Rich vs Being Poor Watching this video by Casey Neistat the other day brought a couple of thoughts to mind that I wanted to share. However, before I jump into my own …

Apr 10, 2019: Wordless Wednesday 04/10 Nothing beats a sunset run where you feel like you are in the middle of nowhere but you are really in town. (Edenbrook Conservation Area, Eden …

Apr 8, 2019: Mornings really are a great time to get outside… 🏃‍♂️

Apr 6, 2019: The Minimalist Home by Joshua Becker The Minimalist Home: A Room-by-Room Guide to a Decluttered, Refocused Life by Joshua Becker overall is a great book for anyone that is looking to …

Apr 5, 2019: With so much stuff to do we spent almost all day at the NCAA Final Four Fan Fest… #finalfourfanfest

Apr 3, 2019: Wordless Wednesday 04/03 *Taking a quick break on our run to check out the ducks (Round Lake, Eden Prairie, March 2019)*

Apr 2, 2019: True Blue by Eliot Peper: Now An Internet Art Project You can now read True Blue by Eliot Peper for free online as it has moved to An Internet Public Art Project. …

Mar 28, 2019: So glad to get off the paved streets tonight until I noticed various parts of my trail were underwater and muddy… Oh well, a little water and …

Mar 28, 2019: Running with Ryan Van Duzer As you can probably tell from other things I post about on Social Media or this site, I really do enjoy running. It is something that got lost on me …

Mar 27, 2019: Wordless Wednesday 03/27 *Nothing beats a blue sky, ice melting off the pond, and no snow on the trail for a birthday run (March 2019, Eden Prairie)*

Mar 24, 2019: Thirty-Eight Last year was spent focusing on things that mattered not only to myself but my family too. I felt overall it was a very successful endeavor that …

Mar 22, 2019: Taking a quick break on our run this morning to check out the ducks… 🦆🐕🏃‍♂️

Mar 21, 2019: 6 months later and she is still just a petite mini golden doodle….

Mar 21, 2019: Consumption vs Creation It hit me that I have been consuming so much so fast that I haven’t had time to actually think about what it means. This is further expanding on the …

Mar 20, 2019: Wordless Wednesday 03/20 Let the thawing begin as another backyard rink season comes to a close (March 2019)

Mar 20, 2019: With the temperature outlook for the rest of this week and the current standing water on the rink, I decided to puncture holes in the tarp… …

Mar 14, 2019: Posting Standstill I have been at a standstill for the last three months since I had posted a hand full of new articles. As the days clicked by I finally decided I …

Mar 13, 2019: Wordless Wednesday 03/13 Enjoying the beautiful evening run with a blue sky and sun at 6pm in the evening. I could get used to this time change (March 2019, Eden Prairie)

Mar 11, 2019: Super proud of these kids as they have had long seasons and glad to see it come to a great ending! “This weekend had more adventure, emotion, …

Mar 6, 2019: Wordless Wednesday 03/06 Glad to have the sun coming up earlier in the mornings these days. I appreciate the sunrise runs vs flashlight ones (March 2019, Minnesota)

Mar 6, 2019: For those of you missing The Masked Singer tonight, we found a new contestant. This one will be a tough one to figure out. she sang “I …

Mar 6, 2019: Glad to have the sun coming up earlier in the mornings these days. I appreciate the sunrise runs vs flashlight ones… 🏃‍♂️

Mar 2, 2019: This is for the Gotts that are in Mexico showing my wife all these great sunrise photos. As you can see here in MN I can enjoy my coffee outside in …

Feb 27, 2019: The sidewalks are getting pretty narrow out there trying to run… 🏃‍♂️

Feb 20, 2019: Snow dog… 🌨🐶

Feb 9, 2019: These two used to go to daycare together but today they had to face-off against each other… #hockey

Feb 7, 2019: Had to get the snowblower to the backyard tonight to keep the ice clear… Now we can tackle the driveway… (priorities) 🏒

Jan 29, 2019: So I guess I shouldn’t plan on running tomorrow morning… 🤔🏃‍♂️🥶 Guess this morning it was a heat wave at -8F 😂

Jan 27, 2019: Had a great afternoon with this kid as we watched the finals of the US Pond Hockey Championships. Not to mention he was loving the fact he got a puck …

Jan 20, 2019: Fun Sunday… Basketball, Hockey, Cheerleading and a Movie.

Jan 19, 2019: Life of the 3rd Born…. #sisterplayshockey #brotherplaysbasketball

Jan 17, 2019: There is something calming about being outside in the early morning with a little dusting of fresh snow on the ground… 🏃‍♂️

Jan 13, 2019: Everybody needs their own personal cheerleader… Unless your the bigger sister who has never seen a cheerleader for hockey and thinks your …

Jan 10, 2019: Considering it was a little warmer today it was also nice to see the sun come up on my run… 🏃‍♂️

Jan 5, 2019: Can’t believe just a couple days ago I had a frozen face and today I was running in shorts. Also, found a new trail to run on or I think it was …

Jan 3, 2019: Nothing beats a nice-looking sunrise… 🏃‍♂️

Jan 2, 2019: Frozen face run yesterday… 🏃‍♂️

Jan 1, 2019: Ringing in the New Year with this crazy bunch is always a great time…

Dec 30, 2018: Look what I found on my run this morning in Ankeny, IA… Do I spy a backyard rink 👀🏒… Looks like a nice setup 👍

Dec 26, 2018: This girl braved the cold with me this morning for a little exercise and got a well-deserved treat for her hard work… 🚴‍♀️🏃‍♂️

Dec 26, 2018: Not a bad afternoon for a fire and skating… 🏒

Dec 25, 2018: A little Christmas day running on what seems like just a sheet of ice outside while the kids were busy with their new things… 🏃‍♂️

Dec 21, 2018: I can appreciate the Post Office workers working non stop before Christmas as I saw them driving around really early today on my run. But I am pretty …

Dec 19, 2018: Can’t believe how warm it has been, last Sunday I had to get outside… In shorts of course 👍🏃‍♂️

Dec 13, 2018: The one nice thing about running at night in the winter is you get to check out everyone’s Christmas Lights… 🏃‍♂️

Dec 12, 2018: After school skating tonight for the big kids while we were getting dinner ready… #hockey #backyardrink

Dec 10, 2018: Had to take advantage of the sun today and find some snowy trails to run along… 🏃‍♂️

Dec 8, 2018: This girl is so ready to get out on the ice… But today was just picture day. 🏒

Dec 6, 2018: One Decision When you stop and think about it, one decision is all it takes. The list of what that decision might have been or could be a number of different …

Dec 3, 2018: After the long weekend this girl needed to get outside so she joined me for some of my run tonight… #running #laineylouthedoodle . . . . . …

Dec 1, 2018: Early morning trail run as we have lots of kid activities today… 🏀🏒💃 Special thanks to @mojitosandmunchkins for working with @knuckle.lights …

Nov 30, 2018: This might be a little unpopular to some of my Minnesota friends but I am looking forward to the next drop in temperature as I have some kids ready to …

Nov 29, 2018: Floodgates of Unnecessary Purchases Have you ever been gearing up for a trip and fell into the trap of buying a lot of things because of that upcoming “trip”? Earlier this year I went on …

Nov 27, 2018: Glow of the sunrise… 🌄🏃‍♂️#running . . . . #running #runnersofinstagram #instarunners #sunrise #morningrun #morning #myviewrunning …

Nov 25, 2018: Starting flooding the rink last night and had a visitor passing by… 🦌

Nov 22, 2018: Completed my annual self made “Turkey Trot” through the streets of my youth…

Nov 18, 2018: Cold morning today as the temps were in single digits (5°F). I was wondering why my eyes were frozen… #running . . . . #instarunners …

Nov 17, 2018: No lights needed this morning after the little bit of fresh snow last night… #running . . . . #runnersofinstagram #run #snow #morningrun …

Nov 16, 2018: This girl took over my job of bedtime reading as her little sister only wanted big sister to read books to her last night… 📚

Nov 15, 2018: New coffee in the mail and can’t wait to try it ☕️… Not to mention check out this awesome packaging. Well done @yesplzdotcoffee

Nov 14, 2018: Early morning run on a snowy trail…

Nov 12, 2018: Taken Sunday morning, before early events of her siblings. This is the face of a tired 3rd born who spent the weekend getting taken from one event to …

Nov 12, 2018: Someone is confused why there is a structure in their walking path… 🦌 Yep, it is that time of year again to set the boards out.

Nov 10, 2018: Very brisk quiet morning today running as we are in single digits temperature today..

Nov 8, 2018: Making tracks during my first run this winter while it was snowing…

Nov 5, 2018: Break in the rain yesterday allowed me to get out on the trails for a little bit…

Nov 5, 2018: Media Consumption In my overall quest to minimize distractions in my life either by limiting the time I spend on social media or watching TV. Lately, I have noticed …

Nov 4, 2018: Seems like everyone got the memo to sleep in longer today but this girl..

Nov 1, 2018: We really have been spoiled the last couple of evenings with warmer weather. Perfect evenings for a run around the neighborhood while watching the …

Oct 30, 2018: Getting coffee from our favorite local roaster is always a good day because let’s face it who doesn’t love coffee ☕… Not to …

Oct 30, 2018: “Borderless” by Eliot Peper Borderless(which was released October 30th) by Eliot Peper (@EliotPeper) is a great sequel to Bandwidth that was released earlier this year. I was …

Oct 27, 2018: What better way to spend Saturday night.. #mnwild

Oct 26, 2018: This pup is making it hard to want to leave the quiet house this morning… . . . . . #laineylouthedoodle #goldendoodle #doodlesofinstagram #dogs …

Oct 24, 2018: Soaking up the last of the warmer weather by finding some trails before the cold/snow… #running . . . . . #fall #trailrunning #instarunners …

Oct 22, 2018: Nothing helps make you feel better than laying on the couch with your favorite Goldendoodle… #laineylouthedoodle #facesofboo . . . . …

Oct 19, 2018: It was another dark morning today.. #running . . . . . #instarunners #runnersofinstagram #run #myviewrunning #s2t

Oct 15, 2018: New trail before the sunset tonight..

Oct 14, 2018: What better way to spend our anniversary than with the ones we love. Through it all, it has been a crazy ride that isn’t always easy but we are …

Oct 13, 2018: So it begins… Saturday mornings at the rink with this this girl.. 🏒

Oct 12, 2018: Going from 70° earlier this week to a brisk 32° this dark morning… Burr 🏃 #running . . . . . #morningrun #instarunners #runnersofinstagram …

Oct 10, 2018: Nice run along Lake Erie this morning with a view of Canada in the distance…

Oct 9, 2018: Different scenery this morning running downtown in a lovely 72°F weather.

Oct 7, 2018: With all the rain we had I found myself mudding around on the trail.. 🏃#running . . . . . #instarunners #runnersofinstagram #myviewrunning #run …

Oct 6, 2018: Another soccer season in the books…

Oct 5, 2018: It’s not stopping me from getting out there but I am really getting tired of all this rain… Who is with me on that? 🙋‍♂️ …

Oct 2, 2018: Hello duck family… What great weather this evening and thanks to my amazing wife for letting me hit the trail for 30 min before dinner.

Sep 30, 2018: Behind the scenes of what happens when you get some toys to test out and your house becomes a photo shoot…

Sep 28, 2018: In the light of the moon… I decided to run this morning thanks to my friend LaineyLoutheDoodle who I figured needed to go outside at such an …

Sep 25, 2018: You never know what you are going to walk into the house and find. Well hello, Vampire Boo…🧛👻 #facesofboo

Sep 24, 2018: It was a dark and rainy night. What is the luck it started to rain right when I wanted to run tonight.. Didn’t stop me but I am really getting …

Sep 22, 2018: After a busy day this is a good place to end the night.. Let’s go Wild! #mnwild

Sep 22, 2018: Such a beautiful day today I couldn’t help but hit the trails as it is nice to actually see in the light of day. I had some help but he was a …

Sep 22, 2018: Busy day today and I need to get moving but Lainey is making it hard for me to do so… #LaineyLouTheDoodle . . . . . #goldendoodle …

Sep 21, 2018: Found a new route that actually has some street lights 👍🏃 #running . . . . . #runnerscommunity #instarunners #runnersofinstagram #myviewrunning …

Sep 20, 2018: Rainy run this early AM, starting to wonder if the rain will ever end…

Sep 18, 2018: Found a break in the action this morning when it wasn’t really raining or lightening to get a run in…

Sep 17, 2018: It was so hot this past weekend that she decided to swim in her water dish 🐶😂…

Sep 15, 2018: Early morning coffee with the pup while the rest of the house sleeps…

Sep 14, 2018: Well what do we have here… #LaineyLouTheDoodle . . . . . #goldendoodle #minigoldendoodle #dogsofinstagram

Sep 14, 2018: Well hello friend, just passing through..

Sep 12, 2018: Some interesting looking clouds this morning after my run…

Sep 11, 2018: Not a bad night watching soccer with this pup… #LaineyLouTheDoodle

Sep 11, 2018: Never know what gem you will find when you explore your surroundings…

Sep 7, 2018: Morning sunrise glow… Not a bad morning at all to get some miles in running.

Sep 6, 2018: Summer is definitely coming to an end with a 52°F run this morning..

Sep 4, 2018: M had. Great first night of Little Wild Hockey and everyone enjoyed the special guest.

Sep 4, 2018: I am really not ready for these darker mornings..

Sep 1, 2018: Had such a good night last night with this lovely lady, some friends and watching Hamilton… #hamilton #orpheumtheatre

Aug 30, 2018: Good morning Deer, just passing through don’t worry about me.. 🏃‍♂️🦌

Aug 28, 2018: Had a good run through the rain early this morning.. 🌧️🏃‍♂️

Aug 26, 2018: Day 3 Recap: This girl is so drawn to water that we spent most of the day walking along what could have been a private beach. We also biked a little …

Aug 26, 2018: Day 2 Recap: Went to Bayfield, WI then to Meyer’s Beach where we spent some time Kayaking in the Bayfield Peninsula Sea Caves.

Aug 24, 2018: Day 1 Recap: Spending the evening in Duluth watching the boats, checking out the Bridge, found some chocolates to bring home, and swimming in the pool …

Aug 24, 2018: Let the Daddy Daughter road trip kick off.. #travelsovertoys #roadtrip #exploremn

Aug 21, 2018: Getting back into the flow of work is hard after vacation.. Decided hitting the pavement early this morning for some miles will be a good way to …

Aug 18, 2018: Good start to a Saturday when you almost have 10k steps before 8:30 am…

Aug 17, 2018: Hanging out at the @iowastatefair tonight with this beautiful lady… #iowastatefairmoments #nothingcompares

Aug 14, 2018: Remember “You are worth it” - Found this on my run around the back roads of East Des Moines, Iowa

Aug 6, 2018: Humid haze in the air this morning made for an interesting run

Aug 5, 2018: Hanging out at the Library with Librarian Boo… #facesofboo #library

Aug 4, 2018: Thanks for the extra motivation this morning from a random runner, you gave me something to catch! 🏃..🏃

Aug 3, 2018: First time ever biking to work and turned out pretty good minus a small novice mistake as my pants were not tucked in my socks or pulled up… …

Jul 27, 2018: What a great afternoon to bike with this crew.. #biking #family #Minnesota

Jul 27, 2018: Really didn’t feel like running today but my guest pulled me out of bed this morning 🐶🏃‍♂️

Jul 26, 2018: Had a guest pulling me along on my morning run today 🐾…🏃…

Jul 22, 2018: Morning coffee from a tent with an Iowa Farm view… #sunrise #coffee #pond

Jul 16, 2018: After a week on the road, it was good to get up early and hit the trail again

Jul 16, 2018: Day 7 Recap: Last day in Colorado we hiked to a “waterfall”, kids jogged on some trials overlooking the reservoir, cooled off with Ice …

Jul 15, 2018: My guest this morning while having a cup of coffee.. She was not in the mood to chill though and wanted to play while the kids slept 🤔

Jul 15, 2018: Day 6 Recap… Kayaking and playing on the beach at Grand Lake, driving back through Rockey Mountain National Park enjoying our views of the …

Jul 14, 2018: Day 5 Recap… ATV’ing in the mountains with amazing views, rained out kayaking, local ice cream shop, hot tubbing and family game night, …

Jul 11, 2018: Peaceful morning coffee with @aprilgottwalker while gazing at the mountains in the distance.

Jul 11, 2018: Day 4 Recap… Estes Park, Rockey Mountain National Park, 12,000 ft above Sea Level, Rock Climbing, seeing snow in summer, quiet sunset from our …

Jul 10, 2018: Good Morning Mountains… Enjoying some quiet time before the troops wake up for another day of exploring. ⛰️☕

Jul 10, 2018: Day 3 recap… Checking out some Buffalo, walking about 200' underground on the Wind Caves Natural Entrance trail followed by hundreds of miles …

Jul 8, 2018: Day 2 Highlights from the road trip where we visited the Badlands and Mount Rushmore.

Jul 8, 2018: After a long day of traveling through South Dakota I feel like Wall Drug is the only place you should visit based on signage 😆.. Let’s just say …

Jul 7, 2018: Ready to start day 2… ☑️ Coffee ☑️ Navigation ☑️ Miles of open road with nothing in South Dakota

Jul 6, 2018: Finishing up day one of our 2018 Family Road Trip while watching the sunset

Jul 6, 2018: Ran into a little trail hazard this morning 😁..

Jul 4, 2018: Thunder storms won’t stop this group from watching the Edina 4th of July Parade ⛈️📣

Jun 29, 2018: Made sure to get up early today in order to beat the heat coming later today

Jun 22, 2018: Trike riding Boo… 🚴‍♀️👻

Jun 22, 2018: Enjoying some time on the deck a couple weeks back with this girl trying hard to crush me in checker’s

Jun 22, 2018: As much fun as it was exploring the concrete jungle of Buffalo the past couple of days, I enjoy being home and finding some trails to run on #running

Jun 21, 2018: Thinking of our pup PJ today as it wasn’t long ago we had to say goodbye and today is her birthday…

Jun 21, 2018: Couldn’t help think this was a sign when we decided last minute to drive to the falls after work yesterday #Exploring #IntentionallyWandering …

Jun 20, 2018: Found my way to the harbor this morning for a nice run along the shore looking out across Lake Erie to Canada

Jun 19, 2018: Early morning run got me outside the downtown of Buffalo for a good look back at the city #running #exploring #intentionallywandering

Jun 18, 2018: Clear blue sky above the clouds… #flying

Jun 13, 2018: Nothing like a morning run with the sun coming up #running #sunrise

May 23, 2018: Shhh… Kids are still sleeping and I am enjoying the quiet morning outside while getting some work done.

May 7, 2018: Rental Car Extras Over my life, I have traveled to quite a few different airports in the US and overseas. During most of my trips, I need to get a rental car in order …

May 4, 2018: Class is in session in the backyard single room school house…

May 4, 2018: I can’t tell you how glad I am that the weather is actually nice light out in the early morning. So quiet and peaceful this morning. #running …

Apr 26, 2018: Dropped these two travelers off at the airport at 5am today. Look out mystery state the Boo is traveling!

Apr 25, 2018: Watch out for this one… The names Boo, Gretchen Boo.

Apr 21, 2018: Seemed strange having track practice with snow drifts in the background today…

Apr 20, 2018: Another early morning flight today but a beautiful day to be flying.. See you soon MSP.

Apr 18, 2018: Quick stop in Boston and now on to Buffalo #flying

Apr 18, 2018: Wordless Wednesday 04/18 *Will the snow ever end? That is almost 15" of snow that fell over the course of 48hrs this past weekend (April 2018, Minnesota)*

Apr 18, 2018: 4am wake up to fly again. Will be sad to leave this weather, I feel like it is actually Spring here 😂.

Apr 16, 2018: Airport seems eerily quiet tonight…

Apr 1, 2018: “Bandwidth” by Eliot Peper Bandwidth by Eliot Peper (@EliotPeper) is definitely another page turner by one of my favorite authors. *I was lucky enough to get an advanced copy to …

Mar 24, 2018: Thirty-Seven Wow is it really that time again? Time to end another year and start the next. It really seems strange to say goodbye to 36 and hello to 37. I think …

Mar 7, 2018: Wordless Wednesday 03/07 Beautifully lit Gothic architecture (Cologne Cathedral, Germany - February 2018)

Mar 4, 2018: Let’s go Wild! #mnwild

Mar 3, 2018: Time to head home after a quick stop in Amsterdam

Mar 3, 2018: So much history here in Berlin, I have had fun quickly seeing the sites in the city but finally time to leave.

Mar 2, 2018: Blogging Meetup - Year 2 Project Check-in Year 2 has come and gone… As I am excited to see another year of people using the Blogging Meetup, I hold back a little bit as I know I have been very …

Feb 27, 2018: Good Morning Berlin.. #sunrise #travel #germany

Feb 25, 2018: I had some great tour guides while I was in Cologne. In just my short time there I felt like I learned a lot and really enjoyed Lucy and Hajo’s …

Feb 25, 2018: Good Morning Cologne from the top of the Dom. First one to the top today of the 533 steps! 🏃 #kölnerdom #germany #travel

Feb 24, 2018: Looking good at night Kölner Dom

Feb 23, 2018: Good morning Erkelenz, Germany.. Taken from a window of the Hotel am Weiher

Feb 21, 2018: Sometime the best restaurants have you sitting in a basement cellar.. Verso Giusto Osteria and More

Feb 21, 2018: Good morning Lüdenscheid From the fitness center in the Mercure Hotel Lüdenscheid

Feb 20, 2018: Thinking about and missing these two great pups today as it is # NationalPetDay

Feb 19, 2018: Waiting for the next flight today.. or is it tomorrow already 😂 #flying

Feb 19, 2018: See you later MSP.. #flying #travel

Feb 7, 2018: Wordless Wednesday 02/07 . Massive Ice Sheets in Lake Erie (Flight from Detroit to Buffalo, January 2018)

Feb 6, 2018: Princess Jezzabella A little over a week ago we had to make another tough decision in our house as our last dog Princess Jezzabella the Diva of Pink aka PJ was put down. …

Feb 2, 2018: I don’t know about anyone else but I feel like window washing in negative degree temps is a little puzzling 🤔…

Jan 31, 2018: Wordless Wednesday 01/31 *Man's Best Friend (Princess Jezzabella, the Diva of Pink, January 2018)*

Jan 26, 2018: 5 Years of US Pond Hockey Championships I can’t believe today would have marked my 6th consecutive year of helping out with the US Pond Hockey Championships (USPHC). However, due to my …

Jan 25, 2018: Eat like locals.. Beef on Weck, good but super salty

Jan 25, 2018: Wordless Wednesday 01/24 Early morning sunrise over a great looking sheet of ice (US Pond Hockey Championships, Lake Nakomis, January 2017)

Jan 22, 2018: Just a little snow for the kids to walk home from the bus in 🌨️

Jan 18, 2018: Break the Twitch, The Book by Anthony Ongaro I just finished reading **Break The Twitch: a practical guide to minimalism, intentional living & doing more of what matters by Anthony Ongaro** …

Jan 17, 2018: Wordless Wednesday 01/17 *Silence in the early morning air while [running]( through the freshly fallen snow.*

Jan 16, 2018: Air Travel in Real Life by Tripp and Tyler Tripp and Tyler have nailed it again with another “In Real Life” video but this time tackling Air Travel in Real Life. Also, I …

Jan 14, 2018: That was some deep snow… Now who is up for nighttime skate?

Jan 6, 2018: Nevada Boys Minnesota style… #backyardrink #hockey

Jan 4, 2018: The sometimes forgotten member of our family PJ, who is so small she blends in with stuffed animals and pillows.

Jan 1, 2018: Good way to start off the New Year by having a movie date night with my girls!

Jan 1, 2018: These kids are going to make me work this afternoon… But what a beautiful day it is today at 0°F #backyardrink #hockey

Jan 1, 2018: Fun weekend with the Fulkersons as we rang in the New Year’s together..

Dec 30, 2017: Figure skating Boo… ⛸️👻 #backyardrink #skating

Dec 28, 2017: It was a great day to enjoy the Minnesota outdoors #backyardrink #hockey #family

Dec 5, 2017: Loving these cold temps in MN for the rest of the week. Tarp is down, and water is filled… Let’s get some ice! 🧊🏒

Dec 5, 2017: vs Have you ever wondered which WordPress platform is right for you? Maybe you are just curious what some of the differences (pros and cons) between …

Nov 23, 2017: Happy Thanksgiving day run in my hometown while I watched the sunrise..

Nov 19, 2017: Lunch with my girls today.. Why wouldn’t you use chopsticks to eat Mac and Cheese 😂

Nov 15, 2017: Santa Claus and his reindeer are coming down the hallway 🎅🦌😂

Nov 12, 2017: I really do enjoy watching this one tear up the ice at Rookie Camp 🏒⛸️. Also, it cracks me up that she always has a smile while playing sports.

Nov 9, 2017: Wordless Wednesday 11/08 *First snowfalls always look great as they blanket the yard and trees. (December 2016)*

Nov 4, 2017: Yep… It is getting to be that time of year again ❄️🏒⛸️ #backyardrink #hockey

Oct 25, 2017: Wordless Wednesday 10/25 Nothing beats coffee in with a tiger in it (August 2015, Pudong Airport, Shanghai, China)

Oct 25, 2017: Using House Projects to help Declutter your Life In our journey of living a more intentional life by decluttering our belongings and owning less. We have recently found out that house projects have …

Oct 18, 2017: Wordless Wednesday 10/18 Glowing moon in the night sky over the bay (August 2017, Phippsburg, ME)

Oct 17, 2017: Keeping your Focus Becoming more focused requires an even greater skill at keeping your focus. As I have been trying to write more, I have realized that sometimes when I …

Oct 14, 2017: Happy 11th Anniversary @aprilgottwalker! The weather might not have been what we wanted but it was still a great day with family down in Iowa.

Oct 11, 2017: Wordless Wednesday 10/11 Peaceful view of the night sky from the light of the moon on an evening walk (October 2016)

Oct 10, 2017: Encouragement Sometimes things happen (Crash!) and it is something that you don’t or aren’t really sure if someone is going to tell you to try again. Or …

Oct 10, 2017: Guess shorts and a t-shirt might not have been the best choice for my morning run #running

Oct 6, 2017: Who said kindergarten soccer games don’t need a cheerleader… 👻

Oct 5, 2017: Fall Clean up and Clean out Fall is definitely that time of year when things need to be cleaned up. You need to head out to the garage and start putting summer stuff away and …

Oct 4, 2017: Wordless Wednesday 10/04 *Morning sunrise after days of rain (October 2017)*

Oct 3, 2017: Slowing Down to Redirect I stumbled across this article over the weekend and it really resonated with me and I had to share. You should take the time to go read it and come …

Sep 27, 2017: Wordless Wednesday 09/27 *View from the top of a Mountain (August 2017, Estes Cone, Estes Park, CO)*

Sep 23, 2017: Was a year ago today we had to say goodbye.. We still miss you Tux Tux..

Sep 23, 2017: Boo running around the empty soccer field at soccer last night.. 👻

Sep 20, 2017: Wordless Wednesday 09/20 Crashing waves into the rocks (August 2017, Popham Beach, Phippsburg, ME) Blogging Meetup - #WordlessWednesday

Sep 19, 2017: Money on my Mind Money has been on my mind for a post lately, in fact, you could say I think about it all the time. (With my mind on my money and my money on my mind. …

Sep 16, 2017: Grocery Shopping Boo… 🛒👻 #facesofboo

Sep 11, 2017: Dark morning trails.. I like the cooler weather but wish it was lighter for my morning runs again. #running

Sep 10, 2017: Relaxing Sundays sometimes lead to some creative outfits… 😂

Sep 9, 2017: Beautiful afternoon for a Bike ride… 🚴

Aug 28, 2017: Pizza and Ice cream with the newlyweds tonight. It was great to catch up.

Aug 28, 2017: Was a great day for a casual 6.5 mile walk to the peak of Estes Cone at 11k ft but the view from the top was worth it.

Aug 25, 2017: Early morning flying… See you soon DEN 🛩️

Aug 14, 2017: Cheers to making it back home last night and having a day to recover until we are tossed back into the real world @aprilgottwalker

Aug 12, 2017: After day one of traveling back to MN we covered 767 miles in 13 hrs. The kids did amazing and are still smiling. #roadtrip #MN2Maine @aprilgottwalker

Aug 12, 2017: Blue sky’s and what seems like endless road as we are still on day one of the road back home. #ontheroadagain #roadtrip @aprilgottwalker

Aug 11, 2017: Nice evening for kayak around the cove with my trusty guide…

Aug 10, 2017: Lobster Lady Boo… 🦂👻

Aug 10, 2017: It never gets old looking at this lighthouse… #PortlandHeadLight #Maine

Aug 9, 2017: I really do like waking up to this view..

Aug 6, 2017: Our view for the next week.. We finally made it to Maine. #MN2Maine

Aug 5, 2017: Running through the streets and along the harbor of Boston is not a bad way to start the day… #running However, the streets in some places are …

Aug 4, 2017: Trolly Boo… 🚎👻 #facesofboo #MN2Maine @BostonTours

Aug 4, 2017: Freedom Trail Boo… 🚶‍♀️👻 #facesofboo #MN2Maine #FreedomTrail

Aug 3, 2017: Lorax Boo who speaks for the trees.. 🌳👻 #seussinspringfield #MN2Maine #facesofboo

Aug 3, 2017: Wahlburgers Boo.. 🍔👻 #MN2Maine #facesofboo

Aug 3, 2017: Family fun at Niagara Falls #MN2Maine #niagarafalls

Aug 3, 2017: Niagara Falls Boo.. 💦👻 #niagarafalls #MN2Maine

Aug 1, 2017: These Minnesota kids felt a strong pull while in Toronto to see The Stanley Cup.. @thehockeyhalloffame #MN2Maine #stanleycup

Aug 1, 2017: Stanley Cup Boo… 🏒👻 @thehockeyhalloffame #mn2maine #stanleycup

Aug 1, 2017: Bumblebee Boo.. 👻

Aug 1, 2017: Afternoon snack next to the beach…

Jul 30, 2017: Underwater Rockstar Boo…. 🎤🎶👻

Jul 25, 2017: Not sure if this picture does it justice but the campers got some heavy rain for a couple min early this morning.. Let’s hope Uncle …

Jul 23, 2017: Still quiet out on the deck this morning but two more have joined the hammock party as the rest are still sleeping.

Jul 23, 2017: Relaxing morning today on the deck while the rest of the house is asleep. B is reading while I enjoy the quiet outside with coffee 🍵

Jul 23, 2017: Lemonade making…

Jul 23, 2017: Silly faces of Boo while waiting for a smoothie.. 👻 #FacesofBoo

Jul 15, 2017: Free spirit Boo and her dog running on the farm.. 👻🐕

Jul 4, 2017: Parading Boo… 👻

Jul 3, 2017: Beautiful morning to get out early and run around the lake #running #sunrise

Jul 2, 2017: Dancing at the Farmers Market 👻

Jul 2, 2017: Great day biking and walking around Minnehaha Falls

Jun 28, 2017: Finally made it out for a run last night in the gorgeous weather we are having… It’s almost been 3 weeks since I have ran #running

Jun 27, 2017: Fun father son night we had watching my nephew play Baseball..

Jun 23, 2017: "True Blue (A Short Story)" by Eliot Peper True Blue a short story by a favorite author of mine Eliot Peper (@EliotPeper) just released yesterday. I will first say this is one of the first …

Jun 21, 2017: Wordless Wednesday 06/21 *Completed Kitchen Remodel (Day 44, June 2017)* Kitchen Remodel Day 31 Kitchen Remodel Day 1

Jun 18, 2017: Happy Father’s Day Dad! Thanks for everything you have supported, shown, and done for me throughout the years.

Jun 17, 2017: Boo in a basket… 👻 #facesofboo Her sister and her were pretending this was a dog kennel.

Jun 14, 2017: Wordless Wednesday 06/14 Dog days of summer for PJ who basks in the sun (June 2017)

Jun 13, 2017: These two need to work on badminton teamwork and possibly their form 🤣

Jun 11, 2017: Detour on our way back home today

Jun 9, 2017: Crash! Asphalt 1 - Eric 0 I had a great post for you a couple of weeks back I was in a slump about running and getting motivated to get out and run every morning. I was …

Jun 8, 2017: Today’s score: Asphalt 1 - Eric 0. Guess that is what I get for running this morning. Why couldn’t it have been grass 😒 Now let’s …

Jun 7, 2017: Wordless Wednesday 06/07 *Watching the powerful rushing water pour over the cliff of the Horseshoe Falls (June 2017, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada)* *Front facing view of the …

Jun 2, 2017: Finally made a quick detour yesterday to see Niagara Falls after work

Jun 1, 2017: Morning exploring the streets of new places #running #railyard

May 31, 2017: Wordless Wednesday 05/30 *Sunset over fluffy white clouds (Flying from MSP to BUF, May 2017)*

May 30, 2017: Sunset over fluffy white clouds 🛫 #sunset #clouds #flying

May 29, 2017: Grocery Shopping Boo…👻 #FacesofBoo

May 22, 2017: After a rainy weekend it was great to see the sun on my run this morning

May 21, 2017: We spent yesterday evening and into the night putting stuff back. It is starting to feel like home again

May 20, 2017: More progress as the cabinets are now installed

May 19, 2017: Family Favorite Boo… 👻 #FacesofBoo #nailedit

May 19, 2017: Got home from my run this morning to find these two bookworms 📖#reading

May 17, 2017: Wordless Wednesday 05/17 *Progress... Sometimes slower than you hope but glad it is still on track. (Kitchen Remodel Day 31, May 2017)* Kitchen Remodel Day 1

May 14, 2017: Happy Mother’s Day to the mom of my kids. I am thankful everyday for all you do for our family and I know it isn’t easy. However, it has …

May 14, 2017: Happy Mother’s Day to my amazing mom! Thanks as always for everything.

May 10, 2017: Graduate Boo 👻… #FacesofBoo

May 10, 2017: Catching the sunrise in the morning is always great.

May 8, 2017: Net Neutrality... Really Again? *via Net Neutrality II: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) - YouTube* Another great/ timely video on Last Week Tonight with John Oliver talking …

May 3, 2017: Wordless Wednesday 05/03 The only path to reach East Quoddy Light is at low tide so you can walk out there, but be careful (July 2004, Campobello Island, NB, CA) One of my …

Apr 30, 2017: Painting fun! @aprilgottwalker and I applying the first coat of ceiling paint.

Apr 24, 2017: Monday morning trails

Apr 23, 2017: Couldn’t have been more proud yesterday watching B run his first 400m dash. He went out strong and finished 2nd. When he finished he told me he …

Apr 22, 2017: Waiting for B to start the 100m is bringing back memories of spending Saturday mornings at track meets in High School

Apr 19, 2017: Wordless Wednesday 04/19 *Kitchen Remodel Day 1 Demolition (April 2017)*

Apr 15, 2017: Celebrating Easter and Birthdays with Family…

Apr 13, 2017: The Caballo Blanco Experience - Ryan Van Duzer For anyone who has read the book Born to Run or enjoys running, in general, needs to check out this series of videos that Ryan Van Duzer put together …

Apr 12, 2017: Wordless Wednesday 04/12 *Our two really amazing pups, Tucker and PJ (March 2014)* I shared this yesterday on Instagram but thought I would share it here as well. Our pups …

Apr 11, 2017: Swinging Boo 👻 enjoying the great weather that came back.

Apr 11, 2017: These two are looking sharp in this picture 😀 #NationalPetDay

Apr 5, 2017: Wordless Wednesday 04/05 *Intriguing rock creations from long ago carved by the mighty Colorado River (June 2015, South Rim of the Grand Canyon, Arizona)*

Apr 4, 2017: Nothing like breaking in my new pair of ASICS shoes on a long run in warm foggy weather yesterday morning

Apr 1, 2017: Family 🙌

Mar 29, 2017: Wordless Wednesday 03/29 Catching a glimpse of water and sunshine from the trail in the dark heavy cover of the trees (July 2016, Rice Marsh Lake Park, Chaska, MN)

Mar 24, 2017: Thirty-Six Another year has come and gone but not without leaving a great impact to end 35. This past year the continued theme for me was to lead a healthier …

Mar 22, 2017: How could I pass up the chance to try Chicken and Waffles tonight.. It was really good.

Mar 22, 2017: Wordless Wednesday 03/22 Looking down into the valley of the Rio Colca (December 2007, Near Lari, Peru)

Mar 20, 2017: Ice cream face Boo.. Thanks @dairyqueen (firstdayofspring, BooFaces)

Mar 7, 2017: Wordless Wednesday 03/08 *Shadows taking a walk in the afternoon sun (March 2017, Eden Prairie, MN)*

Mar 7, 2017: The whole family was excited to see the Timberwolves play last night until…. the game was canceled.. Wait, last time I checked weather …

Mar 1, 2017: Wordless Wednesday 03/01 *Fresh snow on my running trail.. Did I ever mention I like running in the snow :) (Eden Prairie, MN, March 2017)*

Feb 25, 2017: Looks like someone is “Boo” tired to finish her books 👻😂

Feb 24, 2017: Sleepy skater Boo…

Feb 22, 2017: Wordless Wednesday 02/22 *Finally time to catch the sunrises on my early morning runs (February 2017, Eden Prairie, MN)*

Feb 19, 2017: Congratulation Blogging Meetup on 1 year The “little” side project that some of you may or may not know about call Blogging Meetup just hit another major milestone today… It has been …

Feb 16, 2017: The girls having fun at the park last weekend

Feb 15, 2017: Wordless Wednesday 02/15 *Melting Ice Problems as another backyard rink season comes to an end... (February 2017, Eden Prairie, MN)*

Feb 15, 2017: It’s Boo… Nothing more needs to be said.

Feb 12, 2017: I don’t really like the look of the weather for this week. Is the season really done? 😟#backyardrink

Feb 10, 2017: "The Boys in the Boat" by Daniel James Brown “The Boys in the Boat: Nine Americans and Their Epic Quest for Gold at the 1936 Berlin Olympics” by Daniel James Brown is a book I …

Feb 8, 2017: Wordless Wednesday 02/08 *Traveling again above the clouds (Flying from Minneapolis, MN to Cincinnati, OH, February 2017)*

Feb 3, 2017: Gymnastics Boo…

Feb 2, 2017: Someone really likes this years @uspondhockey Pond Crew hat. I might not be getting this one back either.

Feb 2, 2017: Wordless Wednesday 02/01 Above the clouds (Flying from Buffalo, NY to Detroit, MI, January 2017)

Jan 29, 2017: Brother and Sister tearing up the ice on this gorgeous afternoon day. 🏒 #BackyardRink

Jan 28, 2017: Wordless Wednesday 01/26 Running through the streets of new places is always worth it, you can always find something interesting (The Electronic Tower, January 2017, Buffalo, …

Jan 27, 2017: Beautiful morning helping out at the @uspondhockey Championships

Jan 23, 2017: Do you see what I see? Can’t wait to get back home and help this Friday at the @uspondhockey Championships

Jan 19, 2017: Thanks to my awesome wife @aprilgottwalker we are watching one of our favorite comedians @JerrySeinfeld tonight.

Jan 11, 2017: Wordless Wednesday 01/11 *Perfect print in the new fallen snow (January 2016, Eden Prairie, MN)*

Jan 8, 2017: Where did the Christmas Tree go? #ChristmasWithdrawals

Jan 7, 2017: Trying to perfect my coffee skills this morning for April using Bootstrap Coffee Roasters DIY Espresso ☕

Jan 5, 2017: Staying warm outside running this morning in the less than warm -6°F weather.

Jan 4, 2017: Wordless Wednesday 01/04 *Fresh running tracks in the falling snow are one of my new favorite things, so peaceful (December 2016, Ankeny, IA)*

Jan 4, 2017: It was a hard day of skating yesterday for the girls.

Jan 2, 2017: On the ice with these two is not s bad way to spend the afternoon…

Jan 1, 2017: Had a great night watching the game with family. Not a bad way to end the night with a picture on center court after the game. Only a bummer we were …

Jan 1, 2017: Happy New Year! Here is a quick look back at my 2016 best nine.

Dec 28, 2016: Wordless Wednesday 12/28 Sometimes what appears to be the path less traveled still has great views from the top (July 2004, North Ridge Trail Cadillac Mountain, Bar Harbor, …

Dec 28, 2016: At the top of the play structure with the girls

Dec 23, 2016: First day using the rink and the kids were loving it #backyardrink

Dec 23, 2016: I may have misjudged the weather this morning by wearing shorts on my run 😬

Dec 18, 2016: Really could use some help from the @uspondhockey Pond crew.. Well I guess it is good practice! #backyardrink

Dec 16, 2016: My Traveling Myth I am flying back from a 3-day work trip, and thanks to the WordPress offline app I can write while at 10k feet. One of the strange tricks my mind …

Dec 7, 2016: Wordless Wednesday 12/07 *Peaceful night listening to the flowing water fill the outdoor rink while watching the freezing at the same time (December 2016)*

Dec 6, 2016: Finally it’s that time of year again… #floodtherink #backyardrink

Dec 4, 2016: The builder hanging out with Frosty the Snowman

Dec 4, 2016: After we built frosty the snowman M said we had to build our family #snow

Nov 30, 2016: Wordless Wednesday 11/30 Looking out over the Tree Farm and remembering all the weekends I spent there as a child. Look in the distance to the large pine trees that 25 years …

Nov 26, 2016: Checking out the Light Display that supports a great cause #makeawish

Nov 24, 2016: Trip down memory lane running through the streets of my hometown on Thanksgiving

Nov 23, 2016: Snow tracks

Nov 23, 2016: Wordless Wednesday 11/23 *Early morning running tracks in the snow (November 2016, Eden Prairie, MN)*

Nov 17, 2016: Re: Electoral College For anyone that found the last post on the Electoral College interesting in any way, I felt that I needed to share this as a follow up as I stumbled …

Nov 16, 2016: Wordless Wednesday 11/16 *The rink is patiently waiting for more cold weather (37°F in this picture), before flooding. (November 2016, Eden Prairie, MN)*

Nov 15, 2016: Where the Heck is Matt? - 2016 With everything else that has happened in the last couple of weeks, I managed to miss that the new “Where the Heck is Matt” video that …

Nov 12, 2016: Some of you might not want to believe it.. but it is time.

Nov 11, 2016: Electoral College I am not one to normally talk about politics nor do I want to bring up a large discussion of right or wrong regarding the outcome of who won. I feel …

Nov 9, 2016: Wordless Wednesday 11/09 *Here comes the sun (November 2016, Round Lake, Eden Prairie, MN)*

Nov 3, 2016: Can’t believe it… @Cubs Win! Cubs Win! What a great game. #worldseries #flythew

Nov 2, 2016: Wordless Wednesday 11/02 *Early morning walk through nature with my son (October 2016, Lake Zumbra, Victoria, MN)*

Oct 28, 2016: Let's teach for mastery - not test scores *Sal Khan: Let's teach for mastery -- not test scores | TED Talk |* Education is something that is always on my mind as I grew up surrounded …

Oct 26, 2016: Wordless Wednesday 10/26 *Sights and sounds of a crackling campfire on a chilly Fall night (October 2016, Lake Zumbra, Victoria, MN)*

Oct 25, 2016: Answering calls and counting cash…

Oct 19, 2016: Wordless Wednesday 10/19 *Rainbow during my daughters Birthday Party (October 2016, Eden Prairie, MN*

Oct 15, 2016: Great morning to pick out some pumpkins and let the kids run around.

Oct 14, 2016: 10 years Happy 10th Anniversary to by beautiful and lovely wife April! It doesn’t seem like that long ago when we first meet in college and well the rest …

Oct 12, 2016: Wordless Wednesday 10/12 *View from the top after walking up 366 narrow steps of the Belfry (December 2004, Bruge, Belgium)*

Oct 9, 2016: The Simple Solution to Traffic *via The Simple Solution to Traffic by @CGPGrey* I am sure some of you have known this for a long time, that the reason most places have traffic …

Oct 7, 2016: Tucker Buddy A little over a week ago we had to make the tough decision to put our dog down. Not that we will ever know how much pain he was in but we could tell …

Oct 6, 2016: IRS Imposter Scams - Beware! All kinds of Scams are horrible let’s just put that out there. Because most of the time they use fear to take advantage of people in a weak …

Oct 5, 2016: Wordless Wednesday 10/05 *Looking out over the countryside landscape from the center of a Corn Maze... HELP! (October 2016, LuceLine Orchards, Watertown, MN)*

Oct 4, 2016: 'The Adventures of Indiana Jones' by Patrick Schoenmaker via The Adventures of Indiana Jones by Patrick Schoenmaker. Be sure to check out more of Patrick Schoenmaker’s stuff at his website. Hat Tip: …

Oct 2, 2016: Flashback to 2005, as she is rocking out with the original iPod Shuffle at the soccer fields today.

Sep 30, 2016: Don't Buy Stuff you Can't Afford It does sound so simple, doesn’t it! I really love that video clip and was reminded of it the other day when I was reading this great article …

Sep 29, 2016: Playground Climbing Boo…

Sep 28, 2016: Wordless Wednesday 09/28 *Man's Best Friend (Tucker Buddy Foo Foo I, September 2016)*  

Sep 25, 2016: Boo giving PJ some love on the drive home today.

Sep 24, 2016: Color Run Fun

Sep 23, 2016: Skipped my morning run today to take my best friend Tucker Buddy for a walk

Sep 23, 2016: Bedhead Boo… #30daysofboo

Sep 21, 2016: Wordless Wednesday 09/21 *Dark clouds over downtown Boston (June 2012, Boston, MA)*

Sep 18, 2016: Taking flight

Sep 18, 2016: Wheelbarrow Boo… #30DaysofBoo

Sep 16, 2016: Reflecting on a Strange Week A little over a week ago I was not feeling like myself, in fact, my muscles were sore like I just ran a marathon and did 1000 push-ups at the same …

Sep 14, 2016: Windblown Boo… #30DaysofBoo

Sep 14, 2016: Wordless Wednesday 09/14 Looking down from one of the many edges at Machu Picchu to the Urubamba River below (December 2007, Machu Picchu, Peru)

Sep 13, 2016: Construction Boo…

Sep 12, 2016: Peek-a-BOO in a bag…

Sep 12, 2016: Do Schools Kill Creativity? *via Do Schools Kill Creativity? | Sir Ken Robinson | TED Talks - YouTube.* Seeing how school has just started for my kids I was reminded of this …

Sep 11, 2016: Runaway Bride Boo…

Sep 10, 2016: Sliding Boo…

Sep 9, 2016: Fancy Boo…

Sep 8, 2016: Guitar Boo..

Sep 7, 2016: Bunny Boo and all her personality

Sep 7, 2016: Wordless Wednesday 09/07 Early morning reflections over the water (August 2015, Round Lake Park, Eden Prairie, MN)

Sep 6, 2016: Our pre-teen pretending to text her family/friends about preschool… and so it begins.

Sep 5, 2016: One last hoorah exploring the city before school #walkersummer2017

Sep 4, 2016: Not a bad way to spend a Sunday afternoon… Reading books to this one in the hammock with Boo…

Aug 31, 2016: Wordless Wednesday 08/31 *Fish and Dolphins land-bound (August 2015, Yu Garden, Shanghai, China)*

Aug 30, 2016: Our adventure wasn’t all boring as we found a new park and bakery 😀

Aug 30, 2016: The girls and had a little adventure this afternoon as we went on a long walk to pick up my Jeep from the shop

Aug 30, 2016: Watch The Spring - 10 years of charity: water The Spring from charity: water on Vimeo. via Watch The Spring - a film by charity: water | charity: waterDonate - Give The Gift Of Clean, Safe Water | …

Aug 24, 2016: Wordless Wednesday 08/24 *Dark morning run on an overgrown trail (August 2016, Eden Prairie, MN)*

Aug 19, 2016: Had a great day at the Iowa State Fair

Aug 17, 2016: Wordless Wednesday 08/17 *Fluffy Clouds over a field of Corn (July 2015, Ollie, IA)*

Aug 11, 2016: Finding Your Tribe I was listening to the Intentionally Wandering Podcast by Jeff Sandquist last week and it really struck a chord with me. The topic he was discussing …

Aug 10, 2016: Wordless Wednesday 08/10 *Olympic Spirit (August 2016 My own artwork for an upcoming Olympic Party)*

Aug 8, 2016: How to make work-life balance work via Nigel Marsh: How to make work-life balance work | TED Talk | I stumbled upon this older TED talk (was recorded back in 2010) and felt it …

Aug 5, 2016: Having a fun afternoon hanging out with my better half

Aug 3, 2016: Wordless Wednesday 08/03 *Lifting the Fog in the morning hours (August 2016, Lotus Lake, Eden Praire, MN)*

Aug 3, 2016: Neon Fever Dream by Eliot Peper Neon Fever Dream by Eliot Peper (@EliotPeper) was a really good page turner that once I finally started I couldn’t put it down as I wanted to …

Jul 29, 2016: I got worked on my morning run today as I had a visitor

Jul 27, 2016: Wordless Wednesday 07/27 *Powerful Minnehaha Falls slowly/continuously cutting through the limestone (July 2016, Minnehaha Park, Minneapolis, MN)*

Jul 22, 2016: Family Friday Adventures: Sixth stop for some afternoon Ice Cream to cool off 📍Pumphouse Creamery

Jul 22, 2016: Family Friday Adventures: Fifth stop walking around the falls 📍Minnehaha Falls

Jul 22, 2016: Family Friday Adventures: Fourth stop, finding a big bunny 📍The Bunny 🐰

Jul 22, 2016: Family Friday Adventures: Third stop lunch 📍Convention Grill

Jul 22, 2016: Family Friday Adventures: Second stop book store for the kids 📍Wild Rumpus

Jul 22, 2016: Family Friday Adventures: First stop for breakfast and Coffee 📍yum! Kitchen and Bakery

Jul 21, 2016: Summer Writing Inspiration I was on a good streak for a while there, at least it was a good streak for me. Then June came and went and it is almost halfway through July and I …

Jul 20, 2016: Wordless Wednesday 07/20 *Fresh snowfall covering the tree branches (March 2016, Eden Prairie, MN)*

Jul 18, 2016: We found a nice overlook to stop for a snack on our bike ride yesterday.

Jul 18, 2016: Went on a long bike ride with these two yesterday and found some great trails near by.

Jul 17, 2016: Family adventure Saturday (adults only): Twins vs Indians where we got rained on but still had a great time hanging out with Family

Jul 17, 2016: Family adventure Saturday: Second stop Minnesota’s Largest Candy Store, which was a huge hit for the kids!

Jul 17, 2016: Family adventure Saturday: First stop Tommy’s Malt Shop which was a hit for everyone.

Jul 16, 2016: I can see where these girls are going to spend the rest of the summer…

Jul 13, 2016: Add your own caption as to what the Boo is thinking here…

Jul 13, 2016: Wordless Wednesday 07/13 *Waves crashing against the shore below Pemaquid Point Lighthouse (July 2004, Bristol, ME)*

Jul 11, 2016: Early morning run through the wooded trail less traveled… #peaceful

Jul 10, 2016: Watching Annie Jr with the whole family today

Jul 8, 2016: The Boo is taking a page from Mommy and just relaxing tonight after dinner.

Jul 6, 2016: Wordless Wednesday 07/06 *Rushing Minnehaha Creek from the historic Edina Mills Site (July 2016, Edina Mills Site, Edina, MN)*

Jul 1, 2016: Looks like I may have lost another @uspondhockey hat….

Jun 30, 2016: June Reflections It has been a really crazy past couple of weeks probably month as I look back and I am still trying to digest all of what has happened. To give a …

Jun 29, 2016: Wordless Wednesday 06/29 *Early morning sunrise over the trees (June 2016, Eden Prairie, MN)*

Jun 24, 2016: Early morning run with the sun rising and the moon still showing

Jun 22, 2016: Wordless Wednesday 06/22 *Rushing water over Sand Creek Falls (July 2014, Lagoon Park, Jordan, MN)*

Jun 8, 2016: Wordless Wednesday 06/08 *Clouds rolling in over the mountains tops (December 2007, somewhere between Cusco and Machu Picchu, Peru)*

Jun 2, 2016: Happy 7th Birthday!

May 31, 2016: She needs no introduction….The Boo….

May 31, 2016: The More of Less by Joshua Becker It has been more than three weeks since I have finished the book titled The More of Less: Finding the Life You Want Under Everything You Own by Joshua …

May 28, 2016: Had a great time last night catching up with this guy in the wine country of Waconia

May 28, 2016: Beautiful and quiet morning today on the trail

May 27, 2016: Second stop tonight..

May 27, 2016: Date night with this lady as we tour the vineyards of Waconia.

May 27, 2016: Had a great lunch today with this kid!

May 27, 2016: Very rainy walk to meet my son for lunch today at school but well worth it.

May 26, 2016: Everything is a Remix: Star Wars Edition I really can’t say enough great things about Kirby Ferguson’s work as I have written about it before (Everything is a Remix and Everything …

May 25, 2016: Wordless Wednesday 05/25 Somewhere over the rainbow..... *(June 2015 Flagstaff, AZ)*

May 19, 2016: Can you really tell if a kid is lying? via Kang Lee: Can you really tell if a kid is lying? | TED Talk | If you have kids you will definitely enjoy the first 10 min of the video as …

May 18, 2016: Wordless Wednesday 05/18 *Light shining through the clouds on a long drive*

May 13, 2016: Good way to start a Friday and I think these two agree.

May 8, 2016: Happy Mother’s Day to my amazing wife! Kids were super excited to give her breakfast in bed.

May 6, 2016: Congratulations and Thanks! A “little” side project that some of you know about, Blogging Meetup (formerly Bloggers Meetup), got some great news when it was featured …

May 3, 2016: Very peaceful early morning run around the lake

May 2, 2016: Broken wheelbarrow.. The Boo doesn’t like to waste so she has repurposed it.

Apr 29, 2016: Busy week for this kid.. Music Concert and Star of the Week. So proud of him and it is time to celebrate with ice cream.

Apr 29, 2016: What’s success anyway? - Chris Sacca Seeing how it is getting close to that time of year again for College Graduations, it reminded me of this video I saw a while back where Chris Sacca …

Apr 28, 2016: Early morning run in the rain.

Apr 26, 2016: Girls were doing some “homework” tonight

Apr 24, 2016: Let’s go Wild

Apr 24, 2016: Let’s go Wild!

Apr 23, 2016: Popcorn and Movie night for the kids

Apr 23, 2016: Went on an afternoon run while the big kids biked. Thankful for the uphills so I could catch up to them.

Apr 23, 2016: Fun morning at the Zoo

Apr 22, 2016: Quote of the Week - 04/18 “Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.” - Dr. Seuss

Apr 22, 2016: Running this morning was very peaceful with a nice view of the moon.

Apr 20, 2016: Wordless Wednesday 04/20 **Emerald Bay, Lake Tahoe**

Apr 19, 2016: Posting Frequencies, Schedules and Drafts Lately, I have not been finding the time to write much on here or even remember to post something that I have found interesting. However, that is not …

Apr 16, 2016: Happy Birthday to my amazing wife today!

Apr 13, 2016: Wordless Wednesday 04/13

Apr 10, 2016: Mommy and The Boo swinging at the park this afternoon

Apr 9, 2016: Dinner with the girls last night.

Mar 30, 2016: One of those days trilogy I stumbled across these videos a while back and forgot to share them as they are really amazing, especially if you enjoy skiing. In fact, the videos …

Mar 28, 2016: #Run3rd It was one of those perfect nights outside earlier this week when the moon was really bright making it super easy to go on a longer run when my first …

Mar 24, 2016: Thirty-Five My thirty-fifth birthday has finally come after what has been a unique year, to say the least. I am actually not one to really talk about my birthday …

Mar 21, 2016: Someone is not quite ready for summer yet

Mar 21, 2016: Beautiful night for a long run under the light of the moon

Mar 17, 2016: A Brother Jogging I was telling my wife last night about how running at night sometimes plays tricks with your mind. Most of the time it is when someone suddenly comes …

Mar 14, 2016: Peaceful outside tonight for my late night run.

Mar 10, 2016: Bliss is... Picture from the Superior Hiking Trail North of Grand Marais, Minnesota on August 2004 It is funny if you ask me what bliss is it would all depend on …

Mar 8, 2016: Podcasts from January/February Now in the second week of March (playing catch up), I thought I would give a quick list of some Podcasts (and favorite episodes) that have been …

Mar 4, 2016: Conference Call in Real Life As I have been in what seems like a day full of meetings today, of which most were conference calls, I was reminded of these two great videos by Trip …

Mar 3, 2016: Running to Refocus Here it was 9:30 pm at night and I was just going to quickly finish writing a blog post I had started a couple of days back, but I was stuck and it …

Feb 26, 2016: Hobbies and Side Projects Can someone have too many hobbies or side projects? That is the question I have been pondering over the whole month of February. Also, yes I know it …

Feb 24, 2016: Community - Bloggers Meetup I have been in a couple Blogging 101 courses over the last couple of years and I have enjoyed them as they push me to continue writing and more …

Feb 23, 2016: A simple way to break a bad habit by Judson Brewer I saw this Inc. article last night by Shana Lebowitz called “This TED Speaker Has Revealed the Best Way to Break a Bad Habit”, and thought …

Feb 19, 2016: Power of the Habit I finally got around to catching up on some blogs and podcasts that I listen to late last week and I realized that two of them seemed to be touching …

Feb 16, 2016: News Apps and Email Newsletters As I was reading my email last night everything became clear just as Jason Calacanis laid out in his post the day before titled “Knowing when, …

Feb 15, 2016: Ice is clean… Who is up for skating?

Feb 15, 2016: Sometimes you have to ask I am not one of those people to ask others for things. Specifically, in my career I am good at what I do but when I want to make a role change or find …

Feb 13, 2016: Not a bad way to spend the afternoon. Go Wild!

Feb 12, 2016: Quote of the Week - 02.12.16 “You weren’t born to just pay bills and die." My wife sent me this quote the other day and it really made me reflect on things so I …

Feb 10, 2016: Good night to smooth out the ice…

Feb 9, 2016: Back to Running Yep, I was the person outside in Minnesota on January 9 when it was -4 degrees running around the streets. However, since then the weather has been …

Feb 6, 2016: Not sure what that face is all about.. We might need to watch this one.

Feb 6, 2016: Nothing makes family day better for this crew than a trip to the cupcake shop

Feb 3, 2016: There really is some ice under all that snow.. I might need a Pond Crew to help fix this.

Jan 31, 2016: Kids enjoyed the sunny day on Lake Nokomis watching the @uspondhockey Championships

Jan 31, 2016: Beautiful day on the pond watching the @uspondhockey Championship with the kids for a little bit.

Jan 29, 2016: Had a great time helping and watching hockey today @uspondhockey

Jan 24, 2016: This Girl was having a blast outside on the ice and in the snow today.

Jan 24, 2016: Never seem to have enough @uspondhockey Pond Crew hats as they are kid favorites.

Jan 24, 2016: Having an early morning breakfast with Baby Girl as everyone else is sleeping..

Jan 22, 2016: She might be feeling under the weather but makes sure she is still fashionable..

Jan 20, 2016: Watch out Big Sister! There is a new Sheriff in town….

Jan 18, 2016: A big box is just fun for all ages..

Jan 16, 2016: Full rink this afternoon as the kids (and parents) braved the cold…

Jan 15, 2016: Love his priorities after school today.. I am just glad I had a helper.

Jan 8, 2016: Quote of the Week - 01.08.2016 This quote works perfectly for me as I end the first week in 2016. I know everyone has probably reflected on 2015 and they looking forward to what …

Jan 7, 2016: Not a bad night for a short run outside..

Jan 3, 2016: These kids were really making me work hard this afternoon

Jan 2, 2016: Not sure when these kids will come back inside…

Dec 24, 2015: These two wanted to sleep on the floor tonight in hopes to hear Santa… By the looks of it Santa should be safe 😀

Dec 18, 2015: That is a good looking backyard rink now that we have ICE! (again)

Dec 17, 2015: Someone had fun building a Gingerbread house at Scouts tonight

Dec 13, 2015: Everyone had a great time watching Charlie Brown Christmas today at Stages

Dec 13, 2015: Can’t believe it was 8 years ago today that we visited Machu Picchu

Dec 3, 2015: Now you can Explore Machu Picchu With Google Street View you can now visit Machu Picchu and walk around just as you were there in real life but from your home. Since I have been …

Dec 2, 2015: Where the Heck is Matt? - Kickstarter I stumbled across a video of Matt’s a couple years back and at that time posted about the video titled “Where the Hell is Matt? - …

Nov 28, 2015: Nice clear looking sheet of ice so far.. Stay cold MN!

Nov 23, 2015: Fooding the rink tonight with my helper (appropriate attire of course @uspondhockey)

Nov 23, 2015: Busy evening outside with my little helper

Nov 19, 2015: To think a year ago today I was skating in the backyard….

Nov 18, 2015: Exclusive STAR WARZ Merch Revealed...By Topher Grace! Just ran across this today and I had to post it as it is a very well done skit with with Topher Grace and Josh Horowitz via Exclusive STAR WARZ Merch …

Nov 14, 2015: Ready for winter? Do you think we jumped the gun with our afternoon project?

Nov 13, 2015: Having a fun day hanging out with this kid today

Oct 30, 2015: Someone seems to be feeling much better now

Oct 28, 2015: Early morning flying…

Oct 18, 2015: Morning sunrise today after our camp out last night.

Oct 18, 2015: We made sure to stay warm camping outside last night.

Oct 16, 2015: Huge thanks to people I know @sportngin for the awesome gear! Much appreciated, keep up the great work.

Oct 14, 2015: Can’t believe it has been 9 years already and it has been a great journey so far.

Oct 10, 2015: Having fun at the Park

Oct 10, 2015: Kids had a great time picking out pumpkins today

Oct 4, 2015: Family fun at the Orchards

Oct 4, 2015: Just being silly with Little Girl…

Oct 3, 2015: Baby Girl!

Oct 3, 2015: I think she enjoyed the final part of her 1 yo pictures today.

Sep 30, 2015: These two were ready to hit the Ice tonight.

Sep 24, 2015: Everything is a Remix Remastered and Kickstarter I can’t believe I missed the announcement that Everything is a Remix by Kirby Ferguson was remastered and all four parts were put together in a …

Sep 17, 2015: This kid is super excited for all the Hockey gear he got by signing up to play this year.

Sep 13, 2015: Had some big helpers grocery shopping this morning.

Sep 8, 2015: Somehow we found time to bike, play hockey (of course) and take a couple more pictures for Mommy before school actually started.

Sep 8, 2015: Happy first day of school to this excited First Grader!

Sep 8, 2015: Having a special first day of First Grade breakfast with this kid

Aug 29, 2015: The older cousins had a really fun time at the Twins game last night.

Aug 23, 2015: Super excited that this kid ditched his training wheels today!

Aug 23, 2015: Great morning in the cul-de-sac with the kids as they rode around. Also, Brecken is now training wheels free.

Aug 21, 2015: Brother and Sister having fun in a car that might be too small for them.

Aug 16, 2015: Thanks for a great time Seattle… Time to head home.

Aug 15, 2015: Hanging out with the Happy Couple

Aug 15, 2015: Congrats to Brent and Michael! We are excited to share in your special day.

Aug 15, 2015: Second wedding event of the day: Enjoying a tour of Seattle and Lake Union on a Duck Boat.

Aug 15, 2015: Time for the wedding festivities to start.. 1st stop ceremony on the Steamboat Virginia V

Aug 14, 2015: Seems fitting that it is raining today.. Glad we made the most of it yesterday.

Aug 14, 2015: Checking out the Underground of Seattle this morning.

Aug 13, 2015: Time to go flying again but this time with the lovely @aprilgottwalker… Wow it is early, see you soon Seattle!

Aug 9, 2015: Nothing beats a little neighborhood hockey game in the cul-de-sac

Aug 8, 2015: Been a fun hour in Japan (really nice airport with comfy seats).. Now homeward bound!

Aug 7, 2015: It’s been fun China, next stop Japan for a quick layover.

Aug 7, 2015: Enjoying a last cup of coffee in Shanghai before flying again

Aug 6, 2015: Time to start back tracking across China. It’s been fun Shenzhen (this airport is really neat).

Aug 5, 2015: I really don’t understand how a coffee shop isn’t open before 8am. Just doesn’t seem right.

Aug 5, 2015: "Uncommon Stock: Exit Strategy" by Eliot Peper The final book in the Uncommon Stock series hit the shelves on July 29, 2015 and if you were like me you had already pre-ordered it so it would be …

Aug 4, 2015: Time to go exploring.. I won’t stick out too much, what do you think @uspondhockey?

Aug 2, 2015: So why am I doing this again? This isn’t going to be the post you are expecting for an introduction as I am really going to talk about why I am taking another Blogging101 …

Aug 2, 2015: After a long day of traveling I finally made it to Shanghai

Aug 1, 2015: Looks like my flying companions for are getting read to strap in for the flight.

Jul 31, 2015: Looks like a couple munchkins added some items tonight for my trip.

Jul 28, 2015: Girls watching Big Brother at soccer practice tonight

Jul 24, 2015: Sometimes you have to stop and take time for tea

Jul 23, 2015: The Tiny Dancer finished her week of Frozen Dance Camp

Jul 18, 2015: At the races tonight the kids had fun riding on the back of the car again

Jul 15, 2015: The Big kids were so excited to use their scooters again on our walk tonight.

Jul 15, 2015: 10 Tricks to Appear Smart in Meetings I am working on a couple other posts but this one I have had in my draft folder for some time and I am not sure why I never posted it. Maybe I was …

Jul 10, 2015: Stephen Colbert and Jerry Seinfeld I am a big fan of Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee, it probably is because I am a fan of Jerry Seinfeld from way back in my younger days. However, it …

Jul 9, 2015: How long do you help out a previous employer? At what point is it unreasonable for a previous employer to continue asking questions of you? I was gone for over 4 months and I still receive …

Jul 7, 2015: All house projects are not created equal - Replacing interior Doors Replacing interior doors in your house should not be a hard task to accomplish. Just measure the rough opening, purchase a new door that should fit in …

Jul 3, 2015: Made some more progress on the deck today.

Jun 26, 2015: Time for some coffee this morning before flying. Hotel was pretty cool too.

Jun 25, 2015: Might be 4k miles away but can still joke around with the kids…

Jun 24, 2015: The view from the hotel not to bad at all. Makes you feel like you are way out in the country.

Jun 18, 2015: Everyone appears to be excited as they head out at 7am this morning.

Jun 17, 2015: Check out this excited Junior Pilot from our flight last night.

Jun 16, 2015: Baby Girl checking out the scenery on the flight home

Jun 16, 2015: Who let this baby crawl all over the back of my seat…

Jun 16, 2015: Waiting to fly home and taking over the PHX airport.

Jun 14, 2015: Brother and sister picture before our “Big” hike.

Jun 13, 2015: Cheers to Vacation!

Jun 12, 2015: Little Girl having some Ice Cream with Papa.. Thanks Great Grandma!

Jun 12, 2015: Afternoon root beer float to share.. #vacation

Jun 12, 2015: Lazy day starting off with a late pancake breakfast

Jun 11, 2015: Little Girl living on the edge

Jun 6, 2015: This view will do for the next week.

Jun 5, 2015: These kids are ready to fly.. See you soon PHX.

Jun 4, 2015: Last day of Kindergarten for this guy. Still can’t believe it myself.

Jun 2, 2015: Happy Birthday Brecken! Can’t believe you are 6 now and finishing your Kindergarten year.

May 26, 2015: Mysterious package arrived with some really cool @USPondHockey swag. Now to hide the hat so my son doesn’t take it.

May 15, 2015: Sisters hanging out

May 15, 2015: My co-worker for the day is getting some messages sent

May 13, 2015: Took a long walk to enjoy the weather tonight.

May 10, 2015: Happy Mother’s Day to my mom. Thanks for everything!

May 10, 2015: Happy Mother’s Day to my beautiful wife that keeps order to this crazy bunch.

Apr 27, 2015: Had fun eating lunch at school with B today.

Apr 27, 2015: Went to hear the Super Scholar of the Week share stories with his class about the stuff he brought from home.

Apr 20, 2015: John Oliver talking about Patents Trolls “At least trolls actually do something” - John Oliver Really good clip from John Oliver on his show Last Week Tonight, where he talks …

Apr 19, 2015: Let’s go Twins! First MLB game for the kids.

Apr 19, 2015: Generation Photo

Apr 19, 2015: Finally meeting Great Grandma Walker yesterday.

Apr 18, 2015: Breakfast and then to the Library this morning with the big kids.

Apr 17, 2015: My date for tonight

Apr 16, 2015: Happy Birthday to my beautiful wife April!

Apr 15, 2015: Big Sister gave me a break for a while and pulled her little sister around.

Apr 15, 2015: Girls getting a short wagon ride tonight

Apr 11, 2015: Taking a nap in Big Brother’s arms this morning

Apr 5, 2015: Spent some of the day putting this together for the kids.

Mar 28, 2015: Great day hanging out with friends and cheering on the Iowa Wild

Mar 21, 2015: The backyard rink may have melted but that doesn’t seem to phase these MN kids..

Mar 21, 2015: Baby Girl is enjoying all the action of her first Wild game

Mar 21, 2015: The whole crew is here to cheer on the Wild today!

Mar 19, 2015: TEDx Talk about how to sound smart in your TEDx Talk If you only have a couple min to spare today it will be time will spent by watching this brilliant TEDx Talk from TEDxNewYork titled “How to …

Mar 18, 2015: "Uncommon Stock: Power Play" by Eliot Peper Finally got around to putting some real thoughts into the book I read a while back called “Uncommon Stock: Power Play” by Eliot Peper. I actually got …

Mar 9, 2015: The Girls reading books together last night

Mar 8, 2015: This week is going to finish it off by looking at the weather.. It’s been fun, till next year…

Feb 25, 2015: Thoughts on Medium For the last couple of months, I have been more interested in Medium as some of the writers/bloggers I follow have been cross-posting to there. It is …

Feb 23, 2015: Another picture from the other night. Look closely as someone is trying to sneak some popcorn.

Feb 21, 2015: Girls hanging out tonight

Feb 18, 2015: We enjoy just watching people play any kind of hockey but it is even more fun when you know someone playing.

Feb 8, 2015: Great Grandma and Baby Girl hanging out last weekend

Feb 7, 2015: Perfect way to end the day with some skating. The Kids made us work hard.

Feb 3, 2015: How to Find Fulfilling Work From the title of this video you are probably thinking you have read a number of articles about how you can find fulfilling work and why would you …

Feb 2, 2015: Fort building on a Monday night… Why not?!

Feb 2, 2015: Quote of the Week - 02.02.15 To the world you may be just one person, but to one person, you may be the world. - Brandi Snyder Hat Tip to my lovely wife April Walker for giving …

Jan 25, 2015: Who can be unhappy with waking up early to this happy face.

Jan 24, 2015: Quote of the Week - 01.24.15 “It may be some comfort to know that these toddlers don’t really want to drive us crazy, they just want to understand how we work.” …

Jan 22, 2015: Playing a little hockey in the dark before dinner

Jan 22, 2015: The crew was shoveling off the ice after school today.

Jan 18, 2015: Happy 3rd Birthday Little Girl!

Jan 17, 2015: He was very excited to get his picture taken with cousin Erik after the game.

Jan 17, 2015: Had fun watching some @uspondhockey games with my little man this afternoon.

Jan 15, 2015: Nice view of downtown but wish we weren’t seeing it from this exact location

Jan 13, 2015: Speedrun: Back to the Future I in 60 seconds This video is actually a little dated now but I just stumbled across it and figured I would share. It has been a while since I have actually watched …

Jan 11, 2015: Pre-dinner activity tonight.

Jan 10, 2015: Perfect book to be reading this time of year. However, I don’t think I am getting my hat back.

Jan 9, 2015: Quote of the Week - 01.09.2015 “You’re either the author of your own book or a character is someone else’s.” - Christian Macy This is one of my favorite …

Jan 2, 2015: Since family members were getting frustrated with Brecken winning in checkers all the time, I figured it was time he learned Chess.

Jan 2, 2015: Not sure how or if I am going to be able to get him off the ice today.

Dec 31, 2014: Working on a little math this morning by adding and dividing up $2.40.

Dec 29, 2014: Had a great time catching up with @brentdime over breakfast

Dec 29, 2014: Decided to take a detour and catch up with a friend from out of town for Breakfast this morning

Dec 25, 2014: Enjoying a couple min of quiet time this morning before the kids wake up and find out what Santa left here.

Dec 14, 2014: Anyone up for some outdoor hockey today? Just make sure you dress appropriately as there might be more water than ice out there.

Dec 13, 2014: Great day for a run today.. But a sad day for my backyard rink and the ones I ran by. Sorry everyone, I would actually like it to get colder.

Dec 13, 2014: Wonder what Christmas treats theses bakers are going to make today

Dec 9, 2014: Letting the big girl wear herself down before the afternoon

Dec 7, 2014: Slept in this morning but we were still out on the ice by 9am. Then I almost had to drag him off the ice today because he didn’t want to stop …

Dec 7, 2014: Game night with Grandma and Grandpa

Dec 6, 2014: Both up on skates today practicing on the backyard pond.

Dec 5, 2014: Big kids went to the Wild game with Grandma and Grandpa tonight… So this is what Dad and I are up to now. Go MN Wild! 🏒

Dec 5, 2014: Are you thinking what I’m thinking? Finally it is ready for use after a slight mistake during the initial filling process. Note to self …

Dec 5, 2014: Quote of the Week - 12.05.2014 "Happiness is not the absence of problems, it's the ability to deal with them." - Steve Maraboli This photo was taken on my second trip to Machu …

Dec 5, 2014: Catching up on some reading this morning while drinking the newest Blue Bottle Coffee Roast

Dec 2, 2014: Watching the girls for a couple hours this morning, I don’t even think they need my help.

Nov 29, 2014: Getting ready for a ride

Nov 29, 2014: Bumper Car fun

Nov 28, 2014: Hanging out with Baby Girl while watching some football

Nov 27, 2014: Quote of the Week - 11.28.2014 "Never let the things you WANT make you forget the things you HAVE."

Nov 22, 2014: Hanging out with their little sister this morning.

Nov 21, 2014: Quote of the Week - 11.21.2014 "Life isn't about finding yourself. Life's about creating yourself." - George Bernard Shaw This photo was taken on my first trip to the Boundary …

Nov 20, 2014: 'One Man's Loss' by Philip Sansom ONE MAN'S LOSS from Phil Sansom on Vimeo. via 'One Man's Loss' by Philip Sansom I know last week I posted a different short film by Philip Sansom …

Nov 17, 2014: Technology and Games to promote learning for all Students I can’t believe I missed the video below as it practically happened in my own backyard. However, you have to watch this video of 5th grader …

Nov 16, 2014: Fun time at the Wild game tonight and glad they grabbed the win.

Nov 14, 2014: Quote of the Week - 11.14.2014 “Just chuck it in the fuck it bucket and move on.” - A. Wise Person Hat tip: Paul DeBettignies' Instagram picture (@mnheadhunter). I saw …

Nov 13, 2014: This is a very long overdue post about a book I read titled “Sleep your way to the Top (and other myths about business success)” by Jane Miller. I was …

Nov 12, 2014: Getting cold out, time to flood the rink. In the appropriate attire of course @uspondhockey

Nov 12, 2014: The Season is upon us... The weather is finally turning cold in Minnesota and that means that people are starting to think of the one sport everyone in Minnesota seems to …

Nov 9, 2014: The rink is up and tarp is down. Now we wait…

Nov 8, 2014: It is almost that time of year. Had some little helpers help set out the boards today.

Nov 6, 2014: Rain didn’t stop me from getting my late night run in last night

Nov 5, 2014: 'The Black Hole' by Philip Sansom and Olly Williams via ‘The Black Hole’ by Philip Sansom & Olly Williams. Pretty funny video short I ran across the other day.

Nov 4, 2014: or and why? I have never really thought it mattered to me as I have had a blog for a couple years but have never really consistently published stuff. So I used …

Nov 4, 2014: Starting from the Beginning.. In a hope to continue to jump-start my writing on this blog I decided to sign up for a Blogging 101 course through The Daily Post. I have blogged off …

Nov 1, 2014: Little Girl was super excited to have a friend at gymnastics today

Oct 29, 2014: Kids being busy

Oct 26, 2014: Big Sister reading books to Little Sister before bed tonight

Oct 26, 2014: Enjoying the nice weather today

Oct 25, 2014: Little Girl helping me feed Baby Girl this morning

Oct 23, 2014: All three kids get to hang out again

Oct 23, 2014: What a great day to be outside for an afternoon run

Oct 19, 2014: Gretchen’s new friend lays close and watches over her as she naps

Oct 19, 2014: I really like this picture of Little Girl. Also, thanks to my parents for taking our kids to the Light the Night Walk this year.

Oct 19, 2014: Finishing last min homework assignments. Reading on a bench and under the tree. Glad we had a bench in the garage.

Oct 18, 2014: Baby girl and I catching up on the news this morning.

Oct 17, 2014: Big Sister and Big Brother are excited to show baby Gretchen Clarabelle off

Oct 17, 2014: Hanging out with Baby Girl this morning.. She is pondering what we should do next.

Oct 16, 2014: Had to start another pot of coffee for the nurses and I this morning #waitingonbaby

Oct 13, 2014: She put on her Penguin Pajamas to go with her new Penguin (she loves it). Thanks again for everything today @jenniferpetzel

Oct 13, 2014: Now that's different If you have followed along you might have realized I have posted more often. You might have also noticed that I am not always writing a lot and just …

Oct 10, 2014: How I forgot to write "Just because people are giving you compliments doesn't mean that you’re doing a good job." - Jory MacKay How I forgot to write by Jory MacKay- Very …

Oct 10, 2014: Now this is true trail run this morning..

Oct 8, 2014: Little Girl was excited to go pick Brother up from the bus tonight

Oct 8, 2014: Jerry Seinfeld's Clio Acceptance Speech What a great acceptance speech by Jerry Seinfeld’s at the 55th annual CLIO Awards. Really funny stuff. I love advertising because I love lying. …

Oct 7, 2014: Ready for winter? Really good video put together by MSP Films titled “Days of My Youth”. If you are a skier this just might make you ready for the snow to …

Oct 5, 2014: Everyone is busy working on something this morning

Sep 29, 2014: 'Johnny Express' by Kyungmin Woo Funny short animated film to start off the week. “JohnnyExpress” by Kyungmin Woo from AlfredImageworks. Hat tip: Topher Grace

Sep 28, 2014: Nap time or something like that.

Sep 28, 2014: Making muffins this morning with my little helper while the rest of the house was sleeping

Sep 27, 2014: Kids are super excited on the 2-1 lead at the end of the first #mnwild

Sep 26, 2014: Practicing Basketball tonight at the neighbors house

Sep 26, 2014: After a busy morning already, I am ready to try my first Blue Bottle Coffee Roast

Sep 21, 2014: Today was a great day for a trail run

Sep 21, 2014: Writing letters to the Grandparents early this morning. Very busy morning here as the rest of the house is asleep.

Sep 20, 2014: Mr. B and I after our 1 mile Family Fun Run this morning

Sep 19, 2014: How The Sun Sees You Ran across this video that Matt Mullenweg’s posted a while back. It reminds me how important sun block is for everyone. Would be interesting to …

Sep 15, 2014: What do you communicate to your audience? I actually ran across this video a while back but I am reminded of it on a weekly basis in the various meetings I attend. It is very interesting how …

Sep 14, 2014: Practicing her soccer moves.

Sep 14, 2014: Fast break!

Sep 14, 2014: Little Girl testing out her new bike with training wheels.

Sep 13, 2014: Catch me if you can

Sep 13, 2014: $4 train ride = 8 min of babysitting. We will take it!

Sep 13, 2014: Hanging out at the Apple Orchard today

Sep 11, 2014: 'The Gunfighter' by Eric Kissack Since I haven’t posted anything lately I thought I would share this Short film I ran across thanks to Topher Grace ‘The Gunfighter’ …

Sep 10, 2014: Flying Kites

Sep 5, 2014: Week 1 of Kindergarten in the books.

Sep 4, 2014: Intense game of checkers tonight.

Sep 2, 2014: First day of school for the Little Man.

Sep 1, 2014: Madiana wanted her own photo shoot today

Sep 1, 2014: “Not sure why, but that door doesn’t open” - Brecken

Sep 1, 2014: Maternity photo shoot today

Aug 31, 2014: Walker and Fulkerson kids having fun at the beach today

Aug 30, 2014: Rainbow view after we waited out the rain golfing

Aug 27, 2014: Checking out his locker and getting excited for his first day of school #MeetTheTeacher

Aug 24, 2014: I had some help trimming bushes this afternoon

Aug 23, 2014: Little Man is getting ready for school by looking over his supplies and sharpening his pencils today

Aug 18, 2014: Another awesome desert by my wife @aprilgottwalker. I am not sure I can keep eating things like this, good thing school starts soon.

Aug 18, 2014: Humans Need Not Apply via Humans Need Not Apply by @CGPGrey

Aug 17, 2014: Little Girl had a very busy weekend and actually fell asleep during books tonight

Aug 16, 2014: The Little Walker’s had a great time playing at the @TheBigWiff today.

Aug 16, 2014: Little Walkers out in the field at the Big Wiff today.

Aug 15, 2014: Little Girl having fun today

Aug 12, 2014: Walk around the lake this morning with Little Girl

Aug 10, 2014: Remodeling project Looking back I realized that in the last post I talked about how I was looking for new books to read and I was actually really excited about reading …

Aug 9, 2014: At the top of the Ferris Wheel with Mr. B

Aug 9, 2014: Little Girl and I riding Swiper’s Sweeper

Aug 9, 2014: The Little Walker’s are ready to take the field next Saturday at the Big Wiff

Aug 9, 2014: The Summer of Cupcakes continues

Aug 9, 2014: Getting read to watch the free family movie today

Aug 8, 2014: So much going on in this picture I don’t even know where to start.

Aug 7, 2014: Looks like somebody had a good day at Camp today.

Jul 31, 2014: Reading through the local News

Jul 31, 2014: Practicing her backhand shots tonight with big Brother. Another one is start getting hooked.

Jul 27, 2014: The important (Fluff) parts of the bathroom are now in place. How does the artwork look?

Jul 26, 2014: Nice day to eat outside for lunch

Jul 26, 2014: These two woke up excited to head to the water park today

Jul 18, 2014: Listening to some music tonight at the Keokuk County Expo tonight

Jul 18, 2014: Our city kids waving at the cows

Jul 17, 2014: Watching Pekin HS Baseball tonight

Jul 17, 2014: Well maybe not for everyone.. Someone needed it a little earlier.

Jul 17, 2014: Another afternoon sugar rush on vacation

Jul 16, 2014: Looking for the big fish tonight after feeding them

Jul 15, 2014: Time for the afternoon sugar rush..

Jul 15, 2014: Surprised we made it out with only 2 bags of stuff. 📍The Kalona Cheese House, Kalona, IA

Jul 14, 2014: Always having fun running around the farm

Jul 14, 2014: Lunch stop for the day.. April is in heaven.. 📍Yummy’s Gourmet Cakes

Jul 14, 2014: Sitting on the dock and feeding the fish

Jul 14, 2014: Kids feeding the fish last night at Papa Gott’s pond

Jul 6, 2014: I am in trouble…

Jul 6, 2014: Glad Superman was around to help me install the new Bathroom light today

Jul 4, 2014: These two are ready for the fireworks

Jul 3, 2014: Seems like a fitting way to end our adventures today…. With lots of sugar. 📍Minnesota’s Largest Candy Store

Jul 3, 2014: Family photo from our adventure today

Jul 3, 2014: Checking out an Old Baseball Field 📍Mini-Met Ballpark

Jul 3, 2014: Little trip to Jordan, MN today.. First stop lunch 📍Feed Mill Restaurant

Jul 1, 2014: Staying up till 2am wasn’t the best idea but glad to get all the tile up

Jun 27, 2014: Relaxing night of Biking and Basketball. Then a #HomeBrew for myself.

Jun 26, 2014: Thanks to the dog I got a run in and was able to catch up on some news/coffee before heading to work

Jun 25, 2014: Batting Practice

Jun 25, 2014: Goofy Girl!

Jun 25, 2014: No surprises here that Brecken got Great Grandma to play some hockey

Jun 22, 2014: Enjoying a sparkling volcano brownie with Great Grandma

Jun 21, 2014: Little Girl showing big smiles with Mommy after a picnic yesterday

Jun 21, 2014: Big hug for Great Grandma Gott

Jun 21, 2014: Kiddos and I at the Zoo yesterday

Jun 15, 2014: Can’t believe that I found Moxie in Minnesota. Haven’t had it since my last trip to Maine.

Jun 14, 2014: We might have been a soaked family from the walk but we all got #HannahStrong tattoos on our face

Jun 14, 2014: Trying to knock it out of the park.

Jun 14, 2014: Reach for it… He caught it! Was practicing pop fly catches this morning.

Jun 14, 2014: Had a great walk today in the pouring rain for the #HannahStrong event.

Jun 13, 2014: Enjoying the great weather with dinner outside tonight

Jun 13, 2014: Books, Books, and more Books I have been spending a lot of my spare time lately reading listening to books. So far this year I have completed 24 books (listened to 22, read 2). I …

Jun 12, 2014: Spider-Man showing off his new batting gloves.

Jun 12, 2014: Someone has a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle on their arm

Jun 11, 2014: One way to spend last Friday night at the Doctor with Little Girl. She looks real sick right?

Jun 11, 2014: Someone was excited about passing his swim class

Jun 11, 2014: Cool Guy

Jun 6, 2014: Finally got around to painting the door today

Jun 5, 2014: Busy night in the household. Kipper, Lego Movie and some School work (left to right)

Jun 5, 2014: Boosted my @tonxcoffee delivery for this week to share with people in the office today. Hope they are excited!

Jun 1, 2014: Is it strange that this is the only movie (History of MN Wild) the soon to be Birthday boy wants to watch

May 31, 2014: Dressed for success

May 29, 2014: Nice morning for an early run.

May 26, 2014: Results of our painting project from the last couple days. Now it is time to relax today.

May 26, 2014: One of those rare quiet mornings, no one is up yet and you can catch up on things after a busy past couple of days.

May 20, 2014: Kids were busy planting some flowers this past weekend.

May 20, 2014: Little Girl practicing her big soccer kicks

May 20, 2014: Brother teaching Sister to throw and catch outside tonight

May 11, 2014: Little Girl giving the Purple Hand chair a high five.

May 11, 2014: Mommy and her kiddos..

May 11, 2014: Happy Mother’s Day Mommy from your sweet little cherubs.

May 11, 2014: Happy Mother’s Day Mom! Thanks for everything and always being there for me.

May 9, 2014: Three watchers during my early morning run today.

May 3, 2014: A boy, a dog and a big new room in the basement

May 3, 2014: Letting the kids burn off some energy this morning

Apr 30, 2014: Special package is ready to be delivered tomorrow as promised.

Apr 28, 2014: My family is showing their support for the game tonight. Go Wild!

Apr 24, 2014: Let’s go Wild

Apr 20, 2014: Someone’s happy to see her purple car again

Apr 20, 2014: Busy working on his gift from the Easter Bunny

Apr 19, 2014: Having a good afternoon visiting the bunny

Apr 19, 2014: Our Little Monkey

Apr 16, 2014: Dinner for the Birthday Mom

Apr 12, 2014: Great night for brewing and testing out the new burner.

Apr 6, 2014: Finally got around to tearing down most of the rink. Till next year…

Apr 6, 2014: It’s tiring work getting a chest x-Ray.

Apr 6, 2014: In her Hospital “Princess” Gown

Apr 4, 2014: Used this grill a couple hours ago and no snow was on the ground. #MNSpring

Mar 30, 2014: It’s bike riding time!

Mar 28, 2014: Who is Busy? This week has been busy. The company I work for has a 3/31 year end and seeing how I am a Finance guy there is a lot of stuff happening and trying to …

Mar 24, 2014: Birthday meal with the family.

Mar 23, 2014: Little Girl and I eating dinner last night

Mar 18, 2014: Getting ready to watch Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

Mar 15, 2014: Getting high-fives from Nordy tonight at the game.

Mar 15, 2014: Cousins were having a great time tubbing today

Mar 14, 2014: Little Girl is doing some Friday night journaling with a pen the size of her.

Mar 14, 2014: Haircuts for the four legged family members today.

Mar 9, 2014: Glad for the warmer weather but unfortunately that means our days are numbered on the rink…

Mar 5, 2014: Teacher Madiana

Mar 5, 2014: Deviated from the normal routine today and left the house early to catch up with my son

Feb 23, 2014: After some hard work and help we finally found the ice again.

Feb 23, 2014: I swear there is an ice rink out there.

Feb 21, 2014: Nice little perk working from home today. Thanks to my awesome wife for bringing me breakfast.

Feb 16, 2014: Peek-a-boo around the Lego castle with the Princess

Feb 14, 2014: Stop Procrastinating...!!!! Using the 'Seinfeld Strategy' If it’s a deadline, email, phone call, blogging, or working out everyone has something they procrastinate about and always say, “I wish I …

Feb 14, 2014: Kids making some Valentines day gifts for Mom

Feb 12, 2014: Some serious work being done on the kids Valentines day cards for their friends.

Feb 7, 2014: What do you want to do? “If you don’t know where you want to go it doesn’t matter what path you take, just enjoy the ride and your resume will probably …

Feb 6, 2014: The kids new favorite game.

Feb 6, 2014: Plan vs Reality Ran across this picture today and found it to be fitting with how most Plans and Planning goes compared to what the reality. However, that …

Jan 31, 2014: Gift from my awesome wife @aprilgottwalker last week. I am really digging the @charitywater shirts.

Jan 31, 2014: Embracing Awkwardness “Everyone at some point has felt awkward and that must mean you are human.” I am going to publish this post about awkwardness…. …

Jan 23, 2014: Someone is very excited how the movie ended.

Jan 22, 2014: Writing down her number guess with brother giving suggestions.

Jan 20, 2014: The homemade Zamboni at work on the rink

Jan 19, 2014: After a busy day yesterday these four are taking it easy watching some TV today.

Jan 19, 2014: April and Aaron warming up by the fire

Jan 19, 2014: More skating into the night.

Jan 18, 2014: If you shovel it… They will come.

Jan 17, 2014: Cold morning but I have always had fun helping out and watching @uspondhockey

Jan 12, 2014: Brother is showing sister how it is done

Jan 12, 2014: The whole family had skates on and where having fun on the ice this afternoon.

Jan 7, 2014: Did a great job completing his floor puzzle

Jan 6, 2014: My two co-workers for the day are staying warm

Dec 31, 2013: New Years Eve movie night with the Fulkersons

Dec 30, 2013: Silence is typically an indication that something is up

Dec 27, 2013: Had a great time watching the @IAWild last night

Dec 24, 2013: The cousins playing Twister together

Dec 23, 2013: The homemade Zamboni worked well and the ice will be ready for another day.

Dec 23, 2013: Was able to get Little Girl out on skates for the first time ever this past weekend

Dec 22, 2013: Great having more people stop by to skate with today.

Dec 21, 2013: The 6 year old was making me work for shots

Dec 21, 2013: Family pickup game

Dec 20, 2013: Good workout this morning chopping a couple big logs.. Should be good for a couple fires

Dec 20, 2013: Great way to start the morning with my new monthly subscription to @tonxcoffee. @andrewhyde Thanks again!

Dec 18, 2013: Always fun to watch shoot outs and glad that the Wild came out with the Win

Dec 14, 2013: Having some fun on the ice this afternoon

Dec 12, 2013: Nice shift in tasks at the end of the day

Dec 11, 2013: First time trying @tonxcoffee this morning and thought it was really good. Thanks for the suggestion @andrewhyde

Dec 8, 2013: The Elves are busy at work again.

Dec 7, 2013: Books and Pinterest by the fire.

Dec 7, 2013: Santa Photo 2013. Our children might have switched places this year.

Dec 7, 2013: Kids helping finalize some of the decorating

Dec 6, 2013: Fire and Fondue night

Dec 5, 2013: Something exciting about the first time skating around a rink in your own backyard. Next time I will break out the Pond Hockey goals.

Dec 5, 2013: First time out on the Rink. Getting ready for the 2014 Olympics.

Dec 1, 2013: Little Girl and I on our hike around the Tree Farm.

Dec 1, 2013: Love hiking around this place and still seeing some of the Christmas trees I helped plant years ago.

Dec 1, 2013: Brecken giving Great Grandma Cloutier a very detailed play-by-play of the Hockey game

Dec 1, 2013: Turned on some music while making dinner tonight and this is what I found.. Watch out American Idol 2032!

Nov 24, 2013: Spider-Man / Captain America was outside helping fill the rink

Nov 24, 2013: I know it is early.. But it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Nov 23, 2013: It’s time.. Let’s start flooding the rink!

Nov 22, 2013: Little Girl stayed home from school today because she was sick. However, seems to be feeling a little better now.

Nov 17, 2013: Let’s go Wild!

Nov 17, 2013: The boards are up and now we need some cold weather.

Nov 16, 2013: Kids and I are taking a quick break after a busy morning at the gym and then Costco

Nov 8, 2013: Looks like Tucker found a new seat

Nov 7, 2013: Kids reading books by each other tonight

Nov 5, 2013: Hello again snow can’t believe we saw you only 6 months ago.

Nov 3, 2013: Big Brother and Little Girl are excited for there first Wild game of the season.

Nov 3, 2013: Little Girl having her morning drink of choice, Grandma Gott’s Homemade Hot Chocolate.

Nov 3, 2013: Project from yesterday morning

Oct 30, 2013: Superman and his best friend Jake the Pirate

Oct 30, 2013: Superman and his trusty sidekick Miss Captain America

Oct 19, 2013: Nice view of the city on our walk around the lake this morning

Oct 19, 2013: Little Girl covering her “babies” up this morning

Oct 17, 2013: One perk of having a gas stove when the power goes off, “Hot Chocolate time!”

Oct 17, 2013: Bedtime Fort

Oct 14, 2013: Kids had Breakfast in Pajamas after their early morning doctors appointment

Oct 13, 2013: The fake out and breakaway

Oct 6, 2013: They are very into Master Chef Jr. and awaiting the results

Oct 6, 2013: The boys are reading books this morning while the girls are still sleeping.

Oct 5, 2013:

Oct 5, 2013: Showing off what he built today

Oct 5, 2013: Little Girl reading books at the Library this morning

Oct 5, 2013: Reading books at the Library this morning

Oct 4, 2013: Playing checkers tonight.. King Me!

Sep 29, 2013: Catch me if you can sister…

Sep 29, 2013: Enjoying an Apple while walking through the Orchard

Sep 21, 2013: Kids making breakfast for us this morning

Sep 21, 2013: Saturday morning stroll in the Park

Sep 19, 2013: A productive Thursday night.. Reading books, Facebook, or playing games? No one knows.

Sep 19, 2013: Our service attendant has the right idea but wrong place.

Sep 17, 2013: Doing some “homework” tonight before bed

Sep 17, 2013: Ready for her second Gymnastics class

Sep 15, 2013: My little team is getting ready for the season by watching the Wild scrimmage today.

Sep 14, 2013: Cheering on the Hawks tonight.

Sep 14, 2013: Was impressed that he did this an that it was one of his favorites.

Sep 14, 2013: Our little Gymnast is trying to prove us wrong after her Monday class

Sep 14, 2013: Ready to cheer on the Hawks today.

Sep 14, 2013: Saturday morning cartoons as I get breakfast ready. Can you tell TV is a new thing in our house?

Sep 13, 2013: This is one way to spend a Friday night.

Sep 9, 2013: I really like that I don’t have to carry anything into school anymore. Kids are growing up so fast.

Sep 8, 2013: Playing a game by herself tonight.

Sep 8, 2013: Board Game night! Grandparents and Great Grandma struggled to win a game of Chutes and Ladders or Sorry.

Sep 7, 2013: Supporting @charitywater #september campaign ( and their 7th birthday today. Keep up the great work.

Sep 7, 2013: Building a Football Ring Toss this morning with his friend

Aug 26, 2013: Photo from Saturday Date Night. Was a fun night out and always fun to eat there.

Aug 18, 2013: Enjoying the splash pad today

Aug 17, 2013: and now… He is drawing about Hockey. Great job!

Aug 16, 2013: My lunch date

Aug 11, 2013: Sliding down the slide together

Aug 11, 2013: Doing some stretches before he kicks the ball around

Aug 7, 2013: Brother dancing at Sisters level

Aug 7, 2013: The flight home went well the kids rested the whole flight

Aug 7, 2013: Watching the planes go by

Aug 6, 2013: Some great looking News Reporters

Aug 5, 2013: Enjoying family time on the balcony with a little view from the hotel

Aug 5, 2013: Lunch stop

Aug 5, 2013: Time for a Trolley ride around town

Aug 5, 2013: The little Flower Girl dancing with the Bride

Aug 3, 2013:

Aug 1, 2013: Late night crafting in preparation for the wedding

Aug 1, 2013: Perfect night for a fire

Aug 1, 2013: Serious competition, it is not looking good for me.

Jul 31, 2013: Gott Family game night

Jul 31, 2013: Interesting find on the golf course today

Jul 31, 2013: Not a bad day for golfing.

Jul 31, 2013: Checking out the Horses with Papa

Jul 31, 2013: My view this morning while drinking coffee

Jul 30, 2013: Ready for the flight.

Jul 27, 2013: Pull-ups with Mommy.

Jul 27, 2013: Monkey see, Monkey do.

Jul 26, 2013: Basketball anyone?

Jul 22, 2013: Story time with the kids

Jul 21, 2013: Leap for it!

Jul 21, 2013: This looks like trouble and the hockey obsession continues.

Jul 21, 2013: Having fun

Jul 21, 2013: Driving trucks around

Jul 21, 2013: Amusement ride for Little Girl and she loved it

Jul 20, 2013: These ladies are ready for a night out on the town and a NKOTB concert

Jul 20, 2013: Big helpers making some muffins for everyone this morning

Jul 19, 2013: Hole 17..

Jul 19, 2013: Twilight hours golfing

Jul 19, 2013: Watching the Polar Bears

Jul 12, 2013: Fun with shadows

Jul 8, 2013: Great view from the hike this morning in Estes Park *Looking out from the top of [Estes Cone](*

Jul 6, 2013: Doesn’t get old looking out and seeing Mountains in the background

Jul 6, 2013: It’s Pig Roasting time!

Jul 5, 2013: April and Brecken watching the fireworks over the lake last night

Jul 5, 2013: Lighting up the lake

Jul 1, 2013: April and Jerry sitting on the bench that is in memory of Diana.

Jun 29, 2013: Backyard view for the weekend

Jun 28, 2013: Having fun walking through the corn

Jun 28, 2013: Feeding the fish this morning at the Farm

Jun 21, 2013: Stories and Ice Cream with Grandpa

Jun 21, 2013: Waving down the Ice Cream Truck paid off.

Jun 21, 2013: Now that is something you don’t see everyday.. However, the kids were super excited (adults too).

Jun 15, 2013: This is the way to ride around… Have your cousins push you.

Jun 14, 2013: Watching the storm roll in during the drive tonight

Jun 11, 2013: Ok, he might be a little obsessed with Hockey

Jun 8, 2013: Our little Superheroes are enjoying the party

Jun 8, 2013: Little Girl is being a big helper to get ready for Brothers Superhero party

Jun 6, 2013: M just relaxing having a juice box…

Jun 2, 2013: Happy 4th Birthday today Brecken! You have grown so much over the years.

Jun 2, 2013: Early morning coloring with Papa Gott

Jun 1, 2013: Picture of April, Brecken, and kid sized Superman..

Jun 1, 2013: Just some drive way golfing… 😆

Jun 1, 2013: So maybe I wasn’t the only one up early this morning catching up on some reading.

May 31, 2013: Happy Gilmore style golfing.. Of course towards a pond hockey goal.

May 29, 2013: Congratulation to my Dad for receiving the 2013 Rotary Hall of Fame award today. Very proud of you Dad.

May 18, 2013: Don’t be afraid of the thunderstorms small dog Superman to the rescue

May 18, 2013: Success! Little girl got her socks on all by herself.

May 16, 2013: It continues inside with Hockey Guys…

May 16, 2013: Might have created an addict as it is summer and he still only wants to play hockey

May 12, 2013: Not sure if Brecken approves of Madiana other use of the Hockey stick

May 12, 2013: Pretending to be a hockey goalie but looks more like a speed skater.

May 12, 2013: Bed time stories

May 12, 2013: Happy Mother’s Day Mommy!

May 12, 2013: Picked up the last two Mother’s Day items early this morning

May 1, 2013: She is so ready for her own Hockey stick.

Apr 30, 2013: Very fitting shirt for the Little Princess

Apr 29, 2013: Who is the tallest Walker cousin… Lets line up..

Apr 29, 2013: Daycare drop off helper.

Apr 28, 2013: Who’s up for a bike ride?

Apr 28, 2013: Check out my wheels

Apr 27, 2013: Tackle Mommy!

Apr 25, 2013: Look at these moves..

Apr 25, 2013: Finally time to bring the bike out again.

Apr 25, 2013: Getting warmed up for the nice weather..

Apr 24, 2013: Rainy walk around Chicago this morning.

Apr 21, 2013: Brother and Sister cheering for the Wild together.

Apr 21, 2013: Hello Minnesota Wild Hockey players, do you see me?

Apr 21, 2013: Finally got his photo with Nordy.

Apr 20, 2013: Stop number 3 of Surprise date night..

Apr 20, 2013: Double fisting the shrimp cocktail… That’s my girl..

Apr 20, 2013: Stop number two of the Surprise Date Night. This was our first MN date 9 yrs ago.

Apr 20, 2013: Wine and Checkers with @aprilgottwalker

Apr 20, 2013: Surprise date night tonight.. Here we are at the first stop.

Apr 20, 2013: Bear Hug!

Apr 19, 2013: Brother and Sister hanging out tonight.

Apr 18, 2013: Did I miss some seasons here? I thought we already did this one.

Apr 14, 2013: 6:45 is a little early to start playing board games, but how could I say no.

Apr 2, 2013: Using big building blocks for dominos… Oops, time to start over.

Mar 31, 2013: Happy Easter!

Mar 29, 2013: Blue day at school today for Mr. B

Mar 27, 2013: Brother helping Sister walking down the hall

Mar 24, 2013: Putting her “Little People Princesses” to good use today practicing puck control

Mar 23, 2013: Even super heroes need to sleep

Mar 22, 2013: Tasting my first brew of a Belgium Tripel and it turned out good..

Mar 22, 2013: Father/Son bonding while watching basketball this afternoon… As you can tell he is really into it.

Mar 10, 2013: Spider-Man and his trusty sidekick are ready for action

Mar 9, 2013: Madiana welcoming me to her princess castle

Mar 9, 2013: Helping make lunch today

Mar 3, 2013: Bracelet Man

Mar 3, 2013: Family book reading

Feb 27, 2013: After dinner playtime that April doesn’t completely agree with for the little princess.

Feb 24, 2013: Added some more wood to the fire, for the campfire slumber party.

Feb 23, 2013: First time skating and he loved it!

Feb 17, 2013: Baby girl watching her first hockey game

Feb 17, 2013: Morning drinks… Coffee and Hot Chocolate

Feb 14, 2013: Watching hockey on Valentines Day

Feb 13, 2013: Look at the determination as the goalie charges out.

Feb 11, 2013: Brecken and April having too much fun web chatting tonight.

Feb 10, 2013: Afternoon was a success.. ☃️

Feb 10, 2013: Busy yesterday afternoon… Homebrewing 🍺

Feb 10, 2013: The girls reading books this morning.

Jan 29, 2013: Take your best shot brother…

Jan 27, 2013: Big scoop… He might have been working harder than me.

Jan 27, 2013: Face plant!

Jan 27, 2013: She loves sledding

Jan 26, 2013: Break in the clouds..

Jan 23, 2013: Loving the birthday present

Jan 21, 2013: Finished the most important project of the day.. Putting together the birthday present for little girl.

Jan 21, 2013: My project for the evening

Jan 19, 2013: Kiss from the Birthday Girl

Jan 18, 2013: Brecken enjoying his afternoon watching Pond Hockey.

Jan 11, 2013: Pond Hockey - Forgot we had this book but great choice for tonight’s reading

Jan 5, 2013: Family movie night

Dec 23, 2012: Head to Head Baseball, brings back memories and glad it still works.. Let’s Play Ball!

Dec 15, 2012: More Lego designs

Dec 15, 2012: Not sure who has more fun playing with Legos

Dec 9, 2012: Snow is falling and fire is going.. Ready for a lazy Sunday with the family

Dec 9, 2012: Had a big helper while shoveling snow this morning

Nov 30, 2012: Not a bad way to spend a Friday cc/@aprilgottwalker 📍Woodland Hill Winery And Vineyard, Delano

Nov 30, 2012: First stop on a mini adventure today with @aprilgottwalker 📍Crow River Coffee Company, Watertown

Nov 18, 2012: Grilling time conversations with Brecken

Nov 17, 2012: Enjoying some ice cream tonight

Nov 17, 2012: Trying out another batch of homebrew is a good way to end the week

Nov 11, 2012: Building a fort this morning

Nov 10, 2012: April reading books this morning to Baby Girl

Nov 10, 2012: At the dentist this morning

Nov 8, 2012: Ready to do some work Dad…

Nov 8, 2012: Intense game of Candy Land tonight.

Nov 4, 2012: Brecken helping me vote on Saturday

Oct 28, 2012: Pumpkin carving/decorating is complete

Oct 27, 2012: After a busy couple of weeks looking forward to sitting by the fire and watching a movie with @aprilgottwalker

Oct 27, 2012: April and Brecken getting some work done this morning

Oct 14, 2012: Hanging out with baby Girl this afternoon

Oct 13, 2012: Picking out Pumpkins this morning

Oct 12, 2012: Happy early Anniversary to us!

Oct 10, 2012: Brecken loved wearing the G&R Plantation sweatshirt last weekend that I had as a kid

Oct 6, 2012: Brother go long and I will throw it to you

Oct 6, 2012: Ready for the Light the Night Walk

Oct 5, 2012: Ready for a busy day at the office

Oct 5, 2012: Holding tight to the Charmin

Oct 3, 2012: Practicing his Hockey shots with some spectators

Sep 30, 2012: Best friends

Sep 29, 2012: Good way to spend a Saturday night mixing up another batch of home brew

Sep 29, 2012: Just so tiring being this cute

Sep 29, 2012: Ready for her workout this morning

Sep 28, 2012: Having some Ice Cream after dinner

Sep 28, 2012: Now this is a hotdog

Sep 17, 2012: Dinner time conversations and laughter

Sep 16, 2012: Basement race track

Sep 9, 2012: Looking out over the orchard while eating some Apple Donuts

Sep 9, 2012: Hanging out at the Orchard today

Sep 6, 2012: Nothing beats ending the night on the ocean

Sep 6, 2012: Enjoying a break during my California travels

Sep 3, 2012: White screen of death for Macs? I thought Mac’s didn’t have system failures like my PC.

Sep 3, 2012: Hanging out at the coffee shop this morning

Sep 1, 2012: Dogs were ready for camping out tonight

Sep 1, 2012: Campfire, Cook-out, and Camping in the backyard tonight.

Aug 31, 2012: Awesome! I just chipped in from 132 yards out 🏌️‍♂️

Aug 31, 2012: Not a bad day to spend golfing

Aug 30, 2012: Loving his new bike

Aug 22, 2012: Playing Sorry tonight and getting beat

Aug 17, 2012: Lego Butterfly 📍Reiman Gardens, Ames

Aug 14, 2012: Everything is a Remix

I stumbled upon Kirby Ferguson because of the TED Talk video that was posted a few days ago.  I would encourage you to watch the video as it really …

Aug 13, 2012: Time for some dinner

Aug 9, 2012: Hanging out with Ronald McDonald

Aug 5, 2012: The Faces of Brecken

Aug 5, 2012: Enjoying the weather today

Aug 3, 2012: Busy building this morning

Aug 1, 2012: Another batch of homebrew ready to try

Jul 21, 2012: At the Races

Jul 20, 2012: Keokuk County Courthouse located in Sigourney, Iowa

Jul 19, 2012: Haven’t eaten at one of these for a long time

Jul 15, 2012: Bottling time…

Jul 15, 2012: At the Beach

Jul 10, 2012: Early start to the day

Jul 10, 2012: Where the Hell is Matt? Thanks to Andrew Hyde’s post (Where The Hell is Matt 2012) I have ran across the website called “Where the Hell is Matt?” and more …

Jul 9, 2012: Camera Card Issues A couple weeks ago we went to the zoo and took our Cannon Digital XLR camera along as we always do in order to capture pictures of our kids. However, …

Jul 6, 2012: Playing in the rain

Jul 6, 2012: Fresh Green Beans

Jul 6, 2012: Enjoying the pool this afternoon

Jul 4, 2012: Happy 4th of July

Jul 3, 2012: Could get use to views like this 📍Marginal Way, Ogunquit

Jul 1, 2012: Lunch with a view

Jun 29, 2012: Throwing stones and watching the tide come in

Jun 29, 2012: Let’s get Cracking

Jun 29, 2012: Adding another photo for the most photographed lighthouse

Jun 28, 2012: Looking at Portland from the bay

Jun 28, 2012: Let’s go Sea Dogs!

Jun 28, 2012: Seafood Chili at an awesome place to eat

Jun 28, 2012: Perfect day today

Jun 27, 2012: Watching the boats at breakfast this morning

Jun 26, 2012: Following the Freedom Trail

Jun 23, 2012: Peanuts before dinner

Jun 18, 2012: Blogging to Learn A while back I had read a blog post by Chris Dixon on Blogging to Learn, it was a short post but the last point he made really made me think. Try to …

Jun 15, 2012: Having a good time today at the zoo

Jun 14, 2012: Look at the size of my Rice Crisp bar!

Jun 8, 2012: Time Lapse Video in Yosemite Here is an awesome time lapse video taken in Yosemite. Yosemite Range of Light from Shawn Reeder on Vimeo.

Jun 8, 2012: Coffee time

May 28, 2012: Tucker and PJ enjoying being outside in the early morning

May 28, 2012: Sunrise on a quiet morning

May 26, 2012: Good pizza in a small town

May 22, 2012: Visitors outside my office this morning. Quack!

May 19, 2012: Time for some ribs

May 19, 2012: Look a Cow!

May 18, 2012: 9yr old Entrepreneur - (Replay) This is very delayed from the original airing on the Today Show but I thought I would share it again to the world as I have gotten around to …

May 17, 2012: Is it really common knowledge to clean your gas grill burner tubes on a yearly basis? Guess I didn’t get that memo.

May 4, 2012: Sunset and into the storm

May 2, 2012: Always nice to find Yuengling on tap

May 2, 2012: Found some coffee and place to get some work done.

Apr 28, 2012: Smiles for the Giraffe

Apr 21, 2012: Make this day busier…

Apr 20, 2012: Bagels for the team this morning

Apr 11, 2012: Now that's Marketing Drama Great marketing campaign to get your point across. via Vooza

Apr 10, 2012: Goal!

Apr 9, 2012: Practicing his hockey skills

Apr 8, 2012: B reading to his little sister M tonight…

Apr 6, 2012: Smiles from the little girl

Apr 6, 2012: First time mowing the yard this year. Can’t believe it is April 6th.

Apr 5, 2012: Trying another new batch of homebrew

Apr 3, 2012: B loving on his little sister M

Mar 15, 2012: Master Bathroom Remodel I just wanted to start off again by saying this shouldn’t have taken as long as it did but it wasn’t of the highest priority over the past …

Feb 20, 2012: Homebrew and Updates So it has been over a month since my last post but for good reason. My daughter (second child) was born not long after that so that has been keeping …

Jan 16, 2012: Projects and Homebrew Two things that I have been devoting my time outside of work on these days, besides my family as well which we are expecting an addition to arrive any …

Jan 12, 2012: Word Press for Android Finally have found some time to download Word Press for Android on my phone in hopes that it will allow me to use this more and update things more …

Dec 9, 2011: Does this still work... So much for trying to keep up with this blog as you can tell from my previous posts. I guess I have been busy with life in general and other random …

Oct 7, 2011: Procrastinating.... Ok, so how long has it been since I posted my “first” blog post to start this? Let’s not answer it as it is the post right before …

Aug 15, 2011: It is about time... It is about time I create an actual blog site. I used/use Postures for a while but realized that I needed something else. Not that I was posting or …

Apr 28, 2011: Night Photography As I have finally found time to catch up on my Google Reader information (+1000, thanks for being so specific Google). As well as a few extra seconds …

Apr 14, 2011: Odd Interview Questions/Brain Teasers I just ran across this article published by CNN Money titled “The most ridiculous job interview questions”. All I will say is I am sure …

Apr 14, 2011: Clever Accountants So I realized I have not been doing very good updating this so far. I guess things have been busy with my day job and trying to save the world… …

Apr 7, 2011: Really this is my Fortune.....? Went out to eat the other night at Chino Latino and this was my fortune cookie…. However, note they have great food and it is even better if …

Apr 4, 2011: Need to Focus and thoughts.... I have realized today that it has been hard to focus on work lately as my mind has been searching else where. However, in some emails that I received …

Mar 30, 2011: Finished Reading... Just finished reading Bad Business by Robert B. Parker… Great book if you like detective novels..

Mar 30, 2011: My First Post This will be a trial to see how this actually works. I need to set my domain to forward to this but one step at a time. However, if you are just …